Reymundo's Hat Trick


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"Sophie, something happened at the gig the other night, and you're the only one I can tell about it. I'm not sure how you're gonna take it, though."

"Oh, so you screwed a bimbo? Is that it?"

"No, no. I didn't screw anybody."

"You gonna make me drag it out of you? Just tell me, if you wanna tell me."

"I don't hardly know how to." He paused and then began again. "I've told you about my mom and dad, right?"

"Yeah, the doormat and the asshole."

"Right, well the doormat came to my gig the other night, out of the blue. Asshole was out of town on business, or maybe fucking around. You know I hardly see them anymore, although I try to call mom every week or two. I talked to her a bit, using my best Reymundo, hat and all, and when it came time for me to dance, I picked her and did the whole routine. I thought she'd get a kick out of it and the little chippies would get huffy, which would have been fun. But when I kissed her, she really kissed back, and she didn't act like she was kidding."


"Yeah, and before she left, she asked me to drop by on Sunday. She didn't think dad would be back very early, and so I told her I'd be there around 4. So, when I got there, I went in as Reymundo, and she was dressed very casually in shorts and a tee-shirt, and she said she wanted to dance again. I was like, 'Huh?' you know? What the hell?"

"So, did you dance with her?"

"Yeah, and it was the craziest thing. She had a CD all ready to go, and she was holding on like really tight, and when the song was over, she acted like she expected a kiss, and when I kissed her, she wasn't stopping, and before I knew it, we're standing there making out."

"How long did that go on?"

"Just a few minutes. And then we heard dad's car pull in, which was unexpected, and I pulled away and she headed for the bathroom, and I hit the front door. I was just walking out when dad came in from the garage and gave me a few parting shots as I left. You know, 'What the hell are you doing here? Begging for money? When are you getting a real job?' and so forth."

"Baby, what did she say to you?"

"Nothing much, really. She did say, 'I just don't know what to do' a few times. I don't know if that meant she didn't know what to do about dad, or maybe if she should go check into a mental hospital or something."

Sophia was silent for a couple of minutes. Then she began again.

"Ray, I've told you some things about me, sexual things, just so you would know me better, and I thought some of them might turn you on. But there's one story I haven't told you, and now would be a good time. I had an uncle, my mom's brother, who was always close to our family. He was a pretty amazing guy. He'd been all over the world and stuff. Well, I promised myself that when I got old enough, I would seduce him, and I did. We carried on for a couple of years when I first got out of school. It was great, but we had a couple of close calls, and I didn't want him or me to be ruined with the rest of the family, so we stopped. But to this day, I remember those times as some of the best. So, I have a little bit of experience with this stuff. It may not be exactly the same, but it's pretty clear what's happening. For whatever reason, your mom wants you in her bed. She's not the kind of woman who would take responsibility for stuff she does, is she?"

"No way. I think she married dad so she'd never have to make a decision on her own."

"Well, I think what she was telling you was, 'I wanna do it, but I want you to tell me to do it'."

"That kinda makes sense. She was asking me to tell her what to do. I'll bet the Reymundo thing fits in with that, too. I never used to be confident at all, and now she sees my new act and believes it. I thought she'd see through it just like you did."

"She WANTS to believe it. She's probably sick of being your dad's doormat and wants to be yours for a while. So, what are you gonna do about it?"

"Sophie, I got you, and I don't wanna mess that up, not even for this weird thing."

"But, if it weren't for me, you'd do it?"

"I gotta say, I'd jump at it. How many guys ever get to bed their mother?"

"Not many." Sophia paused again. "Ray, you gotta go for it. I'll make this one exception for you. I couldn't take that away from you. But if some movie star ever comes on to you, you have to say, 'No'."

Ray laughed. Then he held her closer and kissed her deeply, in appreciation. "Sophie, can you help me with this? Is that too weird a thing for me to ask?"

"Oh, I can help you, alright. Between the two of us, we'll have her eating out of your hand. Or out of your lap!"

"You mean, between the three of us, counting Reymundo!"

The next day, Ray called his mom and told her to come to his apartment on Saturday. He knew his dad always played golf or did some other stupid shit on Saturdays, and the last thing his dad would ever suspect was for mom to go sneaking around. When he called her, he made sure that his tone was very imperative and didn't leave much room for her to say no.

Ray had his place cleaned up, his coolest clothes on, and his hat in place when his mom arrived. He met her at the door, ushered her in, and gave her a very deliberate and deep kiss.

"Oh, Raymond, I, I just don't know what to do..."

"I'm gonna tell you what to do," Ray said, and his mother's face brightened. "You will be fine, but you have to do exactly as I say. Do you understand?"

She sniffed and nodded.

"I have to be sure that you will mind me, or else things will not go well. So, I'm gonna give you a test. Just follow my instructions." And with that, Ray pull back from his mother, took a couple of steps back, and sat down in a chair opposite the couch.

"Unbutton your blouse, Donna." Ray had never called her anything but "Mom" before. Without hesitation, Donna complied.

"Now, turn around and take your blouse off." Again, no hesitation. "Donna, unzip your skirt and let it fall." Ray's mom was now turned away from him, facing the couch in her underwear and bra.

Ray struggled to keep the confident tone in his voice, and the nervousness out. "I want you to remove your bra. Now, Donna." She did as commanded. Ray detected her shiver from across the room, though it was rather warm in the apartment. Donna's legs moved nervously.

When his mom had turned away from him, Ray had begun stripping off his own clothes.

"Okay, good. Now pull your panties all the way down your legs, slowly, and step out of them." Ray's cock, now in his hand, lurched at the sight of his mother's ass and cunt as she leaned forward to remove her panties. Ray smiled a little at how well this was going, and he mentally thanked Sophia for all the training that kept his cock under control.

The next step was a big one, and it was critical to get it right. Would she freak out at the sight of him naked? Ray stood and dropped his cock.

"Donna turn around and look at me." As she turned, Ray took the short steps toward her and embraced her, their fully naked bodies pressing as close as his stiff cock would allow. They kissed, and Ray's right hand went to her ass, kneading firmly. Donna was moaning deep in her throat and apparently lost in the moment. After a bit, Ray pushed back from her to arm's length and said, "Donna, sit on the edge of the couch."

Donna sat as directed. She was really his. There had not been the slightest hesitation. As Ray took in her body, his cock bobbing, he fought the urge to skip the rest of Sophia's plan and just plunge his cock into her. But his training paid off.

"Give me your hand." He placed her hand on his cock. "Now, take me into your mouth." Ray's mom knew just what to do. After all, her husband had taught her to suck cock years ago. However, as Ray played with her soft brown hair, he kept a tight control on his passion. When Donna tried to move too fast for him, Ray made her slow down. After a few minutes, he made her stop altogether.

"Donna, lean back and raise your knees to your breasts." Ray knelt in front of the couch, put his hands on the backs of his mother's thighs, and began to eat her. Teasingly, slowly, Ray ate. Donna seemed confused. Obviously, she had not expected this. Soon, though, she was moaning again and moving her hands to Ray's head.

"Oh, Raymond! Oh, I've never felt like this before. My god, where did you learn... Oh...Ray..."

Although Ray did his best to stretch things out, his mother was coming in a few short minutes. She seemed to have so much pent-up passion, and it spilled out, along with her own juices. Mom wasn't a quiet comer, nor was she passive. Her hands flailed the couch and pulled Ray's hair, and her legs pumped in the air.

The dutiful son Raymond continued to lick his mother's cunt until she melted on the couch. When Ray stood again, he knew he was playing for all the marbles. He took her hands and gently pulled her up off the couch, holding her face and staring into her eyes.

"Listen to me, Donna. I'm going to fuck you now. You know that, don't you?"

She nodded.

"Go to the bedroom and lie down on my bed. Spread your legs and play with yourself. I'll be there in just a minute. I want you wet and ready when I get there."

His mother was very wet already, but she shuffled down the hall into his bedroom and did as he asked. As soon as she got to the bedroom, Ray speed dialed Sophia.

"It's done. She's waiting for me in the bedroom. It went just as planned. Keep your eyes on that computer screen. Sophie, I love you."

So, Sophia was the unseen guest as Ray fucked his mother for the first time, thanks to Ray's web cam. It was all prepared, and there was nothing for him to do but climb on the bed, kiss Donna's face, lips, and tits, and then ease his cock up inside her. Donna gave herself fully, responding to a rhythm as old as time. Ray was in command of her, which was what she wanted and needed. He was so much more satisfying than her husband had ever been. When she came that first time with her son in her cunt, she felt him flood her with cream, and she felt complete as a woman. And on the other end of the web cam, Sophia came, too.

The weeks that followed were a joyous time for Raymond. As Ray, he learned amazing things about sex and closeness with a woman he now loved. As Reymundo, he taught those same things to another woman, one he also loved but in an entirely different way. Could life ever get any better?

Well, maybe.

Once again, Ray and Sophia were in her room in the valley of South Texas, post coitus. And again, Ray had something to talk to her about.

"Honey, would you like to meet my mom sometime?"

"I was wondering when you'd get around to this." As always, Sophia could read him like the morning newspaper.

"Sophie, I know you've had lots of sexual experience. Doing it with your uncle, and even a couple of experiments with other women. Have you ever done a threesome?"

"Just once," she said coyly.

"Did you like it?"

"You want us both to fuck your mother. Well, I can't deny it, I've thought about it, too. Do you think she'd go for it?"

"She hasn't balked so far. She has a birthday coming up next weekend, and dad's away again. I think I could get her to see it as a present."

"You little mother fucker. Having both of us is not enough for you. Now you want both of us at the same time. Don't you have any morals?" she teased.

"Not so as you'd notice."

So it was that Sophia and Ray began planning a tryst with Donna. On the appointed evening, Donna appeared at Ray's apartment door. Sophia watched her go in and then made her way to the door."

Ray held his mother in his arms. "Donna, I have something special planned for your birthday. I think it's shitty that Dad has ignored it, and you."

"Raymond, you give me so much already. You don't need to spoil me."

"This is a very special gift, Donna. It's something you'll never forget." He held her closer and kissed her. Ray studied her face and saw nothing but complete surrender there.

"I have someone for you to meet, baby."

With that, Ray turned and opened the door, took Sophia by the hand, brought her inside and kissed her warmly. She was wearing a sleeveless black dress with a plunging neckline that fit her tightly down to just above her knees. Her black bra pushed up a perfect cleavage in which nestled a small gold cross.

Ray saw the questioning look in Donna's eyes as he presented his lover. "Donna, meet Sophia, my best friend." Sophia moved to Donna, embraced her, and kissed her cheek. "Hi, Donna. I'm so happy to meet you."

"Are we going somewhere, Raymond?" his mother asked.

"No, dear. We're not. Sophie is here to show you some things. New things. In the bedroom."

Sophia smiled and walked down the hall to Ray's bedroom. Ray took his mother's arm and ushered her down the hall. Ray's girlfriend was sitting in a chair opposite the foot of the bed when they came in. Donna looked nervous as Ray positioned her beside the bed and began to remove her red blouse. Her eyes held questions as he reached around her and unhooked her matching bra, sliding it off her arms and dropping it on the floor. Donna glanced at Sophia and she smiled back, nodding her head in encouragement, her long dark hair shimmering.

"Raymond, I don't know..." Donna whispered.

"Shhh, baby. This is all for you. Just do what I say and enjoy the show."

Ray had his mom's skirt unbuttoned and down to the floor, along with her panties, in a flash. He spoke to her as he removed his own clothes, holding her eyes with his to stifle any protest. When they were both naked, he sat her on the bed and positioned himself sitting at the headboard. Then he guided his mom so that she lay between his legs with her back against his chest, facing Sophia. Ray began to fondle his mother's breasts.

"Donna, watch me," said Sophia, still smiling reassuringly.

Sophia wriggled her tight skirt up to her waist, revealing a black garter belt. She leaned back and placed both feet on the bed, spread wide, exposing her stocking-clad legs all the way to her upper thighs. Donna gasped as she saw that the other woman wore no underwear.

Ray whispered into his mother's ear. "Sophie is an expert at sex. She's going to masturbate for you now."

Donna's breath caught in her throat. "Ohhh..."

As Donna and Ray watched in the dimming room, Sophia shook her beautiful long hair, brought her fingers to her mouth to wet them, and began a slow circular rub centered on her clitoris. Her inner lips engorging, she dipped her fingers into her pussy and lifted them to her nose, then stuck out her tongue, and dragged her fingers over it. She returned again to her clitoral ministrations.

Ray whispered once more. "Do what she's doing," and Donna began to finger herself. She seemed fully engaged now, and she held up two fingers for Ray to lick, her scent proving her willingness.

Ray had to re-position his cock as it hardened like concrete, and now it was running along Donna's spine. Thoughtfully, she reached back with her left hand and caressed his balls. On the chair, Sophia worked her sacred place with religious fervor, and Donna mirrored her actions on the bed. Sophia seemed tuned in to Donna's level of arousal, and she nodded discretely to Ray, signaling that the time was right to move on.

"Donna, stop masturbating now. Scoot down the bed, baby," commanded Ray.

Knowing something even better was on its way, Donna scuttled away from her son. He followed her until he was able to lie flat on the bed, and he pulled her shoulders back so she was lying on his chest. Meanwhile, Sophia had stripped and made her way up the bed to Donna's cunt. Ray's best friend began licking Ray's mother in her most private part.

Donna was pretty far gone at this point, and Sophia could smell her frenzy, so she took a break from cunt licking and began to tend to her neglected friend's penis. With her expertise in oral love, Sophia could play this mother and son team like twin fiddles. Donna could feel Sophia's hair flowing over their loins and she looked down to see the dark woman bobbing her head on Ray's cock.

When Sophia judged that the time was right, she inserted Ray's cock into his mother's pussy and went back to slowly masturbating Donna with her tongue. Donna was almost out of control, her breasts caressed and massaged by her son, whose dick rode steadily into and out of her cunt, while the pretty Chicana bathed her clit in kisses. It couldn't last long now, and it didn't.

Donna erupted, her normally noisy climax reaching new heights. Her son and his friend plodded along at a maddening rate right up until she reached her pinnacle, when they gratefully increased their speed and pressure to propel her completely over the top and into new climactic territory.

Donna was nearly passed out when Ray eased her over onto her side and removed his hard dick. Sophia moved beside him, and he turned to her, nuzzling her neck and thanking her for all she had done. She tugged on his cock, encouraging him to mount and enter her. They fucked slowly, kissing and fondling each other with Ray's mom a foot away. At last, she came out of her stupor and turned toward them, avidly interested in watching her son make love to his friend, her new friend. Sophia and Ray turned their heads to Donna and gathered her to them, each with an arm around her. They traded kisses while Sophia and Ray fucked, Donna's hands feeling her son's ass, her new friend's tits, and around Ray's ass to the place where they were joined. After long minutes, all of them sharing this intimacy, Ray and Sophia came, much to Donna's delight. Ray rolled off and lay between the two women, his favorite women in the world, and they found a triple spoon position where they slept until the middle of the night.

Ray awoke, horny. Sophia was behind him, breathing softly, and his mother was in front, her ample ass pressed against his swelling cock. One thing was left to do.

"Sophie, are you awake?"


"Will you get the stuff for me?"

"Sure, baby. It's here on the nightstand already. Why don't you wake your mom up like a nice boy?"

Ray lifted his mother's hair and began kissing her neck and shoulders, working his way to her right ear. His hand roamed lightly over her breasts.

"Momma," he whispered, though he usually called her Donna these days. "We have something else for you."

"What, more? I can't believe there could be more!"

Sophia had gotten up and gone to the bathroom, bringing back a warm wet washcloth and a bowl of warm water. She began giving Donna a bed bath, waking and relaxing her at the same time. When Sophia was through with Donna's face, breasts, arms, stomach, and crotch, they turned her over and scrubbed her back and down to her ass. Donna raised her hips to allow a pillow to be placed under her. Ray took over the duties here and carefully washed her crevice and asshole. Donna was enjoying the attention, completely relaxed in their presence.

Then Ray began kissing his mother's ass while his girlfriend lay next to her and covered the side of her face with kisses. Ray worked his tongue along his mother's crack and into the wrinkled opening. Donna was almost ticklish there and had to concentrate on not squirming and laughing. Then Ray lay on the other side of his mom and Sophia took his place. Taking the lube from the nightstand, she spread a glob on Donna's pucker and began working her index finger into her boyfriend's mom's asshole.

"Hey, that's getting a little personal, don't you think?" said Donna.

"We're all friends here now, Donna. Just relax. Ray, why don't you play with Donna's pussy a bit?"

Ray moved his right hand under his mom and felt his way to her warm cunt. With his other hand, he played with the hair at her neck and massaged her back. Soon, the dual play of pussy and asshole had Donna warm and wet.