Reverse Polarity (An ADMIN Tale) Ch. 03

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Things go a bit awry, but Aaron enjoys the ride.
8k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 02/14/2024
Created 01/03/2024
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Reverse Polarity


Curiouser and Curiouser

Saturday Night

As Aaron left the library following his meet-up with Tamasree, he was feeling pretty good about himself. In many ways, his original desires had already been met and exceeded, since what he'd really wanted was a girl to want him. After his nooner with Nora, who had seemed pretty open to the idea of a repeat performance at some point, he'd seriously questioned whether or not to continue using the ADMIN app on her anymore, or on the other girls. What did it really matter if he succeeded in reversing their ideas about certain fetishes when at least one of them was already willing to have sex with him? Still, the lure of power was strong and not something to be brushed aside casually.

Aaron still hadn't reached a decision one way or the other when he met up with Tamasree, but now that he was headed home with the taste of her pussy on his tongue, he knew he couldn't stop, even if part of him felt he should. He was starting to feel somewhat possessive about the three young women he was manipulating, although the idea made him uneasy. "It's not like I want to own them or anything," he tried to convince himself, "It's more like, I started them on a path for my benefit, but I owe it to them to make sure they reach the end of the path intact, and happier for having taken the journey, if possible." He was a little skeptical of his rationalizations, but not enough to abandon the quest.

As he reviewed the commands he had instilled in the girls, Aaron considered which ones to build upon now that he had ushered each into the Curiosity phase of the quest. According to the app, the girls were all now thinking about their fetishes and inclined to experiment, and if he wanted to advance them further he should make sure their explorations were both successful and pleasurable. He believed he'd had great success with a suggestion he sent to all three at the beginning of the week, making them think of a positive thing about him immediately after any related negative thoughts or feelings. It was kind of pop psychology, but the idea was that any chain of thought involving him would end on an up note, and even if it was a minor positive point compared to whatever fault they were finding, it would prevent them dwelling on his negatives.

Building on that concept, he decided to try to head off the likely objections the girls would be feeling when they considered plans to indulge their curiosity. To that end, he used the app to suggest to Melissa, "Whenever you think cum is nasty or playing with it shameful or degrading, think about how much some other girls enjoy it, and how you can't be sure which kind of girl you are without trying." For Nora, "If you're feeling embarrassed thinking about being naked or exposed, just remember, you're beautiful and sexy and desirable." To Tamasree he sent, "Plenty of women display their pussies proudly, it's a sign of respect to them if you appreciate their beauty."

His major work completed, Aaron spent the rest of his time and tokens reinforcing his existing suggestions or advancing them incrementally, such as the degree of sexual excitement they got from being with him, or the thrills they received from passively indulging their fetishes by viewing porn or other such media. He had planned to let things stew the rest of the weekend, but a message from Nora forced him to tweak his strategy slightly.

"Hey Aaron! Sorry for the short notice, but do you want to go hang out at the beach with me tonight?" she asked via text.

He felt he'd be a fool not to accept, so Aaron was soon swinging by Nora's apartment to pick her up, then drove out to the local swimming hole. There were quite a few people still hanging out in the central area with its fire rings and tables, but the two young lovers walked far enough around the shore of the lake to get a measure of privacy in the darkness. Aaron laid out a couple of large towels for them, and they sat gazing at the stars and making small talk for a little while, but soon enough they were kissing each other passionately and exploring one another with their hands.

Aaron was excited that Nora had neglected to wear a bra and was enjoying playing with her nipples, but he wasn't sure Nora would be willing to try sex on the beach, semi-public as it was, at least not this early in her program. He was debating whether or not to ask her how far she wanted to take things, or to just try pushing her until she pushed back, but once again the redhead undercut his campaign before it could get started.

"We should go swimming!" Nora suggested, suddenly pulling away from their intense make-out session.

"Um, I didn't bring a swimsuit," Aaron confessed, hoping for the best, but not believing where things seemed to be heading.

"Me neither!" Nora confirmed as she abruptly pulled her shirt off to expose her braless breasts. Even in the dark of night, lit only by distant fires and streetlights, Aaron could tell Nora was blushing furiously. She stood up and pushed down her pants and panties, publicly exposing herself in principle, if not quite in fact. Aaron gawked as she turned and dashed into the water, her pale, round cheeks bouncing until she splashed into the lake and loudly whispered, "Come on!"

Despite some anxiety about getting caught, Aaron soon stripped off and joined Nora in the lake, where they quickly resumed their frenzied kissing and caressing. Nora wrapped her arms and legs around her lover and shifted until his hardness was pressed against her slit. With a glance at her face to make sure she was ready, Aaron pulled back until his crown was resting against her opening, then slowly pushed forward, holding Nora by her ass. They both hissed in pleasure as he buried himself in her steamy sex, the warmth of their lust shockingly intense compared to the cool waters of the lake.

Aaron could tell Nora's nervousness and arousal were battling one another, so he took a chance that he knew what she was thinking and whispered in her ear, "Oh Nora, you're so beautiful and desirable and sexy, it's like a dream come true being here with you." Nora gasped and then groaned, staring at Aaron in shock as she was overcome by an unexpected orgasm. Her expression told Aaron he'd guessed right, that she had been trying to convince herself of those words the entire time they'd been swimming.

Nora ground herself against his cock with furious need, trying to draw out her own climax and trigger Aaron's at the same time. "Cum for me, baby, please!" she panted in his ear as she thrust. Her plan worked, and Aaron soon unloaded in her moist depths, their mutual moaning muffled by their wild kissing. They might have kept on in such fashion if the power of their simultaneous pleasure hadn't finally overcome Aaron's ability to hold them both up in the water. His knees buckled, and the young lovers suddenly found themselves in over their heads, not entirely sure for several moments that they wanted to pull apart even to reach the air.

Soon enough, though, the two teenagers surfaced, spluttering and laughing, and made their way cautiously back to their towels to enjoy a second round of passion, more slowly and sensually this time, and somewhat less aquatically.

Sunday Morning

Aaron woke up late, enjoying the afterglow of his encounter with Nora the night before. Despite the hot sex they'd had, Nora still seemed a little bit embarrassed about her attraction and attachment to the class pervert, and wanted to keep their tryst on the down-low for the time being. Aaron was a little disappointed by her attitude, but she still seemed keen to keep hooking up in secret, so he decided there was nothing to gain by forcing the issue, at least in the short term. Besides, he was expecting to hook up with Tamasree again soon, and Melissa was a strong possibility as well, so being able to truthfully tell them he was still single made him feel a little less wicked, in a highly technical sense of the word. And anyway, the quests were about fetishes, not dating; these liaisons were just a means to an end, he tried to tell himself.

As he was about to consider his options for the day, Aaron's phone chimed with a message. It turned out to be from Melissa, who informed him that her roommates were both gone for the rest of the day, and invited him to come over to watch some new videos she found, in case they wanted to include any of them in the project. Aaron thought it was a somewhat feeble excuse, but frankly any excuse would do, and he quickly responded in the affirmative. One quick shower later and he was on the road.

Melissa greeted him with a smile when he arrived at the small apartment she shared with two of her friends. "Hey, you!" she said, waving him in, and waited until the door was closed to surprise him with a brief hug. As they walked to the living room she remarked, "I know we said we were done with the primary research, but to be honest I think we're both the kind of person who will keep 'researching' this topic regardless." She gave Aaron a devious smirk, which he returned, and gestured toward the couch and coffee table, where she had set out some snacks and a few beers.

Aaron raised an eyebrow and said, "I didn't realize you could buy beer."

Melissa shrugged and said, "It technically belongs to one of my roommates, but we have an arrangement. Anyway, there's not enough here to get wasted or anything. You don't have to drink any if you don't want to, but I'm going to have one or two while we watch. You're welcome to join me!" So saying, she flopped onto the couch and cracked open one of the cans, patting the cushion beside her as she sipped her beverage. Aaron shrugged and grabbed a can as well, taking his seat and sampling the brew. He wasn't a big fan of beer, but he figured it would be the sociable thing to do, and show gratitude to his hostess.

Melissa giggled slightly as Aaron tried his best to avoid grimacing at the taste, then turned on the TV and loaded up the first video in her queue. It was a true bukkake video, in the sense that the cast appeared to be Japanese, and it featured three lovely young women who were sucking and stroking an indeterminate number of men. Aaron only understood a few words of Japanese, but figured that knowing what the people were saying wouldn't really increase his appreciation of the action, and besides that, Melissa was keeping up a running commentary as they watched.

"I especially like the girl in the middle, you can tell she's really into the scene and enjoying herself," his hostess remarked. "The one on the left is pretty good, too, but the one on the right seems to be thinking she can just phone it in. I mean, it's not like she seems to resent being there or anything, just that she's treating it like a chore or another day on the job instead of something fun and special. Then again, maybe she's done so many of these that the novelty or charm has worn off."

Aaron made a few comments of his own from time to time, often just variations of, "Yes, I agree with you," and found himself enjoying the porn in a whole new way. Previously, watching it had always been a private and solitary exercise, something he did to relieve his tension and loneliness. Even the other day, when he had watched some with Melissa in the library, it had felt kind of clinical or formal. Sitting here snacking and casually enjoying the sight of three pretty Japanese girls getting coated in semen while critiquing their performances, and the loads of the male co-stars, felt shockingly mundane. "How can this be feeling so normal?" he wondered.

Melissa finished her first beer and reached for a second, and as she did so she remarked, in a faux-casual voice, "Oh, I see you're really enjoying this!" while looking at Aaron's crotch. He gave her a small grin and admitted, "It's a hot video, but honestly, it's more from the situation here than the one on the screen. I guess it's true what they say: everything's better with a friend!" Melissa blushed in response but smiled warmly as the next video began.

"I think you'll really enjoy this one, too," she said in a soft voice. "It's from Germany, I think, or maybe Austria. Anyway, another group facial, only one girl this time, but there's something special toward the end!" As the video progressed, it became clear what the special treat was, as most of the guys were cumming into a large margarita glass, with only a relatively small amount of their jizz winding up on the woman's face. The actress was one of those women who really enjoyed playing with cum, or was at least fantastic at pretending to love it. Even though they couldn't understand much of what she was saying, her enthusiasm was evident in her tone of voice, her body language, and especially her gleeful expression.

Aaron shifted uncomfortably on the couch, noticing that Melissa was sitting with her legs tightly together, flexing them occasionally. When she saw her guest moving around she blushed bright red and whispered, "If you want to take it out, I don't mind." Aaron's heart leapt into his throat; on one level this is what he had hoped for, but even after all that had happened it felt almost too good to be real. He slowly shifted his hand to his erection, rubbing it deliberately but making no move to extract it. Melissa bit her bottom lip as she watched Aaron massaging himself, then finally looked up at his face when he stopped.

Aaron stared into the unusually bright eyes of his hostess and admitted, "I'd really like to give it some air, but I'd feel awkward being the only one. I can tell you're struggling just like me. So, why don't we both try to get more comfortable?" Melissa looked down at his crotch again, and slowly pressed her hand against the zipper of her jeans, tugging it down slightly. She took a ragged breath and looked back to Aaron's face.

"I will, if you go first," she said quietly. Aaron smiled and nodded, thinking that this might be a test of some sort for her. He slowly unzipped and unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them down to his knees. Melissa gasped quietly as she got a better look at his bulge, tenting the boxer briefs he was wearing. Aaron delayed the final reveal a few more moments, rubbing himself in anticipation, before he finally exposed his turgid member to the entranced girl's view. Melissa groaned audibly and her hand pressed even more forcefully into her crotch.

As Aaron started gently stroking himself, Melissa suddenly stood up and pushed her pants and panties to the floor, quickly stepping out of them, and then collapsed back onto the couch facing her guest. She put both feet on the cushions and spread her legs widely, displaying her wet and needy pussy to Aaron's hungry eyes. She had surprisingly large and prominent lips that splayed widely when she was aroused, and her dark blonde curls, trimmed into a sparse V-shape, were damp with her lusty essence. Aaron took his jeans the rest of the way off and mirrored Melissa's pose.

Both teens were pleasuring themselves, but neither appeared to be working toward a peak, despite how turned on they were. They both seemed to understand intuitively that they were waiting for something, and that this was just foreplay. They edged along for a little while, admiring the view and almost forgetting about the porn playing in the background, even as the woman poured the collected cum from the margarita glass all over her face and down her throat. When a third video started, Melissa looked up at the TV and said, "Oh, this is the last one on the list. It's a short clip; I tried to find the full video but no luck."

Aaron spared a glance at the screen and did a double-take as he initially thought it was a video of Melissa. Upon closer examination, however, the resemblance was much less pronounced, but the woman looked enough like his hostess to at least pass for a close relative. Aaron grinned back at Melissa and remarked, "I can see why this one appealed to you!"

Melissa stroked her pussy more forcefully as her eyes locked onto the actress deep-throating a large cock. "Yeah, it's kind of easy to imagine myself in her place," she agreed, blushing at the admission. "In fact, if you're feeling up for it, I was thinking you might help me satisfy my curiosity on a particular point."

Aaron's pumping of his dick sped up slightly, and he managed to pant out, "Happy to help, if I can. Just tell me what you wanted to know," although he had a pretty fair idea what she was going to say. His guess was right on the money shot, so to speak.

"I was wondering what it feels like to get a facial," Melissa quietly confessed. "Would you be a gentleman and bust your nut on my face?" she asked, turning her attention away from the TV in the middle of the actor's cumshot. Aaron growled affirmatively and knee-walked over to his hostess, barely in time to aim his dick at her before he was unloading a large volume of spunk on her eager, upturned face. Several large pearlescent jets soon decorated her smiling visage, from forehead to chin, with most of it concentrated around her nose and mouth. Melissa emitted a high-pitched whine as she came on her fingers, licking her lips appreciatively and clearly loving the taste and texture of Aaron's jism.

Melissa started to use her other hand to collect the seed and move it to her mouth, watching Aaron's expression as she did so. Aaron smiled as he caught his breath, and slowly reached down to her arm to tug Melissa's hand free from her pussy. She allowed him to raise her wet digits to his mouth, moaning around her cum-flecked fingers as Aaron sensuously licked her other hand free of her juices.

Monday Afternoon

Monday brought a return to classes and also an intriguing announcement from Aaron's parents, who were planning to actually take time off work to go with his sister Jessica as she competed in the state finals for track and field. In years past, Aaron had been a little jealous of his sister getting that kind of extra attention, but he gradually developed a more philosophical attitude about it, since he'd never engaged in any competitive activities that would have invited support. Even better, it meant that he'd have the house to himself from Thursday until Sunday evening sometime. That opened up a number of exciting possibilities for sexy shenanigans.

Classes that day dragged on forever, it seemed, mostly because he was expecting to have another meeting with Tamasree that afternoon, and he was excited to see how far she might be willing to go. He sent a few commands to her with the ADMIN app, mostly just to reaffirm and reinforce her inclinations to think well of him and find him attractive. He had a plan to try and head off potential anger or anguish from the girls when they inevitably found out about his dalliances with the others, though, and Tama was a key to that plan.

Tamasree's reaction to his admittedly inexpert cunnilingus made Aaron realize that the girl's fetishes were not purely self-referential. Back in the early days, Aaron had thought giving her a fetish for pussy eating would make her want to go down on girls, and he was still pretty sure she was headed that way, but receiving it put her in an equally excited state of mind. The same general truth was likely to apply to Nora and Melissa as well, so if possible, he wanted to exploit that. Step one was to make Tama excited to see any pussy being orally pleasured, even if she wasn't involved as more than a spectator. It took a few tries and some tokens, but the ADMIN made it happen.

The second step was to make Tamasree feel like their art history project was incomplete, and to suggest bringing it up to modern times and modern media. That took very little urging on the part of the app, and Aaron was pleased to hear her anxiously suggest expanding their project while they sat in the same basement study room. "It just feels like we're ignoring a huge development in art history," she explained nervously, "I mean, photos and video are by far the most prevalent media for art these days, for most audiences at least. There are probably thousands of times more photographs of women's vulvas than paintings. Obviously we can't go too deep into it, but I think we need to make some effort to at least mention it."