Rock and Roll Angel Pt. 07


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"Um ... hey?" Sybil said gently shacking Bea awake.

"Sorry," Bea said groggily as she sat up.

"I have a guest room. Come."

Bea followed Sybil to the guest bedroom and, as the doctor prepped the bed, Bea removed her hat and sidearm and put them on the dresser.

"You take your gun home?" Sybil asked as she fluffed a pillow.

"I wear my uniform home. Nowadays a cop in uniform without a weapon is just a target," Bea said. She kicked off her shoes, yanked off her socks, untucked her black uniform shirt from her black trousers, undid her trousers, peeled them down and stepped out of them. She unbuttoned her uniform shirt from the top button down and shrugged off the shirt revealing a black and copper sports bra and simple black panties below. She released her brown hair from the contained bun, shook her head and arranged her neatly trimmed shoulder length hair. She turned to the dresser and with military exactness, folded her shirt, pants and socks then put them in a neat pile next to her sidearm and hat.

Sybil ogled the woman's healthy ass, muscled back, and fit legs. Bea caught her looking in the mirror over the dresser and the good doctor quickly went back to prepping the bed. "Um ... bathroom down the hall. Fridge is full of food, help yourself. Watch out for dog toys," Sybil said. She slipped out in the hall and as she reached to close the door, saw reflected in the mirror Bea removing her bra. Her perfect B-cups were an even soft brown, tipped with small brown nipples, no tan lines. A tattoo of a rose adorned her right shoulder.

In her room, the doctor undressed and headed to the shower. Before stepping in, she looked at herself in the mirror. "In my thirties huh?" she said checking out her firm B-cups and gym honed figure. She brushed her fingers over the trim black V between her legs. She thought of Officer Lordez's perfect brown skin and rose tattoo. Sybil speculated as to where the Clara tattoo of a red hand in a black circle as described by Norma was on the Bea's body.

Change of plans. She turned off the shower and left her steam filled bathroom making a beeline to her bed. From her bed stand drawer, she fumbled out her slick red vibrator and went to work. In less than a minute she arched her back in a frustrating yet blissful orgasm. Then just like that she was asleep with thoughts of topless Officer Lordez dancing in her head.

A rough shake of her shoulder woke her up. "Dean ... stop," she said more asleep than awake. The dog wouldn't let up. "Stop it, boy," she said irritated at having her sleep disturbed. She rolled over to confront—Officer Lordez in black panties and nothing else. "Bea?" Sybil asked, surprised but excited. The panicked expression on Bea's face made Sybil realize this wasn't a planned sexy encounter. "You okay?" Sybil asked picking up on the panic.

"Kiskit," Bea said.


"We're in kiskit. You took us somewhere."

"Oh my god," Sybil said for she was clearly NOT in her San Francisco apartment.


Katrina House.

**Five months ago**

Kat sat in the back of the beat up old Christian fellowship van that doubled as the bus for Jesus Weeps Christian rock band. The name of the band was painted on the sides. After the battle of the bands concert, someone had spray painted giant green penises that bracketed the band's name on both sides of the van. The vandals had also blanked out the 'W' in Weeps and replacing it with a crude letter 'P'. Allan complained to campus security which did no good, of course. Duct tape and cardboard covered the offending graffiti.

"It all starts here?" Danny Goya asked, sitting next to Kat. The van was parked two blocks down the street from the Haverdink house where Ethan Grant and his band, Bitter Byle, were celebrating their victory.

"Yeah," Kat said.

"You believe all the stuff he said to you back at Ballinger?" Danny asked, probably for the thousandth time.

"I went with him ... I saw things ... yeah, I believe."

"And after all that you still believe in Jesus?" Danny asked.

"Yeah," she said simply. Danny had confessed to her that he didn't believe. Playing in the band was just a means for him to escape his dull home town.

"When you step out of this van it's over between us, ain't it," Danny said.

Kat frowned and gave him one of her hard serious looks. "You are such a moron, tell you what!" Her Tennessean thickened when she her hackles were up. She turned to face him. "I'm gonna tell you somthin' that your stupid man brain is gonna take the wrong way but I'm gonna tell you anyway. Danny Goya, I love you. And I don't mean in some mushy romantic achey breaky way. I trust you and I need you in my life."

"I know you been with other members of the band," Danny said softly.

"Calvin's mama got cancer. I wanted to comfort him," Kat said.

"And Bobby?" he asked.

"Allan is always so mean to that poor boy. Calling him Booby and all that. He needed some confidence is all."

"He's not the sharpest tool in the box," Danny said.

"Yeah, but he's kind and sweet. He sends the meager money he makes on this trip back to his baby sister and widowed daddy."

"You don't get paid like the rest of us? Why is that?" Danny asked.

"So the rest of ya'll get paid more," she said with a shrug."

"Ain't fair," he said.

"Danny, I seen the future and I'm gonna make more money than Taylor Swift and Donald Trump."

"Did you sleep with Allan?"

"If Moses himself came down from the mountain and showed me in his tablet of commandments that I HAD to sleep with Allan, I would bust that stone book at his feet and tell him to find another girl! Tell you what!" Danny laughed and that was exactly what she wanted. She snuggled into to him close and hard. "Like I told you, in one hour, throw a rock in the pool and I'll let you through the back gate, okay?"

"Crazy ... but okay," he said.

She kissed him long and hot then got out of the van with her road-worn, ratty backpack and headed for the Haverdink house. At the house, she put her backpack down in front of the garage and walked to the front door. Her heart raced a million miles an hour as she reached for the doorbell.

"Don't!" came a voice from the shrubs. Kat covered her mouth to stifle a scream. It was Joy Maeda.

"Don't sneak up on me like that," Kat said in an angry whisper.

"Sorry, just wanted to check in," Joy said as she led Kat by the hand to the side yard, away from the front door and windows.

Kat rolled her eyes. "All of this will happen 'gardless what we say or do, Joy."

"I just don't have your blind faith to lean on."

"Then close your eyes, girl, cause they's just getting' in the way," Kat said. "Between you and Danny, I'm just ready to bust."

"Danny knows his part?" Joy asked.

"Yes, I just don't get why he gotta show up is all," Kat said.

"Neither do I," Joy said. "Maybe you're right; I just gotta close my eyes and let this happen."

"Do it," Kat said. "Close your eyes right now and we gonna pray."

"Kat, I don't—"

"Do it!" Kat insisted.

Joy harrumphed but listened.

Three months ago Joy Maeda had paid Kat a visit via kiskit and had told her about what will happen this day when she first meets Ethan Grant here in Ohio. Kat prayed, "Lord Jesus, put your kind hand on all in this house and bless them. And help sweet Joy find her buried faith." Kat stepped toward Joy and embraced her.

"Amen," Joy whispered.

"What if I don't like Ethan?" Kat whispered. It was an odd fear but a real one for her.

"But you already like him?" Joy said.

"But that was the Ethan from the future. People change."

"I'm willing to bet money that you'll like him," Joy said.

"You smell good," Kat said sniffing the top of the girl's head. Kat wasn't tall at five-five but that still gave her near four inches over Joy.

Joy giggled and pulled away. "Wait ten minutes then hit the doorbell. Play the country hick and don't worry; everything will be fine."

Roughly ten minutes later Kat hit the doorbell. Ashley Grant, Ethan's beautiful half Japanese cousin, answered the door.

**Three hours later**

A spot near the pool glowed weirdly. Then just like that a naked Jenna Goldsmith lay curled in a ball beside the pool. "Can this night get any weirder?" Kat whispered as she rushed to Jenna's side. She had come out to wait for Danny's signal to let him in. Joy said NOTHING about the black girl Jenna appearing out of nowhere. Jenna stirred. A billion questions filled Kat's head as she touched Jenna's shoulder. "You okay?" Kat asked her.

"Kat?" Jenna asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm glad you're okay," Kat said as she helped Jenna to sit.

"When did you show up?" Jenna asked.

"Right after the battle of the bands," Kat said.

That statement seemed to confuse Jenna. "You're naked," Jenna said eying Kat.

"So are you," Kat returned.

"Yella? Billy? Temp? Where are they?"

"The cat is in the house but I don't know who Yella or Billy are," Kat said. "They more cats?"

"What are you talking about?" Jenna asked, irritated. Seconds later her eyes widened in shock. "Fucking kiskit!" she said.

Kat helped the girl to her feet. "Is that what it's called when Ethan takes you someplace weird?" Kat asked.

"Yeah, but my kiskit had nothing to do with Ethan," Jenna said.

Joy Maeda, dressed in just panties, came around the side of the house. "Kat, are you—" She started to say but stopped when she saw Jenna.

"I think this Jenna is from the future," Kat said.

"Shit! kiskit?" Joy asked.

Jenna nodded.

"Did it happen the day I popped in on you and Yella?"

Jenna nodded again. "For me, about a half hour ago," Jenna said.

Joy stepped in close to her then said, "You won't be here long."

"How do you know?" Jenna asked.

"I know my way around a kiskit event," Joy said as she stepped back.

At that moment a stone plopped into the pool.

"He's here," Kat said. She rushed to the back gate and opened it. "Danny?" she whispered.

"Yeah," Danny said, stepping into the lights of the pool deck. "You're naked," he said.

"I know," Kat said as she grabbed his hand and led him to the others. Not sure who knew who, Kat said, "This is Danny Goya."

"Hey, Danny," Joy said casually.

"Hello," Jenna said.

After a few seconds of Danny staring at all the exposed female flesh, Joy said. "I think we're blowing his fuses."

"Hang in there," Kat said, pressing into Danny's side. "All of this will make sense later."

"I seriously doubt that," Joy said. "Kat, take Danny to the pool guestroom and get back in the house and pick up were ever you left off. Kat nodded and pulled Danny away.

"Does Ethan belong to a nudist colony?" Danny asked.

Kat laughed. "People just can't help gettin' naked around the guy. You remember how it was back at the Rumcup's." She deposited him in the pool guestroom leaving the poor boy in a state of confusion. Kat ran into the house, then bolted up the stairs. Do I go back to the room with Ethan, Joy, and Jenna? she wondered just as she collided with a naked Sarah Logan at the top of the stairs.

"Whoa, girl! Cool your jets," Sarah said with her arms full of Kat.

"Sorry," Kat said.

Sarah looked down into Kat's face and said, "Girl, I love the freckles."

"I got too darn much," Kat said automatically.

Then just like that they were kissing.

Sarah pulled back and said, "Wow, little lady, where did you learn to kiss like that?"

"Wisconsin," Kat said.

"That's enough to make me forsake the Browns and become a Packers fan," Sarah said.

Kat was in the perfect position to take a nipple into her mouth, so she did. With a hiss of pleasure, Sarah ran her hands down Kat's smooth back and over her round, freckled ass. "I love your girly ass," Sarah said. "Bite down kid. Mmm ... harder ... harder still. Ah yes... perfect."

"That must have hurt," Kat said pulling back.

"Yes it did," Sarah said.

They kissed again, this time Sarah's hand slipped between Kat's legs boldly seeking her wet center. The pleasure generated by the kiss and Sarah's touch sent Kat reeling. Shockingly, Sarah stopped and said, "Let's check out what Ash and Lisa are doing."

"Um ... okay," Kat said, disappointed. She would have preferred to stay out here in the hall making out with tall blonde Sarah. Kat had kissed her share of girls tonight and she was kind of enjoying herself

Sarah cracked the door open and the pair slipped into the room were Lisa and Ashley made out. Sarah stood in the corner near the door. Hot, bothered, turned on, and frustrated all at once, Kat went to the bed and sat down cross-legged.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Sarah asked, picking up Temporary, the Haverdink's black cat. "I think you can open doors," Sarah said as she tossed the cat out in the hall.

"Cat bust in again?" Ashley asked.

"Fucking little pervert," Sarah said as she went to the bed. "Ash, you gotta kiss Kat."

"Apparently you have?" Ashley asked in a mocking jealous tone.

"Oh? Coming from you makin' it with little Lisa here?" Sarah said.

"You into girls?" Lisa asked Kat. The black girl's dark limbs intermingled with Ashley's pale arms and legs in a fascinating contrast of lights and darks.

"I kissed Jenna just a little while ago," Kat said.

"No way!" Lisa said. "How did you get straight-lace Jenna to do THAT?"

Kat shrugged. After Wisconsin she knew a lot of weird sexy things happened when Ethan and his wings were near.

"Okay, Ms. Christian Right, lay one on me," Lisa said haughtily as she untangling herself from Ashley's long limbs. Lisa was petite, barely taller than Joy.

Kat had a notion about Lisa so she asked, "Were you the one that painted green wieners on the Jesus Weeps van?"

"What?" Ashley asked.

Kat told about what happened to the van.

"Lisa?" Sarah asked like a stern parent.

"Those fucking signs were—" Lisa started to say when Kat leaned in and kissed her. A few seconds later, Kat backed off.

"What the fuck?" Lisa said, totally dazed.

"Ain't that weird?" Sarah said.

"What you guys going on about?" Ashley asked as she leaned in on the bed to kiss Kat. A few seconds later she pulled back. "What the hell?"

"What did you smell?" Sarah asked.

"Cinnamon rolls," Ashley said looking at Sarah. "Freshly baked. It was what you and I ate on our first morning together."

"I remember. We made out big time that morning," Sarah said. "That was the first time I let you put your tongue up my—"

"Right," Ashley said quickly cutting her off. "What did YOU smell?"

"Beer and French toast," Sarah said. "That was the smell in Bonny's kitchen the last day we spent together."

"The tattooed Japanese chick?" Ashley asked. Sarah nodded.

"I smelled pine car freshener," Lisa said. "My first girl kiss was in a car with Tina Folly."

"The librarian?" Ashley asked surprised. "She into girls?"

"Yeah," Sarah said, "EVERYONE in town knows that. Anyway, this ain't the first time this smell thing has happened."

Ashley nodded.

Kat knew what they were talking about. This had happened to her with Ethan back in Wisconsin. But she couldn't talk about that, she didn't dare. Not for the first time, she felt like she was in a car going a hundred miles an hour in an unknown destination with a stranger at the wheel.

Ashley nibbled at Lisa's shoulder getting everyone back on track. Not Kat though. Anxiety gripped her and she suddenly needed to make sure that Danny was okay ... and poolside Jenna from the kiskit too.

"Too much beer. Gotta pee," Kat said as she headed for the door. She bolted down the stairs and saw Joy Maeda dressed in an oversize t-shirt standing in the kitchen. "Is Danny okay?" Kat asked.

"Um ... I'll go check. Stay here," Joy said.

"You look rattled," Kat said. "What's going on?"

Joy held a hand out to stop the questions and headed to the poolside guestroom. A minute later Danny Goya joined her in the kitchen. She hugged him happy to see that he was safe. "Is Jenna okay?" she asked him.

"Um ... yeah," he said without meeting her eyes.

A topless Joy walked into the kitchen. "Jenna is on her way to wherever," she said. "Danny, can you go back to the guestroom? I need to talk to Kat privately."

Kat patted his arm and he left the kitchen. "What happened to the other Jenna?" Kat asked.

"Swept up in this insane kiskit like me," Joy said.

"Don't I know it," came a voice from the living room. A second Joy Maeda stepped into the kitchen.

"Jesus, save me," Kat whispered staring at the second Joy. They both were topless and wore the same tight dark shorts.

"Go upstairs and put on Ashley's Rolling Stone T-shirt," first Joy said.

"Why?" second Joy asked.

"Because you tell me to."

First Joy shrugged and left the kitchen.

"I really do have a cute little ass," the remaining Joy said with a smile.

"The world has gone loco," Kat said.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Uh so what happened?

MarshallaMarshallaabout 6 years ago
Well, twenty more days and it will be one year ...

... since Lost has been, lost. In kisket, perhaps?

I hope that it won't be too much longer until we have the next installment in this odessy, because I'm still anxiously looking forward to it (and more).

Third read, and still just as intriguing, but also has seriously left me wanting more.

MarshallaMarshallaover 6 years ago
What the hell?

I had made a comment on this story, but it's vanished. As had my votes on the first two or three chapters.

That was ok though, I upped the stars.

So, coming from my first time commenting, all I can say is, holy shit! This storyline has gone wayyyy off the tracks, but damn if it hasn't been a hell of a ride!

Lost, you have one hell of an imagination, and I look forward to seeing the next chapter in this story. And I seriously find myself hoping that the next won't be the last, because I'm really enjoying it. Some of the best, although strangest, sci-fi / fantasy I've read in quite a long time.

This is my second time reading through all chapters, and I've loved it. They have all become instant Favorites.

5 stars and my thanks!

lostindavoidlostindavoidabout 7 years agoAuthor
To confused

You think you're confused reading this? Try writing it. I promise a comprehensive score card in the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Now I'm really confused.

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