Road Rules Ch. 03

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Lauren straightens out a professor while James is away.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/26/2005
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Chapter 3: Insurance

Lauren did her best to seem attentive, but it was hard to do in Professor Howard's intro to economics class.

The 8 a.m. course was a bore, but it was necessary to get her degree. It was one of the last basic courses required for the counseling curriculum. Why economics, she did not know.

But there she was, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, regardless of where she had been or whom she'd done the night before. It wasn't that she spent a lot of late nights, but sometimes she and her husband James enjoyed the company of other couples. And those nights were always long.

And even though James had been out of town for a few days, Lauren had not been getting the sleep she needed. He was away at the Southern Literature conference in New Orleans, and she would have given anything to be in "The Big Easy" with him.

He had called her drunkenly one night, talking about going to the French Quarter and "earning" some beads by showing off his cock. She was jealous, not that he had done something like that, but that she wasn't there with him doing the same.

"Next time, I'm going with you and we're going to need an extra suitcase to bring back all the beads I 'earn,'" she had told him before the call developed into long distance phone sex.

Lying in bed that night and a few nights afterward, thinking about his cock buried deep in her, she couldn't sleep until she pulled out her bag of tricks and fucked herself to two or three orgasms - usually getting to sleep at 2 or 3 a.m.

But nights of pleasure made for mornings of torture, listening to Professor Howard's monotonous speeches about the Adam Smith's invisible hand, or supply-side theory. It was all that she could do to keep her eyes open and her head up at the back of the class.

She had, in fact, nodded off more than a time or two - and Professor Howard had noticed.

"Ms. Harris," he would drone, "this is not the Super 8 motel. If you insist on sleeping while you should be learning, then I suggest you do it in someone else's class."

Lauren had been subjected to that treatment more than a few times. So it was not surprise that when she dozed off again, Professor Howard stood next to her, yelling "Bbbbbrrrriiiinnnnggg!!! Wake up sleepyhead!!! It's time for school!!!"

When Lauren was on her way out of class, the professor asked her to come to his office at noon.

"We need to talk about your performance in class," he said, giving her his most disapproving look.

Lauren was uneasy about the meeting. She had held onto a solid C in the class by studying her ass off. But this guy could sink her at any time and she knew it. She was going to have to charm him if she wanted to get through this last leg of school.

* * *

As noon rolled around, Kevin Howard reclined in his wooden desk chair, his ponderous gut pointing skyward, making the vertical stripes on his shirt curve in a kind of spherical distortion around his belly.

He'd argued with his ex-wife, Kelly, that he wasn't really fat. He had just developed a little pudge over his belt line. It should be rubbed and wished upon, like the Buddha belly it was.

She hadn't been won over with that argument. Nor had she been won over buy the constant attention and affection he'd paid her when he wasn't at school and she wasn't at the gym.

She'd left him four months ago, taking up with her aerobics instructor. The two had an apartment downtown.

"Chris is just better for me," she'd told him. "Chris is young and vibrant, and I need that right now."

And over the months since, Kevin's grief and pain had faded, only to be replaced by ... horniness.

That was the only way to describe it. Things hadn't been well between him and Kelly for a while, but he held out hope that things would get better, returning to the regular sex life they'd enjoyed before they got married.

Those were good times, experimental times, when the two of them had explored each other's bodies with abandon. Now, he was the only one concerned about his body and he had explored it in full.

But, if everything went according to plan, he'd soon have a new Lewis to his Clark - even if she had to be convinced to do it.

Lauren wasn't the best student, but she had a body that wouldn't quit. Usually hidden under the workout clothes she wore to class, he could tell she was firm and muscular. And the t-shirts she wore to class betrayed her double-D breasts, which strained beneath the sports bra she wore.

The thought made a slight bulge in his trousers.

He'd spent many a period trying to make out the outline and sometimes the color of the bra as she struggled against his infamously hard tests to maintain her borderline C. She was going to make it if she tried, but Kevin wasn't going to let her know that.

* * *

Knocking on the door, Lauren was more apprehensive than ever. She knew she was going to have to sell him on how hard she would work to get her grades up. And, she figured, she would have to work some of her feminine wiles as well.

She had changed clothes to make the job easier. No longer in her workout clothes, she wore a khaki skirt and white blouse that was tight in all the right places. The buttons weren't about to pop or anything, but the guys at her work had always appreciated the view. And she could get them to do just about anything.

"Dr. Howard, are you here?" Lauren said, hoping the purposeful slip of the tongue might flatter the man before she had to beg for a good grade.

No dice.

"It's just professor, and yes, come in Ms. Harris," he said, sounding annoyed with her as ever. "Perhaps you'd know my title if you stayed awake during class."

"Well," Lauren said demurely, "you seem so knowledgeable. I figured I might have missed that part of your introduction. I'm sorry."

And then to kick up the pathos a notch, she frowned, flashed the puppy dog eyes and said "I just can't seem to get anything right with you. I just ... I just want to do well."

But instead of having engendering sympathy, Lauren thought she saw a grin cross the professor's lips, albeit only for an instant. Was he enjoying the power he lorded over her?

"Well, Ms. Harris," he said. "That is what I called you in here for. I am sure we can think of something to improve your performance in class."

She saw him shifted in his seat. He seemed a little uncomfortable too, but not emotionally, only physically.

"Now, you are a C student," he continued. "I can see you are trying. But you are not focused. You come to class late, fall asleep throughout, and rarely participate in class discussions."

"Quite frankly," he said, coming around the desk and standing only inches from her chair, "I don't see you succeeding in my class unless you focus on the matter at hand."

From this vantage point, Lauren could see what matter he wanted her to handle. It wasn't huge, but there was a bulge in the front of Professor Howard's slacks.

"I just want you to take charge of your academic career," he said. "You are the only one who can put in the effort to pass my class."

The last statement ended in a smile, and all pretext seemed to disappear, even though the good professor had not made any untoward statements to his student.

"So what are we going to do about it," he said, averting his eyes from her chest when she looked up at him.

* * *

"This is going great," Kevin thought. "She'll be on her knees begging - or something - for a good grade in no time."

He had seen her look at his crotch, at what he considered a big bulge, and knew she understood his meaning. He had been careful not to say anything that could be used against him. But his point was made and now, reclining on his desk, he waited for her reply.

"Oh," she said smiling a weak smile, "I understand."

Then, stepping toward him, she fell to her knees and began unzipping his slacks and unbuttoning his belt.

"It certainly is ahard class," she said as his pants fell to the ground and his man meat was freed from the paisley boxer shorts that had constrained him since she had come into the room. "I'm not sure how I am going to getall of thatinformation into me."

Kevin was in heaven as she stroked his pre-cum dampened cock, then began to suck it. Her full lips made a perfect "O" around his cock, and her tongue caressed the underside of the head.

Sucking in hard, her cheeks seemed to cave in around his dong, giving him the warmest, wettest hole he'd felt in half a year, since Kelly had stopped fucking or even sucking him.

She was good, far better than Kelly had ever been. He'd have to make sure this was a regular tutorial.

* * *

Lauren felt like gagging when the professor's "what are we going to do about it" punch line had been delivered.

It wasn't like he was a troll or anything. He might have even been charming-looking if he dressed differently - kind of like an older Oliver Platt.

But this was no way to get a girl. And rather than just storming out and allowing him to do this to another unsuspecting co-ed, she decided to nip this particular behavior in the bud - so to speak.

It was time for a lesson in behavior modification.

Playing the femme fatale to the fullest, she pretended to be unsure of herself at first and giving him all of the power - which wasn't easy to do when she saw his cock. She had to choke back a laugh when his pale four-inch pencil dick popped out from behind his cum-encrusted boxers.

Complementing him and going to work for a little while would win his confidence with no problem. Soon enough, he had closed his eyes and rocked his head back, enjoying the feeling of her thick lips on his thin member.

That's when Lauren reached into her nearby purse and grabbed her camera phone. Standing up and continuing to stroke his hard-on, she said "Why don't you keep this warm for me while I get out of these things?"

She flipped open the camera phone as he nodded dumbly, taking care to keep it hidden. Then, when she was far enough away to compose a shot, she lifted the camera phone and clicked away.

"What the fuck?" he stammered. "What are you ...?"

* * *

Kevin couldn't get his pants up fast enough. He stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face as he heard the recorded shutter sound of the camera phone whirring away.

And then Lauren was talking, sounding much farther away than the five feet that she actually stood. It was like the two of them were standing in a license plate factory with the machines stamping away. Then he realized it was his heart.

Slowly, Kevin realized what Lauren was saying. She was telling him that he would be ruined if the pictures ever got out. Not only would he have the reputation of trying to extort one of his students into sex, but there would be pictures posted around campus and uploaded to chat rooms frequented by the university staff.

"No," he said. "You can't do that. Why would you do that?"

"It's the only way you'll learn," she said. "I'd hate to think you were going to do this to another unsuspecting student – one without a camera phone. And to help the lesson sink in, we are going to have a little fun."

"What are you talking about you crazy bitch?" Kevin said and began to pull his pants up.

"Whoa," Lauren said. "Stop right there or the photos get messaged right now."

Kevin stopped in his tracks, realizing that she was serious.

"Drop them and step out of them right now," she said. "Kick them to the side and hop up on the desk."

Kevin knew he didn't have many options, so he followed her instructions with a little reservation. Sitting on his desk in just the striped shirt, shoes and black socks he felt more naked than he would have if he were stripped clean.

Meanwhile, Lauren was fishing in her purse. Looking up, she said "Stroke that little thing for me, baby. I want you hard again."

Then, as aside, "Just so you know, I e-mailed the pictures to myself, so even if you got my camera, I still have them. Now, let's see some action down there."

Kevin stroked his cock without any feeling. How many times had he imagined being naked in front of Lauren or one of the other hot little co-eds in his classes? It had never occurred to him it might be like this.

Standing, Lauren walked over to him with something in her hands, two plastic objects with a wire stretching between them.

"Not hard yet?" she asked. "Well, this will help you out. Lay back. Now."

"What, what is that?" he asked, almost sure he knew the answer.

"I was sure a man of your worldliness would know," she said. "But to answer your question, it's called a vibra-egg. And it's going in your ass."

Kevin started to protest, but bit his tongue instead. No point when she had those pictures. He leaned back like she instructed.

* * *

It wasn't a pretty sight, Professor Howard's pale and dimpled white ass on the desk, with his legs bent at the knees and heels touching the sagging flesh. He was still beating his meat, although it remained flaccid under the circumstances.

"Don't worry professor, I'll be gentle," she whispered, leaning over to see his face. "Now lift those legs high."

He did so without comment, and after wetting the egg with her mouth, she turned it on and placed it at his back door. Making small circles with the little plastic ball, she slowly began working it into his ass.

Only a slight whimper passed his lips as the oval passed his sphincter and plopped in. But he did jump a little when Lauren turned up the vibration.

His stroking began to take on some degree of urgency now, and she could tell there was some life in the little pinky after all.

"Well, well,someone likes a little anal play, doesn't he?" she said, then noticed he had his eyes shut - in angst, not joy.

A sudden twinge of guilt flashed through her. Oh well, she was committed now, and she decided to throw him a bone – of sorts. She took his cock from his hand and began to stroke it herself.

He opened his eyes and looked at her a little fearfully, like the pleasure she was providing him was just more torture.

Well, she couldn't help that. And with that look of fear, she remembered why she was doing this. How scared would someone else have to be to fuck this guy?

With that thought, she dropped the hand controller, the good professor nearly jumping as the plastic cord connecting it to the egg coming taut and pulling at his bunghole.

"Oops, forgot something," Lauren said, walking back to her purse and pulling out a little white bottle. "This should make things go a little smoother."

Professor Howard didn't even look up, which was probably just as well, she thought, because he would have known what was coming and might have struggled a little more than when she put the egg in.

Lubing her right index and middle fingers.

* * *

The vibrations from the egg had done something to Kevin, playing against his prostate and giving him a major hard-on despite the humiliation of all that was happening to him.

He'd felt compelled to stroke it harder and harder, because he figured that if he came, maybe she'd just let it go. She'd consider the lesson learned.

At least that is what he told himself. Deeper down, he was looking for that orgasm as a release – the same release he'd hoped Lauren was going to provide. He guessed, in some perverse way, she was.

When the vibra-egg cord pulled tight, he thought the torture/pleasure might be over. And he was at least relieved.

Soon, Lauren pulled against the egg and it popped out of his ass as easily as it had gone in. But when he tried to lower his legs, he heard her voice again.

"Not so fast doctor," she said mocking his earlier snide tone. "You've still got a hard-on to work off and I think I can help you. But take your hand off your cock until I tell you."

After putting a little lube around his brown eye, she slid her middle finger in, passing the balloon not with only minor difficulty. Kevin was surprised by the sensation her knuckles made as they passed into him.

He had been subjected to many a prostate exam, but his doctor hadn't worked in and out like this – thank god, or else he would probably have spooed on the exam room floor.

As it was, he was getting close now. The only thing stopping him as she put her index finger in too was her admonition not to stroke himself yet. As soon as he could, he was sure he'd shoot everywhere. That was why, he was sure, she'd told him not to.

"Oh God, please," he begged. "Just let me ..."

"No," she said. "Not yet."

She increased her stroke, now pummeling his ass with her fingers, so much so that the flesh of his thighs rippled with the force of her punches. She kept this up for a few minutes until she was sure he was about to drop his legs on her.

She stepped away. Then, and only then, did she say, "OK, go ahead."

There was no telling him twice. He had barely wrapped his had around his pole when he sprayed all over his striped shirt. It was the biggest orgasm he'd ever had. Or at least it felt that way.

"Oh God," he said. "Oh fuck. Oh God. Mmmmmmmm."

* * *

Lauren saw that the cum had shot up to his chin, and she wondered if he had an extra shirt or if he would have to try to explain the mess in his next class. But this was only an idle thought as she packed up her lube and gathered her belongings, including the camera, which she used to snap a few red-ass money shots.

"Well," she said. "You wanted a hot young thang to get you off, and there you go. I hope our little lesson about abuse of power won't soon be forgotten. You can keep the egg as a memento. You really seemed to like it anyway.

"I'll just hold onto the photos as a reminder of our fun, OK? I really don't imagine I'll see you again. Those 8 a.m. classes are just too early for me.

"And about putting the effort in, I think I've put enough in for the rest of the semester."

She walked toward the door, then turning before she left, she said, "What do you think that was worth, a B-minus. I'll take it. I'm not greedy."

She couldn't help smile as she walked down the hall. After the semester was over she just might post the photos anyway.

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