River Styx


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I was getting wetter as I watched the show before me.

A hand worked into the bodice of my dress and caressed my breast. I tipped my head back at the pleasurable feeling of the warm hand pinching and pulling on my nipple.

"No," he said, "open your eyes. Watch them."

I tipped my head forward again, and slitted my eyes, watching the connections of flesh.

The football player had the brunette by the hair, pulling her more tightly to his crotch. The sounds she made were something between a moan and a gag. But she made no move to stop anything.

He came first, in an eruption that seemed to startle him. Cum ran out of her mouth and dripped off her chin. She was panting from the actions at her other end.

The football player took hold of his now-limp dick and sat back in the bottom of the boat, with a goofy grin on his face. He began stroking it as soon as his ass hit the floor.

The young man behind her started to move with very jerky motions, having serious trouble maintaining his rhythm.

The brunette continued moaning and panting. "Oh, yes. Mmm, more."

I felt the light trace of fangs on my neck as I turned my head slightly to watch the other two and stiffened. Would he bite me? Was he a vampire or something?

"No. And no." The voice was low and warm in my ear.

So, I relaxed and felt the fingers caress my breast, pluck my nipple. And, lower down, wetness was now sliding down my thighs.

The young man erupted inside the brunette, who was trembling with her own climax, and collapsed on her back.

The blond was chanting, "Yes. Yes. Yes." and let out a shriek as the man she was riding pulled her down and bit her nipple.

He raised and lowered her a couple more times before releasing a groan of satisfaction.

I tried to turn in the steersman's grasp, wanting more than the light touch he was giving me. I felt the bulge of him against my ass.

He held me tighter, scraping those fangs against my neck. The sensation was electric, something I didn't expect.

I felt the boat bump against another dock as he murmured in my ear, "Your turn."

"Invidia! Everyone out."

I stood on the dock with the others, frustrated, squelching when I walked.

I glanced back at him once, and he licked his lips and smiled at me.

The archway here was a greenish stone, with black streaks. We walked through it and were greeted with the now-familiar road lined with shops. Another house stood at the other end.

This time, there were no names on the shops. Nothing to pull us in any particular direction. We all looked at one another, unsure of what to do.

The brunette was enthralled with the house at the end of the street. A well-dressed man came up to her and began to talk to her. She asked questions and he gestured, and they began walking up the street toward the house.

The rest of us just shrugged at each other and chose a shop at random.

Just before I entered the one that I had chosen I looked back up the street. The house at the end had grown larger. A fashionably dressed woman had taken her by the hand. Actually, if it were possible, the brunette looked.. thinner.

This time the shop showed nothing of me.

It was all other people's things. Things I liked. Things I had wanted and wished for, in life. I tried to touch one of the necklaces and the case it was in snapped at me!

There were chocolate truffles in one case, a weakness of mine. The box wasn't full; there were a couple missing. The box wasn't secured that I could see, so I tried to open the container and get one.

It wouldn't open.

I worked my nails into the groove and pulled. Nothing.

I tipped it upside down and shook it. No good.

I looked around for something to open it with and nothing came to hand. So, I threw it against the wall. It seemed impervious. Not a dent, not a mark.

That did it. I was going to get a piece of candy if it killed me.

I kicked it, stomped on it, tried to tear the box open with my teeth. Slammed it in a door a couple of times.

As I contemplated my next means of attack the call rose. "Time to come back to the boat."

Grumbling, pissed, I left the store. I was joined in the boat by four others who looked as disgruntled as I.

The brunette was missing as I looked back to the steersman and we left the dock.

And it struck me. This must be how each of us found our place in heaven.

The deep sonorous voice entered my head again. "Or hell."

I looked at him, startled by the concept and he smiled a rueful smile at me.

Then he crooked a finger at me and I crawled farther back into the boat to get to him.

But then, I sat on the last seat, facing him, thinking of how he had left me frustrated as we arrived. "No more so than you, the time before."

Damn. He was right. I had teased him. I'd have to figure out how to keep my thoughts away from him. "Not possible."

Double damn.

Again, he smiled, and gestured for me to come closer.

With a sigh, I stood, and went to him.

He first pulled me into a kiss, then spun me around, as before.

I resigned myself to being fondled and left wanting again. He chuckled in my ear.

Three men and one woman now occupied the front of the boat.

The younger man, dark complected and dark haired, had pulled out his dick and was being sucked by the football player.

The third man was reaming the blonde's ass.

Pleasured moans and occasional shrieks emanated from the front of the boat.

In the meantime, the steersman's warm hand had again begun playing with my breast.

I wanted more, much more this time. I could feel the hardness of his manhood pressed against my buttocks and was envisioning it pumping between my thighs.

"Not yet."

Damn. So, I sighed as his fingers plucked my nipple, squeezed my breast and felt the oozing of my juices down my thighs.

I tried to concentrate on the limited pleasure he was giving me but was very distracted by the needs below.

Wait a minute. I could touch myself! I was so stupid. I didn't have to be frustrated by what he was doing when I could pleasure myself.

At that revelation, I hiked up my skirt, traced my fingers over my garter belt and dove in to the wetness that was dripping from my needy pussy.

Oh, yes. Just the touch made me jerk in his embrace.

He growled lightly as I spread my legs and planted them, then began to pleasure myself in his grip.

I watched the younger man jerk and blast his load into the football player's mouth and over his face. The football player then summarily spun the smaller man around, dragged down his pants, and shoved his dick into the younger man's ass. And so, their second act began.

The third man pulled his dick from the blonde's ass and painted her body with his cum.

He then dropped to his knees and rested his hands on his thighs for a time, before taking a deep breath and driving his tongue into her cunt.

In the meantime, I shoved two of my fingers into my own pussy and rubbed my little button, moaning and rocking, while a third hand, warm and strong, squeezed my breast and pinched its nipple.

I rose on a wave of pleasure and my legs began to shake. I cried, "Oh, yes," as I came in a flood of juices and my legs turned to jelly.

He caught me before I dropped to the bottom of the boat and I felt a bump as we landed at another dock.

"Ira. Everyone out."

Before he released me he grabbed at my hand and languidly sucked my juices off my fingers, smiling at me knowingly.

At the end of the dock, the archway stood. A deep red in color, this time.

As we passed under it, we were surprised to find fighting in the streets.

Men were throwing punches, women were pulling hair and clawing. There was screaming, broken noses, black eyes. I saw fists, knives, guns.

We hesitated. Suddenly, the younger man screamed out in Spanish. I didn't know much, but I was pretty sure muerte meant death.

He knocked another man down, grabbed the knife from him, and sprinted after another man of similar appearance, but older.

We slowly worked our way down the street and saw that none of the shops were open. There were, however, two houses at the end of the street we walked.

The third man suddenly started, and picked up a gun that had been lying on the street. Then he yelled, "You bastard, you raped my little girl! I'll kill you you son of a bitch!"

An older man looked his way and blanched at the gun pointed at him, turned, and ran.

Our younger man was no longer in sight and the third man had turned a corner.

The blonde was having a heated discussion with another woman.

The football player was pounding on someone who looked about his size and weight.

I looked around, and found somebody I wanted to give a piece of my mind to.

"Sam, what the hell is wrong with you? How dare you ask our parents to bail you out again? AGAIN!"

"You have no right to accuse me of anything. Besides, you had it so easy. Always first, always best. Mom and Dad love you the most."

"Easy?! I went to school; I saved my money; I learned to live on a small income."

"Yeah, and now you're rich. So you feel you're better than me."

"I'm not rich, I do OK. You could have had the same things. You're an adult. You made your choices. You're just making things worse for your kids."

"You didn't have any kids. You have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Yeah, well I wanted them. I haven't gotten everything I wanted. Are you happy now?"

I drew breath to respond when the summons came.

"Time to come back to the boat."

As if unlocked from a spell, three of us return to the boat. It's now myself, the blonde woman, and the football player.

The steersman smiled at me.

Without invitation, I moved back to him. The bulge had already returned to his pants.

He reached out his free hand to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, once more trapping me against his body. So warm, so vibrant.

The blonde woman had laid herself out on the bottom of the boat. The football player dropped down and began eating her.

A familiar hand again made it presence known on my breast.

I hiked my skirts up as I felt the wetness build down below again.

As my hand worked downward on my body, I heard a word murmured in my ear. "Wait."

I stopped, briefly, and felt the warm hand on my breast descend my body. I spread and planted my legs again, believing that, this time, he was going to touch me.

And, so, he did. Warm, warm fingers stroked my thighs, caressed my lower lips. I sighed and tipped my head back against his shoulder.

He sucked against the pulse point of my neck as he dragged his fingers through the wetness at my entrance. I bobbed a little, seeking a deeper touch. He growled a little, "Hold still."

A sharp point grazed my little nub, and I caught my breath as heated lightning filled my body.

He stroked over my slit, catching my clit as he passed and I began to rock against his hand. "MMMmmm." I moaned my pleasure at his touch, wrapped my arm around his neck to hold him close, felt his response in the hardened staff pressing against my buttocks.

Then, one finger invaded my wet and wanting tunnel. I sighed at the feeling, so different from my own fingers. He wiggled it, pulled out, and stroked my clit again, flicking over it.

I made my eyes slits and saw the blonde on her hands and knees, with the football player behind her now, and heard the slurping noises as he made use of her wet pussy.

I gasped as two fingers entered me, making me feel fuller, and began pumping in and out. He concentrated on the rough patch just inside my entrance as I ground backwards against his crotch.

I was panting, gasping, and whimpered as his fingers are removed. But they were quickly replaced, while another seemed to be concentrated on my most sensitive spot.

A groan left my lips as a flood of juices covered his hand.

I started to sag but he held me upright, continuing to stroke me. I was riding a long wave of orgasm, bucking in his grip.

I was practically boneless when I felt the telltale bump and he pulled his fingers away.

"Acedia. Everyone out."

He held me a moment, until I felt my legs again, and I found myself on the dock with the other two travelers.

Grey. So much grey. The archway was a dull grey. The sky was grey. And I just felt so.. tired.

We barely got past the archway when we all dropped down to the pavement. As if the gravity had suddenly increased greatly. What was wrong with us?

The others in this place moved slowly, so slowly. It was like a nature show I had watched once, with some animal that moved really, really slowly. I think moss grew in their fur, or something.

Raising my head, I saw a house at the end of the street. One of us would be staying here, it seemed.

The football player was splayed out on his back. The blonde was wheezing, and trying to crawl.

I couldn't stand it. I tried to heave myself up onto my hands and knees. Oh, god, it was so hard.

While she was managing a labored crawl back to the dock, I was having trouble. I couldn't get up on my knees. So, I pushed my arms forward, and pulled my bottom half after me.

It was exhausting, but I made some progress.

I booted the football player as I passed him, but all he did was groan.

It felt like hours but I finally made it to the other side of the archway, following the blonde by a few minutes.

It was like a weight was lifted from us. We stood, and I turned. The football player had been loaded onto a low cart and was being pushed down the street. "Time to come back to the boat."

And so, we were two.

The steersman's eyes blazed brightly as we returned to the boat and I turned to him. The blonde whimpered as I moved back in the boat.

I turned to look at her. "Well? Come on then."

Her smile was brilliant as she moved to the back with me.

We sat on the back bench, facing each other and took each other's face in our hands.

The kiss was deep. We closed our eyes and moaned as hands went to blouse and bodice.

The steersman made no sound as we stripped each other naked to the waist.

She was small, thin, and her breasts were, also. I could feel her ribcage plainly as I ran my hands down her body.

She licked her lips and grabbed my torso, pulling me closer. Her lips latched onto one of my nipples and she sucked like a starving infant, her hand massaging my breast.

I turned my head to the side and looked up slightly. His eyes were glowing. I reached out to the bulge in his pants and he groaned.

I tried to hold myself up with one arm and get his pants open with the other. I met his hand as I fumbled with his pants; he was helping me get to him.

The blonde moved and crouched before me. She threw up my skirt and dove underneath. I felt her open my lips with her fingers and stroke me. I also heard slurping sounds, those of fingers pumping in and out of a wet pussy. She was pleasuring herself as she was working on me.

We finally brought the steersman out of his pants and I stroked his hardened member, listening to his groan with satisfaction. He took hold of my hair and pulled me closer. I licked his cock, worshipped it with my tongue and he groaned louder.

The blonde had taken to licking my pussy as I licked him.

We moaned, groaned, licked, and sucked and I felt wonderful as I was being pleasured while pleasuring him. I pulled away from him, briefly, as I surrendered to an orgasm.

After shuddering my climax for a few moments, he dragged me back to his length. I licked and sucked at him, felt him swell, and heard the blonde woman groan her release just before his guttural cry.

I swallowed that wonderfully smoky semen, licked my lips, and cleaned him off. The blonde peeked out from under my skirts as the boat bumped against another dock.

The steersman looked down at me, with hazy eyes. "Gula. Everyone out."

The archway was a riot of color, but it was the smells that led us through. Food, flowers, spices. Wonderful smells.

The blonde's eyes widened as we stepped through. The shop on the left had a name on it, that wasn't mine, and she steered for it, inhaling deeply.

I looked down the street before entering my shop. Another house stood there at the end.

Inside were delicacies, comfort food, sweets. My favorite flowers stood beside a table decorated for a feast.

A man in a dark suit and white shirt seated me before the table. He poured a glass of wine and set a plate before me.

I realized I wasn't particularly hungry, guess that's not a problem when you're dead, but everything looked so good. Tiny quiche, smoked salmon, a bisque, oo, lobster. I tried a couple of things, to be polite. It was all divine. The wine was rich, heady.

The plate was replaced by another. A steak, mashed potatoes, correction, garlic mashed potatoes, and sugar snap peas. I devoured the mashed potatoes, I just loved them, and started to attack the steak. I found I was growing hungrier.

That plate was removed and replaced with a green ice. Mmm. Lemon balm and grapefruit. The palate cleanser.

The next plate was set before me, and I contemplated it. A pork chop covered in a pear sauce, more mashed potatoes, asparagus. It looked luscious. I should be full by now, why was I hungry?

My fork was poised, but, as I thought about it, I set the fork down.

"Time to come back to the boat."

As I walked out of the shop I saw the blonde, belly distended, stuffing food in her mouth at a rapid rate.

I turned for the dock and walked under the archway for the boat. In six stops my six companions in death had been left behind. I was the only one left in the boat, other than the steersman.

He stood, as always, with his hand on the tiller. His eyes, however, glowed a little more brightly upon seeing me and he gave a slight smile.

As I stepped into the boat, it pulled away from the dock. I made my way to the back. To him.

"How many more stops?"


"Will I be left at one of them?"


"Which one?"

"I don't know."

He looked less than composed by that admission so I went to him, wrapped my arms around him, and kissed him.

The kiss was long, and deep. We traded off. My tongue pushing strongly into his, to taste him. Then, him, returning, pushing into mine. Our tongues twined like two snakes, like two lovers. We explored every inch of each other's mouths.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and stroked his bare pate.

He, in turn, stroked my back with his free arm, then scratched it lightly.

We held each other tightly, his manhood full and hard between us, my breasts mashed against his chest.

A slight bump jarred me out of the spell we seemed to be under. No, we couldn't already be at the next stop, we hadn't had the chance to do anything this time.

And I would be left either here or at the next stop.

He whispered into my ear, his voice husky, "Stay here with me."

Then he pulled away a bit and the usual loud call sounded. "Luxuria. Everyone out."

I looked into the burning brands that were his eyes. Luxuria? What would it be like?

I'd already been pampered, feted, fed. Here in the boat, I'd also been loved.

I was half-tempted to look around, but only half.

He continued looking into my eyes and murmured, "Pull the seat closer, and bend over it."

I looked at him in confusion and he twisted me around, indicating the seat in front of us. I stooped, and grabbed it.

Much more easily than I would have expected, it came backwards, and up a bit. When it came about hip height, I leant over it, offering myself to him.

My skirt was flung up over my back and he caressed my ass, his free hand exploring the lace of the garter belt, under the tops of the stockings.

His hand was warm on my body, tracing over my curves, feeling my flesh under my scant undergarments.

He delved between my thighs as I closed my eyes, wanting to concentrate only on what I was feeling, what he was doing.