Rick or Cheat?


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"Oh right, yes. Satan," Richard said, eyeing Charlie carefully.

"My reputation precedes me...good, good," Charlie grinned. He looked at them both. "You do not have drinks. My god my sister has a lot to learn. Come on...follow me." He turned on his heel and started off back in the direction he had come. Richard looked at Cassie with a bewildered expression. Cassie just shrugged. "Come along now!" Charlie shouted back, and they dutifully followed on.

Charlie led them back up the corridor, past the open room on the left before stopping at a door further on the right. He smiled as they caught up and said "This room remains our secret." He tapped his nose with a wink and opened the door. Cassie and Richard looked at each other then peered into the dark room. Charlie stepped inside an an automatic light came on. They followed him in, eyes widening at the line of wine fridges down the right hand side and shelves filled with countless bottles on the left.

"We have a full wine cellar in the basement," Charlie said. "But we always lock the door on Halloween. Close the door please Richard," he asked. Richard pulled the door closed behind him. It was essentially a cupboard, but bigger than Cassie's bedroom. "My first party year, a few undesirables found the cellar. My father was not best pleased when he realised about 10 grand's worth of wine had been consumed." He looked at them and grinned, amused at the shocked looks on their faces.

"Now, Richard..." he said, tilting his head as he looked at him. "A beer man perhaps?" Richard nodded. Charlie walked to a full height fridge at the far end. He opened it and surveyed the shelves. "Ah...perfect" he said, reaching in and pulling out a bottle. He lifted an opener from a shelf to his right and popped the cap off. "Brewdog Tokyo. It's only a 33cl but it's 18.2% ABV and 10 quid a bottle. It's at the perfect temperature too," he added, opening a cabinet and pulling out an ale glass. He stood and poured it perfectly as they both watched on, then he smiled and handed the glass to Richard. "A truly fine imperial stout." Richard took the glass and sipped it.

"Wow...that's amazing," he said. Cassie giggled. It looked awful, but she knew that Richard, like his father, enjoyed ales and stouts. She often teased him about his 'old man' drinks.

Charlie focussed his attention to her. "You my dear are most definitely a fine champagne girl."

Cassie giggled, then watched as he moved to a specific wine fridge. He opened it and a moment later carefully slid out a bottle. She looked at the golden coloured wrapper on the bottle. "Cristal darling," Charlie said with a smile. She was no champagne expert, but she knew that Cristal was expensive. He unwrapped the bottle and showed the label to her. "2008. They say it has a fine body and a lively sparkle. A perfect match," he added, and once again she felt the butterflies in her stomach. Her cheeks blushed, and she resisted the urge to turn and see how Richard had taken that comment. The pop of the cork echoed in the room, and she stared as he poured the smooth, creamy champagne into a flute for her.

Her hand was shaking slightly as she took the glass, and she was conscious he was watching her as she took a sip. Her mouth filled with the flavours of citrus, pear and toasted almonds, the bubbles ticking the roof of her mouth. It tasted sublime. "Oh my god...that...that is...gorgeous," she smiled at him and he grinned back.

"Is that expensive?" Richard blurted out. Cassie felt herself baulk at his rude clumsiness, knowing that was not a question to ask. But Charlie brushed it off with a casual shrug. "£200 a bottle." Cassie coughed, her mouth falling open. £200 a bottle! She didn't spend that much on food for a whole month! He opened another fridge and pulled out a bottle cooler, which he slid over the bottle. "Important to keep it cool," he grinned, handing it to Cassie. She gulped, staring at the bottle in her hand. He opened another fridge, saying "I'm a simple Moet man myself," before topping up his own flute from an already opened bottle.

Cassie took another sip of champagne, savouring the taste. Charlie clinked his glass first against Richard's glass, then against her flute. "To the next generation," he said with a wide smile. Richard raised an eyebrow, but Cassie knew what he was referring to. "After you," Charlie said, nodding at the door. "And don't worry Richard, I'll make sure you have a few more of those if you can handle them!" Richard snorted a laugh and turned to open the door. Cassie turned to follow him. "Ah, Singapore!" she heard Charlie say. She turned and looked at him, brow furrowed. "Your tattoo," he added with a grin. Cassie closed her eyes briefly then nodded. Of course, the diamond netting on the back of her dress would mean the tattoo on the base of her spine would be visible.

"My great grand mother. She was from Singapore," she explained. Her tattoo, which she got on her 18th birthday, was a 3x1.5 inch rectangle, the outside line in black with the upper half the same red as her dress. The crescent and 5 small stars of the Singapore flag were outlined, filled simply with her porcelain pale white skin.

She looked at Charlie as he nodded approvingly. "I think there is a room in the house I should show you," he said slowly.

He took the lead, and they followed behind, looking at each other quizzically. Out into the main hallway, Cassie once again felt eyes on her, and the champagne bottle in the cooler jacket she carried. But when they realised they were with Charlie, they looked away. He led them up the grand staircase and headed to his left along the corridor. Doors were closed on either side but he stopped at the third one on the right and opened the door. Once again he led them into a room and when he switched on the soft, carefully located wall mounted up-lighters, Cassie felt her breath taken away.

It was a large bedroom, with an enormous four poster bed, but it was the paintings that caught her attention. Above a large fireplace hung an enormous painting of a Singapore skyline at sunset, the famous Marina Bay Sands hotel, the Ferris wheel and the sparkling water. Another of the Raffles hotel, large photos of the Gardens by the Bay. Above the bed, an exquisite painting of a white tiger at Singapore zoo. Everywhere she looked on the walls there were paintings or photos of buildings or places she recognised from her holidays in Singapore.

"That chair actually came from Raffles," Charlie laughed, pointing at a chair in the corner of room. He turned to look at Cassie, who was slowly turning in a circle, eyes focussed on the walls. Richard just looked confused. "My father worked out there for about 10 years," Charlie explained. "We still have an apartment there. I trust you have visited your grand mothers place of birth?" he asked.

Cassie nodded. "Yes. Three times. I love it," she replied simply. Her eyes focussed on a scene that brought memories flooding back. Clark Quay, where they'd had a meal on a floating restaurant for her mother's 40th birthday.

"Quite a few of the bedrooms in the house are themed," Charlie explained. "My parents, and grandparents, travelled a lot. Two of the rooms would have you believe we were back in the days of the Raj," he added with a chuckle.

"I love it," Cassie whispered again. Charlie smiled and nodded at the bed. "Have you ever stayed at Raffles?" he asked. She shook her head. "Same bed as in the Residences Suite. My father is a strange man sometimes. He lived there for about 6 months and liked the bed so much, he had one shipped over." He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

Cassie giggled, wondering just how wealthy Flick's family really were. Richard laughed awkwardly. "I hope it's not the same one Flick was conceived on." Cassie felt herself blush but again Charlie just chuckled. "It would be a good bed for that," he said with a grin.

"Charlie...you're needed," came a voice from the door. They turned to see a woman dressed as an angel, her simple white dress splayed out at the hem and her cleavage tightly cupped. Richard's eyes widened. "Edward is looking for cigars but needs your advice. He's at the humidor but clueless as always."

Charlie rolled his eyes theatrically and stepped towards the door. "Megan darling, one day your husband will add common sense to his considerably intelligent brain." He turned at the door and smiled at Cassie. "Take your time to look at the paintings. I am sure they will bring back good memories." He pulled the door closed. A moment of silence passed as Cassie gazed around the walls.

"I can't decide whether I like him or if he's an arrogant prick," Richard said, shaking his head. Cassie looked at him and frowned. He glanced at the bottle she was holding. "£200 bottle of champagne?" She noticed the scowl on his face. "Fine body...lively sparkle," he added, mimicking Charlie's posh accent.

Cassie felt a pang of guilt again. "Flick did say he was eccentric. But, I don't know. I think he's just being nice. I mean, yeh, showing off a bit but..." she glanced around the room. "Maybe it's how the other half live huh?"

Richard rolled his eyes. They were both from families with good incomes, certainly more than Lauren and Ben, but not in the same league as Flick clearly.

"Maybe, but I don't like the way he looks at you," Richard said, taking a glug from his glass.

She too wasn't sure about how he'd looked at her, and clearly Richard had seen something too. She placed her bottle and glass on a low table in front of the fireplace and stepped towards her boyfriend. "I shouldn't have worn this," she said, softening her tone as she took Richard's hand. "I'm sorry. It can't be nice having everyone stare at your girlfriend."

Richard shrugged his shoulders. "It's not." She felt another pang of guilt, leaned her head forward and kissed him, tasting the stout beer on his lips.

"Do you think it looks sexy though?" she whispered. She thought she detected the tiniest shrug of his shoulders, his expression remaining impassive. She kissed him again, sliding her tongue into his mouth, immediately looking forward to having another sip of champagne to take away the hideous taste of the beer. She pressed her body up against him, taking his free hand and placing it on the back of the bare bit of thigh above her stocking tops. As always, he tilted his head to the left. She opened one eye and looked at the bed behind him. She guided his hand upwards, feeling his fingers press against her black panties under her tight dress. Alone, the cocktails and champagne in her system, the skimpy outfit and the luxurious room, she felt her body tingle.

He broke the kiss and pulled his hand away from her. "What are you doing Cass?" he asked.

She bit her lip and looked at him. "I want to fuck you. On that bed," she said, her voice low and controlled.

"What? Here? Now?" he asked.

She looked at him and nodded, then giggled. "Yes. Here, now." She slid her hand up the diamond net section of the centre panel of her dress, her finger tips poking through and pressing the bare flesh of her right breast.

"I don't know, I'm not sure," he said, taking a small step back from her and taking a swig from his glass.

She looked at him and widened her eyes. "Why not?" she asked. Her fingertips poking through the net gapping made her body tingle.

He looked around, shaking his head. "It's not right. I mean...it's not...our room. It's somebody else's house. And...well, what if someone comes in?"

"Nobody is going to come in." She stepped forward and giggled, amused at his nervousness. He wasn't the most adventurous type, and she knew that. She reached up for the zip at the front of his jumpsuit. "We can be quick," she whispered, slowly teasing down the zip.

He shook his head again and took another swig of beer. "I don't know...it just doesn't...doesn't seem right," he said.

She felt his body stiffen and realised he had that t-shirt on under his costume as she slid her hand onto his chest. "Remember when we did it at your gran's house?" she asked, grinning at him. "You didn't complain then?"

He gulped and took another swig of beer. "That was...ummm...different," he mumbled.

She sighed and took a step back. Sometimes he could be so bloody difficult! She slid her hands down her side, focussed her eyes on his and slowly peeled her dress up over her hips.

"Cassie!" he hissed, looking at the door.

"What?" she replied, feigning an innocent tone. She slid her right hand down over her belly, and slipped her fingers under the waistband of her panties.

"Bloody hell Cassie," he hissed. She ignored him, closing her eyes as her finger tips softly brushed against her smooth labia. Again her body tingled. "Stop that Cassie...come on...this isn't the time, or the place."

She extended her middle finger, and moaned softly as it pressed between the smooth folds, teasing her entrance. She opened her eyes and looked at him. "I'm horny. I want to fuck you," she whispered, and she let out a little gasp as she curled her finger upwards, allowing it to penetrate her tight vagina.

"You're drunk," Richard stated bluntly. "And you're being reckless." He took another swig of the beer.

She stared at him in disbelief. "Richard!" she exclaimed. She pushed her finger inside a little deeper, feeling her body tingle again.

He shook his head, and to her dismay, pulled the zip up on his costume. "Cassie, come on. We're in Flick's house. This room...it...it's not right. It's not respectful."

She felt herself blink and pulled her finger out, sliding her hand out of her panties. "You don't want me?" she heard herself ask.

He sighed and shook his head. "Of course I want you," he said, his tone softening. He stepped towards her and slid his free hand around her. "Just not...here," he added, and she felt him carefully pull her dress back down. "Maybe...later. When we got to bed. You know...we can...do it then, yes?" he said into her ear. She nodded, but felt a huge pang of disappointment flow through her body. And then embarrassment. Embarrassment that she'd stood in front of him and fingered herself.

"Good girl...come on, let's get back to the others." He pulled away from her and took another swig of his beer. He nodded towards the door. "Don't forget your expensive champagne," he added, and she thought she detected a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

She picked up the bottle, topped up her glass then took a sip, then tipped her head back and gulped down half the glass. Richard had reached the door and opened it. She felt the bubbles fizz in her mouth and walked towards him, then out onto the upper corridor and back towards the staircase, the noise of the party filtering up towards them. Halfway down the stairs, she saw eyes looking up at her. A man dressed as the Joker followed her, and she laughed ironically to herself. Would he have rejected her like her boyfriend had just done? She instantly dismissed the thought. He hadn't rejected her. He was cautious, unadventurous and maybe he had a point about being disrespectful. And he'd said they could do it later. She felt him take her hand, and she interlaced his fingers with his.

Was it really not nice to have men look at your girlfriend. Shouldn't that really make him feel good? That she was his girl? She knocked back the rest of the glass of champagne as Richard steered her through the crowd towards the drawing room en route back to their friends in the conservatory. Once more she felt eyes on her and she felt her cheeks flush. She must really look like a slut; the holdups and bare thighs, the visible panties. Panties she had just had her fingers in, penetrating herself in front of her boyfriend to try to tempt him into sex.

"There you are!" Ben's northern voice boomed across the room. She looked up to see him approaching, with an unknown yet strangely familiar looking man at his side, dressed in a somewhat rather underwhelming vampire costume. "Where have you guys been?" Ben asked.

"With Charlie," Richard replied, his tone abrupt.

"Cool. Anyway, come on Ricky, Eddie here has invited us to port and cigars in the...what was it Eddie, the smoking room right?" Ben had a wide grin on his face.

"Edward Hamilton-Withenshaw," the vampire said, stepping forward and offering his hand to Richard. "Felicity's brother," he added, rather unnecessarily.

He then shook Cassie's hand and she realised the familiarity was because he was so like Flick. They had the same facial features and the same shy, slightly nervous demeanour.

"The smoking lounge," he said, correcting Ben, his tone almost apologetic.

"I don't really smoke," Richard said, shaking his head.

"Oh come on Rick, you can't beat a cigar mate. Proper classy, and you don't actually inhale," Ben laughed, putting his arm around him. "You don't mind me stealing him for a bit do you Cass?"

She noticed how uncomfortable Richard looked and her mind immediately cast back to the bedroom and a devilish thought formed in her head. "Of course not. You boys go and have some fun," she said. She smiled at her boyfriend when he looked at her in surprise. "Go on, be a little daring," she said to him, ensuring her last sentence was said with her own hint of sarcasm to her tone.

"Nice one. Come on Eddie, lead the way," Ben exclaimed, and Cassie watched as they walked back towards the entrance hall, Richard looking back at her with a questioning look on his face.

She waited until they were out of sight, then topped up her glass. A couple were stood chatting just to her left and she was sure she head the woman say "is that Cristal she is drinking?" She allowed herself a chuckle, figuring these rich people could spot the label on a neck of a bottle at 50 paces. She took a large gulp of the champagne, feeling weirdly better for getting one back at Richard. She knew he'd be awkward around cigars, and probably port too. And as she turned to walk towards the conservatory, she felt it was a fair retaliation for the disappoint she felt when he rejected her in the bedroom.

She only got as far as the ante room however. A familiar red devil appeared in front of her, a slightly confused look on his face. "Cassie darling. I didn't expect to see you again so soon, or indeed alone," he said.

She took a sip of champagne and shrugged her shoulders. "He's gone off with Ben and your brother to smoke cigars and drink port," she replied.

Charlie shook his head and let out a loud sigh. "Now don't get me wrong. A fine cigar, and although my brother, as we know, is hopeless in that regard, a fine port is something he does know well...both are truly wonderful things. But as an alternative to a fine young woman as beautiful as you?" He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "I fear the younger generation have their priorities all wrong."

She giggled. Charlie was only actually seven years older, but he made it sound like it was twenty-seven.

"And anyway, should you not both still be in the Singapore room?" he continued, a little grin forming on the edges of his mouth.

Cassie raised her eyes at him. "I'm not sure what you're suggesting there, Charlie," she replied, grinning a little.

A wide smile broke out on his face and he looked straight at her. The doors behind him to the conservatory opened and the sound of music spilled out. He turned his head to see a group of people slowly exiting the conservatory. To her surprise, she felt him take her hand and pull her across the ante room, just in front of the exiting crowd and through an archway into a corridor. A few metres down he suddenly stopped and turned to face her.

"I feel I really want to speak to you, without interruption," he stated.

She found herself giggling as she looked at him. "Oh do you now?" she replied, raising her eyebrows again.