Reverse Polarity (An ADMIN Tale) Ch. 05

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The polycule goes public over the course of the week.
7.8k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 02/14/2024
Created 01/03/2024
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Reverse Polarity


Out and Proud

Monday Evening

After the debauchery of their weekend of polyamorous sex, going back to real life was something of a let-down for Nora. The exhilaration of showing off for her lovers, and recording their first time together for posterity, had left her day-to-day life feeling hollow by comparison. That might have been why she'd dressed so much more provocatively than normal for her Monday classes. While she'd never had a reputation for being a prude or overly shy, her tight ensemble, sans underwear, had turned a lot of heads all day, looking more like clubwear than anything else. Although she'd mostly been thinking of her lovers when selecting her outfit, the attention she'd got from the rest of the population had kept her lust bubbling pleasantly.

She'd been able to steal a few moments of privacy with each of her lovers during the day, but they'd not had time to do more than kiss and pet and chat a little bit between classes and other responsibilities. The main topic of conversation had been about whether or not to openly proclaim their group relationship to their classmates. Nora was eager to shout it from the rooftops, but the others had urged restraint, and Aaron in particular seemed keen to let the revelation play out piecemeal over the course of the week as they presented their reports.

Nora had found time during the day to speak with their literature professor and explain her plan to expose herself during the presentation when they acted out the scene they'd practiced. He had been leery of the idea at first, but couldn't help noticing the redhead's prominent cleavage jiggling with every deep breath she took between arguments in favor of her position. In the end, he'd acquiesced, as long as she and Aaron kept their exposure to what might be seen in an R-rated movie. Nora had bounced with glee at getting her way, and felt very turned on to see her teacher unable to keep his eyes off her bouncing bosoms. They agreed that she and Aaron would go last; the prof didn't want any other groups feeling pressured to improvise something equally risqué.

Nora sighed as she laid in bed, playing with herself and recording it on her phone before sending the file to her lovers. None of them had been free to get together with anyone that evening, so they'd decided to sext one another instead. While she very much enjoyed having a couple of girlfriends, her principal interest as a voyeur was Aaron and his dick, so she kept replaying the clip of him cumming all over his bathroom floor. She giggled every time she got to the part where he used his sister's panties to wipe up his mess.

"You should ask Melissa to lend you some of her underwear to use as cum rags," Nora typed out in her messenger, "I can't imagine she's pleased to see that splooge go to waste!"

"She suggested I bottle it for her," Aaron responded, also sending a winking emoji.

"That would be pretty hot," Nora opined, "I'd be excited to see her drinking from a flask at school, knowing it was full of your cum." She groaned quietly at the mental image, dipping her fingers inside her sex.

"Are you still wanting us to get naked in class tomorrow?" her boyfriend asked. Nora was about to answer affirmatively but suddenly had second thoughts. Her eventual answer was different from what she'd initially intended to say.

"Actually, I want you to remain clothed," she typed. "I want my nudity to be the central focus of everyone in class. I think it will be more effective if I'm the only one naked." Nora rubbed herself harder and faster after sending the message and more or less committing herself to the amended plan.

"Not gonna lie, I am kind of relieved," Aaron responded. "I don't have quite your level of confidence with my looks."

"You look fine, nothing to be ashamed of, if you want to get naked afterwards!" Nora teased. Truth be told, it would be quite hot to see her man standing in the buff in front of everyone, although she knew objectively that his physique and general appearance were decidedly average.

"Let's just wait and see how everyone reacts to your display first," Aaron hedged, "Probably no one will call the police on you. They might if I whipped it out."

"Mmm, send me some clips of you whipping it out, please!" she messaged, and finally found her elusive orgasm as she watched her boyfriend bounce his erection through the zipper of his pants for her viewing pleasure.

Tuesday Afternoon

Nora fidgeted in her seat as she waited impatiently for her classmates to finish their presentations. She couldn't remember the session ever having lasted so long, and found her hands falling into her lap repeatedly, eager to tease herself as a way of dealing with her anticipated exposure. She'd chosen a light and breezy summer dress for her attire that day, and abstained from any underwear once again, in order to make her nude debut as quick and complete as possible. Aaron was sitting next to her, smirking every time he saw her hands wandering, or else admiring her prominent pokies.

"Alright, Nora and Aaron, it's time for you to close us out," said the professor, who had suddenly started sweating noticeably. Nora gave him a sly grin and a wink as she hopped out of her seat and practically ran to the front of the room. Aaron followed at a more sedate pace, but soon enough they were both facing the class and fighting down nerves. Nora knew Aaron wasn't used to addressing crowds, and they'd planned for her to lead things off.

"For our report, we picked Lady Chatterley's Lover, which was written by D.H. Lawrence and first published in 1928," Nora began, struggling to avoid bouncing too much as she spoke. "Although it has been made into a couple of films and TV shows, as is often the case, the novel differs in a number of important ways from its various adaptations."

Aaron took over at that point, reading from notecards and sounding kind of wooden and anxious, but doing tolerably well. Nora allowed herself to bounce a bit more while she pretended to pay attention to her partner, listening only for her cue to take the presentation back, and noticing the attention her unrestrained breasts garnered from the class. Her nipples felt even warmer and harder than before, and her pussy lips were getting swollen and slick in anticipation.

They switched back and forth several more times, each taking about a minute to deliver their remarks before trading again. The eyes of the other students were mostly glazed over, having endured more than an hour of similar talking already, and Nora could tell that none of them were learning anything. She tried not to grin as she imagined the wake-up call they were about to receive.

"And to conclude," said Aaron, "We considered showing a clip from the more recent movie, but have decided instead to do the scene ourselves." He busied himself setting up his phone on a speaker, allowing it to play a pre-recorded reading of the passage in question, so that they could both concentrate on acting things out. A few people in their audience had perked up slightly, since this was at least a change of pace from the regular dry conclusions of the other reports.

Nora got herself into position, and in so doing happened to notice their teacher glancing nervously at one of the bookshelves. In a flash of insight, she realized their professor had probably set up a camera to record the presentations. On one level, that would hardly be shocking, since their reports counted substantially toward their grades for the class, and having a copy to review later was not an unreasonable precaution. But since he knew ahead of time that Nora was planning to strip down, he was setting things up to have a particularly nice memento of the day. She briefly considered calling him out on it, but decided that it was even more arousing to imagine what he'd probably be doing with the clip later.

As per their plan, Nora and Aaron began making out passionately, which finally succeeded in waking everyone up. People started whispering to their neighbors, and a few even catcalled and cheered at the display. "Those poor fools haven't seen anything yet!" she thought with glee.

At the appropriate moment in the reading, Nora held her arms out and Aaron quickly moved the straps of her dress off her shoulders. One small shimmy was all it took to make it puddle around her feet, exposing her pale, round rump to the class, whose collective gasps and moans acted like electricity on Nora's nerves, making her tingle from head to toe, but especially in her clit. She was breathing heavily and felt a thin thread of moisture slide down the inside of her thigh as she and Aaron kissed again, groping one another openly.

Just before the recorded passage ended, Aaron spun Nora around, just as she'd asked, and the class was treated to a full-frontal view of her turgid pink nipples and fiery red pubes. She made sure to keep her legs tightly clamped, remembering her promise to avoid straying too far toward pornographic display, although she desperately wanted to show off her dripping lips to the class. One of Aaron's hands cupped and lifted her breast, almost as if offering it to the class, while the other traced a line of heat down her side and across her belly, coming to rest with the fingers just teasing the edge of her bush.

Nora grinded her ass against Aaron's erection and moaned, shocked to discover that she'd driven herself to an orgasm merely from her shameless display. She tried her best to make her climax seem staged, adding a little extra theatricality to her natural groaning, and had a sneaking suspicion that their classmates would be debating for a long time whether or not she'd really cummed in front of them.

The bell rang for the end of the period just as Nora was regaining control of herself, but for a change, no one seemed to be in a hurry to leave the room. Aaron picked up her dress and draped it in front of her, quipping, "Class is dismissed," as he did so.

A few people laughed incredulously, but it wasn't until the professor started reminding them about their upcoming final and urging them out the door that anyone made any real effort to gather their things and leave. In the aftermath of her orgasm, Nora felt slightly embarrassed to be standing nude in class, and being shielded by her dress rather than wearing it seemed particularly obscene, but all the more arousing because of it. As people started filing out, Aaron moved in front of her to give her a tiny bit of privacy while she slid her dress over her head.

Nora and Aaron were the last two people to leave, and the professor took a moment to congratulate them before they walked out the door. "Very good job, you two," he said, looking pale and clammy. "Definitely an A for originality."

"Thanks!" said Nora brightly as Aaron nodded his head in recognition of the praise. "I'm sure you'll enjoy reviewing our work for years to come!" she said with a naughty wink, watching their teacher's skin get blotchy with embarrassment. She took Aaron by the hand and walked out of the classroom, only to discover most of their classmates milling around nearby, clearly wanting to ask questions about what they'd just seen. She and Aaron did their best to politely demur from answering anything as they tried to navigate their way out of the crowd.

Once they were safely in another hallway and not being openly followed, Nora tugged on Aaron's arm and said, "Hurry! We need to find someplace kind of private for you to fuck me! God, I don't think I've ever needed a dick more in my life!"

The two young lovers eventually located an empty classroom and ducked into it, annoyed to see that they'd need a key to lock it even from the inside. Their attention was grabbed by a large cabinet that stood in the corner of the room, out of view of the door. Nora quickly discovered that it was both reasonably roomy and nearly empty, and she exclaimed, "This will have to do!"

Aaron nodded and hurriedly closed the blinds on the windows while Nora stripped and hopped inside, frigging herself in anticipation. When her boyfriend finally joined her she dropped to her knees, cushioned slightly by her discarded dress, and fumbled to open his fly. Succeeding at freeing his dick, Nora engulfed it, trying to swallow as much as she could in one go. Despite gagging a bit, she was soon taking most of his length in her mouth, moaning and humming as she did so, which she was pleased to see made Aaron's knees wobble. She desperately needed it inside her, however, so she ended the blowjob after only a minute or so, much to his disappointment.

"Fuck me hard, Aaron!" Nora hissed quietly as she stood up and turned around, bracing herself against the wall of the cabinet. The differences in their height made the angle of approach awkward, and after a few aborted attempts at crouching, Aaron simply picked her up by the hips until he could slide home inside her. The redhead bit her arm to keep from crying out loud at the pleasure of the penetration. Although the cramped confines and the fact that Nora's feet were dangling off the floor meant they couldn't fuck especially fast, the assistance of gravity made their love-making particularly intense, and Aaron's member seemed to plumb new depths within her.

The build-up of their lust, coupled with the risk of discovery, meant that neither teen could long resist the onset of their orgasms. Aaron started cumming first, nearly bruising Nora's hips as he held her tightly to his groin. The feel of his wet heat spreading within her, coupled with his mumbled words of love, set Nora off, and she bit her arm so hard she was sure there would be teeth marks on it for days. Soon afterward, Aaron maneuvered them so that her back was against the wall and her legs wrapped around his hips, all without removing himself from her vaginal embrace. They kissed tenderly while they recovered their breath and their wits.

"I'm gonna have to see if I can find one of the girls," Nora giggled mischievously. "They'll be mad if they find out we made a creampie and didn't offer to share!"

Wednesday Morning

Word of Nora's exposure spread through the community college like wildfire, and gossip about her presumed relationship with Aaron caused quite a lot of disbelief and incredulity to be expressed, both in the hallways and on social media. People who had not been believed when they claimed to have seen Nora streaking at the lake with some other students found themselves suddenly much more credible. No one seemed to guess the full truth yet, though, which meant that the next couple of days would likely only fan the flames of the rumor mill. Tamasree and her lovers were quite enjoying the stir that they had caused, and Tuesday night had been one of frustration for all of them, as they were unable to meet up after school to relieve their lusts.

Tama and Aaron had worked carefully on selecting at least marginally tasteful nudes for their presentation. Neither expected any of the paintings or other older examples of vaginal artistry to cause much of a stir, but they knew that the part where they transitioned to photos and videos might be pushing the lines a little bit. Still, they had avoided anything too graphically sexual, so the whole thing felt fairly defensible. As Tamasree sat at her desk before school on Wednesday, playing with herself while she reviewed their slideshow, she acted on a wicked impulse.

"It'll be a great surprise," she tried to convince herself as she made a change to the end of the file, adding a new photograph to the conclusion. "I may not be able to out-do Nora, but I'm at least going to try!" Resolved, she saved her amended file to their online folder and hurriedly brought herself to a small and quiet climax, hoping that it would help her concentrate. Unfortunately, all it seemed to do was whet her appetite for more, and as she waited for the bus to campus, she was flushed and fidgety, barely able to keep her mind from straying to pornographic fantasies.

Wednesday Afternoon

It seemed like the staff at the college were not isolated from the flying rumors, as their professor gave Tamasree and Aaron a knowing look when she read the order of presentations and announced that theirs would again be last. She knew that they were chronicling the depiction of the female form through history, but plainly expected things to get spicy after what happened with Aaron the day before. Tama giggled a little, knowing that the whole scene had been much more Nora's idea than his, but she supposed having a reputation as a pervert meant that he was likely to be held responsible for their report as well.

After an interminable procession of dull slideshows put nearly everyone into a fugue state, it was finally their turn. Tamasree felt butterflies in her stomach, which was not at all unusual for her whenever she had to speak in public. Her nerves were so much stronger than normal, knowing how things would end, that she reclassified her gut fauna as bats. Aaron had agreed to start them off, although he wasn't much more comfortable in front of a crowd than she was, yesterday's experience notwithstanding.

As they traded off each time their slides transitioned between Eastern and Western art, Tama noticed that people's attention was a little more focused the longer they spoke, which was similar to what she'd heard had happened in the other class. A few students even appeared to be very alert, and she wondered if they were expecting something salacious to happen again. "Well, I'd hate to disappoint them!" Tamasree thought, giggling quietly as Aaron started talking about the early days of nude photography.

The class was definitely fully attuned to the slideshow by the time they had reached the dawn of the pornographic video industry, and Tama knew that her words were practically gushing as she lovingly described the aesthetic merits of the various vaginas they'd carefully selected, repeating some of the thoughts and feelings about their beauty and philosophical importance that she'd previously confided to Aaron. As they got closer and closer to the end, her breathing became ragged and she felt feverish. Tamasree was thankful that her conservative and traditional attire concealed her very hard nipples, although she couldn't do anything to hide the slight bouncing of her hips.

As Aaron wrapped up the original ending of their report, he clicked over to what he thought was the closing slide and abruptly stopped talking, surprised to see a close-up of what he clearly recognized was Tamasree's vagina on the screen, glistening with arousal and framed by her soft, thick pubic curls. Tama quickly took over and made a few rehearsed remarks about how standards of beauty varied by culture and over time even within cultures, trying to identify each person in the audience who was staring at the picture of her sex, albeit unknowingly, and expressing distaste or disgust on their faces. After a couple of muttered snide remarks, including one very vulgar description, she advanced to the final slide.

The class gasped in unison as the image zoomed out to show Tama reclining on Aaron's bed, quite obviously the owner of the pussy they'd just been discussing. Tamasree's knees wobbled as she found herself climaxing at the shocked looks on their faces. Struggling to stay standing and keep her voice level, she remarked, "So, let that be a final reminder that beauty is not truly in the eye of the beholder. It exists intrinsically and independently of our ability to perceive it. Our aesthetic sensitivities can enable us to recognize it sometimes, but we should be mindful that others are seeing things through a different lens, and what they're seeing is no less beautiful than what we're prepared to admire, even if we don't quite understand the appeal. Thank you!"