Revenge in Advance - A Sequel

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Husband learns of wife's treachery and gets his own revenge.
9.4k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/07/2018
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The following is a sequel to edrider73's 2014 story, "Revenge in Advance," in which a wife purchases an insurance policy that ultimately details the revenge her husband would face if he was caught cheating on her. Basically, Oscar, the husband in the story, learns that if he were to be caught cheating, he would essentially be kidnapped, humiliated, beaten and sexually assaulted.

I'd like to start by thanking edrider73 for giving his permission to write this sequel and any others that may come from that story. This is my first submission here, so I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The original story ends with Oscar learning the grueling details of the punishment his wife would have meted out against him with Pat, a representative of the Mutual Marital Assurance Society (MMAS).

Here is the original ending:

"From what she tells me about you, I think that you will eventually understand that she took out this policy because she loves you so much that she doesn't want anything terrible to happen to you if you should ever succumb to temptation.

"Think of it like a pre-nuptial agreement. You and Renee probably don't have one, because it's the last thing young couples ever think of.

"When a man and woman sign a pre-nuptial agreement, they both hope they are wasting their time. They never want to see that agreement again or even think about it. Their happy marriage will make it irrelevant, just like Renee hopes her policy will be irrelevant now that she's made a full disclosure to you.

"Only if things really go bad does the husband or wife remember the pre-nup and the protection it gives, because they don't have to worry about what will happen. They know it's all written down and signed, and they can look at it to make sure they haven't forgotten anything. I think that's how you should think of Renee's policy.

"My advice is to forget the dark side and look on the bright side. Sure, you would never cheat on her, but a lot of men have said that and ended up cheating anyway. You now have an added incentive against straying. It might be small, but even small incentives can be useful. It's like what they say about locking your door against burglars."

"What's that?"

"They say door locks don't keep out real burglars. They just keep honest people honest."


Chapter 1

"But even a pre-nuptual agreement gives something to both sides," Oscar said. "And both parties agree to a pre-nuptual agreement before they sign it. I didn't have any say in this. What protection do I have? What recourse do I have if Renee decides to 'flip the switch' on this? Who do I sue? Or better yet, who should I have killed? After all, you're talking about potentially kidnapping, false imprisonment, sexual assault, rape and maybe even attempted murder."

"Don't dwell on that, Oscar," Pat said smugly. "As I've already explained, the physical damage isn't permanent, and the mental damage could be mitigated with the right counseling. Besides, from what we've learned, you're one of the good guys, so you have nothing to worry about. As for protection, you're protected so long as you never cheat."

"But what if Renee cheats? What if she falls victim to a smooth talker? What happens if an innocent business dinner with a female colleague or customer gets blown out of proportion? I've personally seen that happen.

"You never answered my question. Where's my protection? Where's my assurance that she'll never cheat? And worse yet, now that I've seen what my wife is capable of, how can I possible feel safe around her?

"I'd never cheat on her, ever. I don't care what the circumstances are. I love her too much and I'd never hurt her. But right now, I feel like you and my wife have put a Sword of Damocles over our marriage, and I just can't live like that. After all, she lied to me when she went to your meeting, showed her true self, proved she really doesn't trust me, spent $1,600 dollars of our money without consulting me or even talking to me and conspired with you to get me here."

"I don't know what to tell you, Oscar," Pat said, sighing.

"So, is there something like this for husbands?"

"Um, not that I'm aware of," Pat said. Oscar wasn't convinced, but swore to find out.

"This is bullshit," Oscar said, getting visibly angry. "The only way to describe this is blackmail."

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Oscar, but believe me, this is the best way to ensure a long-lasting marriage," Pat said.

"I'm finished here, Pat," Oscar said. "I'm sure you'll be talking to Renee, so please tell her I love her but I'll be late getting home. I have a lot to consider and I no longer feel safe in my own home. Also tell her we'll be having a long discussion when I do get home."

"Okay," Pat said, but Oscar had already turned and left.

Leaving the building, he felt for the audio recorder he placed in his pocket and turned it off. It was still fairly early in the afternoon, so he broke out his smart phone and called his good friend from college, Bill Jackson, who just happened to be a very good family law attorney.

"Law office of William Jackson," said a cheery female voice.

"I need to speak with Bill right away, it's an emergency," Oscar said. "Tell him it's his friend Oscar Warren, and this could be a matter of life and death."

"Oh, hi, Oscar," the receptionist said. "I think he's still in, let me put you through."

"Hey, Oscar," Bill said a few seconds later. "What's this about an emergency?"

"Bill, I really need to see you, like right now," Oscar said, the fear evident in his voice.

"Sure, buddy, come on over. You don't sound too good. What's this about?"

"I'm afraid to say much over the phone, Bill. Are you aware of something called MMAS?"

"Get your ass over right now, Oscar," Bill said. "You're wise to have called. And for God's sake, be careful."

About a half hour later, Oscar was being escorted into his friend's office. He accepted the offer of a cup of coffee. Bill closed his door and told his receptionist to hold all his calls.

"You mentioned MMAS, Oscar," Bill said. "Are you talking about the Mutual Marital Assurance Society?" he asked.

"Yes," Oscar said. "You've heard of them?"

"Hell yeah, I've seen what's happened to some of their victims and it isn't pretty. Let me guess. Renee went off for a 'spa weekend' with some friends and you started getting bills from this MMAS, only to find out their not really bills, but a ruse to get you into one of their temporary offices so they can show you what would happen if you cheat on your wife. Am I right?"

"How did you know?" Oscar asked, his eyes wide.

"I can't give specifics - attorney-client privilege and all that, but I've represented some of their victims. It's a slick outfit run by a man-hating lawyer who was cheated on once. Believe me, we've been trying to get something on them for years, but they always seem to be a step ahead of us."

"Well, you're going to love this," Oscar said, pulling out his digital voice recorder. "There's about an hour and a half of crap on here, maybe a bit more."

Bill connected the recorder to his laptop and copied the audio file, placing a backup on a flash drive. He made another copy and handed it back to Oscar with the original.

"I suggest you put that original in a safe somewhere Renee can't get to it," Bill said. "I'll listen to this and have our tech people work with it. So what did Renee choose to have done to you?"

Oscar took a sip of coffee and summarized the punishment Pat showed him.

"Basically, I'd be kidnapped, humiliated, beaten and anally raped by a dominatrix," Oscar said.

"Damn," Bill said. "So what do you want to do?"

"I can't live like that, knowing that I could be under constant surveillance, and the things Pat described go way beyond the pale. Right now, I'm not sure I can trust Renee and I'm not sure our marriage can handle this. On the other hand, divorce would destroy me financially."

"You're right about divorce - men almost always come out the losers, even if the wife is videotaped gang-banging a battalion of Marines. Listen - how about a legal separation, nothing permanent, mind you - just something to keep the two of you apart while I go over what you gave me. From what you've told me, it sounds like you're in fear of your life and with good reason. We can do the separation and get a temporary protection order keeping her away from you. Since you have kids, I'd recommend you move out and let her stay in the house. That does two things - it shows that you're putting the welfare of the kids first and it'll separate you from what may already be in the house.

"In fact, I want you to go here," Bill said, giving Oscar a card with an address. "It's safe, and we have people watching it 24/7. I'll text you with the particulars and there'll be a key waiting for you when you get there.

"Look, Oscar, these people are dangerous and sneaky as hell. Also, with you out of the house, we can get our investigators in there to do what they need to do. Don't worry, I'll fill you in."

"When can you do this?" Oscar asked.

"I'll start drawing up the paperwork now, file it tomorrow morning. One of my people will hand-deliver it to your house by, say, 2 pm. Does that work for you?"

"Yeah, let's do this," Oscar said. "The sooner, the better."

"In the meantime, I suggest you go home, talk with your wife, don't say too much and don't cause a scene. Pack up and leave tonight. Don't tell your wife where you're going and tell her not to call. I have a PI on contract and you'll have 24-hour protection. Put this number on speed dial, and call it if you feel you're in danger," Bill said, handing Oscar another business card with a phone number.

"When do you have to be back to work?" Bill asked.

"Monday," Oscar said.

"Good. Rest, relax and we'll be in touch. In fact, I'd like you to come by the house tomorrow evening. I've got a lot of information to show you," Bill said.

Oscar stood up, shook his friend's hand and left, feeling a bit better since meeting Pat. He made his way home, wondering what lay ahead...

Chapter 2:

The afternoon was getting long, but there was still time to do a couple of very important things, so Oscar made his way to their bank to take care of finances and get a safe deposit box for the voice recorder that held the original audio of his meeting with Pat.

He did all the usual things - opened his own account, transferred half of their joint savings and checking, making sure Renee had enough to cover household expenses. He decided to leave the credit card alone for now as it didn't have that much on it and Renee rarely ever used it. That would change, however, if the legal separation turned into a divorce.

Once finished, he decided to reactivate his home security. It was a system he had installed a year ago when he suspected someone of breaking into his home. Fortunately, all it captured were some nosy possums and a sleep-walking wife, but no burglars.

The system was designed to allow him access from anywhere on the Internet, so he was able to do what he needed with his laptop and a good wifi connection.

It had all the bells and whistles, like door and window sensors and motion-activated cameras in every room of the house except for the bathrooms - he figured no one wanted to see what went on there. It also included a land line monitor that allowed him to listen to and record telephone conversations. Fortunately, he lived in a state where he didn't have to have the other party's permission to record conversations. Up till now, he never had need for that feature, but decided it was better to be safe than sorry. Better yet, it uploaded all audio and video to a secure server in the cloud, so he could access it from anywhere with the right credentials.

The brains of the whole thing was concealed in a locked metal box placed behind a wall in the basement, a place Renee generally avoided like the plague. Said it gave her the creeps, which was fine by him. Even better, she never knew the system was in place.

The next thing was Renee's cell phone. Some time back, he installed an app that allowed him to monitor text messages and voice calls. This was about the time that she kept receiving harassing phone calls and text messages, and he was determined to put it all to an end.

The creep was found and was now on probation, so he temporarily deactivated the program. However, he kept the backdoor in place just in case he needed it. As it turned out, that was a wise decision. He logged into the remote control site and reactivated the software as well as a GPS tracker.

Next up was her laptop. Oscar had installed a few programs that let him access her machine remotely so he could help her when she got stuck and couldn't figure out what to click. It also allowed him to monitor her computer usage in real time. The software was still in place, so he set it to capture her emails and turned on a keylogger to record her activity. Then he put it in "background" mode so she never knew it was running. That program also uploaded its data to a secure server on the cloud.

Then he had to decide how to deal with Renee. His initial response was to go nuclear, but he had no idea what he was facing.

He remembered what Pat told him about his so-called "loving" wife: "She was an absolute savage. She wanted to inflict tremendous pain on you. She thought of a particularly horrifying way to destroy your manhood and humiliate you."

"Humiliate me, huh? Destroy my manhood?" he thought. "What kind of a sick bitch does that?" Fortunately, she chose something that Pat said would probably leave him suffering nightmares for the rest of his life. And she was right about something else - it absolutely destroyed any love he had for her.

He also recalled that Pat said the contractor who would mete out his punishment would be given a key to his house, so he decided not to take chances going home. He checked his glove box and pulled out the .38 snubnose revolver he kept there and placed it in his coat pocket.

What really frightened Oscar was what Pat said about wives who used chemicals to destroy their spouses. And, he recalled, Renee could be a monster if provoked.

So he decided to play it cool - get in, get his stuff, and get out. Pat said she wouldn't question him if he had to leave for a job on a moment's notice, which worked in his favor. That's happened several times, but not too often. As for the legal separation, he decided to keep that under his hat. The shit would definitely hit the fan tomorrow when she got that and the restraining order.

The last thing Oscar did was check his own phone to make sure there wasn't any tracking software on it. As far as he could tell, there wasn't anything, but he decided to minimize the risk of that as well.

He made one call, first to the number Bill gave him.

"Yeah," said the gravelly voice at the other end.

"This is Oscar Warren," he began.

"I know," said Gravel-voice. "Whatcha want?"

"I'm looking to head home and was wondering if the coast is clear."

"So far, so good. Looks like spouse is by herself at the moment. You gonna be long?"

"Nope, just gonna get a few things then head back out," Oscar said.

"Good. Make it fast and don't pull any shit. You packing?"

"Yeah," Oscar said. "I have a CCW and I know how to handle a firearm."

"OK, we'll be watching. No heroics, no crap, just do what you gotta do."

"Right," Oscar said. "Thanks."

The call disconnected, so Oscar placed another call, this time to Renee.

"Hi, sweetie," Renee said.

"Hey," Oscar responded. "Sorry I'm running late, had to take care of a few things. I've got to go take care of an emergency situation so it looks like I'm gonna be gone for a bit."

"Oh? How long?" Renee asked, sounding disappointed.

"Not sure yet. Could be fixed in a day or two, but might take a little longer. Won't know until I can look at it closer. I'll be home in a bit to get a few things then I'm back out. Sorry."

"I'll see you when you get here, hon. Love you," Renee said.

"Love you, too," Oscar said, hoping she was convinced by his performance.

A bit later, Oscar pulled into his driveway, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. He walked in the front door, slowly, making sure there weren't any surprises waiting for him. He kept one hand on the pistol in his coat pocket.

He instantly smelled the beef stew Renee was making in the kitchen and realized he was a bit hungry. But he remembered what Pat said, and decided not to eat or drink anything Renee touched.

"You're home!" Renee said, sounding happy to see him. "Are you hungry? I made your favorite."

Something about the way she looked when she said that made Oscar wince just a bit. Maybe he was being paranoid, but it sure looked like there was a mischievous smile on her face. And what was she holding behind her back?

"Thanks, hon, but I'm not really hungry right now. Had a late lunch and I'm still a bit full," Oscar said. The truth was, he was hungry and would love to have had some of her stew. But not today. Or possibly, ever.

"That's a shame," Renee said. "Guess I'll just have to throw it all away, then. Too bad, all that stew going to waste like that."

"What, you guys can't eat the stew?" Oscar asked. "You usually make enough to feed us for a week. Why throw it all out?"

"We've already eaten," Renee said, gesturing with the spoon she held behind her back.

"Tell ya what, babe," Oscar said. "Why don't you put some of that stew in one of my Thermoses in the cupboard and I'll eat it when I get to my hotel."

"Okay," Renee said, her face lighting up. "That's a very good idea."

"Meanwhile, I'll just get a few things and I'll be going. Already running a bit late," Oscar said, heading to their bedroom.

He looked around and seeing nothing out of place, went to his closet, where he grabbed some clothes, along with a few pairs of clean socks and underwear. Removing a panel in the wall, he retrieved his 9mm Glock and checked to make sure it was still loaded. It was. He put that pistol in his other coat pocket.

After getting his toiletries, he quickly packed his suitcase, not really caring how well his clothes were folded. He just wanted to get out.

He went back downstairs, where Renee was waiting with a Thermos of stew.

"Thanks, hon," Oscar said, giving her a brief kiss on the cheek. He headed for the front door.

"By the way, Oscar, how did your appointment with Pat go?" she asked as he began to open the door.

He stopped, thought for a second before turning to face her. There was that smile again, and it seemed a bit more wicked to him.

"Let's just say we'll talk about it later," he said, trying to control his emotions. "Maybe in a couple days. I have a lot to process right now."

"I understand," Renee said. "Whenever you're ready. And remember, I do love you and I trust you. And call me, please."

You have a damn funny way of showing it, Oscar thought.

"Yeah, sure. Love you, too," he said as he walked out the door, leaving behind a somewhat bewildered wife who now wondered if she did the right thing.

Oscar made his way to the safe location Bill told him about, relieved that things went as well as they did at home.

The episode with the stew really scared him, though. Why was she so insistent that he eat it? Why would she throw it all out if he didn't take any? That just didn't add up. Normally, she would have split it up and stored it in Tupperware containers for future meals. He decided to have the contents of his Thermos analyzed by a lab. Who knew what was in it?

After about an hour, Oscar pulled up to the gated country compound Bill sent him to. This was no dive, Oscar realized. A lot of money went into this.

He pulled up to the gate and spoke into an entry box.