Rock Paper Scissors


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I don't know what came over me, but watching Dana squirm under Adrienne's arrogance and rudeness just pissed me off. I had enough, so it was time to make a statement. If this was all one big game of 'my horse is bigger than yours' then we were gonna make sure we all knew who the stallion was around here. My stallion. Part of me wished that this wasn't the way we had our first kiss- years of tension wound up and this is how it's spent, to spite someone else- but I knew it would do the trick. In some ways though, it backfired. I didn't expect to like kissing Dana like this. Her lips were unexpectedly soft, most likely from her biting and licking them all the time. For a couple moments she was entirely unresponsive though, so I used the hand wrapped around her waist to draw a couple of small circles in her lower back. This definitely aroused her attention, for it took only another second before the tentative hand that rested on my hip then made its way around my waist and pulled me closer. The lips that mine pushed against then pushed back and began to move in a slow rhythm. This wasn't the place to get all caught up in this though, so before this could get any more heated I pulled away. I waited for Dana to reopen her eyes and saw that her pupils were distinctly larger, making her eyes seem even darker than normal.

I turned to address a bewildered and perturbed Adrienne. A snarl replaced her smug smile and her grip on her girlfriend tightened to the point that Cara was on the verge of wincing. Mission accomplished.

"It was nice seeing you again Adrienne. And it was nice meeting you Cara." I gave my best smile at them both. Before they could say a word back I dragged Dana out of the cafe to the car.

We got in and closed the doors, and only then did I realize my chest was heaving much like Dana's. I turned to face her and found a look of sheer shock on her face. Her mouth hung open and her eyes were wide.

"You okay?" I asked quietly.

"What the hell was that?" Uh oh.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't like how Adrienne was acting. I wanted to shut her up but it was the only thing that came to mind."

"You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but you protected me from her once. It was my turn." I placed a hand on her knee, hoping that made it more sincere.

The rest of the drive was silent. We each had too much going on in our heads. I just kissed a girl. I just kissed my best friend. The one who I refused to kiss just a month or so ago. The one who's heart I mended and broke a thousand time over. The most confusing part about it? I liked it. Sex was one thing. Making someone else feel good is androgynous and simple, but kissing was a form of affection that carried a lot more behind it. And I liked it.


Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. That just happened. You know I'm almost mad. I set a very romantic mood and when it was just the two of us she couldn't kiss me, but give her my ex as an audience and she's just gung-ho about it. I know it's not like that, but why now? I thought we were through with the emotional rollercoaster. I was ready to bury everything 6 feet underground and here Alex comes with a fucking shovel.

I felt the car come to a halt, but I couldn't move to get out. It's ironic. The last time we were in this situation, it was because she didn't kiss me. Who knew that the exact opposite would still have the same effect.

"We should talk about that I guess." Her quiet voice pierced the silence when she cut the engine.

"How was it? You always joked about me being a terrible kisser." I let out an awkward chuckle. This was admittedly a strange time for humor, but I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Umm, not bad I guess. I didn't exactly have a chance to analyze it. It was pretty quick."

"Right." I don't know what I expected. Maybe for the kiss to change her mind?

Silence once again.

I drew in a breath to continue but so did Alex at that very same time. I looked in her concerned eyes and exhaled. "You first."

"No you. Please."

"Okay, I just want to let you know that it's cool. We can forget it ever happened. No big deal. Don't worry, I know you're straight." I smiled at her, but it never reached my eyes. "Thank you though, for stepping up for me." I opened my door and stepped out of the car, knowing damn well if I stared into those eyes any longer I might have a mental breakdown.

I went straight into the bathroom to wash my face with cold water. My chest was tight and I felt like I might collapse. I was stupid to let myself get caught up in that kiss. I knew she couldn't have meant it like that. I can't help but feel like she put too much into it too though. It ends up being too much for me to process, so I push it to the back of my mind along with all other related shit in my head. Heartache is a bitch.

Footsteps up my stairs startle me from my meditation. Too light to be Ezra, who's long legs would two-step all the way up. I brace myself as if an earthquake is coming, though it feels much more like the apocalypse.

I feel another body stand about an arms length away from me. I know who I'll see if I turn around, so I don't.

"Dana." I was too weak to fight her voice. The only voice I would do anything for. I turned only my head towards her, every muscle in my back and arms tensing. I still couldn't look her in the eyes.

"What?" It was barely a whisper, sounding more like a plead then a question.

A long pause hung in the air forcing me to look into her eyes to see what was taking her so damn long. I was met with miles of emotion. She looked hopeful, fearful, anxious and happy all at the same time.

"I want you to kiss me." Screech of tires.

"Come again?" I shook my head thinking I couldn't have possibly heard that correctly.

"I said, kiss me."

Under normal circumstances I would've jumped on the opportunity like a gymnast on a trampoline, but the only thing I felt now was apprehension. I turned around completely as if seeing her fully would make this more reasonable. "Are you sure?"

"I've had plenty of time to think about it dork, now do I have to ask you a third time?"

I thought it over, I considered the downsides, I thought of the consequences. Oh well.

I took one step forward placing one hand on her hip and another on her cheek, much like she did earlier. I gave her once last glance to make sure she was positive about this, then with a slight tilt of my head I pressed my lips to hers. It was a somewhat awkward close-mouthed kiss, but I wasn't going to change anything if she wasn't ready. After a couple moments of testing the waters out, she opened her lips a bit to capture one of mine between them. Last time I didn't really have a chance to feel her. I was too busy attempting to calm the trillion of neurons firing off in my brain. This time there were still a trillion neurons firing off in my brain, but no other distractions, no reason for me not to enjoy this. So I gave it everything I had. I kissed Alex with all of the anger I felt towards Adrienne, and all the love and frustration I felt for her. It overwhelmed me and before I knew it I was backing her into the nearest wall. It may have been a bit forceful, but I wanted- no, needed her to know how much this meant for me. My hand left her cheek to take residence on her other hip, and that left her arms to snake around my neck. The kiss was hot by now and I felt her tongue peek out to find mine. I reciprocated and when our tongues touched it was like she poured lighter fluid directly into the flame building below my waist. I snapped.

I reached down and hooked a hand behind each of her thighs and hoisted her up higher, then pinned here there with my hips. Her hands were in my hair now, fingers combing through it. She knew how much I loved when she did that. I moaned into her mouth and pushed my hips forward to create some kind of friction on her groin. A loud groan from her let me know it worked, so I seized the opportunity to assault her neck. I pressed rough kisses mixed with slight bites into her neck, drawing a line up under her jawline then to her pulse point. Nails dug into my back at that moment, hard enough to make me suck in a sharp breath through my teeth. I pulled away knowing that if she didn't stop then this was going to turn explicit very quickly.

"We can stop now. I'll understand."

Alex cocked her head to the side and gave me a sexy smile. "What makes you think I want to stop?"

"This whole day has been crazy and last time we rushed anything it ended up really bad." I reminisced to our one and only date.

"I'm ready to be with you. I want the whole package. I want the dates and the romantic shit, I want to hold you hand in public and claim you when bitches like Adrienne come around. I always loved waking up to you and I want to keep doing that from now on."

My jaw was on the floor again. I felt like I had cotton in my ears. Hell I felt like I'd just been shot with a tranquilizer. When I made no move to continue, Alex leaned forward and put her lips to my ear.

"I suggest you finish what you started here." Suddenly, her tongue snaked out and gave my ear a slight lick, making me shudder violently.

"Fine, have it your way." A voice replied. It was husky and deep and breathy and it didn't not sound like mine. That's what she does to me though.

I pulled her away from the wall and set her down on the bed gently. I kissed her again, this time unbuttoning her shirt. The damned thing had too many fucking buttons though, so I resorted to a faster tactic and wrenched it open with two hands. Buttons flew everywhere but neither of us cared. We were back in familiar territory, or so I thought. Before I was fucking Alex to relieve her tension, but now? I wanted to make love to her. I wanted this to be unlike any other night when I rushed through things that made it too emotional. I wanted to take my time and make it all worth while.

I kissed all over the newly exposed skin. I kissed the swell of her breasts and even took liberty in biting down on parts of them. This girl is mine, and I'm gonna make sure everyone knows it. Instead of ideally unhooking her bra, I simply tugged it down so that her breasts sort of flounced out of it. The increased pressure would make her nipples more sensitive, and this was only proven correct when I let my tongue slip out to flick one. Her back arched hard and a hand flew to the back of my head. She wanted more pressure, so that's what I gave her. One hand worked a boob while my mouth worked the other. I felt her hips buck forward, desperate to get some friction, so I eased a knee up between her legs which was immediately clamped by her legs. Alex reached for my shirt and pulled it up over my head, then reaching for the clasp. I always knew she liked my breasts (even on a heterosexual level), being that they are considerably larger than hers and overall just a nice set of boobs. As soon as my bra was loose, she used the months of training in wrestling we shared to flip us over. Now she straddled me and went to torture my breasts like no tomorrow. She cupped them and kissed and licked them, making me squirm beneath her. Now I was in dire need of friction. My hands trailed down to her shorts which I made quick work of undoing. She stood to shimmy them down but halted mid way to stare at me expectantly.

"Oh don't mind me, I'm just enjoying the view." I winked at her.

"I'm flattered, but lets be productive here. Get yours off too cutie."

I smiled and stood to remove my jeans, dropping them off to the side where she laid hers. A brief moment of pure admiration was cut short when she lunged at me, knowing I would catch her. This time I sat down on the bed, pulling her to straddle me. I had direct access to her neck this way and I was sure I left marks this time. Alex ground her hips into my abs, moaning whenever they made the contact she wanted. I was ready for something more. I bucked my hips forward and slid underneath her, leaving Alex on her hands and knees at the edge of the bed and me beneath her. I pulled her panties down and off her legs. Normally I would push them to the side, but again, today was about more than just sex. I situated myself conformably beneath her shaven center and let my tongue slip out to taste her. She was already soaking wet, a sight that turns me on more than almost anything in the world. I licked around her folds and occasionally dipped my tongue into her. Her moans were music to my ears. I felt her lowering herself in attempt to get me to lick her where she wanted it, so I used my hands to keep her where I wanted her. I dragged my teeth along her inner thighs and kissed where I left sharp bites. She was shaking at this point, so I let her have my tongue where she begged me to put it, but not before warning her, "Be careful what you wish for."

I clamped down on her clit with my lips and lashed at it with my tongue. She screamed so loud, I hit the fucking jackpot. The little nub was completely erect and stood out like a little cherry. I let my teeth slip from behind my lips and tugged on her clit gently with them. Alex was no longer on her hands any more, they must have given out. Now she was stretched out, grasping the covers with all the strength she had. I flipped her over and placed my weight over each leg so she had to take my licks with no escape. Hands came down to stop me, "No Dana p-please, I'm g-going to cum ahhhh!" Anticipating her hands, I grabbed each wrist and pinned them to the bed with her legs. I alternated between tongue-fucking her and licking the hell out of her clit. Her breathing was sharp and uneven, but it was going to take a little more to get her to cum. I let one of her wrists go to coat two fingers up and slip them into her. I'd say it took about 20 seconds of those combined ministrations before she came violently and loudly. I slowed my tongue to a halt with the occasional flick, but otherwise let her ride my face until the aftershocks subsides. When she stilled, I kissed my way back up only to her neck and laid next to her. I wasn't sure she was ready to taste herself on my mouth yet.

A few minutes later she turned to look at me, her hair a just-fucked mess. She took one look at my lips then leaned forward to capture them with her own. I kissed her back of course, but when her tongue slipped into my mouth even I had to let out a moan.

"Your turn cutie."

Being on the receiving end of sex was usually rough for me. People rarely did to me what I could do to them. I usually had to conjure up some visual to get myself to an orgasm. Alex was included in that generalization until today. She kissed and licked and sucked and bit in every right place, like she studied before she got on top of me. She even licked that weird place on my hips about 5 o'clock from my belly button that made me clamp my legs. When she did make her way to my core though, another first, she blew my mind. I felt every lick and every direction she aimed it at. Then she stuck not two, but three fingers inside me and pumped them at just the right speed and angle. As if she was acing choreography from one of my greatest fantasies, she brought me to a standing ovation faster than anyone else ever had... including myself. I don't remember blacking out, but when I woke up we were still naked and under my covers. Alex was knocked out on top of me, her head rested on my chest and my arm was draped around her. This was real.

A smile crept over my face as I thought about the days events. The quickening of my heartbeat must have awoken her, because her eyes fluttered open and connected with mine in a heartbeat. A nervous part of myself feared that she would go wide-eyed in shock and recoil or that she would wake up and regret it all, but the only thing I saw in her eyes was happiness. Or at least sexual afterglow.

"Hey there, you're back." she chucked.

"Don't you make fun of me in this state. I'm defenseless. If we had done this in a different order then you'd be looking like this right now." I joked back. We both giggled for a bit, only silenced by Alex pressing her lips to mine.

"How about some food? I don't know what time it is but I'm hungry." she whined.

"Yeah me too, but not for food yet." I wriggled my eyebrows suggestively.

"No, no you don't!" She tried to get up and run from me, but I grabbed her around her waist pulled her towards me so that I was flush against her back. "I'm only human Dana! I need food!"

I laughed loud at this, because it was one of the reasons I loved her in the first place. We both shared a devotion to food, watching the Food Network until mindless infomercials took over around 3am. It was part of how we got to know each other. So many good memories with this girl, and now she was finally mine.

"Hey Alex?" My mouth not far from her ear.

"Mmm, yes baby?"

"I love you."

"You're just saying that because the sex was good." Alex chuckled nervously.

"No I'm not. I mean it. You don't have to say it back. I know it's a big step, but it's important that you know I do. I always have."

We stayed like that for a while. I loved having her close like this. Finally though, she turned in my arms to face me.


"I love you too." I cupped Dana's cheek when I said it. Seemed like my trademark thing. It was true though, I loved Dana. I always did too. I was just to scared to admit it. Every time we had sex I wanted to kiss her, make the whole experience feel whole. Kissing was always a big deal for me. It could make or break a relationship for me, and if I did that with Dana... I was afraid everything would come crumbling down. I wasn't wrong though. Only what crumbled down were my walls, my insecurities, and my fears when it came to her. I was finally ready to love her back. It helped that she was an absolutely amazing kisser too.

A loud gurgling interrupted this lovey dovey moment and we each looked down at its source.

"What? I told you I was hungry!" I threw my hands up in defeat, making Dana laugh again. God I loved that sound.

"Fine then, put some clothes on before we scare the hell out of Ezra and I'll make something for us."

I placed a flattered hand on my chest, "Ooh was the sex that good?"

Dana's eyes narrowed and I realized this was my new favorite way to tease her.

"Put you're damn clothes on before I fuck you til you can't walk woman." She turned and grabbed some clothes off the floor. I giggled and put on my shirt- no reason to put a bra back on at home- but when I went for my shorts I noticed something was missing. I glanced around the room once but still no sight of my underwear.

"Missing something?" A fully dressed Dana said, holding up my panties. I wasn't sure what to comment on first, her gorgeous body sporting her baggy sweatpants and a cutoff, or why she had my panties.

"Yeeeahhh, can I get those back?" I reached out for them, only to have her jerk them out of my reach. Instead she tossed me her basketball shorts.

"Still kinda need those you know?"

"I think I'll hold onto them for you. It's a bit of a trophy you know." She winked at me and on her way out of the room pressed a passion filled kiss to my lips, leaving me dazed and confused. When I shook out of the stupor I realized that we were still in my house. I could just go and get another pair, only there was something sexy about wearing her shorts without any underwear. So I put on her shorts and made my way downstairs.


I decided on chicken stir fried rice, something quick and simple that can feed all three of us for whenever Ezra came home. As if on cue, he walked through the door.

"Heyyyyyy girls." He said with wiggly eyebrows. Alex had also entered the kitchen at the same time and she looked just as confused as I did.

"What's up Ezra?" I asked as I chopped the chicken.

"Oh nothing, just glad to know I can come home now."