Rob and Gina


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"Why didn't you follow through on it?"

"On what?"

"The divorce. I never got papers."

"I didn't see a lawyer after I left because there was no way I was going to pay good money to set you free so you could fuck other guys. I'd let you and your lovers pay for it."

"I could have changed Rob. We didn't know about the hormone problem then."

"So? The only reason you know that now is the pregnancy. If I had stayed and listened to you that night and if had believed you there wouldn't have been a pregnancy and you never would have found out about your hormone problem. If I would have stayed we still wouldn't have been having sex. And don't forget that I once asked you to see a doctor about your lost interest in sex and you laughed at me and belittled me for not having anything but sex on my mind, remember that? Let it go Gina. Now, what do we do here?"

"I guess we introduce my babies to their daddy and after that it is up to you."


Robin and Robert were too young to understand the significance of our meeting and how it was going to change our lives. Robin was the only one of the two who was just a little bit curious and all she said was, "Are you really my daddy?" and when I assured her I was she said, "If you are my daddy why don't you live here?"

"Because I work in Denver sweetie."

"What's a Denver?" Robert wanted to know and that got me off the hook on the 'live here' question. Gina went back in the house and left us alone, but I could see her at the kitchen window watching as I got in the sandbox and started working with my children to build a sandcastle.

About an hour later Gina came out to get the kids and she asked me if I would like to stay for dinner and before I could beg off and claim a prior engagement Robert piped up with:

"He has to, he's the daddy."

That locked me in and Gina told me to go wash the sand off me. As I was walking back into the kitchen Gina was on the phone and I heard:

"I'm sorry John, but no."

"I know John, but things have changed."

"Goodbye John."

She disconnected and then punched in some numbers and when the call was answered she said:

"Sarah? Something has come up and I won't be needing you tonight after all."

"Thank you dear, bye."

I sat down at the table and then asked, "Am I getting in the way of something?"

"I had a date tonight but I cancelled it."


"Because you are here."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Maybe nothing as far as you are concerned, but for me it changes everything."

"I don't see how."

"In simple terms Rob, I would be cheating."

"That doesn't make sense Gina. You have already told me you have had men in your life."

"That was different Rob. You were gone and after a year it was clear to me that you weren't coming back. You abandoned me and that made it all right for me to date. Now you are here and we are still married so my going out would not be right; it would be cheating on my husband and that is something I never did and that I won't do now."

"That still doesn't make sense. When I go back to Denver the day after tomorrow I'll be gone again and you will probably start dating again. Two days won't make any difference."

"It will to me. And I won't start dating again when you leave because in the back of my mind I will always think you will be coming back even if it is only to see the kids. I could do it when I thought I'd never see you again, but now I can't. Not until we get divorced."

"Why didn't you get a divorce using abandonment as grounds?"

"Money Rob, specifically, the lack of it. It takes all I make to keep things running here. I can't spare a dime for lawyer's fees and court costs. Since I had no intention of ever getting married again I didn't need to get single."

"I release you from your vows. It isn't cheating if I say I don't care and then tell you to go ahead and do it. Call your boyfriend back and go out on your date."

"I can't. I've all ready cancelled the babysitter."

"So I'll watch them. I don't have anything else going on. When I left here all I was going to do was go back to my hotel room, watch some TV and then go to bed."

She looked at me for several seconds and I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but she finally got up and went to the phone and placed a call.


"Do you still want to take me to Sally's birthday party?

"He doesn't care. He even said he would watch the kids."

"Give me an hour. Just honk and I'll be right out."

"Okay, see you then."

She hung up and turned to me. "I'll get them ready for bed before I leave. Their bedtime is eight and I always read them a story. Their favorite is "The Cat in the Hat" and it is on the bedside stand. I'll be home by midnight since I do have to work tomorrow."

"What do you do with the little guys when you go to work?"

"We have a day care center in the building. It is one of my fringe benefits."

She got Robbie (as I learned he liked to be called) and Robin ready for bed and when the horn honked out front she kissed them goodnight and told them she would see them in the morning and left on her date. I played with them until almost nine and then I put them to bed and read to them until they fell asleep. I sat there looking at the two of them and wondered what their lives and mine would have been like had I never returned to Kansas City.

I went out to the living room, watched CNN for a while and then I turned off the TV and got up and went over to the bookcase. I looked through the books I'd left behind when I took off and found one I hadn't read. I took it over to the couch and settled in to read and after a while I nodded off.

I awoke to a hot wet sensation in the area of my genitals and as I came fully awake and looked down I saw Gina. She was naked, she had my cock in her mouth and I was getting a blow job the likes of which I hadn't had in over seven years. As soon as she saw that I was awake she moved over me and sank down on my hard cock. She leaned forward and braced herself with her hands on my shoulders and then she started riding me. She stared down into my eyes as she alternated between moving up and down and rocking back and forth. That went on for several minutes and then she started slamming herself down hard on me and I felt her body convulse as she had an orgasm and seconds later I had my climax.

She got off me and moved down and took my cock back in her mouth and worked on it until it was erect and then she lay down on the living room floor and pulled me off the couch and on top of her. Her right hand pulled me toward her cunt while her left grabbed my ass and pulled me to her. The second time lasted longer than the first and she came twice before I climaxed and when it was over I asked her:

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I've missed you and I needed to do that. I needed to show you that one of the things keeping you gone has changed. I know you Rob; I know your habits. I gambled that you hadn't changed all that much. The only reason I went with John tonight was to give you the chance to fall asleep on the couch like you always did. That would give me the chance to do what I just did. You belong here Rob. I saw the look on your face when you saw Robin and Robbie for the first time. I saw how you behaved when you crawled into their sandbox with them while wearing your six hundred dollar suit. This is your home Rob. Okay, so we did have some problems, but nothing we can't work through. I just proved to you that the major one does not exist any more. I will do whatever I have to do to get you back here where you belong."

"I'm pretty well settled into my life Gina, why should I throw away what I have now just to come back here to an uncertain situation?"

"Uncertain situation?"

"My position on a sex life hasn't changed Gina. I firmly believe that sex is necessary for good mental and physical heath."

"I've just shown you that sex is no longer a problem."

"And what if your hormonal balance shifts again and you lose interest in sex again?"

"We know what it is now Rob, and if it ever happens again it can be treated with medication. Believe me, I know. I've done a lot of reading on the subject. No Rob, trust me on this, sex will never be a problem for us again."

"I don't know Gina; I trusted you once and look what it got me."

"I swear to you Rob, there never was anyone else while you were still here."

"I'm not talking about that Gina. I'm talking about the promise you made me the day after I asked you to marry me. You remember that Gina? You said you would give me an answer the next day after you found out if we would be a good fit for each other. That night was an audition, a test to see if I was sexually up to your standards. If I had performed badly that night you would have said "no" to my proposal the next morning and you know it!

"You reduced me to a quivering wreck that night and the next morning you said, "You'll do. Yes I'll marry you." That night and your acceptance promised me a sex life second to none - a promise that you broke- for whatever reason - three years into our marriage. Sex was so important to you that you had to give me a test drive before you would marry me, but three years later you couldn't have cared less about how I felt about the same subject. There was complete indifference on your part to what I was going through. From you all I got was, "It is that all you think about?" and "Grow up Rob" and "Get a grip Rob." Your entire attitude during that period was, "Go away Rob, if you are going to whine do it some place else, just leave me alone.

"Catching you with Tom wasn't the reason I left, it was just the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm happy with the life I have now Gina and I see absolutely no reason to change it."

"That may be Rob, but like it or not that life has just changed. I saw you with Robin and Robbie. I saw the instant connect between the three of you. You belong here with them Rob and you know it. You can go ahead and go on back to Denver, but you and I both know that you will be back here every weekend from now on. You'll be here on your holidays and during your vacations and you will come running if I call and tell you something is wrong with either one of them. Make it easy on everyone Rob, come home."


Well, I did, but I didn't. I called Harvey and locked down my old job and then I went back to Denver, gave notice and closed out my life there. I returned to Kansas City, but I didn't go home to Gina. I wasn't anywhere close to being ready to do that.

She was right of course, Robin and Robbie were little magnets and every spare minute I had was spent with them. I was spending some time with Gina - I guess you could say we were dating - and trying to see if putting the marriage back together was feasible. The major difference between our dating now and our dating before I asked her to marry me is that now I score on each date. Gina is doing her best to fuck my eyes out thinking that is the way to get me back.

But just as a marriage with no sex is no marriage at all, a relationship built only on sex isn't going to hold together either and I don't know that Gina and I have more than that going for us. I can't forget the way she was toward me when we were going through our sexless period and to be completely honest about it somewhere in the back of my mind there is a small kernel of doubt that she was being truthful about what was going on between Tom and her.

Those are two big barriers that I have to get by before Gina and I can put anything back together and I'm not sure I can do it. I'm not sure at all.

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TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 2 months ago

Rob is kind of an asshole. Gina could have thrown him in jail for rape (raping your wife is a crime buddy). She could have gone to the state to get child support out of him. Could have divorced him for abandonment and made HIM pay the lawyers fees out of his insurance money. I mean this - she could have seriously screwed him over and he's such an asshole to her.

NitpicNitpic8 months ago

Another load of cap even without an ending.The ending should be for Gina now he knows about the kids,to tell the arsehole to take a hike and refuse to let him see them. If he challenges her tell him she will have him charged with rape.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

When she said you will do after their first night together jt should have given him enough information to understand that he was just filling a slot until someone better came alone. In this case on one has "yet".

He very lucky he got two wonder children out of it they are still married, but her needs to end that so she can continue her auditions. While he learns how to be the best father he can be given the circumstances. Sometimes life just socks. Asks me.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Another finish the damn story. Is Gina and Tom having an affair? Is he going to be back in love and they live happily ever after? What the hell?

carvohicarvohi10 months ago

I saw JPB had a new story, so before I went there I checked out some of his old stuff. This was one I hadn't read. What can I say. Bob is like Lou Gehrig or Cal Ripken, an Iron Horse; he's just dependably good. Thanks and thanks and thanks.

And another thing; it's wonderful to read the oldest comments by the oldest writers. I love Bob, but I miss guys like Rehnquist too.

Thanks again,


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