Right Down the Line Pt. 02


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The front seat of the truck was flat from side to side with a section in the middle of the back that folded down to create something like a console. I flipped that up, scooted next to him and said, "Kiss me so I can say goodnight and go to bed."

I'll say this about that. It wasn't just one kiss, it was several until I finally pushed back, straightened myself and smiled, "As much as I'm enjoying this, I need to sleep, Cliff. I open in the morning. With Mama and Daddy gone I'll be there until closing. I won't be on a register all day, but I'll still be there."

He jumped out of the truck, opened my door and walked me to the front stoop. With one last smooch he leaned forward and rubbed noses with me as he said softly, "G-night Toots. I'll see you sometime this weekend."

Floating on a cloud down the hall to my bedroom I smiled to myself. There it was again. Toots, he called me Toots. I know that Daddy calls Mom Angel all the time, maybe Toots is what Cliff will call me. I shucked my clothes, put on a flannel nightie and went to the bathroom. I had brushed my teeth and was on the toilet to pee when I looked own at my panties. They were damp in the gusset. I grinned, pumped my fist and said to myself, "Yes. He makes my motor run."

Knowing I would be at the store at least 15 hours I decided to drive instead of walking to work. With Thanksgiving rapidly approaching it was mayhem at the store. All four registers were open and still there were lines at times during the day. It slowed considerably after 5, which gave everyone time to begin winding down and getting ready to close at 8. The store used to be open until ten. After some study and evaluation Dad determined staying open those two extra hours was costing money instead of making it.

The cashiers had rung up their drawers and brought them to me to put in the safe overnight. The night janitor was on sight and busy as I got ready to lock the doors and go home. Imagine how delighted I was to see Cliff standing inside the door with a pizza in hand. I locked the doors, we went to the office and had supper. We were cleaning up after ourselves as Mom and Dad walked into the room. Cliff was putting the empty box in the trash, and I was brushing crumbs off the desk. Dad stiffened slightly, Mom on the other hand was smiling and bubbly.

"Hey kids." She stated. "I didn't think I would see you until we got home Elaine. Cliff, nice to see you again."

Cliff reached his hand to shake Dad's. As they shook hands Cliff spoke, "Evening sir. We were just finishing up a pizza."

He nodded but didn't say anything to Cliff, instead he directed his inquiry to me.

"How did the day go Elaine? Were you busy?"

I gave him the low down about how busy we were and how things ran smoothly save one jar of pickles that was dropped in aisle 3 but cleaned up right away. Mother and Cliff were chit chatting as we spoke. When Daddy and I were done I announced that I was going home. Cliff said the same and we made our way to the doors. Dad was right behind to lock as we left. In the parking lot Cliff was once again a gentleman helping me into the car, brushing the light dusting of snow from the windshields, kissing me through the open window and said he would see me again in the next couple of days.

I smiled and waved lovingly as I drove away. My heart was full, my emotions no longer in check. It was good that I hadn't invited him to the house. Lord knows I don't need my folks to find me in an intimate embrace at this stage. Mama might be okay with it. But Daddy? Mmm, I don't think so.

I had showered and was in bedclothes sitting with my back against the headboard reading when I heard a knock. I knew that knock, it was my Dad. Most likely here to check on his little girl. Oh, if only he would start seeing me as a woman and not a girl.

"Come in Daddy."

He was grinning as he opened the door. "You know my knock that well do you? Maybe I should change it up."

I patted the bed and pulled the covers over my legs, "Hey Dad. What's up? Did you find a discrepancy in the register tallies?"

"Nope. Everything was to the penny. Just wondering how you are."

I knew he was fishing, "That's not why you're sitting on my bed. You want to know how Cliff and I are getting along. You want to know how involved we are. Right?"

He looked guilty as he answered, "Damn girl. Were you talking to your mother already? How could you know that?"

"I haven't seen Mom since the store. I know what you're thinking because I know you. You only want the very best for me. But you aren't sure if Cliff is, number one. On the up and up. And number two, if he's the right guy for me? Am I close?"

He nodded as he spoke, "Yes, that's exactly what I want to know. You've come a long way Elaine, and I'm so very proud of you. You just got off probation and you probably feel lonely. I worry that you'll jump into a relationship too soon. Is he a gentleman when he's with you? What are his plans, if any? Is he financially stable? Can I trust him to keep his hands off my girl?"

I held up my hand, "Okay, let's stop right there. You've been my rock and anchor through this long arduous ordeal. I love and respect you for that and everything else you do for me."

He said, "But. Theres always a but."

"BUT, I'm not your little girl anymore Daddy. I'll be 23 in a few weeks. I've made it through jail time and probation without messing up. What makes you think I'll start now? As for being a gentleman, ALWAYS. He asked if it was okay to kiss me goodnight. How many guys do that? Not many. He treats me with respect in public and when we're alone. He doesn't have Rushin hands or Roamin fingers. I feel completely safe with him."

Dad interrupted, "Yeah, okay, but what about his plans? Is his job secure? How can he afford that expensive equipment? Is he in hock up to his ears? Are you sure you aren't rushing this relationship?"

It was time for more clarification. "To start with, it hasn't become a 'relationship' as you call it. I want it to be more but for now we're close friends with what I believe is a mutual hope that it can become more. Most of the equipment he owns outright purchased with money left over from his education fund. He has a loan on the pickup and a few of the Bobcat accessories, otherwise he's debt free. He makes enough to pay his bills and is using any extra money like from tree work and plowing to pay down on the debt. Does that answer your questions?"

"It does, Honey. All but one. And forgive me for being a father. Are you planning to become intimately involved with him?"

My intentions concerning intimacy were none of his business, but I felt his question deserved an answer.

I leaned forward and took his hand in mine, "It really is none of your business, however you deserve an

answer. I have no intention of doing the horizontal rumba with anyone at this point. Here's another 'but'. If we reach that point and I'm sure he's my 'forever man' as Clapton would say. Then yes, we will be intimate. If and when that time comes it will be between us and not you. Love and trust me enough to not ask that question again. Okay?"

He looked both sad and relieved at the same time as he answered, "Yup, got it Honey. Thanks for being straight with me. I'll let you get some rest. G-night kiddo, see you in the morning? Do you work tomorrow?"

I shook my head, "Nope. I have laundry to do. I told Mom I would help her decide what we're going to do for Thanksgiving."

He was almost at the door when he turned with a questioning look on his face. I wisely spoke up before he could ask.

"Talk to Mom. I'm just the helper. Night-night."

Sleep came quickly. Somehow the world felt right for the first time in a very long time. I felt desired and wanted, not in a sexual way. Well not entirely, not yet. I felt as though Cliff was interested in Elaine as a person and not just some babe willing to spread her legs. I made a decision there and then. If we were to become intimate, he was going to have to prove himself before I would allow myself to be wooed and screwed. He would need to prove to me that I was all he needed for the rest of our lives.

Like the song I'd heard my folks sing with so many times, "When I wanted you to share my life, I had no doubts in my mind. It's been you oh mama, right down the line."

He would need to be that guy. I giggled to myself, yes, it sounds corny, but that's what I wanted. Someone to completely sweep me off my feet and carry me to bed where he would make love to me. Sweet, gentle love. At least to start, a girl needs a good hard ride from time to time. I found my hand on my mound gently massaging as that thought raced through my head. I quickly pulled it away and admonished myself. 'Stop it Elaine.' I did sniff my hand though, it smelled like pure unadulterated arousal.

Sunday was laundry day for me. I was folding clothes as Mom and I sat talking about Thanksgiving. Picking up a pair of my cotton boy shorts she smiled. Put them down, then stood picking them up and holding them against her body.

"These are cute. I think your Dad would like to see me in something like this. I've always worn hip huggers or full briefs, a change of pace might be just what the doctor ordered."

I chuckled, "What the doctor ordered? Geez Mom, you two are jumping each other's bones two or three times a week as is. I thought that stuff was supposed to slow down as you got older."

She scoffed, "Slow down? Maybe. Stop? Not a chance. We're in our prime. I'm past getting pregnant, you kids are basically doing your own thing and as soon as you're both out of the house." She stopped to laugh. "Batten down the hatches cuz it's gonna be honeymoon season again. A little something like new panties to grab his full attention won't hurt. Trust me, he'll notice."

I could feel the blush coming on, "TMI Mom, TMI. I don't need to know the details, however, it's nice to know it doesn't go away just because you get older."

She put her hand on my cheek, "It only goes away if there are medical issues, or what happens most of the time, people no longer pay attention to each other's needs. What you catch them with you need to keep them with. If you wear pretty undies when you start, wear pretty undies when it's no longer new. For him it will be different. If you two stay together and he's smart, he'll continue doing all the little sweet things that attract you now even after you're married. Does that make sense?"

Now you know why I love this woman I call Mom. She never talks at me, but to me and she doesn't pull punches. Taking the panties out of her hands I grinned.

"You'll need to get your own Mother. In fact, I'm thinking of getting some lacy stretch ones if we get that far. I'm no goddess, but I plan to use what I do possess to rock that man's world."

I could see the questioning concern in her eyes. "No, we aren't intimate Mom. We've done no more than hold hands and kiss. When I'm sure that he's my man I'll let him enjoy more liberties. But not yet."

I stopped and shifted as I put the last item of clothing in my basket.

"Okay. Thanksgiving. I want Cliff to be here. He has nowhere else to be and I sure don't want him eating Thanksgiving dinner at the diner."

She frowned, "I'm not sure your Dad will like that. It may be too soon Honey."

That set me back a step or two. "What the heck is going on with Dad anyway? He acts like I'm some vestal virgin he needs to protect. Has he forgotten that I was married at one time? I mean, what's going on? Darrel brings miss snooty britches to all the holiday dinners, or he goes to her house. Why can't I have Cliff with me?"

As she sat back crossing her arms I knew that I'd hit pay dirt. With a motherly look of concern she stated.

"Good point. I need to have a talk with your Father. He can be a stinker when it comes to his little girl. Darrel and Becca are engaged, it's a little different."

Now I was upset, "Damn it Mom. When is he going to stop calling me his little girl? I'm a grown woman. He had the nerve to ask me last night if I was shagging Cliff. Not that it's any of his damned business, I told him no. I'm tired of the double standard. Darrel can go about screwing little miss Becca, but I'm not supposed to have a boyfriend. What gives?"

She had a stern look on her face, "Oh I don't think they're that involved yet."

I laughed, "The only people who don't accept that those two are making the car rock as often as they can are you guys and her parents. Cliff hasn't so much as touched my breasts over my clothes and Daddy is freaking out."

By then I was in tears and stood to grab my basket when Mom caught my wrist pulling me back down.

"You're right Sweetheart. About all of it. I'll apologize for your Dad and me. Rest assured Elaine, this will be resolved tonight, Cliff will be more than welcome to come for dinner. Go put your stuff away, then come help me plan pies and such."

Sunday was one of those days where the past two days had been cold and blustery, but today there wasn't a cloud in the sky with a temperature in the upper 20's. Perfect snowman making weather.

Cliff texted around three asking what I was doing.

Me: I'm waiting for you to come over.

Cliff: Come over? I didn't know I was supposed to.

Me: Well now you know. You can help me make a snowman.

Cliff: I'll be there in 30, see you then.

Just as I ended our text dad drove in. He generally left the store early on Sunday and went back to close later. I was in my room with the door ajar when I heard him enter the kitchen from the garage. I couldn't make out the words, but I could tell by vocal inflections that the conversation was serious. Five minutes later I heard them walking down the hall and their bedroom door shut. They never shut their bedroom door unless they were dressing or fooling around. I chose to wait for Cliff outside.

I had just started the first snowball for the base when he pulled up to the curb. Imagine my surprise when he walked right to me, pulled me into his arms, kissed me and said, "Hello Beautiful."

All I could bring myself to utter was a weak, "Hi."

From that point he took over. We made not only a large snowman but a missus snowman and two little ones. We dug around in the branches by the fire pit in the back yard for sticks to make the arms. We broke other sticks into little pieces to make smiling faces and stood back admiring our work. Let me say there wasn't much snow in the front yard that hadn't been turned into our snowman family. I was more than thrilled when Mom and Dad came from the garage with some old tattered scarves and worn out hats for the two bigger ones. The littles went without.

Dad looked at Cliff in what seemed to be a new way as he extended his hand. Cliff quickly took his mitten off and shook dad's hand. Before letting go dad said.

"You'll stay for supper, won't you? It's nothing special, grilled cheese and beef stew, but you're welcome. I see your beard gets full of ice cycles like mine does."

My heart was pounding fast. Was my Father going to accept Cliff after all? Was I going to be treated like an adult and not that same love-struck teen that had gotten herself into trouble years ago? My hopes were high. Our clothes were wet. Dad had a propane heater in the garage that he used to work on the vehicles in the winter. He fired that up and we stood in front of it warming our bodies while partially drying our clothes. By the time our clothes had reached the 'damp' stage Mom had supper ready.

It somehow felt perfectly right sitting next to Cliff, a closeness I don't think I had ever experienced before. At least not like this. When we finished eating Mother and I cleared the table. Mom sat next to Dad and did as she always does, she placed her hand on his thigh. He smiled and winked at her. I decided to do the same. When I put my hand on Cliff's thigh he looked at me lovingly, put his hand on top of mine with a gentle squeeze, smiled and winked. Ah ha, he'd been watching Dad. Cliff and I wanted to be alone but there was no chance of that at the house with my parents. It was Mom who came to the rescue.

"Your Dad will be headed back to the store soon Elaine. Why don't you two go have a sundae for dessert?"

Which is exactly what we did. We shared a Turtle Sundae like the two lovebirds we were. He scooped the Maraschino cherry off the top holding the spoon to my mouth as if he was wondering if I would like it. Grinning as my mouth opened, I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around that spoon. The look in his eyes was one of desire. Not lust, desire. It was obvious that he wanted me as much as I wanted him, but that would need to wait.

I fed him a few scoops of ice cream, he did the same with me. I giggled, "It's kind of like Frenching isn't it?"

He nodded, "Not nearly as much fun though."

That man knew the right things to say. And I loved every minute of it. I told myself that I would need to be careful. It would be easy to lower my guard with Cliff. I was secretly hoping there might be some under the bra action soon. My nipples are super sensitive and seem to be wired to my nether region. If my breasts are being shown loving attention that's all it takes for the rest of me to be ready.

When sex with Brian was new he paid a lot of attention to my breasts, that in turn made my vagina sopping wet. Penetration was never an issue if he took his time. It made me wonder what Cliff would be like. Would his lovemaking be like his loving behavior toward me? Gentle, attentive, methodical, taking the time necessary to make sure I was as ready as he might be? He wasn't fast and furious in any of his other actions. Why would I think he might be that way in the bedroom? Imagine all of that rolling through my head as we sat across from each other eating a sundae and making goo goo eyes at one another.

By the time we got back the garage door was closed so I knew daddy was home. We sat in the driveway necking for a solid twenty minutes before we pulled apart. He was softly stroking my cheek as he spoke.

"I should go Elaine. You do things to me that are difficult to control. I've never known a woman like you before. There have been ditsy high school and college age girls, but never a woman like you. Let me walk you to the door."

My mind was whirling, I wasn't sure what to do. Should I take his hand and put it under my blouse, or should I behave and let him be the one to make the first move? Subconsciously I slipped from his arms and moved towards the door. At the front door we kissed. I wasn't about to tell him I was ready to be taken by him, at the same time I wanted him to know he did things to me as well. I pressed my body to his as we kissed, even through winter clothes it was obvious our midriffs were touching. As much as I wanted to, I refrained from tilting my puss into his groin.

I sensed that he was walking funny when he turned to go. I had given him a hardon and was damned proud of it. He made my motor run, and now I knew I made his motor run. When I changed for bed I was surprised that my panties were wet. A slimy glistening coated the gusset, the aroma wafted upward. I sniffed and grinned, I couldn't remember ever being that horny before. Even in my early days with Brian it had never been like this. Being one who seldom masturbated I violated my own rules that night.

With two fingers in my cunt and a thumb on my clit I brought myself to a shuddering climax that was so strong I had to turn my head sideways to scream into the pillow. Never had I ever cum that hard before. And if climaxes like that were what I would enjoy with Cliff. Well, let's just say, I was his no matter how he wanted me. Putting my pussy juice-soaked panties in the laundry basket I was thankful that I did my own washing. I didn't need Mom to see my crusty crotch panties. Now, to try and sleep after all of that. Surprisingly I drifted off immediately, satisfied for the time being.