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These thoughts left her hot and uneasy, yet she found herself fidgeting in her seat, her legs squeezed together around a hand, which she kept finding against her stinging sex. She tried to blank the visions from her mind but they tormented her, shaking her yet arousing more than she could imagine. Again she found her fingers inside her pants, rubbing her clit, until another imagined scream or smell or taste or sting woke her violently from her fantasy and spoiled her moment.

Anira folded her hands in her lap as she read through a Lev-mail; one of her new associates had congratulated her on her swift relocation and her disposal of her slave. It stated that a new one would be provided – a slave that would conform to her original specification from when she had first become part of the ring. The mail gave her an address several kilometres away from the city and explained that she should travel there to collect her new servant. As per the usual rules her associates would not be there in person but the slave had already been paid for and she only needed to exchange the mail as confirmation.

Not wishing to draw any more suspicion, Anira quickly took a hardcopy of the mail and set off to collect her slave, uncertain what the ‘specification’ would be or what she should do with her servant.


Anira stepped around the small room, staring intently at the girl before her. She was pretty, Anira decided, in a girlish way; straight brown hair curved around her creamy cheeks and down her shoulder blades, framing her small lips and her big brown eyes gazing inquisitively out past her small nose. In fact those inquisitive eyes seemed at times like they were drawing her in when her own eyes wanted to look elsewhere, down her milky chest and over the fine orbs that stood firmly in front of her. As Anira stepped around the girl she found her eyes drawn to the concave curve that led out from her back across her perky buttocks, gently arcing back to slide down her slender legs to the ground.

She was shivering slightly, Anira noticed, although it was not cold in the room. Anira felt herself smiling suddenly; she so wanted to reach out and take the girl into her arms and comfort her, connect with her inquisitive innocence and reassure her not to be afraid.

Anira realised after some time that the slave-master was trying to get her attention by shifting on his feet and clearing his throat. She smiled over to where he stood, nodding her approval.

“You’re, ah, pleased, Ms. McLeine?” He spoke nervously, as if afraid she would reject the girl standing before her.

“Yes, I am.” Anira replied, stepping towards the man. “I’ll take her.”

The slave-master seemed to deflate as he let out a bated breath, quickly turning his reaction into a pleased smile and reaching out to her with his right hand. “Good, good,” he said as he quickly turned back to the junior slaver at his side. “The papers, Ryan, the papers?”

He eagerly snatched a hardcopy document from his fumbling assistant and unfolded it before Anira, explaining that it was a necessity that kept the operation ‘legal’ in the mind of the local authorities. She took it in her outstretched hand, quickly scanning the page. It had some brief details about her new slave, whose official name was revealed as Connie Holson, as well as a holograph of her face and a hotline Lev-address in case there were any complications.

Anira folded the paper, slipping it into her inside pocket before turning back to the slave to dress her in her white tunic. Gently she took her hand and led her outside to her sports car, her mind calm and clear as she helped her girl into the passenger seat and sat her down.


Anira let out one final moan of pleasure, before relaxing back onto her bed, breathless and tired but satisfied, and deeply calm. At last she had found her release, the shores of that beach of ecstasy that she had been searching for all day.

Images of her girl still played across her mind, acting out the fantasy that she had created to enable her to escape the memories of her old mistress. Images of Connie laughing and smiling at her as they caressed and held each other, kissed one another, petted one another, played with one another.

She felt a bubble of excitement run through her again as in her mind she touched Connie’s nipple with her tongue, delighting in its soft texture, feeling it grow between her lips as she gently nibbled at it. Her hands wandered up and down her sides as she imagined Connie’s enchanting moan, as filled with sweetness and innocence as it was lustful pleasure.

Realising that she was too physically tired to return her body to her mind’s fantasy, Anira slowly crossed her arms and let her mind wander to consider her future. She had been wondering whether she should release Connie or take her to a refuge; she quickly realised that she couldn’t, for the same reasons that she hadn’t run when she had first overpowered her old mistress. This brought a smile to her face as she calculated that she would have Connie around for some time; the girl who had given her a fantasy, a crush of sorts, something to latch onto to escape the nightmare of her memories.

Anira conceded that Connie needed her as much as she needed Connie; and Connie seemed happy, always smiling as she went about her work, not miserable or despondent as some slaves might be. She sincerely doubted that Connie felt any attraction to her like she did to Connie, but for now she was happy to dream, and fantasise.

‘Hmm, fantasise,’ Anira thought to herself. ‘Now there’s an idea…’ Suddenly her arms no longer felt so tired.


Anira stalked around her room, angry and frustrated again. It had been four days since Connie had arrived, and already she felt herself falling deep under her spell of innocence. She had been fantasising about her nightly, unable to keep her hands from wandering when she imagined their lips meeting, unable to hold back her body’s urge as she imagined massaging Connie’s back or stroking her buttocks, or laying her down on the bed to make love to her.

But every morning when she awoke the fantasy returned to taunt her, mocking her as she unlocked Connie’s door and smiled at her, trying to hide her lust. Every morning as Connie stepped past her to start work she would smile back, her big brown eyes narrowing slightly as her mouth widened.

Every morning Anira wondered whether the smile was at all suggestive, and every morning she chided herself for such ridiculous thoughts; here was most likely an ordinary straight girl making the best of an enforced situation. But her feelings grew stronger by the day, and Anira found herself becoming increasingly upset that she would never be able to hold Connie to her the way she dreamed.

Later on that fourth day, Connie retired to the bathroom while Anira was in her study, arranging another transfer of funds. After a while Connie did not return and Anira began to wonder what was taking her so long.

She popped up the house security on her console and glanced at the bathroom camera: Connie was sat on the toilet, looking breathless and a little faint. At first she thought Connie must be ill, then she noticed the rhythmic rocking of her back, and the angle of her wrist between her legs, and realised that she was masturbating.

A wave of lust overtook Anira as she stared open-mouthed at her slave on the screen, taunted and tortured by her sweet, exposed body as it arched and twisted before her, Connie’s mind away in some dreamland that probably (hurtfully) did not include her. Anira quickly stood up, angry that her girl should have such pleasure when she herself was denied the very thing she desired by the cruelties of human attraction.

Stalking heavily up the stairs, Anira marched into the bathroom, startling Connie, who was red-faced and breathless, clearly on the verge of orgasm. Anira firmly grasped her hands, yanking them away from her body and holding them above her head, violently snapping out chastising words.

Connie yelped in fright and embarrassment, her face turning a vivid red as she turned her head away from Anira, obviously ashamed at being caught pleasing herself, and possibly fearful that she would face some punishment for her behaviour. She began to cry as Anira stopped shouting, taking a few moments to regain her composure.

“I’m sorry, Slave, I didn’t mean to shout.” Anira said, uncertain what she should do next. She felt genuinely sorry that she had taken out her frustrations on the only person she truly cared for, yet she felt so aroused at what she had seen that she had little control over rational thought. “There are just rules that you must not break. Go to your room.”

She let go of Connie, who stood up ashamedly, not turning to face her mistress as she pulled up her light trousers and padded out of the bathroom. Anira felt her hands shaking with lust as she turned to follow her girl, feeling suddenly aware how aroused she was. A thousand erotic thoughts crossed her mind as she stepped down the stairs to the storage cupboard, her breath short as she rooted through its contents to find what she was looking for.

Connie stood in the corner of the room, still red-faced and hot with embarrassment as she stared at the floor. She jumped as the door slid open and Anira stepped in slowly, carrying a small plastic bag. “Undress.” Anira ordered calmly, immediately noticing the shame on her girl’s face as she lifted her T-shirt over her head.

Her milky breasts popped free as the T-shirt stretched up over her head, her nipples more proud than Anira had expected, given the day’s full heat, and the shame that obviously burned through her girl’s veins. Anira felt her chest fill to bursting as she gazed upon her girl’s body and noticed how it reflected her mind, so innocent and unadulterated, a vision of pure divinity that seemed to radiate innocence into her own degraded heart. She felt the great contrast in the room, a vision of light amongst the darkness of the room and her mind, and wanted only to keep that innocence protected, from her and from itself.

Connie unfastened her jeans and pushed them to the floor, bending awkwardly in a vain attempt maintain her dignity in front of her mistress. Anira’s eyes followed Connie’s hands as they moved towards the floor, unveiling her curvaceous creamy thighs, unnaturally white like her own in the slow fade of the long Bliss summer. Aware that it was possible to tan and even burn even in the depth of a Blissian winter, Anira decided that her girl should be kept indoors as much as possible, to preserve that creamy hue like she would preserve her innocence.

“Now lie on the bed.” Anira spoke softly, trying to hide the tremble in her voice. Connie obeyed, visibly afraid as she stepped awkwardly onto the mattress while trying to keep her legs together and her forearms across her pubic region.

Anira took each of Connie’s wrists and fastened around them the small cuffs that she herself had worn when she had been Rhiana, or Slave. The slender straps tightened perfectly around her small wrists and locked precisely with the tiny key. Anira then lifted Connie’s limp arms above her head and clipped the cuffs onto the two rings on the bedposts.

A tear left Connie’s eye as the clips snapped shut; Anira bent over to wipe the tear gently away, whispering soothing sounds into her ear. “Ssh, my girl, don’t be afraid.” She left Connie’s head to travel down her body, tracing her fingers lightly down her milky white chest and stomach, across her hips and down her legs to her ankles. There she fastened the ankle cuffs to her girl, then clipped them to the posts at the foot of the bed.

Connie began to sob when she realised she was completely tied, her eyes clenched shut in fear and her mouth a thin line of quivering anxiety. Anira bent over her face again, gently kissing her brow as she whispered more soothing sounds to her. “Ssh, I only wish to protect you from harm.”

Anira stood up straight and gazed down at her girl, spread before her on the small bed. Her heart ached when she saw the fear in Connie’s face, but she felt her lustful urges overtake her and push her onwards. She felt her right hand reach out for Connie’s chest, feeling the warmth of her skin where her fingers touched on her breastbone.

She placed her palm flat on Connie’s chest, feeling her heartbeat transmitted into her arm. Her fingers curled outwards to touch Connie’s breasts as she began to move her hand around the girl’s torso. She smoothed a slow circuit around her body, up and down and round and round her stomach, gently touching the undersides of her breasts as she passed.

Connie seemed comforted by her gentle motions, and fairly soon stopped sobbing, although her breath was still shallow, and wavering slightly as she shook with fear. Anira knelt down on the floor so that her mouth was next to Connie’s face, and whispered gently into her ear.

“My sweet girl, don’t be afraid. You belong to Mistress now, let Mistress protect you. Let Mistress keep you the angel you are.” She kissed Connie gently on the cheek, almost feeling her girl’s fear ebbing away in her own heart.

Her hand kept its smoothing circular motion, gradually creeping upwards now to Connie’s breasts, running gently over them, lightly touching her nipples between her fingers as she passed. Gradually they began to rise from their mounds, pushing upwards with arousal that showed through Connie’s gently quickening breath.

Anira bent forwards to lick the tip of Connie’s nearest nipple, teasing it gently with her tongue as her fingers found her other peak and began to roll and tweak it slowly. Connie’s breath became a shallow pant as Anira took her nipple into her mouth, suckling like a child and pampering it with her tongue.

Her right hand began to descend down Connie’s stomach as her left cradled her head, gently stroking her straight hair and brushing against her cheeks. She felt her heart leap when Connie turned her head so that her cheek was in her hand, nuzzling it and snuggling against her. Connie’s mouth dropped open and a tiny gasp left it as Anira’s right hand brushed down her inner thigh, her fingers so close but not touching her moist lips.

Anira gripped and massaged Connie’s inner thigh, pulling and gently pinching her muscular flesh that was still slightly moist from her earlier playfulness in the bathroom. When Anira herself could bare the tension no more she let her fingers brush against Connie’s outer lips, surprised to feel how moist they already were.

With renewed vigour she sucked on her girl’s nipple while her fingers rode up and down her moist opening, gently pushing further between her lips with each stroke. Eventually she had two fingers very slightly inside her girl, barely past the first knuckle; Connie responded with deep gasps and a rhythmic rocking of her hips while she nuzzled her cheek into Anira’s hand.

Anira let her moist fingers drift playfully up Connie’s lips to her nub, feeling its arousal through her fingertips like electricity. She stroked it gently, judging the effect it was having on her girl by the changes in her gasps and the force of her cheek in her hand. Connie began to let out quiet squeals as Anira drew delicate circles around and on her clit, stroking her fingers over it and around it, covering all of its surface then revealing it, then covering it again with a different stroke.

Connie’s squeals become higher, louder and longer as Anira kept up her playful strokes, dipping slightly into Connie’s wet lips for a few moments before returning to moisten her clit. Sounds of pleasure became sounds of torture from Connie’s mouth as Anira judged her feelings; from the open-mouthed, shut-eyed, tormented look on her face she was desperately seeking a release but unable to find it through Anira’s unhurried, agonisingly slow attentions.

Anira lifted her mouth from Connie’s nipple and turned to look at her face, feeling her heartbeat increase as she gazed upon her flushed cheeks and closed eyes. Her face was a vision of innocence and submission, showing she was completely unable to control the pleasures administered to her and accepting all she was receiving with gratitude.

Quickly Anira increased her rhythmic stroking of Connie’s nub, watching as her eyes clenched and her mouth opened further, letting out short, sharp squeals of delight. Connie’s mouth narrowed again when she slowed down, her eyes grimacing for a moment with what looked like a brief moment of intense frustration. Anira smiled, suddenly acutely aware of how much she wanted to preserve her girl’s innocence, yet still give her as much pleasure as possible.

Her hand began to dart quickly again over Connie’s clit, drawing more high squeals from the girl. Suddenly her head turned into it’s cradling hand, gently biting it as her eyes clenched harder than before. Anira immediately lifted her other hand from Connie’s sex, taking it to her own mouth to lick the sweet moisture from her fingers. Connie’s face became a vision of torment for a few moments as she struggled, her high-pitched screams becoming an elongated moan of denial as she relaxed her teeth on Anira’s hand.

Anira lifted her hand away from Connie’s face, smiling longingly at the small red bite-marks. Their bittersweet sting was blissfully painful, a reminder of the sweet agony she had administered to her girl. She leaned forward to kiss Connie on the forehead, before standing to fetch a pair of Flexilon underwear from the plastic bag.

“Now my sweet, these are your new panties.” She said as she pulled them up Connie’s legs; Connie had still not said a word, lying silent on the bed staring at the ceiling in submission. “They are to keep you from breaking the rules, to keep you pure. To keep you like the sweet angel you are.”

Anira smiled as the pants snapped tight, running her finger over Connie’s rigid sex-cage. At last Connie seemed to understand their purpose as she leant forwards to look at the unyielding material: her mouth dropped open as tears welled up behind her eyes and began to run down her cheeks in twin rivers of salt.


Anira held the key in her hand, suddenly anxious, as it would reveal that last of her old mistress’s secrets. From the kitchen came the sounds of Connie quietly preparing lunch; Anira became a little saddened when she thought of her sweet angel, for her smile now had a melancholy curve and her eyes betrayed a silent longing. Anira realised that there was little that could be done about it without impairing her total purity, and still her face made Anira’s heart jump every time she gazed upon it. Her melancholy smile seemed only to accent her innocence and made her the perfect balance for Anira’s violated desecrated soul.

A holo played before her although she wasn’t really paying attention to it. A series of commercials passed and a newscast appeared; she glanced up at it, somehow aware that she was simply delaying the inevitable. It was a report on a labourer’s uprising on Ascreus, a desolate mining colony in the far reaches of the colonised galaxy.

Ascreus was a dangerous place, but rich: rich in minerals, both on the surface and under the ground. The men who lived there were rich, for they were well paid for their danger. But they were not powerful men; they were merely workers who took a good wage. Working class men on high-class salaries, they were powerless to the system around them, the system that taxed them, policed them, controlled them almost like slaves.

A powerless man was a dangerous man; Anira remembered hearing that somewhere, or reading it. She couldn’t recall where: one of Rhiana’s past memories, maybe. Ascreus was full of powerless men, men who had wealth, but nowhere to spend it; a form of poverty enforced by the very system that gave them their wage. Where there was poverty there was inevitably unrest and bitterness, and this in turn would give rise over time to a leader figure who would promise to end the imbalance. On the newscast was one such figure who was leading an uprising, speaking out to the masses gathered before him, every sentence drawing huge cheer from the crowd.
