Rider Ch. 14-17


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We continued long after it was obvious that we had completely drained each other, finally rolling apart to lie totally sated beside each other for a while, then shifted closer again and after a long, sexy kiss, slipped back into sleep.


Chapter 15

Our Fantasy

Guessing that we'd both sleep deeply, and wanting to make sure I got Mandy back to her friend's house before daylight, I had made sure the alarm was set. But in fact it wasn't its insistent buzzing that woke me a few hours later, it was Mandy, kneeling between my legs, trying to do to me what I had earlier done to her.

If she had told me what she was planning to do before we had gone to sleep I would probably have told her that given the number of climaxes I'd already had, she shouldn't bother, or at least not to be disappointed if I didn't respond. Perhaps the few hours sleep had been enough to revitalise me, perhaps I had subconsciously been aware of her body lying alongside mine, or perhaps it was simply the skilful way her hands and lips were stimulating me. Whatever it was I had to thank, I felt my cock responding far more strongly than I would have thought possible.

When she felt it firming, then quickly rising, she lifted her head and I found myself staring down into those sparkling blue pools. 'I knew my stallion wouldn't let me down, especially when I had been looking forward so much to this particular ride.'

Remembering what she had said when he had first talked about each other's fantasies I guessed what she had in mind and just lay there, letting her continue ministering to my cock. She had said that one of her fantasies was to spend a night with me. 'I'd love to go to sleep in your arms, feel your cock tucked up inside me, then be woken during the night by you making love to me. And then wake you up in the morning by fucking you!'

Without intention I had fulfilled the first part, now she was satisfying the other for herself.

She stroked and licked it, and as it got steadily bigger and stiffer, pumped it and sucked it, until she was finally satisfied with its size and hardness. 'Now close your eyes, and let's see if we can share a fantasy.' she said quietly as she lifted herself up on to her knees and straddled me. 'You know which one.'

I did as she'd asked and closed my eyes. As I did that I immediately recalled the fantasy I had told her about, how I'd fantasised about being powerless, while she rode me, rode me the way she rode Champ.

'I have had you strapped on to the back of my horse.' she said in a hoarse whisper. 'Your arms are tied down to his forelegs, your legs to his hind legs, so you can't move. Your thighs are my saddle, your cock, its pommel.' she explained as she settled down so my cock was pressed up against her pubis and belly.

The picture she had painted for me became reality, I could not only feel the weight of her pressing down on me, but also the heat and strength of the animal beneath me. With my arms and legs strapped down the way they were, I was powerless, under her complete control.

She began to move with a slow, easy rhythm, her pubic hair and the soft swell of her stomach brushing against my cock-head as she moved up and down. 'We're walking down across the beach towards the sea, the sand is very soft here so we're taking it carefully. But even though I'm concentrating on guiding Champ through this tricky part, I'm still very conscious of the feel your cock rubbing against me, and that's starting to get me excited.'

She rode me in silence for a few minutes, the regularity of her movements increased my own excitement, each one sending a fresh surge of blood up into my cock, making it throb and quiver.

'I'm going to tell you something nobody else knows.' she said in a more conspiratorial voice. 'Sometimes I wear a skirt instead of jodhpurs, and, when I'm sure there's nobody else about, I take my panties off, so I can feel the saddle pressing against my pussy. And when I've got myself really worked up, I move forward, so my clit rubs against the pommel. Like this.' she added as she eased forward, pressing herself more firmly against the base of my rearing shaft.

In my imagination I could see the blue sky above us, hear the sound of the sea. I could feel the movement of the horse beneath me, and also the reality of her belly pressing firmly against the throbbing hardness of my cock.

A couple of minutes later her voice broke through the dream-like haze I had entered. 'But what I wish I could do, but can't because of its shape, is get the pommel up inside me. Like this.' she said, taking a firm grip of my cock, lifting herself higher, then pushing herself down on to it.

She was already so incredibly wet that the feel of her pussy slipping down over my cock-head sent waves of delight coursing through me and I couldn't suppress a low moan of pleasure as she sank lower. She paused for a moment, then forced an even louder groan from me as, with a long, satisfied sigh, she drove herself all the way down.

Once settled, her knees gripped me more tightly and then she began to move up and down quite quickly. 'Now we're on to the harder sand we can canter.' she said in such a quiet voice that I wasn't sure if she was talking to me, or just to herself. 'Champ likes to get right down to the edge of the water, splashing me when he goes through the bigger waves.'

For a moment I thought I could hear the drumming of the horse's hooves, then realised that it was actually the sound of blood pounding through my veins as she jigged up and down. The temptation to open my eyes, see the look on her face was strong, but the power of my fantasy was even stronger.

I was completely helpless, at the mercy of the sexual whims and needs of the girl riding me, to her I was nothing but a body with a cock, or rather, a saddle with a conveniently shaped pommel.

It was as if she had read my mind, or at least the script of my fantasy, but from the tone in her voice I was then quite sure she was speaking to herself. 'This is a much better saddle than my usual one. I just hope it's sturdy enough and not going to let me down before I finish my ride.'

Riding at a canter meant that each rise and fall was quite short, and with my cock-head embedded so deeply inside her there was actually very little friction on it. But, because her pussy was clamped so tightly around the shaft, each movement made it feel as though my cock was being worked on by a suction pump. I could feel its effect working deep inside me, a slowly growing pressure as semen began to pool and churn.

But in my imagination I had by then become both saddle and horse, and had to obey and satisfy my rider. So, pushing the feelings generated by the rising pressure out of my mind I set my sights on the beach ahead of us, concentrating on the far headland. Reaching it became my goal, doing so without letting her down, my sole objective.

After a little while I realised that in addition to the sound of the wind, and the surf breaking beneath my drumming hooves, there was another. It took me a few moments to isolate it, then I recognised what it was, my rider had started panting. 'I think you want me to give you your head now Champ, don't you.' she said breathlessly, then leaned forward and urged me on with throat clicks and gripping knees, my canter turning to a gallop as I began to race for the headland.

She felt virtually weightless but I could feel her hands pressing down on my shoulders, her knees gripping me tight and her body keeping time with the rhythm of my gallop. Then, as sometimes happens in dreams, for one brief moment I was looking down at us.

I saw myself galloping hard, as though for my very life, my ears laid back, eyes bulging, nostrils flared. The girl, riding me with just hands and heels, bent forward over my neck, her eyes glazed, her mouth stretched wide open in a silent scream. I could even see into the space between her legs, where we were joined together, watch my saddle's massive protuberance ramming up into her with each stride.

Although I was using every ounce of energy to gallop as fast as I could, in some part of my brain I was still aware what was happening to that part of me. The pommel seemed to have come alive, to have grown even bigger. It felt hot, and was throbbing and jerking as it tried to thrust itself even deeper inside the rider. The rhythm of her movements seemed to have changed too, no longer matching my gallop, getting faster, as though driven by some inner beat, the sounds she was making turning to louder, more guttural gasps.

In some almost disconnected part of my brain, I seemed to understand the significance of that change, but as it had little to do with my immediate purpose I used all my strength, and will to concentrate on increasing my speed over the sand. I saw the headland coming rapidly closer, resolving into individual rocks and boulders and felt a rapidly mounting excitement, I was going to achieve my goal, please my mistress.

We were almost there when I felt a massive surge of power course through my body, then heard what for a moment I thought was the screeching of seagulls wheeling above us. But I quickly realised the sounds were actually coming from my rider. A split second later I felt another, even stronger surge of power. That one seemed to drain energy from every part of my body, boosting and focusing it, then literally exploding from the point where our bodies met.

But I had no time to think about what was happening because it was immediately followed by another, then another and yet another.

And as my body was wracked by those explosive forces the rocks and boulders disintegrated in a violent blaze of light. Then I realised I could no longer feel the ground beneath my hooves, I found I was flying, flying high above the beach, soaring over where the headland had been.

I don't know how long I remained in that ecstatic daze. I was vaguely aware of our gasping breaths, of Mandy's weight on my legs, but felt so completely drained, exhausted, that even if the room had burst into flames I felt sure I would have been unable to move.

Sometime later she muttered something, and I reluctantly dragged myself up into consciousness. 'Sorry, what did you say?'

'That was absolutely fantastic! The best yet. I slipped right into my fantasy, did you?'

'I certainly did.'

'I thought so. You were incredible! You've never felt so big, or so powerful. And I'm sure even Champ wouldn't have come as strongly as you did. I must have a bucketful inside me.' she added in a nervous whisper as she bent forward, then gave me a long, passionate kiss.

All I wanted to do was sleep, but just then the sound of the alarm clock brought us both to our senses and as I stumbled about looking for something to wear, Mandy went into the bath-room. I hoped she made sure she washed herself sufficiently thoroughly to remove from her body the smell of our sexual activity that seemed to be pervading the entire room.

By the time she had checked to make sure she had everything I had managed to come to enough to take her down to the car. Then as I drove her through the deserted streets she reached across and ran her fingers through my still tousled hair.

'That was the most fabulous night Rob. I'll probably never experience anything like that ever again, so I'm very grateful to you and Ros for giving me the experience.'

'It was a shared experience Mandy, you gave us just as much as we gave you, remember that.'

'Well in fact you gave us a bit more than either of us gave you. At least he did.' she added, dropping her hand down to my crotch. 'He was very generous, especially that last time.'

'I'm amazed I managed to even come, given the way the two of you seemed determined to drain me earlier. Anyway, I doubt there's a single drop left in me now.'

'Just eat some steak today and get a good night's sleep, then you'll be fine for Ros's lingerie show Monday night.'

'She told you about that?'

'Of course, it made me very envious. But then she let me have you all to myself for a while, so it's only fair she should have her turn.'

Just then we arrived at the point from where Mandy had said she'd be able to reach the back of her friend's house and after a quick kiss, she got out and hurried away through the darkness.

As I drove back to the motel the sky to the East was showing the first, very faint signs of the new day but after the events of the night I needed much more rest, so when I got back up to my room I put the 'Do not disturb' sign on my door, stripped off, climbed back into bed and as the warmth of my body released the residual scent of Mandy, I quickly fell asleep.


Chapter 16

A Day of Rest, and Thoughts

I hadn't realised just how much I needed that recuperation time and when I woke again was surprised to see that I'd slept right through most of the morning, but less surprised to find that by then I was absolutely famished. After a quick shower I went down to the cafe I'd eaten at the previous day, where, remembering what Mandy had suggested, I ordered the largest steak they had.

Later, feeling positively bloated, I headed for the beach and lay in the sun for a while. As I lay there I recalled the events of the night, it had been a fantastic time, almost unbelievably so, a night I felt sure I would remember for the rest of my life. But although there were so many exciting things to remember, I found myself returning again and again to what I had experienced during my fantasy. It had been so real, I had actually lived the part of the horse, and saddle. Even so many hours later, and in broad daylight the memory was still strong, and even though I could feel the heat of sun on my body, I felt a shiver run through me.

Maybe my body needed more time to recharge its batteries and over-ruled my brain, I must have fallen into a light sleep, waking a couple of hours later and taking a quick swim before returning to the motel.

Being Sunday the motel had only a couple of other people staying there so, apart from Ros, the dining-room was empty when I went down for dinner. She gave me a broad grin and asked me how I was feeling.

'Better now than I was at four o'clock this morning, when I drove Mandy to her friend's place. I didn't know you were going to leave us alone like that.'

'It seemed fairer that way, for both of you. Threesomes are fun, but I thought that if I stayed we might have got a bit too demanding, even for you. Anyway, we'll have tomorrow night to ourselves. If you've fully recovered by then.' she added with a cheeky grin, a grin that faded, to be replaced by an expression of almost lustful anticipation when I quietly replied.

'Remind me to ask your opinion about that on Tuesday morning.'

I spent the evening in the most boring way imaginable, watching TV, or at least ostensibly doing so. In fact I was letting my mind trawl through the many thoughts that had been prompted by the almost surrealistically bizarre events of the week.

Being one of Ros's day's off there was a new face serving in the dining-room when I went down for breakfast the following morning. She was younger, not much older than Mandy, homely rather than attractive, but very pleasant and almost as efficient at her job as Ros herself. As I was the only person down at that stage we naturally chatted, initially about the weather and then she said how sorry she'd been to hear about my aunt's death.

'You knew her?' I asked in a surprised tone of voice.

'Of course, it's only a small town, everyone knows everyone else here.'

'And what they're getting up to as well I suppose.' I answered without really thinking.

'Oh especially what they're getting up to, and who with.' she responded instantly.

'So I've heard.' I said, suddenly wishing I'd never made the smart remark.

'After all there's not that much to do around here, so anyone who actually gets up to something provides the rest of us with a bit of excitement, even if it's only, well, sort of second-hand.'

Curious to find out if my apprehension was only in my imagination I asked. 'I see, and is there much going on, at the moment I mean?'

She didn't really need to answer, her sudden blush spoke quite eloquently, but she did and did her best to be diplomatic about it. 'Well there are stories going around, but there's nothing definite of course. A visitor seems to have got one of our ladies in quite a tizz.'

I was relieved to hear the words 'one' and 'ladies'. I didn't really mind the rumour mills grinding away about Ros and I, but Mandy, that would have been an entirely different problem.

'I see, and what's the feeling about whatever it is that's supposed to be going on?'

'Oh great! Everyone thinks it would be marvellous if they got together, you know, well, permanently. She's a lovely person and I understand that up to now she's had a pretty tough time. And they say he's really nice too. Though of course I don't know him myself.' she added as a sudden after-thought, before conveniently remembering something she had to do and scurrying off to the kitchen.

Her comment gave me real food for thought, Ros and I, permanently? Had the locals spotted something that neither of us had ourselves? Then, remembering the especially tender looks I'd caught Ros giving me from time to time, I wondered if, as is often said, the one closest to what's going on is the last to find out what is actually happening. Had there been more than just good times and very good sex between us? Had she started falling, maybe just a little bit in love with me? Had I, unknowingly fallen a bit in love with her? And if I had, how did I feel about it?

I finished breakfast in silence and the girl, undoubtedly realising she'd said more than she needed to, seemed relieved that I did. Afterwards, remembering that I'd promised to take some wine with me that evening I decided to use that as an excuse to go for a drive to the nearby town, where there would be a better selection to choose from. The trip would give me time and space to think, to think about Ros and I, and what the implications of a deeper relationship between us would mean, to us both.

There was no doubt that I was more deeply attracted to Ros than I had been to any other woman I'd ever known, but was that just physical attraction I wondered as I drove out of town, taking, as Ros and I had done, the slower, less busy route.

Naturally enough I found myself remembering how she had looked as she settled back in the seat beside me, the wind blowing her thick, dark hair about her face, the relaxed cheery smile on her face, and of course the lush swell of her breasts and the outline of her thighs beneath the fold of her skirt.

I recalled the happiness in her voice when, after a period of silence she'd said - 'Simply lovely isn't it. It's days like today that I'm really glad to be alive.' - and then the thoughts I'd often had, about how easily we were getting on with each other, at every level, not merely sexually.

Then for some reason I remembered something that had happened on the return trip. I'd made some comment about how much I enjoyed being with her. She'd turned towards me and given me a strange look, there was happy, surprised pleasure in her smile - but the look in her eyes gave me the impression that she somehow understood something I wasn't even aware of.

She'd asked me why I felt that way and under her steady, searching gaze I'd mumbled something completely inadequate in reply. She'd made no immediate comment but a few seconds later she turned and said that she understood, and that what I'd said made her happy.

She'd said it made her happy to hear me say I wanted to be with her, was that perhaps an indication of her depth of feelings for me?

Before long I found myself wondering how she'd cope in the city, how she'd fit into my life, how my friends would feel about her. Although she was a few years older I didn't think she'd have many problems, her vivacity and candour would both go down well in my social circle.