Rise of the Warlock Ch. 02: Peace


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Diane ended her recollection in huff as she continued through the house. Always so much to do for a spymaster.


Catherine slipped into the crowd of clubbers. The only notice she received was from admires. With her black hair, green eyes, and athletic physique, she turned heads wherever she went, and at one of the hottest clubs in Chicago she got plenty of looks.

However, unlike the others in the crowd, she was not here to dance and have a good time. She was here to meet the owner and Matron of the territory, Ne'del Ven'atari, a Drow of immense power.

Ne'del Ven'atari has controlled Chicago as long as it has existed. When Al Capone was bootlegging and killing rivals, she sat in her club like a spider in her web, unconcerned of the goings on of prey. When Capone sent men to strong-arm her, she sent them back with a present.

Capone woke to find spiders in his bed, and his men hanging from the ceiling of his bedroom. He learned the lesson that others had before and after him: you don't fuck with Ven'atari.

Catherine had met with the Drow a few times before, mostly on business from her father. Today, however, she had a reason of her own: The start of a plan to take her father's house as hers.

Extortion and a Bribe

I breathed in the smell of fresh cut wood from the mill as I sat eating my lunch. It was the weekend after the funeral, and I had to be back to school on Monday. I picked up a few shifts at the mill on the weekends, something I and half the school did. The other half worked the farms or orchards.

Then she wandered over, the stranger from my grandad's funeral. "You know, only mill employees are supposed to be over here. You could cost me my job," I said when she got closer.

She sat down before replying, "We need to speak in private." I glanced around. I had been sitting alone, so I guess that meant more private.

"Meet me at fisher's bend. It's at the end of the turn off, half a mile past the road to my place," she shook her head.

"No, this needs to be dealt with now," she demanded.

"Then your S.O.L., lady," I said getting up and heading back toward the mill. I was more than a little curious about why she was here, but I wasn't about to sit up and bark because she said speak.

I was working as a planer, an easy job. One man pushes a rough length over the second, and slaps it on a conveyer that leads to the planer. It's the type of job that after an hour of doing you can slip into your head and forget about the job.

The day went slow, mostly because I kept turning over what she wanted in my head instead of just settling into a rhythm and letting the day flow. Still, the day ended and here I was turning down the old dirt road that led to fisher's bend.

Fisher's bend was aptly named as it lay at a large bend in Schultz river, which was named by a less than inventive ancestor of mine, though I'm sure the local Ottawa had their own name for it. The bend was fat, about eight feet deep and sluggish, great for swimming and fishing if you didn't want to drive to Apple lake where the river was born from.

The woman was near the river's edge. "You took your time. I told you this was urgent," she called out.

"You should be careful, local legend has it that there is a big croc that lives in the river and eats the unwary," I replied as I sat down my tackle box and began setting a hook.

I nearly laughed at her when her eyes got wide as saucers and face slipped into a grimace when she noticed what I was doing. I also wondered if I was taking the good ole boy shtick too far, ah, probably not.


"My Lord extends his greetings and an offer. He has a problem he wishes taken care of, and if you do so, you will be compensated accordingly," she said tersely, her temper barely in check as Maria considered drowning the smug bastard.

"A few questions first. How did he know I have magic, and why doesn't he get one of his own subordinates to deal with his problem? I'm sure if he insists you call him Lord, he's got to have someone to wipe his ass for him, it isn't you, is it?"


I smiled at her enraged face. I knew I was taking a chance here, but anger clouds your thinking, and in that anger, she may say something she shouldn't, or you know, shoot me. Fifty-fifty, either way.

"My Lord does not wish people to believe it is a problem at all. If he deals with it personally, then it implies a weakness; however, if you do so, it's just a minor inconvenience. As for you, well don't you know? Everyone knows about you. It's no secret that you play with magic," she replied with a smile, as it was her turn to be smug and mine to control my anger.

Play with magic? Did she have any fucking idea how long I practiced? How many times I bled? I breathed deep for one second then asked, "What's in this for me?"

"Two hundred and fifty thousand," she said.

"Damn, well what does he need done?"

"The Ten K Krew. I'm sure you've heard of the them. My Lord wishes them dealt with."

I stared at her for a moment. The months following my mother's death, I watched the news, checked the internet, did whatever I could to learn anything about her death. My mother was caught in a crossfire. My fight had nothing to do with it, or at least that's how the police perceived it to be. The Ten K Krew were up and coming. Their biggest rivals were the Disciples who happened to have several members on our block. End of story, I no longer felt the guilt I used to. I had been told by my mother to come home early so I could help look after the little ones, something I had not done. I blamed myself because I believed that by not being there, it was my fault, or at least that's what a psyche book I read explained it out to be.

Still, there was a lot of anger left and that anger called to something in me, something dark and twisted. It wanted to hurt and kill those around me who would gladly cover the world in gasoline and light a match, and that was something I could not allow.

"No, I'm not a killer for hire, and whatever gave you or your boss that impression was wrong." I pulled my line back in, tossing the worm and getting ready to leave.

"What about your Aunt and sister?" she asked.

"What about them?" I said turning back around. I gathered my energy within my core, quickly creating a rough battle plan. She would win, I didn't doubt that, I'm a decent brawler, but I am not trained, and more importantly, she wasn't human.

"Your Aunt is in debt. She put a second mortgage on her house to pay for your cousin's college tuition, and that only covered the first year. She has no workable skills and her ex-husband is sipping Mai Tais in Hawaii, thanks to his girlfriend, so no alimony. Then there's your older sister. Her ex ran up massive credit card debt and left her to foot the bill. Oh, she's worked hard, I'll give you that, four nights a week at Lola's stripping for drunks. Now, my Lord is generous. Do the job and he'll take care of your aunt's and sister's finances, even pay for your cousin's tuition in advance. If you don't, however, things are going to get a lot worse for them. Your Aunt will lose her house, your sister will be sued for the outstanding debt, maybe she'll even get arrested for a prostitution charge," she said with a sly smile.

"My sister would never," I started.

"It won't matter if she did or didn't. The charge will probably not even stick, but it'll be enough for her to lose her job." She interrupted then said, "Here, this is all the information you need. Call the number programmed within this cell if you will take the job. I'm sure you will do the right thing."

I was gripping the fishing pole so tight I thought it'd break as she walked past me.

I stood there glaring at the phone and USB she left on a rock near me. I considered chucking them both into the river out of sheer spite; however, I took them with me as I left. She had me over a barrel. I couldn't let my family get fucked over for my selfishness.

Research and Preparation

I was home. Tomorrow afternoon my Aunt and cousins would be leaving. I didn't know what Daphne was planning. We hadn't talked much since the other morning. My sisters, cousins, and Aunt had always been around preventing any sort of privacy. There was also the fact that I think she didn't want to be alone with me. I couldn't be sure, but I just got that feeling.

It was late. Everyone else had gone to bed and I sat with my laptop. I had plugged in the USB and had been researching the Ten K Krew for the past hour. The TKK got their start in the state pen at that time they made their name smuggling contraband inside for quick cash and favors. As more members were released, however, they began to extend their reach on the streets of Grand Rapids. At this time, they began to clash with the Disciples. This led to a major gang war that culminated in a day time drive by of a street filled with families. Since then, the TKK absorbed the Disciples and took control of Grand Rapids. They began dealing drugs and guns, and moved into the prostitution and porn of minors and adults alike. They ran bookmaking operations and loan sharking. To put it simply, they did it all.


Daphne opened the door to her room and was about to creep down the hall to her brother's room when she heard the tv. Based on the sound of Bugs and Daffy blowing each other to kingdom come, it was a good bet it was her brother.

Daphne had both greatly enjoyed and been completely miserable the last week. She had wanted nothing more than to continue what they had started, but her younger sisters had been around constantly. She understood that they had missed her. Between her work, their school, and that her current roommate was not the best role model, she didn't see them much. Her roommate may be one of her best friends, and even helped her get her current job, but the woman took sexual freedom to a whole new level.

Daphne had enjoyed teasing her brother though. She had even learned a few things in the past few weeks. First, her brother was a major leg man, and she had played it up. While her brother had been chopping wood with his shirt off all sweaty and manly like, she had taken advantage of the sun and a nice open clearing by laying out a blanket and sunning herself. When she began to rub lotion on her legs, there was the sudden load exclamation of "Shit!" Glancing over, she saw her brother nursing a hand, even as he threw the broken axe handle into a pile of brush nearby the chopping block.

Second, her brother wasn't as good at hiding his emotions as she first thought. Now, it wasn't anything obvious, and in truth, you still couldn't tell exactly what he was thinking, but you could tell he was hiding something. His face would lose all expression while he simply stared as if to remember every detail of the moment. Then, if he lied, he would suddenly be too expressive, as if he were copying what he thought he was supposed to look like. It was something you'd only tell by knowing him.

She walked into the living room. He was reading from his laptop as the TV acted as background noise. Smiling, she began to carefully sneak up. He appeared oblivious as he clicked through windows on his laptop. Just as she was about to surprise him, his hand shot out pinching her leg. He jumped and admitted an 'eep'.

"Well, that was rather girly sounding," he said looking at her with a smug little smirk. She flopped down beside him on the couch and laid her long, bare, tan legs across his lap, enjoying the sudden freeze of his face while his eyes glanced down then to her face and back down again.

"You know, it has been fun teasing you this week," she said; her turn to be smug.


I glared at her and sneaked a glance at her legs as my hand inched toward her long beautiful legs. Whoops got off track. Angry, not horny. Angry, not horny; ok, horny and angry.

"Oh, you knew what you were doing to me you evil little sadist," I accused. She just laughed a little.

"Women always know, little brother, that's why we do it in the first place," she replied.

"Then you are all evil; evil sexy evil evil!"

She was smiling before she shifted to sit in my lap looking down into my eyes. "Would you have us any other way little brother?" she said, drawing out the last two words.

I gripped her taut ass in my hands and with a squeeze and said, "Nope." She smiled and leaned down kissing me.

Her lips were soft and sweet as we kissed until we could no longer breathe. My hands slid up her back, taking her shirt with them. "In a hurry, Bart?" she said lifting her arms and allowing me to remove her shirt. I smiled as her flesh was revealed. She was tan except for her breasts that stood in stark contrast, appearing even more beautiful all pale with pink nipples that hardened as I watched her.

"No bra, hmm no panties either. Perhaps I'm not the only one?" I said as I rubbed her crotch with my right hand through her short shorts. She moaned softly and answered with a hungry kiss as she ground her crotch into my hand. Her moans were like purrs deep in her throat as we kissed. She pulled back before gripping my right wrist in her hand and pulling it to her lips, and sucking on my fingers and licking my palm.

"I want to feel you inside me. Make me cum, brother," she whispered, desire dripping from her words. I slipped my hand into her shorts, and pushed two fingers inside her as I used my palm to rub her clit. My left was kneading her ass as I manipulated her cunny.

"That's it, little brother. Mm... touch me, make me cum, little brother," she moaned out. I increased the pressure against her clit as I fingered her. She shuddered and stiffened in pleasure as she breathed deep. I kept up constant pressure on clit until she whispered, "Alright brother, that's enough, I'm too sensitive."

I laid a kiss on her lips as I nodded. She quietly caught her breath then kissed me before getting off my lap. "First your shirt," she said as she removed it. "Then your pants and underwear," she lustily whispered to me. Kissing down my chest, she unbuttoned my pants and removed my pants and underwear. She gripped my stiff cock before licking her way up from my balls to the head and taking me into her mouth.

She bobbed up and down, licking as she did so. I moaned and groaned, gripping my hands tight, not sure where to place them. She pulled off me and lay a small kiss on my crown then said, "You can touch me, little brother." I placed my hands on her head, gathering her hair in my hands.

I tried to watch her, but I couldn't, the pleasure too great. I closed my eyes, laid my head back, and moaned as she licked, kissed, and sucked at me. I opened my eyes, and seeing her own beautiful orbs watching me became too much. "Sis, I'm going to ugh." She simply smiled as she sped up before just taking my head between her lips and jacking me off using the saliva that remained to slick the length. I came with a groan as she swallowed my release.

I lied there for a half a minute, just catching my breath, as she softly licked at me to keep me from going soft. I pulled her up and into a soft kiss. "Let's get our clothes and head to the bedroom."

I followed her into my room. The pale globes of her butt cheeks were my beacon in the dark. I was upon her the moment the door shut behind us. Turning her and kissing her, we fell to the bed and rolled together before I found myself upon my back, looking up and into her beautiful green eyes. She leaned down, her breasts squishing wonderfully on my chest as she laid another kiss upon me before reaching down gripping my length, and guiding me into her wet, hot snatch. I groaned as inch after inch slipped into her. Her eyes never left mine as she slid down.

Griping her hips, I lightly I held her as she sat up and began to slowly ride me. Deep grinds mixed with soft whimpers of delight escaping her throat. She looked so beautiful; her hands upon my chest gripping with each forward grind, her eyes closed as she basked in the feeling, and a light sheen of sweat began to form upon her skin. I slid my hands up her back and pulled her down while moving up a bit to lick the skin from her collarbone to her neck. I sucked and nibbled on her skin there leaving a hickey upon her skin. She began to move faster, slamming herself harder, my hands slid back to her ass to help her. I groaned as I felt my end coming closer and closer.

"Sis," I groaned.

"I'm...I'm almost there. Cum with me, cum Bart!" she screamed as she slammed herself down and shuddered against me as we came together. She fell forward against me, her deep breathing matching my own. It wasn't long before her breathing became nice and regular. I pulled a blanket over us and followed her example.

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MasterKoteMasterKoteabout 2 years ago

Would be better without the incest and use tags to warn the readers

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Love it. Please continue

Im loving the start of the series. Good main character, premise, and sex-plot balance.

jester9217jester9217almost 7 years agoAuthor

Thanks for all the comments and sorry for the wait though it will be a little longer. Sadly lifehas gotten it they way so I have some of the next chapter partial finished it still needs some work before I decide to release it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Incest warning

I like the world you're building. Kind of wished you'd given us a head up about the incest though.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Liking it ....

Ch2 is seeing some character development and next we need greater plot enhancement.

You do need to watch the little things ie does Schultz river un to or from the lake?

Will be interested to see how the "black mail" to take on Averys enemies works out.

I'd expect a Mage of his standing to call the bluff.

Mmm we will see keep it coming has potential


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