Righting A Wrong


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The party was amazing. Over two hundred people of all ages and races, former students, community leaders, not to mention both of our families.

As things were winding down, and most of the people had left, Gina took hold of both my hands and thanked me, profusely for being her date.

When I took her back to her house, once inside she looked me in the eye and said, "I can't tell you how many of my friends thought we looked like the ideal couple, today."

"Is that what you want, Gina?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but I'd like to see if it's possible. I do realize all our differences. Age. Race. Age," this time she had her brightest smile, while still holding my hands.

I leaned over and gave her a very soft kiss on the lips. Then another. And for good measure, one more, this time giving her behind a squeeze with both hands.

As our kissing became more intense, my manhood started to respond. Her eyes flew open as she felt my cock just above the area it wanted to enter.

"Harold Jay Gold, is that your package pressing against me?"

I must have turned a dozen shades of red. I also noticed she didn't move away from me.

"Yes," I whispered, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"What next, Hal?"

" I think that's up to you, Gina."

I felt her hand touching the bulge in my pants, as we made our way to the master bedroom, at the top of the stairs.

As we entered her bedroom, she froze, holding onto my body with a vice like grip.

"I'm not sure I can do this, Hal," she said, nearly in tears.

"Do you want me to leave?"

"To be truthful, I'm not sure."

I started to leave, but she didn't loosen her grip. Looking her in her eyes, I told her I couldn't leave with her holding me so tightly.

"Just so you know, I haven't been with a man not named Alton Wilson for around forty years, and no man in nearly five. So this is a major decision, for me."

"I'll just go home," I whispered in her ear.

"OK, if that's what you want."

I took her face in both hands and kissed her as sensually as I knew how. My hands were holding onto her behind, pushing her against my growing bulge.

"That snake in your pants seems to say otherwise, Hal."

I just started lowering the zipper on her dress, and eased it off her shoulders. Kneeling down, I held each leg off the ground moving the dress to one side.

Standing back up, looking at the largest pair of breasts I'd ever seen, I just lowered my head, kissing the tops of each breast. Moving my mouth down to each engorged nipple, causing them to nearly burst through her bra, and hearing her breathing quicken.

I reached behind her to unhook her bra. Letting it fall to the ground, exposing her more than ample breasts. Leaning forward, taking one very large, thick nipple in my mouth, it grew and hardened under my attention.

Looking her in the eyes, again, I whispered in her ear that I just might want to stay a while longer. Removing my clothes, and lowering her panties, we moved to her bed.

Laying down next to each other, I moved onto my side, taking one nipple in my mouth, and the other in one hand. It was very evident by the moaning, that I was on the right track.

As I worked my way back up to kissing her mouth, I rolled her onto her back, and moved between her opened thighs.

"Go slow, please," she gasped.

Taking my rock hard manhood and rubbing the head up and down her slit, I eased my way inside. She grabbed two hands full of my back, gripping me hard enough to nearly draw blood.

Going without for so long, I knew this was going to be a sprint, not a marathon. After a few minutes, I blasted a long pent up load, deep inside her, and had trouble catching my breath.

"Jesus, Hal, I almost forgot how messy something so sexy could be!"

Rolling off, allowing for some necessary cleanup, we returned to bed, just staring at each other.

Smiling at each other, she grinned and told me, she hoped that wasn't the end for the day.

Grinning right back, I gave her another very soft kiss, while holding one still engorged nipple. Kissing my way down to the other nipple, I felt her body start to respond.

As my kisses reached her tummy and started down further, I heard her mumble something about if I was sure of where I was going.

Instead of a verbal answer, my tongue touched the very spot my cock had been, just a few minutes beforehand. I couldn't believe how hard her body shook when I licked up and down her entire slit.

When I lightly sucked on her clit, she screamed so loud, I thought the entire neighborhood could hear her. Moving my entire mouth up and down her sex, being rewarded with both very loud moans and a soaking of sex juices, I moved between her thighs, entering her pleasure zone.

Holding me as tightly as possible, we continued through at least three or more orgasms for her, before I exploded deep inside her pussy.

"Oh, my God, fuck me gently," she breathed.

"Anything you want, my dear Gina," I replied, catching my breath.

Laying on our sides, just looking at each other, neither of us said a word for more than a few minutes.

"Do you think my friends were correct in saying we make a cute couple?"

"Absolutely adorable," I responded.

"Do you think this could go somewhere other than in bed?"

"Yes, I think I'd like that, and let me tell you both my kids think this a good thing, too."

After a very nice couples shower, we were sitting in her living room, dressed, when her two youngest kids, both girls, came by, with three of her grandchildren.

Both girls, plus their husbands were all school teachers, doing well, but with Seattle's extremely high cost of living, couldn't afford to buy a house, either couple. This had them all thinking about moving to a suburban school district, where they just might be able to afford their own houses.

Gina leaned over and started whispering in my ear. Everything she was saying were things I had already started thinking about ever since her retirement party.

"OK, girls, let me finish before any of you answer. Just so you know, Hal and I are seriously considering moving in together. If and when that happens, what I'm proposing is both your families move in here."

You could have heard a pin drop.

"Seriously, mom?" Alana, the youngest said.

"I wouldn't have offered if we weren't serious."

"You know, mom, people just might start calling you a cougar, grabbing such a young hunk," Aretha said.

"Girls, he isn't THAT much younger than me," she replied, grinning ear to ear. My face was four shades of red.

When her family left, I looked at her to make sure this moving in together business was for real. I knew my family was all for it, and I'm now assuming hers was, too.

Taking my hands in hers, I mumbled something along the lines of, when should we do this, meaning move in together.

"Let's just enjoy the moment, and talk later, OK?"

"Fine by me."

Over the next few weeks, we made all the necessary changes so Gina could move in with me. Yes, I was fully aware of all the ramifications, of her being a bit (just over 10 years) older than me. The racial difference didn't bother either of our families, and my former in-laws weren't bothered by our living together.

There was one huge laughable moment at one of our family dinners. Now mind you, with her four married kids, plus seven grandchildren, and my two married kids with three grandchildren, we took up a lot of space. Somehow, we managed. The laughter? Just before sitting down to dinner, one of her older grandkids, just about seven years old, says, "grammy and papa, are you going to have more children?"

I thought every adult there was going to choke! It was a good thing we didn't have food in our mouths. It was Gina who told the parents they could explain that answer, back at their houses.

Getting settled into a very nice routine, with me cutting back my workload, and Gina volunteering at the local elementary school, we finally started talking about if we should get married, or not.

Gina had been a widow for going on six years, and I was just shy of the one year mark of Susan's passing.

One night after a very lengthy love making session, Gina looked at me and told me if we did get married, she made it perfectly clear, she wasn't doing that for my money.

This really got me thinking. I had long ago started college funds for any and all future grandkids, so I quietly asked her if I could do the same for all of hers.

After some more lengthy conversation, we agreed to let her kids decide for themselves.

At our next Wilson family get together, this was discussed, at length. I did field all their questions, including the one that asked if I was trying to buy their affection.

When I answered that I wasn't, that I was just trying to make all their lives a bit easier, and I told all of them that with the way I would set up the accounts, each one would be drawing interest for many years, since their oldest was just turning eight years old. After more than a few questions, they all told me they would discuss this among themselves and get back to me. They all did thank me for my most generous offer.

As we started planning our wedding, I had several long talks with Susan, with her telling me how much she liked my choice. Both my kids also voiced that same opinion. Yes, Susan and I talked often, with her spirit giving me the courage to carry on.

We finally made the decision to get married at Garfield High's multipurpose room, but with my Rabbi officiating. We must have had at least two hundred guests. The room was packed.

With all our family members in our bridal party, we had groomsmen and bridesmaids to spare. All ten grandchildren were included, too.

Here were a fifty-one year old Jewish man and a sixty-two year old black lady getting married, each having lost their longtime spouse, and making their longtime friendship more than just a friendship.

Did Alton and Susan give us their warmest blessings? Yes, both of them more than approved. Did all six combined children and 10 grandchildren approve? You bet. All the grandchildren had more built in playmates. None of them even noticed they weren't all the same color.

I started winding down my participation in the law firm I'd built, over the years. With only one of my kids, Charlie, going into law, I knew he would keep the firm running with the same prospective I'd started, years before.

Who knows if any of our grandchildren will follow in the legal profession? Neither Gina nor I would ever push them in that direction. We both made the conscious decision to let them do what they felt was best for them. We let it be known that any time they had a question, we'd be here to answer, and advise.

We both talked about taking vacations, to places she had only dreamed about. Just a few months after our wedding, we started planning what we wanted for our first anniversary.

It was an idea I thought of at our first, very large, very noisy family dinner. I started researching places to rent, that would accommodate the entire family. My two kids, plus four grandchildren. Her four kids plus seven grandchildren. Yes, a total of twenty-five people. When I told my wife what I was thinking, she looked at me like I had rocks in my head.

I showed her some of my preliminary research, and told her it would take some advance planning. We did tell our kids what we were planning, to make sure they were on board.

Each and everyone of them thought it was a great idea, but wouldn't tell any of their kids until it was very close to departure.

I had found the ideal place. A resort on Oahu, just about ten miles from downtown Honolulu. There were seven cabanas, so every family would have their privacy. There was a huge meeting room, with a full kitchen, that came with a chef, if needed.

I also found a thirty passenger coach, with a driver/tour guide. Oh, yes, I did find flights to and from Seattle with the needed seats. Not all together, but each family together.

Plans were starting to come together. We would go around Christmas through New Year's Day. We told each family to start looking for things to do and to talk among themselves so we could start making any necessary reservations.

As our gigantic vacation was nearing, most of the grandchildren had had swimming lessons. I just couldn't believe how our planning was coming together.

On the day of our departure, we all met at the airport, filling the waiting area of Hawaiian Airlines, and adjusting to the stares of our fellow passengers. Our flight over was mostly uneventful, with some very minor squabbles.

Our coach and driver picked us up and delivered us to our resort. We did get everyone settled and met back on the beach, just to relax. All the grandchildren were running up and down the beach, each watching out for each other.

Gina and I just sat back enjoying this scene.

"Do you think they're watching all of us?"

"Yes, and approving of everything they see."

It was later that night, cuddling in bed, when I started getting hard, as usual, and raised the thin nightgown Gina was wearing. Rubbing my sex against her panty covered backside, I gently lowered her panties. Leaning back and finding my hidden lube, wetting a finger, or two, I very gently put one finger slowly into her behind.

"What are you doing, you deviant?"

"What do you think?" as my finger was buried deep in her tush.

"I'll give you about an hour to knock that off, you pervert."

With that encouragement, I lubed up my cock and replaced my finger with it. Slowly, passed her sphincter, and holding onto one breast started my slow rhythmic motion.

"Oh, shit! Oh, fuck!! Keep going, you perverted deviant!"

With one hand moving between her legs, rubbing her engorged clit, I hoped her moans wouldn't carry to the other cabanas.

This new but very exciting adventure brought us both to the greatest climax either of us had experienced.

Yes, at her insistence, I didn't finish inside, but both of us were literally wiped out.

After our clean up, we were laying back in bed, with her head on my shoulder, when she asked what made me decide to do 'that' after all our time together.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I hope it won't be the last time."

After a very restful night sleep, we all met in our communal dining room. Her kids took her aside, and I sensed we just might have been a bit too loud.

As this was going on, my kids cornered me and asked just about the same thing.

"Dad, do you realize how loud you two were, last night?" my daughter asked.

Blushing like a school kid, I just shrugged my shoulders and grinned.

My daughter-in-law smirked and told my daughter, "see, I told you that'd be his response."

Both my son and son-in-law just grinned, hoping they'd get that lucky.

For the rest of that day, we sort of kept a low profile. Every so often, we would just glance at each other and break out with these silly grins.

We had planned the next day to spend the entire day at the Polynesian Cultural Center, the number one visitor site on Oahu. This center has exhibits and shows from each of the countries that make up Polynesia.

Each show was fabulous, along with the best tasting, most refreshing ice cream. Each one of us had a dish which helped us tolerate the heat and humidity we were experiencing.

Our next day was spent touring Pearl Harbor. Nothing I say here, can express the magnitude of history we adults felt viewing the resting place of the USS Arizona.

We also took our bus to 'The North Shore' the more artsy section of Oahu. This is also the surfing center of Hawaii. We watched some very good surfers, and all agreed we'd keep our distance and just watch, and not participate.

In the next few days, our daughters and daughters-in-law went shopping. Along the main street of Honolulu, the shops resemble those of Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.

We made sure to visit as many of the tourist spots as possible on the island. All of us enjoyed every single adventure we encountered. We were amazed how the Hawaiian people decorated for Christmas. With most of the grandchildren sleeping, we rang in the New Year.

On our flight home, I began thinking if there was anything that could top this vacation. As if my wife was reading my mind, she quietly told me the entire family would love me, no matter where we took future vacations.

Getting back into our routine, none of our kids became pregnant, but all of them told us how much they enjoyed their time in Hawaii.

As I started easing back on my work load, with Charlie moving up in my firm, I knew it would be in good hands for years to come.

Our relationship continued to blossom, as we planned spending as much time as possible giving back to our community.

This ends my little story of being not only lucky enough to have one amazing marriage, but a second one after tragedy ended the first.

Not only did I find a love completely different than my first, but added a huge second family, to boot. To say how truly blessed I've been in the understatement of the decade.

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finegoldwinefinegoldwineover 2 years ago

Great Story 👍 5 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

juanviejojuanviejoover 2 years ago

It appeared to be autobiograhical and not necessarily fiction. Good story...FIVE STARS!

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffover 2 years agoAuthor

Bardot1990: As usual I truly enjoy reading your insightful comments. Its nice to have diverse readers of my stories. I take your comments to heart and will remember them if and when I write on this topic, again.😇

DedZone69DedZone69over 2 years ago

Well played young man, well payed. Seriously, I loved this story your character building is wonderful. Might have teared up just a bit, not sure. I truly hope this amazing family will find its way into more stories, not just Hal and Gina but the rest of the clan. With that many grandkids I’m sure their is a story or two hiding there

linnearlinnearover 2 years ago

A very beautiful and touch story.

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