Riding my bike and not cheating.

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Older man meets younger woman during the lockdown.
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This coronavirus was killing me. Not in the literal sense, but psychologically. I had retired a couple of years ago, and my wife just six months ago, we were enjoying life at a slower pace. I was going to the gym to swim and have a sauna every other day, and cycling on other days, my wife joining me whenever she felt like it. We would eat out at least once a week and meet friends for coffee or lunch at least every other week. We had had a couple of weekends away and had booked a couple of holidays. Then along came covid-19!

No shops, no cafes, no gym! So I started cycling in earnest. The guidance stated that we were allowed to exercise once a day, walking, running, or cycling, it didn't specify how far we could cycle though!

I had been a keen cyclist all my life, so going out and riding fifty miles a day wasn't unknown, I just needed to get back in the swing of doing it every day.

So there I was, on my own, my wife having decided that coming out with me too often was holding me back. I was riding down a very quiet country lane when I came up behind a young woman pushing her bike. Finding someone pushing a bike uphill was fairly common, but finding someone pushing a bike downhill was definitely not.

I slowed and came up beside her.

"You okay love?"

"Got a puncture!"

"Have you far to go?"

"Yeah, about five or six miles I think."

"Don't you have a puncture kit or anything, or a phone to get someone to pick you up?"

"No, I'll be okay!"

She couldn't push that bike all that way, and I think she was underestimating the distance as well, I knew that road, and there was nowhere for her to go before the next village which I knew was a good eight miles further on. I was surprised that she had gotten so far on that bike, it wasn't exactly the most lightweight or modern bike! Fortunately for her, I carry tools and puncture repair kit.

"I've got some gear, if you put your bike down here and sit over there I'll have a look at it."

"Are you sure, I don't want to put you in any danger, although I think I'm pretty safe, I work at home and don't really see anyone else for days at a time."

It didn't take me long to get her back wheel off and find the thorn that had done the damage. As I worked I looked at this young woman, who, to be frank I thought was very silly coming out all this way unprepared. She was sat on the verge, and once she had removed her helmet and freed her hair, I could see was very pretty. Her hair was blonde, she had long eyelashes, a small pretty nose and wide blue eyes. I thought she was a bit older than my first impression, about thirty five I thought. She was wearing the proper cycling gear, but her outer top was fairly baggy so I couldn't judge her body shape. If her tight clad legs were an indication though, she was athletic!

I finished repairing multiple punctures. "The tyre must have moved around the rim when it went down, there's half a dozen little punctures. I've fixed them as well as I can but I've had to overlap some patches to get them all, I'm not sure it'll stay up all the way. I'll follow you and see you get back ok."

"You don't have to do that, but thank you!"

"It's okay, I was going to turn off this road in a few miles, but I've got all day so I can go on a lot further anyway."

She got back on her bike and we rode slowly (for me) up the road, me riding behind, keeping an eye on her wheel. As we rode we talked, or rather shouted. Her husband was working in the gulf, some sort of oil engineer. Kathy (her name) was a website designer, worked from home, had no kids and was bored out of her mind being unable to get out to the gym or meet her social group. Her husband had only flown out just before the virus really hit the uk, so he wouldn't be back any time soon.

As I followed her along the road I couldn't help but take notice of her very nice ass and her shapely legs, very nice!

Seven and a half miles and one stop to pump up her tyre later and we came to her beautiful little cottage in the village. As she got off her bike I asked if she had a spare tube in the house? She said there was a big box of stuff in her shed and she was sure there would be spares in it.

Well I thought, in for a penny, in for a pound! I offered to sort her bike and she happily agreed. I wheeled both bikes around the back of the cottage and Kathy unlocked the shed. I knew in my mind that I was being careless, my wife and I had been so careful with our social distancing, almost a complete isolation, not even seeing our family, and here I was in fairly close contact with an unknown woman.

I found a complete bike tool kit and several new tubes, so quickly got to work. I had noticed that her bike wasn't in the best condition, so I soon got into fully servicing it, it's one of those things that seems to relax me, I like fiddling with bikes! After a little while Kathy came back out of the cottage with two cups of tea on a tray, with biscuits and milk and sugar. "I've made this, I've been really careful with everything, and I'm sure it's okay, but if you'd rather not have it I'll understand."

I was gobsmacked! Not at the tea, at her!

She had taken off her outer jacket and was now in a long sleeved tee shirt, and oh boy! Was she built! She should have been on page three with a figure like that. She seemed to have the slimmest waist I'd ever seen, and her bust would have rivaled Dolly Parton's! Now I could more clearly see her face I saw she was very pretty, not quite Jane Seymour ( of James bond fame who I have always considered the most beautiful woman in the world), but yes, very pretty.

I suddenly realised that I was staring, between her face and her boobs. She also realised, and as I shook my head and started to apologise she laughed it off. "It's okay, I'm used to it, with a rack like mine you sort of have to be!"

I hadn't expected a response like that and it caught me off guard as I mumbled yet more apologies. I picked up the milk and added it to one of the cups before taking a large sip of tea.

Caution had gone to the wind now, so we both sat and enjoyed our drinks in the very sunny but quite cool garden.

We chatted for a good half an hour, about the world situation, about our lives, about everything really, we were like old friends by the time Kathy stood up and said it was getting chilly. Would I like to come indoors for another drink or something?

I told her I'd just finish with her bike and then come in, the thought of 'something' playing around in my head!

A few minutes later in her kitchen I couldn't help but be impressed. This was a true old fashioned country cottage, low beamed ceilings, a big very old fashioned gas burning stove, the smell of baking; marvellous.

"Coffee and cake? I've just made it!"

It was a while since I'd had cake and the smell was delicious, as was the taste. I was in heaven, good coffee, better cake, and lovely company, what more could a man ask for? A stupid question, as I was about to find out.

As we sat and ate our cake I looked at Kathy's face, there was something about her expression, I wasn't sure but... Then it came to me, her eyes. The look in her eyes reminded me of my younger days, there was a need in them, a want, a... a come on!

I smiled at my host, she smiled back, rather shyly I thought.

"I'm feeling rather sweaty and smelly, I think I need a shower!"

Any other day that would have been the hint that it was time for me to leave, and at first that is exactly how I took it. But one more look into Kathy's eyes told me that that was not the intended message.

"Errmm," She hesitated. "I don't suppose you would like to..." She didn't finish the question, so I finished it for her.

"If you were going to say would I like to take my clothes off and shower with you, then the answer is yes."

Kathy's face lit up, then she rather sheepishly stood and said "it's this way."

I followed her out of the kitchen and along a short hallway into the bathroom. The bathroom was far from being an olde world cottage bathroom, it was ultra modern. A large spa bath, twin wash sinks, and a large walk in shower were fitted into what must have originally been a fairly large bedroom. The toilet must be in a separate room.

She turned to face me and pulled her tee shirt off over her head, followed very quickly by the elasticated sports bra. I stood and gaped, her freed breasts were incredible, large, firm, and with slightly up-pointed nipples, that appeared to be hard!

I had to give myself an internal shake, lose my transfixion and undress!

By the time I'd managed to get my gear off she was in the shower, the water cascading over her head and running down her naked body. From the rear her body looked even more incredible, broad shoulders going down to a tiny waist and then widening out to full hips, she was beautiful.

When my wife showers she uses a shower cap to protect her hair, not so Kathy. Her long blonde hair was now soaked and laid down along her back, her incredibly shaped back! Finally naked myself, I joined her.

There was a pump action soap dispenser so I got a hand full of soap and starting on her shoulders soaped up her back. As I gently rubbed the soft skin of her shoulders and back she gently mewled and I could feel a faint shudder of her whole body. The mewling turned to outright moaning as I covered the swell of her hips and down the sides of her thighs.

Her skin was so soft and smooth, it felt like silk as my hands found their way back up her body and round under her armpits to cup the mounds of her breasts.

I cupped her breasts, gently weighing them in my hands and then stroking her hard nipples with my forefingers; her moaning intensified. Leaving my left hand to caress her breasts I slid my right hand down her body. Her tummy was firm, not washboard hard, but gently firm, feminine. Her mound when I reached it was smooth, a first for me, I'd never encountered a shaven lady in real life, I honestly thought that was just a porn star thing.

I gently rubbed her mound, feeling her obviously swollen outer lips and slipping a finger down her crease, brushing past her inner lips and feeling the slick slightly thicker wetness of her arousal.

As I touched her she raised one of her arms up over her head then down behind my own head, pulling me closer to her. Kathy's quiet moans turned into whispered words. "Yes, do that, just there, you're making me so wet!"

My head was so tight into her neck, pulled by her hand, that I had some difficulty turning it so that I could reach her ear, but I managed and gently nibbled at her earlobe. She relaxed her grip on me a little, allowing me to move from her ear to her lovely slender neck, gasping as I used my teeth to massage up and down and around to her throat.

"Harder, harder!"

I wasn't sure whether she meant bite her harder or finger her harder, so I did both. As I bit her neck I changed from gently sliding one finger up and down her slick crease to rubbing her firmly with two fingers and then alternating to using the palm of my hand. The effect on her was almost instantaneous. She leant back into me, lifting her right leg and swinging her knee outwards. Her whole body seemed to vibrate slightly as she let out a long loud moan, followed by smaller gasping breaths and moans.

"Oh, fuck me, that was so good!" Not language I was used to, I don't think my wife had ever used the 'F' word in her life. I kissed her ear again and whispered "Well, if you insist!"

"I do insist, most certainly I do insist!"

We didn't even towel off as we almost ran out of the bathroom, across the hall and into what was obviously her bedroom. She turned to me as we neared the bed with a look of pure lust in her eyes. I pushed her back until her legs hit the side of the bed and she was forced to sit back. As she rocked back onto the bed I caught up her legs and lifted and opened them.

She gave one long drawn out moan as I knelt on the floor and buried my head between her thighs. She was soaking, and not just from the shower water. Her taste was delectable, sweet but with just a hint of saltiness. As I ran my tongue back and forth between her lips she grasped my hair with both hands and ground her pelvis into my face, her breathing a series of gasps. I licked my tongue around her inner lips and flicked it into her entrance before moving slightly upwards and finding that hard little nub, which when touched elicited a jerk reaction and a muted scream from my new playmate.

I felt her whole body start to go into a sort of spasm as another orgasm washed through her as my tongue penetrated her softly lined tunnel and I received a flood of nectar as she released her flow and then relaxed every muscle in her body.

"Oh my, oh my, please... please just fuck me now, oh god I want you inside me!"

I was ready, in fact I was more than ready, my now solidly hard penis was already leaking precum. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes, I'm on the pill, oh, fuck me now!"

Standing up and still holding her legs, my hard cock had no difficulty in finding her entrance and sliding easily and deeply into her. I bottomed out inside her and then slowly withdrew about halfway before plunging back down deep.

"Yes, yes, just like that, do it, do it!"

A steady stream of moans began to come from her, and she rocked her hips in perfect harmony with my deep, firm thrusts. We were as one, our bodies locked together, dancing a rhythm as old as time. as we forgot our surroundings and concentrated only on the slap slap of our pelvices coming together.

Her language drew me in, "fuck me, plough me, do me, deeper, harder!" My wife had never said such things, her encouragement had consisted of much milder terms such as "that's nice, or that's right!"

Kathy was a much different woman, she was working as hard as I was, there was no passivity in her at all, she shouted what she wanted and I did my best to give her it. Our bodies were slamming together, my cock hitting deep inside her as we tried to meld ourselves together. I watched her face as she alternatively looked at me and the the ceiling, grasping at her own breasts, nipping and squeezing them.

"Oh fuck, I'm coming, I'm coming againnn...!"

Her back arched and I saw her fingers claw at the bed covers as she almost threw herself up off the bed in her violent orgasm. I felt the impending explosion within myself as my balls tightened and my cock seemed to swell and then...

*Bang'! I spurted into her, her vaginal muscles reacted by tightening around me which caused me to blast into her a second, and then a third time. My ejaculation was more violent than I could ever recall, and an instant of dizziness made me pull back and sit on the bed next to a gasping and panting.

I sat for a few minutes catching my own breath as Kathy slowed her breathing and then giggled.

"Jeez, I needed that, thank you!"

I just looked and smiled at her, not saying anything just then. She sat up and then gave a loud exclamation. "Oh shit, I'm soaked!"

She stood and ran from the room with her hand between her legs, leaving a sizeable wet patch on the edge of the bed. I followed her back into her bathroom to find her back under the shower.

"You coming in?"

I thought about it for a second or two and told her that I wouldn't.

"I need to get going really, and I don't really want to get home smelling too fresh, I'm supposed to have been riding all this time."

A smirk appeared on her face and as she commented that I had been riding, Her!

I grinned as she stepped out of the shower and stepped over to me,

"That was great, thank you!" She threw her arms around my head and kissed me, a long deep tongue down my throat kiss that I eagerly returned. As we kissed I felt my cock start to stir, it was time to get out of there before I was tempted to start all over again.

As I got on my bike to ride away Kathy asked me how often I was likely to ride that road? The answer was that I rode most days now, but frequently had my wife with me so had to take a shorter route.

"Well next time you come up this way keep your eyes open for me, and if you don't see me you know where my door is!"

I rode off towards home, about eighteen miles to go, what a day.I


Back home my wife didn't even notice how long I'd been missing, she'd been out in our garden all day trowelling the borders and generally enjoying looking after things. At first I did feel bad about cheating on her, but that regret soon dissipated when I reasoned that it wasn't exactly my fault that after over thirty years of marriage my wife and I had evolved different physical needs; basically, I still had sexual needs and my wife almost didn't, a fact that she openly admitted.

The following two days when I went out, my wife went with me. I avoided the route I had previously taken and took her round a shorter route, calculated to more match her cycling ability.

The third day she sent me out alone. I rode out to the small market town that I had cycled to a couple of days earlier then aimed towards the village where I knew Kathy lived.

I rode up the road to within a mile or so of Kathy's village, where there is a turn off that headed out into open country before turning towards my home destination. I was tempted to call at her house, but my indecision got the better of me and I turned off. I'd only ever cheated on my wife that once, and it did prey upon my mind.

I did the same for the next few days, then took my wife out again, the day after that I took the route that would once again take me to Kathy's village.

I was five miles up that road when I came up behind a familiar figure.

"Hello kathy!"

"Hello, I thought you might be avoiding this road, you did get a bit waylaid last time I saw you!"

She looked every bit as stunning as she had the week earlier, and I could tell that beneath the serious tone of her voice, she was actually laughing.

"Ah, well, there was this stunningly beautiful woman you see, and she insisted that I taste her home made cake, I mean, what is a man to do?"

"Only her cake?"

We were riding slowly along, the road was otherwise empty, so I decided to play along with her game.

"Well, there was tea, and she did have a very tasty neck, I think she liked me licking it!"

"Licking her neck, how very gentlemanly, and boring!"

"There were her ears as well."

"Now, I'm sure you tasted something better than just her neck and ears!"

"Her vagina was exquisite, the sweetest thing I've ever tasted!"

"Now that's more like it, would you like to come and taste my home made cake?"

"Yes please, I don't suppose there's any chance of tasting your vagina?"

"Before or after the cake?"

"Preferably both!"

The smile that encompassed her face told me all I needed to know, even without the immediate response

"What are we waiting for then? Come on!"

Kathy put on a spurt of speed, obviously working hard to get home. Her old shopper bike was no match for me on my ultra light racing bike, but I smiled and let her take the lead.

When we reached her cottage we went in through the kitchen door, she put the kettle on as we passed through and we made a beeline for her bedroom. Our clothes were being shed as we went, by the time we got into her room I was down to my socks and she was down to her panties, with her padded cycling tights around her ankles, tripping her up.

As Kathy fell to the bed, I grabbed her tights and managed to pull them off, over her feet, she had forgotten to unzip the ankle zips. She then made short work of her panties, throwing them across the room.

She was hot, and not a little sweaty, but I didn't care as I grabbed her legs and lifted them high and wide before diving into her crotch. As I buried my face in her vagina she let out a long low sigh of contentment.