RMC: National Nude Day Orgy


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"Not at all, we're just getting started," Gloria answered, pushing away from me and swimming over to the edge near them. "People are still arriving, and we've only been in the pool a few minutes."

"Well, I think we've got a surprise for you," Gayle said, looking back and forth at Gloria and me. I glanced at Gloria, she obviously had as much befuddlement as I did. "I hope you don't mind, but we've brought along some good friends."

Fred was standing a bit further back from the pool edge and looking at the gate he waved his hand beckoning someone closer. I couldn't see the gate from where I was, but a second later I heard it open, and my mouth fell open as Mary and Steve stepped into sight.

"Mary! Steve! What are you two doing here?" Gloria beat me to the exclamation.

"Oh, we just heard there was a Nude Day party so invited ourselves over," Mary laughed. She stepped over to the edge of the pool to give me a hug, but I didn't pull her close, just gently pulling up enough to give her a quick peck of a kiss. When I explained that I didn't want to hug her too much and get her clothes wet, she said "Don't worry about it, if we're invited to stay we're going to be naked soon anyway."

"Of course you're invited to stay," I answered her, "but how in the hell do you know Gayle and Fred?"

She glanced at Gayle and smiled, and turning back to me, Steve beat her to the response. "Actually, we've known them longer than we have you."

"You have?" I asked, somewhat bewildered.

"Well," Gayle answered, "Mary and Steve are actually friends and neighbors of Uncle Will and Aunt Phyllis. Close friends of them."

I immediately put it together. Gayle had told how she'd spent the summer after high school living with Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Will and had become a part of their group. Steve and Mary had told us they were part of a 'group' of sharing friends back home; Gayle admitted that she and Fred had been up to visit that group a time or two over the years... "So, you know my Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Will?"

"That's how we met Gary and Fred and Gayle and Judy."

"Why didn't you say anything when we were here? When we flew in from Palm Springs?"

"We couldn't, we didn't know you were related. We'd never actually been to Gayle and Fred's place at that time, although we'd seen them when we were down and stayed at Gary and Judy's place. But this week, when we came to visit them, I saw your picture on the wall with your wife... Debs was it?" she finished, only partially sure of her name.

I nodded. "Debs." I confirmed.

"We were actually going to go home for the weekend, but when we realized that the party at your house was with someone we also knew... Well, Gayle just said we should just stay and join the party."

"That's fantastic," Gloria said, extending her arm out. Mary stepped forward and gave her a hug while I turned and gave Gayle a welcome hug.

"Well," I said with a grin, "it is a Nude Day party -- so why don't you take off your clothes and stay awhile?"

"What brought you to San Diego?" I queried of Steve when they came back out of the house, now nude like the rest of us. Gloria had gone in with them to show them where to put their clothes, Steve and Fred returning first.

"I had business meetings Tuesday and Wednesday, so I just called up Fred," his head ticked over toward my brother in law, "and asked if they might like us to stay for a couple of days. Mary came with me, we were at a hotel downtown Monday and Tuesday, and came out to stay with them the rest of the week."

"Aren't Gary and Judy coming?" I asked, mostly directed at Gayle when she and Judy and Gloria came back out.

"They'll be here in a bit," my sister responded, "they went home first," unwittingly confirming my supposition that they'd probably all been together the previous night. I kind of surmised that, knowing that Steve and Mary and Fred and Gayle were sexual partners, and from what had been said about them knowing Gary and Judy too, I figured they'd all been together, but that sealed it for me.


"So," I said to Martha, heading to the cooler for another beer when she wasn't immediately beside Ross. That he'd been a bit bashful, that he obviously hadn't been in the sun much due to his brown arms but otherwise white body, and that Martha had, due to her all-over tan, "the carpet no longer matches the drapes?" I was referring to her shaved pussy; several years before she'd also surprised me, proving to be a red-head which didn't match her silvery-blond head.

"Seems to me I can say the same thing," she answered, glancing up and down my own body. "When did you shave everything?"

The question caught me a bit by surprise, and then I realized that I hadn't even seen her since our party several years before except at the Debs funeral, and my shaving everything from head to toe, my affairs with Janet, Gloria, Bug... as I looked around the pool I realized that I had more lovers than non-lovers present, and with the exception of Jenny and Bill, they'd all come into my life since that last party.

"It has been a long time, hasn't it?" I answered. "I shaved all the grey off probably 4 months after Debs passed."

"And which of your lovers did you do it for?"

"Oh?" I responded, taken aback, and then realizing I really had nothing to hide said, "What makes you say that?"

"Well? It's true, isn't it?" I nodded, looking around and doing the name count as I did. All, except my sister, her sister in law Judy, and Martha herself, had shared my bed at one time or another. "So which one was it?" she asked again when I hadn't answered quite as rapidly as she thought I should.

"It was my love, not my lovers, that I did it for."

"Debs?" She asked, her voice moving from the teasing tone she'd been needling me with to a note of respect and caring. I nodded. "I know, you felt about her like I did about my Davey." She paused momentarily. "You shaved it all before she died?"

"Oh, Martha, don't I wish." I sighed and told her the story of my malaise after her death, our last morning together making love and our agreement that we'd both shave for the other. I told her that somehow shaving everything had helped me move from the grief-stricken period of my life to accepting that I was still alive.

"I guess I've been shaving the kitty just about that long, too," she volunteered with a giggle. "After our last party, I realized that I missed going nude with my Davey. I found out about a nudist cruise and signed up! What I didn't realize was that styles have changed over the years -- the norm in nudist culture anymore is shaving, so I did. I can't believe I never did it before." She leaned in closer and whispered, "It makes oral sex absolutely awesome!"

"Why Martha!" I laughed in return.

She grinned and said, "I guess I look and act younger than my years in more ways than one? The old body doesn't react quite like it did when I was 18, but a good tongue can still get the job done."


Shirley and her husband Frank were the last to arrive and later became the first to leave, as they had an evening appointment. When they arrived everyone else was already naked, wearing clothes they stuck out from everyone else but rapidly shed their clothes and joined the party.

Shirley and Mary would have been shoo-ins for the biggest boob contest winners. Shirley would have won the contest, although Mary's were much prouder than Shirley's. I wasn't within earshot, but at one time I saw the two of them conversing, and from the body language, I knew they were comparing that they both had big boobs. That Shirley's sagged a bit wasn't in the least unbecoming to her.

It was maybe two hours later, and at least a couple more dips in the pool to cool off, that Shirley swam over next to me and said that they were going to have to hit the road, but that they'd had a wonderful time. I got out with her and walked inside where we found her husband already getting dressed and just finishing off another beer. "You've got a wonderful home and some really gorgeous friends. We'll have to get together at our place next time," he said, turning and setting on the edge of the bed to begin putting his shoes on. Shirley had dropped her towel to the floor and began getting dressed herself, starting with panties and pants, before picking up her bra and reversing it to hook it together. Spinning it forward, she paused momentarily and looked me in the face, winking before slipping her breasts into the cups. I smiled in return just as Frank finished with "Shirley said the three of you had a bit of fun together at the conference. Sounded like a lot of fun, maybe I can be there next time."


"Marco!" Judy hollered, her eyes closed.

"Polo!" a dozen voices answered as one, followed by Judy leaping up and forward, her breasts bouncing free of the water as she reached toward what she assumed was the closest body. A flurry of naked moving bodies scurried away, followed by another round, until she accidentally caught Janet who became "it". A typical pool party all afternoon, except that everyone was naked. Bug and Janet had both finally shucked their bikinis, the last two to get totally naked, only doing so when they first went swimming to cool off.

Despite that nobody would have said anything if someone had wanted to get frisky or disappear indoors for a while, there was probably less of a sexual undertone than if everyone had been clothed. Except for virtually everyone having lotion rubbed onto their bodies by someone else, which usually including touching everything and perhaps hands lingering a bit longer than what would have occurred had they had clothes on, there wasn't really anything outwardly sexual except that everyone was naked. That seemed to come to an end as the sun set.

I'd fired up the barbeque with the obligatory party fare: hamburgers, brats and dogs. Simple and easy to cook, the potato salad, watermelon and other stuff that had been prepared coming out of the refrigerator. I'd put shorts back on for cooking on the fire to protect against the heat and grease splatter; a bit of splatter on the arms and hands was tolerable but, on my boy, I knew from experience it would sting intolerably.

I'd flipped some burgers and backed away when two arms snaked around me and two nubile breasts compressed into my back. "Uncle Jim," I heard a whisper below my ear, "you didn't answer before. When are you going to let me take you inside and say hello to you properly?" Sara's hand ran across my chest, her palm lingering on my breast and nipple which responded to her touch. I'm sure the nerves of my nipples and cock are connected as touching my nipples always tingles in my cock.

"And what makes you think I'm interested in saying hello to you properly? " I teased in return, understanding perfectly what she'd meant. Following the previous Nude Day Party several years before, Sara had spent another week with us when her parents had to go home.

Being summer, Debs had been off work, so she and Sara were by themselves during the days, and I'd come home as soon as I could in the evenings. The three of us shared our bed every night, but it was just Sara and Debs together every day. Later that summer after she'd gone home, Debs confessed that she missed having Sara share our bed and be our lover. Although she admitted she liked men and preferred me, there had never been a woman that had so thoroughly pushed her pleasure buttons as Sara, including her mother. The three of us had shared everything, a truly three-way love affair. On the day she'd had to fly out, we'd gotten Sara all packed up and ended up ready to leave a little extra early. I was about to take Sara's bag out to the car when Debs stopped me and said, "Why don't you let me take that and you take Sara back to the bedroom and say goodbye to her properly? Just make it quick."

Sara's mouth nibbled at my ear before she answered. "Do you want me to do you right here?"

"Right here?" I whispered back, "what do you want to do to me right here?"

"Suck your cock and have you eat me, and then I'm going to ride your cock until you cum inside me."

"How about I finish cooking and then we'll see just what we want to eat for dinner?"

"I already know what I want."

It had been interesting to see the dynamics of how everyone interacted all day. With Gary and Fred brothers, and having been sharing their wives for years, it made sense that the four of them would be hanging together. Although I know Bug and her mother Gayle had spoken, and that Gayle knew that, since Christmas, Bug had been my lover, I wasn't sure whether Fred knew this or not. I also wasn't sure whether Bug had ever been naked around her father, or him around her. It was obvious that Fred wasn't closely eying his daughter's body when she finally got naked and went swimming, almost purposely not looking at her, although he didn't seem to have any problem ogling Janet or Melissa or Sara. Later in the day I saw him watching his daughter more closely and I couldn't help but wonder what his thoughts were, especially with the similarities between Gayle and Bug. There could be no doubt from anyone seeing them side by side that they were mother and daughter, although nowhere near the "almost twins" resemblance of Melissa and Gloria.

It was hard not to compare the two father-daughter combinations of which both daughters had shared my bed. I knew that Bill had seen his daughter naked at the Nude Day party years before, or technically, the day or two after the party, but not actually on the day of the party, as she'd been the only one that day that had not gotten naked, but that day she'd worn a sexy bikini comparable to what Janet and Bug had started this day with which had kept many eyes on her. I also knew that Bill had at least once seen Sara fucking me although he'd immediately made a U-turn and left, and he knew she'd spent another week with Debs and me, but I wasn't sure whether Fred knew that since Christmas Bug had been sharing my bed and body or not.

My co-worker Ann was a pleasure to look at; quite gorgeous. Being nudists, she and her husband Jess both were totally shaved down below. She was a natural blond, a few fine hairs on her arms and back confirming it if I'd had any doubts. Jess had pretty well stayed with her, and together they'd made the rounds, visiting everyone at one time or another. Although I knew that Jess had spent some time examining every woman there, for some reason I understood that the two of them were nudists, but also a monogamous couple. It didn't have to be said, it showed.

Although I had spent the better part of two days and a dozen nights naked and making love with Bug in Colorado, until now I had never seen her mother, my sister, naked. Back when she'd been in High School and I'd been about to marry Debs there had been times that I'd seen her around the house in panties and bra but never naked. I had one recalled memory of her darting from bath to bedroom wrapped in a towel; I'd seen her in bikini's around the pool with her multitude of girlfriends, but I'd just never seen her naked. Now, sitting naked in the beach chair next to her equally naked sister in law Judy, that was no longer true.

Neither Judy nor Gayle were any longer teenage hard-body temptresses. Almost identical in size in virtually every respect; Gayle had told me they'd been wearing each other's clothes for years. Many that just met them assumed they were sisters, but it was their husbands who were the blood relations. Judy's breasts were slightly smaller than Gayle's, but otherwise they had the same height and build.

There may not have been any open, public, sexual activity, but there was a certain undercurrent of sexual tension and I know some private sexual discussions were occurring during the day. At one point I'd been in the pool and drifted over near Bug and Sara and Melissa who were lying on their towels and overheard Sara say, "He's not a hottie, but I wouldn't mind doing him."

"But he's my Dad."

"So? You mean you never had a crush on your Daddy?"

"And you have?" Sara's giggle revealed it all.

"I could see doing it with your Dad," Bug said, but doing your own dad?"

"You don't think your dad's sexy?"

"Yeah, but he's my Dad..."

I turned and pushed off underwater, swimming away.

Elsewhere I'd seen a bit of cuddling and friendly groping in the pool between different people, but there was no outright sex happening. People had paired up and grouped up, stayed and talked for a while, and then broke up and moved to talk with others all afternoon -- just as with a clothed party.

I'd put on a t-shirt and shorts to do the grilling, but once everything was cooked I headed back to the bedroom to take them off again, running into Martha and John just returning, fully clothed as I did. I walked them out, stopping to say goodbye with Martha at the front gate while Ross walked down the hill to fetch their car. While we were standing there the door opened again, Ann and Jess also coming out to leave. I gave Ann a friendly hug and kiss on the cheek goodbye and they walked off. When I said it was a shame that the four of them were leaving all about the same time, Martha dropped her head and looked at me and patted my arm. "No, it's time. I know the rest of you are all lovers and that's not our thing."


I again heading to my room to take my clothes back off. When I returned to the front of the house Sara was just entering the hallway. "There you are."

"Were you looking for me? Again?" I laughed, letting her know it was a tease. Slipping forward she put her arms around me, a hug turning to a kiss when she raised her face to mine.

"It's been a long time," she answered moments later, her hand trailing down my arm, grasping my hand, and turning toward the living room, dragging me along. When we got to the couch, she spun me around, pushed me backward and I sat. Immediately straddling me, legs on either side of mine and, with two hands holding my face, she kissed me again. I say she kissed me, but she just started it. I kissed her back, my hands sliding back to grip her naked ass, her body melting against me.

I hadn't had an erection all day, not since I'd left Jenny in bed very early that morning, however now with my naked god-daughter in my lap giving me a "fuck me like you mean it" kiss, I felt myself expanding beneath her pussy. She felt it too, moving her crotch, rubbing herself against my continuously enlarging member. I sucked her tongue from her mouth, she readily fed it to me while grinding her pussy and clit against my cock. I could feel her wetness gradually covering me, lubricating my cock against her pussy and clit.

Abruptly she pulled away from the kiss, spun sideways and sat in my lap, her legs on the couch. "You spoiled me."

"How's that?" I answered, one hand resting on her leg, my other arm behind her neck.

"You were the best. Having you teach me means I've never been with another guy that I didn't compare to you."

"You're not supposed to compare, you're supposed to teach them to do what I did for you."

"Oh, I do, but still..." I looked down on my nubile god-daughter, her legs splayed to give me access to her. I'd gently been running my hand up and down her bare leg, my fingers caressing the inside of her thighs. As I gradually teased my fingers towards her wanton pussy there was no mis-understanding when her legs parted slightly, nor was there misunderstanding when her hand reached across her belly and hip to insinuate itself between us, reaching deeper for my prick. Her fingers found my cock head, teasing my glans with just her fingertips as she leaned sideways, and our lips met again. My fingers found her satiny wetness, dipping in, curling up and then pulling up to tantalize her clit, eliciting a shiver and moan of pleasure. She sat up and spun off me, "Come forward," she said, pulling on my legs. I did, moving my butt to the edge of the couch, putting my fully engorged cock front and center. Swinging her leg back up and over me she again faced me and pressed her pussy against my now fully hard cock. Rotating her hips up and back, occasionally with slightly sideways movements, she rubbed herself against me. Occasionally I could actually feel the little hard nub of her clit against my cock which was surrounded by her lips and lubricated by the increasing slippery wetness between us. Rising higher I felt the end of my dick almost able to penetrate but she slipped back down. Whether teasing me, or teasing herself I couldn't tell, but the next time she rose high enough I bent and twisted enough to get my mouth on her breast.
