Robyn's Rage


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When I had finished, the syringe was about a quarter full of pale, gooey fluid. It looked so little but would, I hoped, be more than enough.

Now for the main event!

Taking the bag in one hand and the syringe in the other, I padded silently through to the guest bedroom where I found Jackie still sleeping the 'sleep of the drunk' on the bed. She was wheezing noisily; it was amazing that my two erstwhile lovers hadn't noticed the sound. I must have provided enough distraction to keep their attention on me, I thought with a strange feeling of contentment.

"Jackie? Jackie?"

Crossing to the bed, I called my friend's name quietly to see whether she was indeed as deeply asleep as she appeared. I was rewarded with a complete absence of response so, emboldened, I moved closer still until I could touch her sleeping body.

I had to admit she really was beautiful; long shapely legs, flat tummy, well-formed boobs. Even drunk and asleep, it wasn't hard to see why Johnny had been smitten by her. How could I, Tomboy Robbie ever compete with a woman like Jackie?

I couldn't compete; not if I played fairly.

But I wasn't going to play fairly!

With a little difficulty, I rolled Jackie onto her back. Her breathing coarsened into something like a snore. I let her settle in this new position for a moment then, placing the full syringe on the bedside table, I parted those long, slender legs with my hands, bending her knees, spreading her thighs wide until her bare vagina was obscenely exposed.

A small thrill passed through me when I remembered that, for the first time in my life my own vulva was now hairless too. Then I reached into the bag and pulled out a small bottle of lubrication. Carefully, I squeezed a little onto my fingers then began to rub it gently into my friend's slit.

Jackie's breathing deepened but she showed no sign of waking.

I carefully slipped a finger into the mouth of her vagina with a similar result, suddenly aware that, apart from my own, it was the first time I had ever fingered a girl's private place. Jackie's vagina felt hot, deep and much tighter than mine; for a moment I wondered what it must feel like for a man to have his cock enclosed in such a close-fitting place but there was no time for imaginings.

To my relief, Jackie still didn't respond so, feeling more confident, I pressed my finger deeper into her body and held it there. I could feel her wriggling a little as if adjusting to the invasion, her body beginning to respond with lubrication of its own. I slipped a second well-lubricated finger alongside the first. My friend sighed in her sleep and her legs fell wide apart in complete surrender.

This was beginning to feel right; time for the next step.

Holding my two fingers deep inside her, I took a thick pink plastic dildo out of the bag with my other hand. It was long and quite thick; I had bought it in the Ann Summers shop in the City but had cut both ends off using my Dad's hacksaw, leaving just a pink plastic tube with veins and ridges down its length.

It looked obscene. I checked its saw-cut end once again for sharp edges then, carefully parting Jackie's inner lips with my slimy fingers, I slowly began to ease the dildo into her vagina. It was a tight fit and without its smooth head to part her vaginal walls it was a tricky manoeuvre but I had tried it on myself several times and had learned painfully how best to avoid snagging my most sensitive parts.

My friend frowned and writhed a little in her sleep but to my relief still didn't wake. I pressed the pink tube deeper into her body, twisting it in my hand to ease it down her tight, wet passage. Jackie writhed a little more and her lubrication flowed a little more freely. Then with a final twist I slipped it almost its full length into her until its end struck something firm deep inside her.

I stopped pushing and looked down at my handiwork; Jackie's tight entrance was stretched wide open by the dildo's thick base. She moaned a little but still did not protest.

I peered into the open end of the dildo. It was dark inside my friend's body. Taking a tiny pencil torch from my bag, I shone it into the end of the tube and peered deep into her gaping vagina.

There it was; her cervix; smooth, like a peach in shape and a darker pink than the slippery passage that led to it.

In the centre of the peach was the dark, round entrance to her womb. Jackie's body was ready; ready and waiting for Johnny's semen to arrive in abundance all weekend, for his sperm to swim through that dark hole, into the soft chamber behind and fertilise the egg that would surely be waiting.

But if my plan worked, they would all be too late!

My heart was thumping in my chest as I took the semen-filled syringe from the bedside table and carefully, gently, slipped it down the pink tube and into my friend's body, wriggling it round until the thin tube on the end passed through the small, round hole in the centre of her cervix and into her womb.

Jackie moaned softly but was still fast asleep. I pushed the syringe a little further; checking with the pencil torch until there was no doubt it was in the right place.

Could I really go through wit this? Was I really that wicked a girl?

The answer came quickly as, with one last deep breath, I pressed the syringe's plunger firmly. It went in quickly and smoothly, forcing its still-warm, sticky contents through the slender tube, past my friend's cervix and directly into her womb.

I pulled the syringe carefully away and checked it; it was empty. I shone the torch light back into the tube. There was no leakage.

It was over!

I leaned back and stared at the helpless female body on the bed. The deed was done and could not now be undone. Four full, generous doses of sperm-filled semen had been squirted directly into Jackie's womb.

No leak, no mess, no chance of it missing her entrance. All four doses of sperm had hit the bull's eye.

If there was an egg in there waiting, it would not have to wait long!

A warm glow of satisfaction filled me as I gently eased the dildo from her vagina watching her inner lips close around the vacated space, gaping slightly.

Jackie seemed to protest slightly in her sleep as the plastic phallus left her body but still did not wake.

Smiling, I took an emery board from my backpack and gently rubbed its rough surface over the hairless outer lips of my friend's vagina until a soft pink glow appeared. Jackie groaned a little more and tried to roll over but a little pressure from my hand on her thigh held her still.

Lastly I stuck my fingers into each of the used condoms in turn and smeared every last remaining vestige of semen I could find over her abraded labia and around her vulva.

Nearly done, Robbie; concentrate a few minutes more!

Finally satisfied, I gently closed Jackie's thighs, raised her knees together to make sure no semen could leak out then pulled the sheet over her sleeping body.

Before leaving the room I placed two of the used condoms in the waste basket in her bathroom then returned to the lounge where my wine glass was waiting. I downed its contents almost in one then refilled it and took another long sip before setting the scene for the morning; two part-full wine glasses with lipstick marks on the table, several empty beer bottles on the sideboard.

I scattered a few items of Jackie's and my clothing on the furniture and floor then took a last, long sip of my wine and surveyed the scene.

It was perfect; evidence of recent seduction was all around me. There was even a wet patch on the sofa where much of the action had taken place. No-one would know that those staining juices had come from my body and not the cottage's blonde owner.

It was over; the job had finally been done!

Exhausted, I climbed the stairs, went into the main bedroom and fell back on the bed.

Only nine months to wait....patiently, as only I could...

"Robyn? Hi Sleepyhead?"

My beloved Johnny's voice spoke softly in my ear as he bent over me in my armchair. I opened my eyes.

"Hi darling," I smiled, my voice a little slurred. "I must have dozed off."

"I'm not surprised. You must be tired out after a long day in town," he said solicitously, kissing my cheek and settling in the chair opposite mine. "You shouldn't do too much in your condition."

"Don't you dare treat me like an invalid," I snapped playfully, Tomboy Robbie very much in evidence despite my bulging maternity dress.

We ordered even more coffee, though I knew I shouldn't and chatted pleasantly about our various days as much like the old friends we had always been as like the lovers we had become.

"How were Jackie and the baby?" he eventually plucked up the courage to ask.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked apprehensively in reply.

He took a deep breath.

"I know she hurt me badly and the wound is still sore but..."


"But I can't completely forget what she used to mean to me. We were married after all. I mean, I don't want to see her again but I don't want her to be unhappy all her life." He leaned over and patted my tight bump. "Especially as I found real happiness so soon after and so close by."

"Doesn't it just rub salt in the wound?" I asked.

"Please Robbie," he asked softly.

I sighed. Even hearing about the two of them together was painful for me but, after all the wicked things I had done, I was in no position to complain. I gave him a quick update which was, on the whole, genuinely positive. I could see my beloved Johnny was relieved as, to be honest, was I.

"Well," he smiled once our coffees were finished. "I think the three of us should head for dinner. You're too tired to take the tube; I'll grab a taxi."

As we crawled through the busy streets heading for our restaurant a powerful pang of conscience came over me. It was a familiar and well-deserved pang which came on whenever I met or talked about Jackie and her baby.

Fortunately for me it was blessedly becoming less and less frequent as the memories of that time faded.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Johnny's voice brought me back from my reverie.

"I was just remembering how we finally got together," I smiled back, my hand on my bump again.

"I still feel bad about that first night," he said sheepishly. "I wasn't nice to you. I hurt you. I almost raped you. I'm amazed you stayed."

"I wanted it as much as you," I told him truthfully. "That's not rape. Besides, you'd been badly upset, you were in shock," I reassured him. "You didn't know what you were doing."

I didn't tell him that my wickedness deserved nothing less than cruel, painful punishment.

"Maybe..." he sounded uncertain.

"Besides, I loved and wanted you then," I protested. "And I love and want you even more now."

I leaned closer and whispered in his ear.

"Making love gently is great, but I like it better when you lose control and fuck me. It feels more... feral; more sexual; more real; more like... like how Batman and Robyn would do it!"

"But you're tired and there's the baby..." he began to protest.

"Don't think my being pregnant lets you off any of your obligations in bed," I grinned, meaning every word. "In fact I'll expect extra efforts on your part now you're going to be a Dad! With a baby in the house it'll be much more difficult; we need to get ahead now while we still can!"

Johnny grinned back and surreptitiously slipped his hand under the hem of my dress out of sight of the taxi driver, then slid it high up my left thigh. I opened my legs just a little to let his fingertips brush against the crotch of my panties inside which lurked a freshly-shaved vulva, the way I knew he liked it.

"You're wet already," he grinned knowingly.

I nodded; the panties were already damp and would be damper still by the time we got home. I quietly laid my jacket across my lap to conceal the activity from prying eyes, but there were none.

I felt his fingers toying with the elastic between my upper thighs.

"You're... you're all smooth down there?" he asked, amazed and delighted.

"You'll have to find out for yourself?" I whispered, opening my legs just a little wider.

"You're incredible, Robbie," he hissed as he kissed me in the lips.

So, as the taxi rolled slowly onwards towards the restaurant, in the back seat, invisible to all the passers-by, Johnny casually fingered Robbie; Johnathan fingered Robyn; Batman fingered Robin beneath the jacket which was spread across both their laps.

Dinner would be delicious but short. Afterwards Johnny would take Robyn back to their apartment where, in the Bat Cave, on the Bat Bed, Batman would fuck the living daylights out of her.

And she would adore every minute of it.

In a few short months they would be married and it would all have been worth it.

As I leaned back in the taxi's rear seat and felt my adored fiancé's fingers exploring my body, I understood once again that there really was nothing I wouldn't do to keep my Johnny.

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AJeyeAJeyealmost 3 years ago

Excellent story

Stories like this are why I don't even attempt to write. Very well done, super plot, dark yet sensual. Robyn is not a nice person, while I felt real sympathy for Jackie. Johnny, in a way, deserved what he got. A woman with more than a few loose screws, pardon the pun. Thank you immensely.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
At last!

I found myself cheering as I got into this story. The driven, vengeful protagonist is a woman! Too many fantasies are written from the male point of view in my opinion. At last we have a strong-minded woman, who knows what she wants and who is prepared to go to the ultimate ends to achieve her desires. I loved this tale, and am giving it the full 5-stars it deserves. Well done Ms Jenny Gently. You're my new heroine!

Baddogie59Baddogie59about 5 years ago
Quite the story

I enjoyed the read and it offered a lot of what I would call fantasy thinking.

It did turn a bit into the old cuckold story line with the best sex ever because of a big ol black dick theme. I get it because the kid had to be black to fall in line with the story line. But just for the record as a Allpha white Male with a whale cock I have made women pass out with the same result of a big white cock. Just saying.

But over all I found the whole story a very good read with a lot of imagination.

I love the description of her insiminating. Her drunk ass with used sperm.

Had a good laugh at that part....

danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 6 years ago

Somewhat a stange tale, but I enjoyed it. A story how one woman finally gets her man. *****

lickitandstickitlickitandstickitabout 7 years ago
Great Story

I like this author and this was a great story. 5 stars

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