Reverse Polarity (An ADMIN Tale) Ch. 04

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Aaron is not the only one with a sexy agenda to pursue.
9.3k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 02/14/2024
Created 01/03/2024
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Reverse Polarity


Keep It Secret

Friday Morning

Aaron was on cloud nine when he woke up the next day. He stretched luxuriously, recalling the look of intense joy on Tamasree's face the night before, when she licked his cum from Melissa's freshly fucked pussy. He had sat behind Melly, letting her lean against his chest while his girlfriend went down on the blonde, playing with her tits and occasionally necking her, loving to hear her moans and feel her squirming. Tama had kept licking long past the point where any of his jizz remained to be found, but no one objected. They had finally called it a night when Tamasree's phone alarm had sounded, signaling her need to get home before her curfew ended.

Melissa had been a little surprised and slightly scornful that a girl in college still had a curfew, but she was mellow after all the orgasms she had enjoyed and kept her snide remarks to a bare minimum as the girls departed. Aaron had ended his evening with sending thoughts to all three girls, reinforcing how much they had enjoyed the group activities, and giving them tingles of arousal whenever they remembered them, or thought about similar fantasy encounters. None of the commands were much of a reach at this point, but it almost felt like he could coast to the end of the quest on inertia.

Nevertheless, now that all three of his girlfriends had reached the stage of covertly desiring their fetishes, he thought it would be prudent to nudge them toward openly sharing their kinks with people who, unlike him, didn't already know their secrets. Their upcoming presentations would almost take care of that without much extra work on his part. Nora already planned to expose herself, and it seemed doubtful that either Melissa or Tamasree would be able to conceal their passion for their topics once the reports started. But before diving into public acknowledgement, perhaps he could induce them to confide in each other.

Reinforcing Tamasree's desire to spend more time getting close to Nora and Melly turned out to be barely an inconvenience, and it seemed likely that she would have pursued a closer relationship with the other girls regardless of his intervention. Getting Melissa and Nora to want to reciprocate with Tama likewise proved relatively straightforward, although it took a few nudges to overcome what was likely Nora's lingering embarrassment. The only real problem looked to be getting Melissa and Nora talking, since neither of them were aware of his relationship with the other yet. Still, they knew each other socially, although they didn't usually run in quite the same crowds, so Aaron settled for just making them both think how nice it would be to catch up with each other the next time they ran into one another.


Nora had been anxious and antsy ever since Tuesday night. She'd never been particularly interested in women before, and now she'd had her first lesbian experience. It was baffling, implausible, and extremely hot. She certainly wasn't a homophobe, but she had been surprised to discover just how much she enjoyed it when Tamasree went down on her, and even more surprising, she was a little disappointed that the girl had needed to leave before Nora had a chance to reciprocate. Not that the sex with Aaron afterwards hadn't been great in its own right, but she was coming to understand that it would have been better with an audience.

When word got around Friday morning that Aaron and Tama were officially dating, Nora's first response was incredulous disbelief. Granted, Aaron and Tama had been intimate Tuesday as well, but it wasn't like they'd fucked each other or anything, not like she and Aaron had. Nora started to get angry then, wondering if the whole thing had been a set-up and that Aaron had been fucking around behind her back the whole time. Of course, if that was true, he and his side pussy had both shown Nora a hell of a good time anyway. Nora's anger dissipated into sadness and regret when she recalled Aaron sounding her out on the topic of officially dating the night they went skinny-dipping, and she had shut him down. "You had your chance, and you blew it," she told herself, over and over.

Seeing Aaron and Tama cuddling each other on a bench between classes ended all doubt, and sent Nora spiraling deeper into depression for the rest of the afternoon. She was sitting in the library after her last class, working on the book report and rereading her favorite passages, when she suddenly got a flash of inspiration. Tamasree may have struck while the iron was hot and swiped Aaron off the market, but they were both clearly fine with some degree of polyamory, so she could at least still enjoy them as a couple, fucking one while the other watched. "Hell, that might wind up being the best possible scenario after all," she mused.

Putting her plan into motion, Nora messaged Aaron to congratulate him for landing such a cute girlfriend, then invited him and Tama to have another swimming party at the lake that night. On a Friday, things would be fairly crowded, but few enough people wanted to walk very far in the dark, so they could get privacy if they were willing to put in the legwork, so to speak. Aaron soon responded to say that he and Tama were both excited, and would pick her up around sunset. Tamasree even got permission to stay out late, as long as she checked in regularly.

Friday Night

The three teens made some small talk on the way to the beach, and Nora was slightly relieved and gratified to learn that Tama had been the one to ask Aaron out, and not until the day after their little encounter in the studio, so she hadn't been a third wheel after all. Arriving at the lake, the trio attracted a certain amount of attention and surprise, but other than smiling and waving, they mostly ignored their inquisitors and well-wishers alike in favor of getting away from the main area and finding a sheltered spot. Nora figured that Aaron had probably come clean to Tamasree about his last trip here with her, so they were all likely expecting to continue on from their activities in the studio.

Aaron had been lugging an ice chest and some chairs, which he finally unloaded with a groan when they located a secluded spot. "Would you ladies care to have some snacks and drinks now, or go swimming first?" he asked.

Tamasree shrugged, saying, "Either is fine with me. Nora?"

Nora replied, "I think we should go ahead and have a bite to eat. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but I'm planning on getting some exercise tonight." It was getting dark, but there was still enough light to see her devious grin, not to mention the obvious tone of teasing in her voice. The other two returned knowing smiles, and all three sat down to enjoy some sandwiches and fruit, avoiding the topic they were all most interested in discussing. Nora thought that since she was the one who planned this rendezvous, Aaron and Tama were probably waiting for her to set the agenda, or at least give her every opportunity to do so before they took the initiative. Nora was determined that she would not make the mistake of hesitating again, not tonight.

"So guys, are you ready for swimming?" asked the redhead. "I want to get in the water, but I forgot to bring my swimsuit. I hope no one minds if I go skinny-dipping!"

Aaron chuckled quietly, probably having expected something similar, and Nora was a little surprised and amused when Tamasree said, "Oh, good, I forgot mine, too! I was afraid I'd be the only one naked!"

Aaron remarked wryly, "Well, I guess it would be ungentlemanly of me to flaunt my swim trunks by wearing them in such circumstances. I suppose it's nude swimming all around, then."

The girls laughed and all three teens quickly got undressed. It was too dark for them to see each other all that clearly, but it was obvious that Aaron was erect as they waded into the cool water. Once Nora was in deep enough for her tits to float, she stopped the other two and filled them in on her master plan. "Hey guys?" she said, "You know what would be really hot? Let's swim to the other side of the main area, then run back to our spot!"

Silent amazement greeted her suggestion; Tama's brown eyes were open wide enough that the whites were clearly visible in her otherwise dark face. "Are you serious?" she finally asked the redhead.

"Absolutely! It'll be fun! And if we stay on the outskirts of the lighted area, people won't be able to get a clear look, if you're feeling embarrassed. I suppose they'll figure out who we are easily enough, but so what?" Nora said defiantly.

Tamasree was still hesitating and looked to Aaron to gauge his reaction, only to discover he was doing the same to her. Aaron finally spoke up and said, "A couple of weeks ago I would have assumed this was a trap, although admittedly I would have assumed the invitation itself was suspicious. But I trust both of you and I don't think we'll get in any real trouble. I'm game if both of you are."

Nora was thrilled, and when Tamasree still hesitated, she gently reached her arm around the other girl to give her a hug. "Don't worry, Tama! We'll all be in it together! No one left behind. Trust me, it'll be super sexy."

Tamasree laughed nervously and said, "Super terrifying is more like it!"

Nora gave the girl a chaste kiss on the cheek and admitted, "Yeah, it's scary at first, but then the fear turns into heat and you'll cum like never before, I promise!"

Taking a deep breath, Tama returned the one-armed hug and said, "Okay, let's go for it!"

The swim across the lake took rather longer than they expected, as none of them were particularly skilled, but they managed to make it eventually. It was even something of a relief to rest their arms as the naked trio picked their way across the shoreline, stopping frequently to listen for voices or other sounds from people hanging out away from the main area. Nora was so turned on at being naked and trapped away from her clothes that she was literally dripping wet. Even after the gentle night breeze had evaporated most of the water from their swim off her skin, Nora's inner thighs remained damp.

The closer they got to the relatively well-lit area nearest the parking lot, the more knots of people they began to encounter, and it was only a matter of time until someone noticed them. Nora's breathing was getting ragged as she anticipated the moment of discovery. They were still on the far side of the main area from their clothes when the long-awaited words rang out, "Hey, look, it's Nora! And she's naked!"

Her legs started pumping before the sentence was finished, and so did her pussy. She moaned in lust and fear and shame as she ran full out, throbbing with an orgasm as she moved. She heard other exclamations but paid them no heed, concentrating only on avoiding collisions as she darted from one dark spot to another. She was dimly aware of Tama and Aaron pounding along behind her but could spare no attention for them. Droplets of her pussy juice splattered on the sand every time she paused for a second to check her route.

For better or for worse, no one seemed to be following the three teens as they sprinted farther and farther away from the main group of lake-goers. They finally returned to their spot, all of them collapsing on the sand, chests heaving as they struggled for air after their run. "My tits are so sore!" moaned Tama once she had the breath to complain, rubbing her largish breasts, which had been bouncing painfully during their panicked flight.

Nora massaged her own boobs in sympathy; they were perhaps a shade larger than Tamasree's, and equally energetic when set in motion. But the greater pain for the redhead was lower down. "Tama, I need to be fucked! I know he's your boyfriend now and all, but I need his dick really bad!"

Tamasree laughed and said, "I'm his girlfriend, not his pimp, just so we're clear! Still, it was very courteous to ask. I promise I won't have any hard feelings for letting him fuck you if you'll eat my pussy while he does it!"

"Deal!" cried Nora immediately, crawling over to the other girl and promptly diving between her legs. Tama gasped and then groaned, surprised by the intensity with which Nora set to work. Aaron got to his knees and moved behind the redhead, reaching down to feel just how soaked she was as he guided himself into her slippery folds. Nora groaned into Tama's cunt as the dick she had been craving filled her at last, then redoubled her efforts to get the other girl off.

Her brain wasn't exactly functioning at a high level at the time, but Nora's plan had been to give her friends such a good time that they would be happy to entertain her whenever she got the urge to join them. As Tama attempted to muffle a screaming orgasm, Nora eagerly slurped up the small flood of liquid that gushed out, loving the fact that she'd made it happen. Raising her head, she growled, "Fuck me harder, Aaron! Fill me up!" Aaron tried to oblige, pounding her as hard as he could without slipping out of her flooded crevasse.

Tamasree scooted around and her delicate hand reached down to tickle Nora's clit as Aaron pumped, and she whispered in the redhead's ear, "I'm so happy you passed on making him yours, Nora. I admit I'm surprised, as much as you love his dick I would have thought you'd have locked him up after the first fuck. I don't mind sharing him sometimes, but just to be clear, you can only fuck him if we're all together."

Nora whined but nodded, pretty well satisfied at the arrangements, at least for the time being. Then Tama dropped the real bomb on her, saying, "I might make a special dispensation, though, if you're recording him fucking you. I think it would be really hot to get a clip of him pounding your pussy in the park or the gym or anywhere like that. So, as long as you're somewhere public and you take video, you can fuck him or suck him as often as he's willing."

Nora wailed like a banshee as she came.

Late Friday Night

After their sex on the beach, Aaron, Nora, and Tamasree snuck back to the car under the cover of darkness, hoping to avoid any attention their little naked run might have attracted. He figured that they had probably been recognized by someone, since the beach was a popular place for their classmates to hang out, so by Monday rumors were likely to have spread, and may well have grown in the telling. But for now at least, a little bit of stealth ensured that they got on the road with no hassles.

"So," said Tamasree on the way back to her parent's house, "Since Aaron's family are out of town tonight, I suppose you'd both like to take advantage of the privacy to have another fuck while I'm stuck at home, alone in my bed?" She pouted dramatically, and while Nora seemed a bit worried, Aaron could tell Tama was teasing them, and probably setting things up somehow. Sighing with theatrical flourish, Tamasree continued, "I suppose I'll give you my blessing, but I want you to send me pics and video of the proceedings. I especially want to see you fucking her cunt, Aaron. Having her ride you would probably be the best angle. Oh, and be sure to get a good shot of your cum dripping out of her pussy, okay?"

Nora was flabbergasted and seemed a little faint, but Aaron chuckled and said, "I promise. We'll give you the next best thing to a front row seat."

Tamasree kissed her boyfriend on the cheek and said, "I have the best perv in town for my very own!"

Nora went to briefly visit with Tama's parents when they arrived, who were curious about their daughter's friends and were maybe suspicious that she had been on a date with a boy. They seemed to accept the redacted version of events well enough, and soon Aaron and Nora were on their way back to his house. Nora was fidgeting with anticipation and began making out with him as soon as they were inside. They stumbled upstairs to Aaron's bedroom, pausing long enough for him to set up his laptop and camera, and arrange some lamps to give his bed better lighting.

Nora purred as she stripped back down, turned on by the thought of exposing herself on camera, even moreso when Aaron said, "Okay, we're live on a private video call with Tama. Why don't you say hello, Nora?"

Smiling sexily, Nora spread her legs to the camera and ran her fingers over her slick lower lips, cooing, "Hello, Tama, I know you'll enjoy the show!"

Nora started by sucking Aaron's dick for a little while, looking at the camera every so often, not really aware that Tamasree was far more interested in watching the redhead's fingers tease her labia, shining wetly in the indirect light. Aaron was well aware of the realities, however, and made sure not to obstruct the star of the show as they eventually rearranged themselves for the main event.

As promised, Aaron laid back on his bed, propped up by pillows, and let Nora mount him reverse-cowgirl style, to give Tama the best possible view of the fuzzy red curls and bright pink lips of the petite girl as she lowered herself onto his stiff rod. She gasped with pleasure, then moaned with even greater lust as she started bouncing. "Don't forget to look at the camera sometimes!" Aaron reminded her, reaching around to play with her bouncing titties.

Nora hissed with pleasure, looking directly at the laptop and seeing it mirroring her pose and actions. The sight of herself, being so wanton and exposed, triggered a small but intense orgasm, and Nora froze in place as she shivered and shuddered, whining, "Oh, I'm cumming!" over and over for almost half a minute. Aaron kept up his fondling and moved his hips very slightly, twitching his groin muscles to make his cock move as much as it could while inside Nora's tight confines.

Not yet sated despite all the action she'd had that night, Nora soon started bouncing on Aaron's dick even more energetically, moaning theatrically as she did so. For his part, Aaron figured he could keep things up for a while, having already nutted several times, but he decided to play along and groaned in an exaggerated manner while bouncing his hips, making their flesh slap together loudly.

"I thought you'd watched enough porn to realize no one appreciates the fakers," said a voice from the doorway, causing Nora to shriek in terror. Aaron sat up in a panic, instinctively grabbing Nora and holding her in place, despite her confused attempts to dismount or find cover.

"Melissa?!" he gasped in shock, "What the fuck are you doing here?!"

The tall blonde smirked and replied, "Tamasree sent me a really interesting link a little while ago. Some pretty hot live fucking, she said." Melly paused to blow a kiss toward the camera as she moved into the frame, then continued, "When I realized what was up I asked what her plan was. She said she gave you permission to creampie Nora." Pausing to make eye contact with the redhead for the first time, who was still sitting on Aaron's erection and looking stunned, Melly added brightly, "Oh, and hi, Nora!"

Nora shuddered and asked, "So then why are you here? How did you even get inside?"

Melissa laughed and confessed, "This dummy didn't bother locking the door!" while slapping Aaron's thigh. "And I came over because if there's a live sex show and creampie happening five minutes from my apartment, why should I be content to watch it on my phone?"

Melly swung Aaron's desk chair around and seated herself, hitching up her dress to reveal that she wasn't wearing panties. "Please, carry on!" she directed, beginning to tickle her cunny as she watched them expectantly. Aaron started moving his hips again, and soon enough Nora was right back in the mood, probably even more turned on than before thanks to the live studio audience. She still moaned and groaned quite a bit, but they sounded much more authentic to the trained ears of the porn experts.