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Now, even if he wasn't there at the moment to witness, she gladly and proudly showed off her body as was proper for her to do as his. The months of uncertainty and discomfort were all wiped away by his delighted smile when he entered the kitchen and gazed upon her bare flesh.

"Mmmm...." He smiled and growled lightly as he took her in his arms and kissed her lips, hands roaming up and down her back and cupping her bottom in his large warm palms. "You do make me so hungry, my beauty. Maybe I should eat you for breakfast instead."

True to his words, he had actually done that a time or two. Laying her on her back on the low table while he bent his face down between her legs and lapped at her pussy until she came again and again.

Neither of them minded much their breakfast had gotten cold in the mean time.

Nanao giggled and blushed and felt herself grow wet between her legs as she returned his kisses. Having Master awaken in such a jolly mood always made for a good day.

Even though they were presently staying in their home outside of The City for a time in a typical American looking house, Master had adopted many things from her home country both for comfort and to help her feel more at ease. One of those things was the low table and soft tatami mats in the dining room. The room looked like one in any Japanese household even if she was serving him a quite American breakfast. Eggs over easy, bacon, hash brown potatoes and toast with jelly. Along with his thick, black Colombian blend coffee, of course.

They both smiled and chatted lightly while they ate, occasionally leaning over the corner of the table to kiss and he stayed at the table sipping his coffee, eyes running up and down her body while she cleaned up. When he drained his cup he rose and stepped up behind her while she washed the dishes in the sink. His body pressed into her back and bottom while one hand slipped under her apron to lightly tease and pinch one of her already hard nipples. Nanao stopped what she was doing lest she break a dish, closing her eyes and sighing happily while he bent and nibbled on the side of her neck. Having him touch her was just getting her wetter and wetter.

Finally he raised his head and set his empty cup on the counter as he kissed her ear.

"Come to my studio when you finish, Nanao. I need some inspiration only you can provide."

Yes, my Master.

It was a demand he had made of her often. More than once she had returned home from classes to find him pacing up and down waiting for her.

"Come, Nanao. I need you." As an obedient and dutiful wife should, she dropped her books and her clothes and followed him to tend to his needs.

Sometimes he just wanted her there, sitting quietly. Needing her presence to calm his mind.

Sometimes he had a problem he needed to talk out. Moving a piece this way and that to find which was more pleasing and asking her opinion about colors or textures. He was a well known artist before she had met him and it made her extremely proud he valued and listened to her advice on his work. More and more often after her input on a piece, he'd engraved a small "N" encased in a heart next to his signature to credit her with her assistance.

There were actually buyers of his work, he told her, who looked for the "N" on new pieces. They always claimed they were his finest. Such praise made her heart soar.

Sometimes when he called her into his studio he needed more... personal attention.

She would end up on her knees using her hands and her mouth to please him. Or on her back on his work table while he ate her pussy or drove his big prick into her over and over again. Those times when he was needing distraction or inspiration, had was more rough with her than usual, leaving her feeling a bit battered inside and once in awhile covered with small bite marks and the occasional bruises from his large fingers.

Though it was rougher than she really preferred, Nanao bore the marks with grace as signs of her love and devotion for her Master. And despite the temporary discomfort, she really loved it when her big rough husband took her in any way and every way he wished. It always made her peaks just a little more... explosive. And left her in an exhausted but quite satisfied slumber.

As an artist, Alex Cable never produced the same work twice. Each time was something completely different. And so far each time Nanao had been called upon to serve her husband in his studio the demands on her had been different. She looked upon each summons as an adventure.

The last dish dried and put away, sink emptied and counters wiped down. The kitchen clean as it is always meant to be. One last look around to ensure she hadn't missed anything. As she pulled her apron over her head to hang it on the hook she noticed her hands were shaking just a little.

My.... Master certainly had her wound up tight this morning.

A quick glance at the clock made her lift her eyebrows in surprise.

Barely nine a.m. She smiled to herself.

This was going to be a long and interesting day...

Moments later found Nanao lying on her back on a small wooden platform Master had constructed out of white panels. A thin white pad cushioned her from the hard wood and he had hung a few white drop cloths around, creating what he referred to as a "blank space" which would focus the attention to the centerpiece. When he placed her there he pulled her hands above her head and bound her wrists with a black cord.

While he was binding her the girl closed her eyes and sighed softly, feeling a swarm of butterflies flitting around in her lower belly and she barely suppressed a shiver. Even so, a low chuckle from above her head let her know he hadn't missed any of the clues. He knew quite well how being bound effected her. Master's lips pressed briefly to her forehead.

"Patience, sweet little center of my universe. I will bind you again later. Right now I need your body for other things." Though she had not a clue what he was doing and wanted him very badly, Nanao belonged to him and was willing to do as he wished.

Whatever he wished.

Distracted as she had been, she hadn't taken any heed of the camera and the tripod standing off to one side of the impromptu stage. Nor of the fact the cable from the camera was plugged into the monitor of his computer. The wide flat screen showing her laying there bound. Not until he stepped over and began fiddling with the zoom and the focus, anyway. Seeing herself bound and naked and displayed made her face burn bright red and she turned it away from the voyeuristic scene.

"No no no.... that will never do..." He came around from behind the lens and knelt by her head, one hand gently turning her to look at him.

"Do you love me, little Nanao?"

Hands muted by the rope, she could only nod. He placed a hand on her chest right over her heart.

"Does this heart belong to me?" Another nod. His hand slid back and forth and his large rough fingers gently pinched her nipples, making her wiggle and sigh.

"Does this.... amazingly beautiful and exciting little body belong to me?" Even though she didn't really agree with his adjectives, she nodded again. Master had a way of making her feel beautiful and incredible. He waved at the camera, dismissively.

"These pictures... they are not what I am doing, love. They are merely references. You..." He touched her chin and leaned down to kiss her lips softly. "You have always been and always will be... my greatest work of art. The living embodiment of my soul. Now..." He kissed her again. "Smile for me, little Nanao."

She did smile, then. Though she couldn't say it aloud, her lips formed the words.

Yes, Master.

He had spent the best part of an hour as she lay there bound. Picture after picture flashed up onto the monitor. He moved in and out and back and forth, mostly talking to himself, the tripod abandoned after the first few minutes to get each angle with his hands and his eyes. Catching her smile and the curve of her hips and the swell of her breasts and the little cleft between her legs and the smooth pale skin of her thighs. The rope around her wrists and the way her hair lay in a dark halo around her head. Now and then touching her to move her just a little. Now and then touching her to make her smile and wiggle. Tongue flicking out to lash across one taut nipple or to taste her lips or her skin.

Just enough to keep her right on the edge the entire time.

With a contented sigh, he finally set the instrument aside and looked down at her with a smile.

"Such a sweet girl." As always, she was mildly surprised someone with such large hands could be so adept as he took only seconds to untie the ropes from her wrists. He rubbed her hands and wrists and then her shoulders as her hands came free. She ached a little bit from being in one position for so long, but she had endured worse for him and would happily do so as often as he needed.

He laid her hands over one another across her chest, just below her breasts and held them there with one hand.

"Spread your legs for me, Nanao."

Oooohhh... It was one of the phrases she loved hearing coming from his lips. She felt a tremor run through her legs as she did as he commanded. His free hand came up and pressed a finger to her lips.

"Open up, my love. Get it nice and wet." She sucked the tip of his finger between her lips and used her tongue to coat it with her saliva. "Good girl." When it was nice and slippery he pulled it from her mouth and reached down to place his finger between her other lips. Gently, he circled her hard little pleasure button, making he hips roll of their own accord.

"And again." His finger went back into her mouth. Nanao licked her own juices from his skin and moaned softly as she lashed it with her tongue. This time when he touched her between her legs she could feel she was quite wet as she had been for a good portion of the morning. His big finger roamed up and down her slit and pressed just inside before circling her clit in an orbit of pleasure.

"One more time, Nanao. Then I will give you a reward." She could barely contain sucking his entire digit into her mouth as she treated it as if it were his cock and this time the thick finger slipped all the way up inside of her as her internal muscles squeezed and massaged him. The whole of his hand cupped her pussy as he stroked in and out and it only took a few seconds before she was brought to a shattering climax, hips lifting and her back arching and a long low moan escaping from her throat.

"Mmmm... such a good girl." Master smiled at her as she shivered and sighed happily.

He bent and kissed her softly gasping lips.

"Time to get dressed, little love. We have work to do."


Father had been the most resistant, of course.

Due to his position as "Jokai" or head priest of the Shinto temple he was by nature and profession, quite enmeshed in the traditional Japanese culture and beliefs. He was also quite hard-headed and stubborn, especially when it came to matters of his daughter. Father was not at all comfortable with the notion of his Hinami marrying some foreigner.

Mother and Toshiro had their own objections but in the face of Father's displeasure they wisely kept silent.

"I will meet this.... brash American. Then I will send him on his way."

"Father-San, please..." He turned away and would not even look at her words, a furious scowl on his face.

"No, daughter. This man is strange and foreign and I think you can do much better than him."

"But I don't..." Were the words he refused to see.

Hinami was torn. On one hand she was jubilant because Alex was coming to meet her parents. He was coming to their house to eat dinner and he told her he was going to ask for their blessing to marry. On the other hand she was downcast because her Father refused to even listen. Also, since he was going to be in her parents house, he would not be able to touch her. It had been two nights since their time at the club and Hinami could still feel the touch of his big warm hand on the inside of her thigh.

She wanted him to touch her there again.

There and... other places.

She was afraid Father was just going to send him away and forbid her to see him again.

She should have had more faith.

When the time came for Alex to arrive, Hinami heard a noise and went to the front door. Just outside she found him hurriedly scraping mud from his boots. He stopped and gave her a big smile.

"Sorry, love. I just had to walk around this house a few times to admire it. It's quite stunning!"

Hinami didn't quite know what to say but Mother spoke from behind her.

"Thank you, Sir. You honor us. My husband built this house."

"He did? You must be quite proud, Mrs Kurosaki-San. The house is quite beautiful. Almost..." He raised one finger. "Almost as beautiful as yourself, if I may be so bold. Now I know where Hinami gets her stunning looks." Hinami blushed and her mother laughed. Alex sat on the step and left his boots on the concrete.

Once inside he never even let Father voice his displeasure. He bowed to him politely and then began questioning him about traditional Japanese building techniques, going on and on about how wonderfully the house was constructed and how pleasing to the eye it was. Before Father could even remember he was going to dislike this man, he found himself discussing tenons and mortises and frame construction and the best way to secure ceramic roofing tiles.

With a knowing smile on her face, Mother led her daughter into the kitchen to help her make dinner. Once they were far enough away she wouldn't be heard, Mother leaned down and whispered "I like him."

With a little smile her hands said "Me, too!"

Just as the dinner dishes were being set on the table, Alex suddenly smacked himself in the forehead. "Cripes! I almost forgot I brought you a gift. I left it on the front porch. Toshiro-San, would you?"

The lad came in bearing a nicely made wooden box about 100 cm long, maybe 10 cm wide and 5 deep. It seemed heavy in his hands.

"Give that to your Father please, young man."

"What is this?" Father opened the box and was staring at what appeared to be an ancient sword set in red velvet. It lacked a proper handle and the blade was pitted with seeming age and the edge had many nicks in it. Suddenly his eyes widened.

"Is... is this...?" Alex nodded.

"Kusanagi no Tsurugi. The legendary Grass Cutting Sword. Well, a replica, anyway." Father reached out tentatively as if he were afraid to touch it.

"It's exquisite.... I don't know..."

"I made it myself."

"You did what?" The American shrugged.

"I built a forge and made it myself. Took me a while but I think it came out okay. If you like it, I think it will make a nice conversation piece for your wall."

In all of her life, Hinami had never seen Father completely flabbergasted.

She was seriously impressed.

This so very odd man who had turned her life upside down just never stopped amazing her. And she hoped he never did.

He kept the charm turned on full blast all through dinner, complimenting the food and asking for recipes for this and that. Asking Father for advice on the best place to find a kimono in his size. He even went as far as talking to Toshiro about which manga he liked best and suggesting a few for him to read.

All the while singing the praises of their lovely daughter, of course. He kept them all spellbound with his charm.

"So... Cable-San..." Father had tried to call him "young man" several times and stopped because the man he was addressing was almost as old as he. "Exactly why are you so intent on marrying my daughter?" Alex looked over at Hinami and smiled.

"How can you look at her and ask me why?" He said. "How can you read her words and not understand immediately? How can you see what is in her heart and not fall in love with her? I'm surprised there aren't men lined up outside your door, fighting for her hand." He looked back at Father.

"I would fight them all, Sir. Fight them and win for a chance for her love. From what I have seen and read and from what I can see right now with my own two eyes... your daughter is the most beautiful, warmest and most intelligent woman on this planet." He paused and bowed to Mother from his sitting position. "Present company excluded, of course." She laughed delightedly.

"Sir... I have been alone for a good portion of my life. And I have been searching for the perfect woman to share my life with. A year ago I found some of her poetry online and it touched my heart. I found more and her words sang to my soul. Then I found a picture and fell madly in love with that face." Hinami found herself blushing furiously.

"At that time I decided Hinami would be my wife, if she would have me. To which end I spent the entire last year learning both Japanese and sign language. I had never spoken either of them before. But I wanted to see Hinami's words fresh from her hands and her heart."

"Perhaps I was overly bold, asking her to marry me the first time we met. But I had already made up my mind. What I have learned over the last few days have merely strengthened my resolve. Hinami is the woman who will make all of my dreams come true. And I ... with my last breath... with my last dime... with the final beat of my heart... will do anything and everything I can to make her as happy as she does me."

"Does that answer your question?"

"Yes... yes, it does."

Hinami had to wait until he left the house to hug him. She was trying to throw her arms around his neck and talk at the same time and she almost put his eye out. He laughed and hugged her and lifted her off the ground. The he slipped an arm behind her knees and ended up cradling her in his arms as if she were an infant. They sat on the hood of his car and he looked down at her and smiled.

"Was that okay, love?" She nodded and nodded.

"You were amazing!" A little pause as she looked towards the house to see if anybody was looking then she looked back up into his smiling face.

"Master, I love you."

"And I love you, Hinami. Now and forever." One hand came up and stroked his cheek.

"Call me..." She blushed a little. "Please call me by my name, Master." His smile got wider and he rearranged her until she was sitting in his lap. One arm across her back and the other hand came up and cupped her chin as he looked into her eyes.

"Your Master loves you, my sweet, wonderful, beautiful little Nanao."

She opened her lips to his kiss readily as he held her tight. Her arms wrapped around his neck.

Behind his back while they kissed though he couldn't see it, her hands were talking.

"I'm ready... I'm ready... I'm ready... I'm ready..."


Fresh flowers. Fresh water. A fresh prayer, even if the words were the same.

All offerings to the Gods and spirits of the world.

Her hands held high and clapped once.

Twice, to get their attention.

Then folded over her heart while her mind said the same thing she had written on the paper.

Thank you for my dream.

Unlike the innumerable hordes of prayers which floated heavenward every second of every day, this one was truly and simply sincere. Not screaming or begging or demanding or whining.

Just saying thank you.

Before she rose she added "If you don't mind, make tonight extra special. Not for me, but for him."

Nanao began her day.

With collar and leash Master leads me to my dreams Smiling, I follow

Beloved Mama-San-

We will be home again in four months. My classes will be finished for the semester and I will be quite relieved. It is, as you said, lots of work balancing a full course schedule and a marriage. But Alex and I are doing well. He makes me very happy, Mama. Don't ever worry about that.

This past six months since we were home last has just been a whirlwind. I have learned so many things about him and about myself I don't even know if I can list them all.