Rich Bitch Pt. 02


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"Absolutely not. You are a beautiful woman. Hard to think of you as ugly or fat."

"Well thank you but I was. As a result, I have had very little experience in sexual matters. What's more, you know my personality at work. It is not conducive to making friends. I have only two-real friends; Proctor and his wife. Proctor was the guy you are replacing."

"I met Proctor at the interview." While this was true, I now know they had known each other much longer.

"Anyway, I need a social outlet that I don't get at work and work events. That is what I need help with. I want to be your friend or maybe buddy."

"I don't understand. Friendships develop over time over common interests not by command."

"Quite right. I am still not communicating correctly. Oh, shoot, I really don't know what I am asking. As I said, I want some experiences I can't get by being friends. Well I am attracted to you and I was thinking that maybe I could convince you to take me on as a, ah. Oh shot, I don't know what to call it. Not a girlfriend. But a buddy, sort of. I don't want a commitment other than, oh shot, something."

"Back up a little. I don't understand what you mean by attracted to me. Attracted like how?"

I said, "Oh shoot. I guess I just have to tell you the truth. The minute I saw you my feminine parts went into overdrive. I have sexual thoughts about you almost all the time. And it is driving me a little crazy."

"Oh really. What kind of thoughts?"

"Do I have to tell you?"

"How do I know what you want until you tell me. Just tell me one of your thoughts." I know now that Ivan was playing with me. He knew what I wanted because Proctor had told.

I said, "When I was first introduced to you I undressed you in my imagination."

"Did you like what you saw?"

"I did."

"Still do?"

I was so confused. "I do. I am afraid that someone might find out what we are doing. No one must know I am over here."

"Don't worry, whatever happens here stays here. How did the image of me being naked affect you?"

"I, ah, oh shoot." Not only did I not know what to say, my body was revving up just remembering how I felt.

Ivan again had that knowing smirk, "Come on Dr. Ricci, you can tell me. After all, if we are going to be friends what better way to start than to tell a secret."

"I masturbated thinking about how you."

"Did you enjoy it? Like orgasms? Only once?"

"I, ah, oh shoot. Yes! Many times."

"Did you have orgasms while having any other thoughts besides just seeing me naked?"

I squirmed, "Yes."

"What other things did you think about?"

"I, ah, fantasized about you having me in front of your friends and then inviting your friends to have me."

"So, did you have more than one orgasm thinking about me and my young strong stud friends fucking you. I assume by having you mean fucking."

My pussy was soaking my panties and jeans now and I couldn't help but move in my tight jeans. They were giving me quite a sensation between my legs. He was glaring at me until I blurted out, "Yes, I fucked my pussy raw with a big dildo and gave myself many orgasms thinking about you and your buddies fucking me until I couldn't take another dick."

Ivan laughed and gave me a melting smile, "You know I think we can be that kind of friend. So, you want me to be your fuck buddy."

"Yes, I want to be your, ah, plaything. I want you to use me. But no one can find out. I want to be a different person when we are playing."

"I see. Let me be perfectly clear. I want to work for you and your company. I am afraid that if we become sex pals, it will put my employment at risk."

I said, "I assure you I can separate work from play and I think you can also."

"Quite right," he said. "I have no desire to hurt you and I will give you complete assurance that I won't hurt you. After all, you can always fire me. Let's agree that we will protect each other. Want to shake? I mean I already have a non-disclosure agreement that prevents me from saying anything about you or the company. I read the document and it covered everything including this."

I extended my hand and we shook.

He continued, "How would this specifically work? You want to be a pal to my crew. You want to come over here and do what?"

"I want to be pals with your crew. Ivan, I really don't know exactly. I want to come over here and do what you want me to do. I have been in control for a long time and I want to experience something different."

"I think I have it. Let's start at the beginning. You would like to see me naked?"

My mind went back to the primitive female desires. I wanted to see this hunk nude. I wanted to see his dick.

I said "Yes, I want to see you naked."

"As the little boy says; Show me yours and I will show you mine. Don't you think I have imagined you naked?"

I said with some apprehension, "Really?"

Ivan nodded, "So let's see it little girl."

I was worried he wouldn't like what I had to show him. This young man in his prime judging an older woman's body. But I was going to do it. He sat on the couch while I stood four feet away. I took my shoes off. I started to unbutton my shirt. I was wearing a lacy bra that showed a lot of my large breasts.

He said, "Those are nice. Take the jeans off next."

I unsnapped my jeans, lowered the zipper and rocked my hips to get the jeans over my large hips. The jeans went to the floor. I bent and threw them into the chair.

He said, "Turn around."

I was wearing a pair of normal panties which covered from the waist to the bottom of my bottom. I turned around. He said, "I don't care for those panties. Now off with the bra."

I faced him, put one arm over my breasts and unsnapped the bra with the other. I put both hands over a tit and looked at him. I had his attention. I don't believe he thought I would do it. I let the bra slide off my shoulder and then took the cups away from my breasts.

He said, "Nice, Dr. Ricci. Those are incredible large breasts. I think the crew is going to eat those up." I was creaming in my panties. He liked my tits.

I smiled and put each hand under a breast and said, "You really like them?"

"Well sure. What's not to like. Now let's see what the bottom looks like."

I put my thumbs on the elastic bands of my panties but hesitated.

"Dr. Ricci, if you want to be my pal and see your pal naked, then you need to show me the goods. So far so good. By the way, I need to call you something besides Dr. Ricci if I am to be your buddy here. Idea?"

"Do you have an idea of another name? The best I have come up with is Mary."

He said pensively, "You know if you are coming over here but not as my girlfriend then we need some kind of cover story to explain you. Let's work on that. But for now, let's see the goods."

I slowly slide the panties off and stood with my hands over my vagina.

He said, "Turn around and let me see that ass."

I turned and stood until he said, "Okay turn back around." I turned as he said, "Remove your hands."

I moved my hands away from my thick black bush. He said, "If we are going to be pals then you need to get rid of that bush. My pals don't have hairy bushes. In fact, go to a salon and have all your hair from the neck down removed."

I looked down in horror, "You don't like my body?"

He laughed, "Oh, you have a great body, I just don't like that pubic hair. My gal pals don't have pubic hair."

I relaxed a little, "You have other pals that will undress for you?"

Ivan said, "Oh yeah. I have one main girlfriend. but nothing committed."

I had to hear again that he liked my body, so I asked, "Except for the pubic hair do you like my body?"

Ivan smiled and looked me up and down lustily, "Oh, I think you know how sexy you are. You are just fishing for complements."

He was wrong. I only hoped I was now sexy. I had to know more, "So you think my boobs look okay?"

Ivan laughed, "Are you kidding? Those things are enormous and stand out like, well, like I have never seen. Usually big breasts lose their shape."

I smiled at the complement, "Thank you Ivan. Do you think my butt is too large?"

Ivan now looked at me with a quizzical look. "You really aren't kidding, are you? You don't know how sexy you are? Do you have many dates?"

Still standing in front of him, he ogled me from head to foot. I could feel the juices running down the inside of my legs. I reluctantly admitted to myself I liked him being ogled like this. I admitted to him, "I haven't had much sexual experience and my dating life has been a failure."

I think now Ivan was completely stunned, "By not much sexual experience, what do you mean? If you are going to be my pal you have to tell me the truth."

"I have only had intercourse three times."

Ivan looked shocked. "What! Amazing! I got it. You think if you come over here, pal around with some younger people and make up for lost time."

I pondered for a minute before admitting, "Yes, I think that is it."

Ivan said, "While I work for you officially, I am to provide you sexual experiences clandestinely."

I thought about this and realized that is exactly what I wanted. "Yes, but I am hoping you will not find the later work." I looked down at my nakedness when I said this.

"Oh, don't worry, I will enjoy the later. Let's start with something easy. Take my clothes off and give me a blow job. You know how to give a blow job?"

"I know what it is, but I haven't done it before."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, unfortunately I am serious."

"Well no time like now to try. I have my work cut out for me so might as well start here." He pointed at his crotch.

I decided, I am here now then just try it. How hard could it be. I also realized I was now going to see him naked. I pulled his tee shirt over his head. He was built much like I imagined. He had muscles on muscles. He had hairless smooth skin. He was somewhat pale. Blood vessels were popping all over his taunt skin. My womanhood was overtaking my apprehension about what I was doing.

I unsnapped his jeans and pulled them to his ankles. I was bent over waiting for him to lift his foot. He seemed to like seeing me bent over in front of him. I then pulled his boxers over his extended penis and was presented with something like I hadn't seen before. His trim hips were ribbed with muscle and big veins. His penis wasn't like any I had seen before. It was long, thick and the veins were popping out everywhere. He was already hard. It looked like a well-toned muscle. It was magnificent. I realized I had made him hard. The thought gave me goose bumps.

Now I didn't know what to do, so, I just stood there and stared at his penis. Just the sight of Ivan naked was making my pussy pulse. I never knew a man could look this sexy or that a male could have this effect on a female.

Finally, Ivan said, "You don't know what to do, do you doc?"


"Get on your knees, kiss my dick and lick my balls."

I dropped to my knees, took it in both hands and kissed the tip. It felt so nice in my hands. It was probably eight inches and several inches in circumference. I thought this must be a beautiful penis. He was hairless, with muscles that extended to the base of the penis.

He said, "Lick my balls."

I licked his hairless balls. My pussy was now very wet. I reached down to play with myself. He said, "I didn't say you could pleasure yourself."

I started to protest. I licked until he said, "Now take it in your mouth."

I took the tip in my mouth but didn't know what to do. He said, "Suck on it and take more in your mouth."

I took all I could in my mouth but still was uncertain what to do. I was struggling with it in my mouth. I liked the feel, but I was sure he wasn't enjoying it much.

All of sudden I heard a female voice, "What do we have here?"

I jumped but Ivan put a hand on my head to keep me with jumping up. Ivan laughed, "Kiko, this is a new gal pal."

Kiko walked over and asked, "So what is your pals doing?"

Ivan said, "What does it look like?"

"From what I saw this bitch is trying to give you a blow job and not doing it very well."

Ivan said, "Well then show her how it is done."

Kiko took off her clothes which didn't take long. She was wearing a nearly invisible tank top and a short mini skirt. Nothing else. She was small all over. Barely any breasts and slim hips but a cute butt. She wore her straight black hair short on top with no hair anywhere else. She was very cute and very young. I guessed Japanese.

Kiko knelt beside me. She smiled at me and asked, "Ever done this before?"

I nodded in the negative.

She said, "My goodness. How old are you?"

I blushed, "Forty."

"Well, well. Then it is time to learn."

Ivan said, "Stop the hen party, start sucking."

Kiko shrugged, took his dick in both her hands. Her hands were so small they barely covered it. She asked, "Have you told him yet how pretty his dick is?"


"You do think it is pretty, don't you?"


"Then, tell him. They always want to hear how great their dick is, even if not true. Now Ivan really does have a pretty dick."

She licked and kissed up and down his shaft and said, "Baby, you have a beautiful dick."

She was rubbing lightly up and down his shaft while she licked and slurped over all of it. She moved her hands to his balls and said, "You can handle his nuts but be very gentle. Don't squeeze them just pet them. I am going to relax all over and take as much of his shaft into my mouth and suck. But don't let him push until you gag. He will want to push further than you want but as you get used to it you can take more."

She did just that. I noticed that she stopped about halfway down. She held it there as I heard her hum and suck on his shaft as she slowly rubbed his nut sack. Ivan was beginning to moan and making little thrusts with his hips. Kiko put a hand on his hips and controlled the depth.

After a little of this, Kiko knelt back and said, "Okay you try."

I repeated what she did. I concentrated on relaxing. I had both hands around his shaft and lightly stroked. Before I took his shaft into my mouth I said, "Ivan, I love your penis. It is beautiful."

Ivan said, "Thanks doc."

I took it in and was surprised that this time, I really liked how it felt. I took it to where Kiko had. My hands still wrapped around his shaft. Kiko whispered, "Good, relax and let him move in and out but don't let him get any further."

I was so proud of myself and realized how much I loved cock in my mouth. My pussy was throbbing. I felt Kiko small hand stroke my pussy lips. I had an immediate orgasm.

Kiko murmured, "Gracious that was quick. I think you like cock."

I hummed, "Uh-huh."

As Ivan made small movement of his hips, Kiko let a finger slip into my gushing hole. I could feel another flush between my legs. Kiko said, "Gracious, girlfriend, you have one big sensitive pussy." She put two fingers, then three and then all four as Ivan fucked my face. Ivan picked up the pace and I rocked back and forth on Kiko's hand.

Ivan said, "Get ready bitch. I am going to give it to you."

Kiko whispered and said, "Just relax when he sprays at you."

I felt him erupt in my mouth. I couldn't help but gag and pull my head back. Kiko took his dick into her mouth and suck in his second and subsequent eruptions. I had his jizzum and my spittle running down my chin and onto my chest. As Ivan's spasms subsided Kiko said, "Help me lick up his discharge. I want you to see how it tastes."

I licked one side of his groin and legs to taste this discharge. It tasted okay.

Kiko said, "Like it?"

I answered truthfully, "Yes. Did I do okay?"

Kiko said, "For your first time, yes. You just need more experience."

I whispered to Kiko, "Thank you for the help and the wonderful orgasms."

She said, "No problem."

Ivan said, "Doc, ah, I think you owe Kiko a few orgasms in return. Are you any better with sucking pussy than dicks?"

I said, "I think so. Kiko, I would like to return the favor."

Kiko smiled, "I wouldn't mind that. But I am straight."

I said, "So am I but I do have more experience with females than males."

Kiko sat on the couch, spread her legs and said, "Well let's see."

Ivan went to the kitchen, grabbed a beer and sat in a chair to watch. I knelt between Kiko's legs. She had a very small slit with very slim labia. There were no folds with the skin being perfectly smooth and white to the slit itself. I knew she naturally had very black pubic hair but there was no sign of hair at all. It was smooth ivory skin.

I licked the outside her slit. Then I kissed all around her labia. I took my hand and spread her clitoral hood. I have a long large tongue. I lightly slipped it under her clitoral hood. I found the very small nub and stroked it with my tongue.

She whispered, "Oh yeah, you have done this before. That is nice." I felt her give a small shudder. I knew I had given her an orgasm. I was proud of myself. I stroked her little nub some more. I then extended my tongue all the way into her vagina as I had both hand spreading her pussy lips. I pushed my tongue in as far as I could while gently rubbing her clit with my finger. She was moaning and gyrating her groin to increase the friction on her pussy. I could tell she was close to another orgasm. I increased my effort. Then I could feel her having a big orgasm.

I then heard a clapping sound. I raised my head off her pussy, with her juices covering my face and glanced back at Ivan clapping. I smiled. Ivan was still naked, his large beautiful penis at half-mast and laying over on his left thigh.

He said, "My goodness girl, you certainly gave Kiko a nice one. You have had experience with girls haven't you. I want to hear that story."

Kiko chimed in, "That was quite the performance. You can eat me anytime you want. That was nice."

I smiled big as I wiped my face with the back of my hand. I said, "I think I need to get cleaned up."

I started to rise to go to the bathroom. Ivan said, "I don't think so. I think I like you better skunked up. Kind of makes you more, ah, human and likable."

I actually giggled. Something I almost never did. I said, "Okay, pal."

There was a knock on the door. Ivan said, "Doc, ah, Kiko and I had a date to eat pizza and watch a movie. Since you crashed our date, I think you need to buy the pizza. Don't you?"

"Absolutely. Kiko, I am so sorry."

Kiko said, "Hey this was a lot more fun than just hanging with Ivan."

I reached down for my clothes. Ivan said, "Who said to get dressed?"

"But I can't go to the door like this."

"Sure, you can. My pals don't wear clothes much in my house. Do they Kiko?"

"I don't."

I said, "Please. Please Ivan."

"Okay, just because you did such a good job on Kiko, you can put on your shirt and button one button."

I said, "Thank you."

I put on the shirt and buttoned the bottom button. It barely covered my mass of pubic hair, but still I felt better. The knock came only this time louder. I grabbed my purse, cracked the door open only a little and hide behind it.

Ivan said sternly, "Open the door wide!"

I looked back at Ivan. He had on his boxers but nothing else, Kiko had on the mini skirt but hadn't bothered with the top. She looked so comfortable like that. I pulled the door open about halfway.

Ivan said, "Hi, Jacob. Come on in. Meet my new pal."

Jacob couldn't have been twenty-one. I said, "Hi Jacob."

Jacob said, "That will be fifteen dollars and thirty-two cents."

I handed him a twenty. Ivan said, "Jacob, you got time for a blow job. We are training my new pal and she needs practice."

I was beginning to realize what I was getting myself into. Doing Ivan's bidding.

Jacob said, "Don't mind if I do. Here you go." He placed the pizza on the table, unzipped his pants and let his penis dangle outside his pants.