Role Over: A BDSM Odyssey


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"N-no," I said, half sobbing.

"Gooood. That's a good girl." Whack! Whack! Whack!

I tried to keep count but the pain was too intense. Without Misha holding my wrists I might have broken and ran. This was no "token" punishment; it was a statement. Katy was showing me that she was in charge.

I sobbed openly, and my tears flowed out and stained the front of the chair. At last, just when I felt I could bear it no longer, the beating stopped.

"You may get up now Alexis." I rose, tears still streaking down my face. Misha supported me gently with one arm and reached up with the other to wipe my cheeks.

"Now go get cleaned up," Katy ordered. She added, almost cheerily, "When you are presentable come back here and see what wonderful gifts we brought for you. Don't put any clothes on though-we have lots of things out here for you to wear.

"Yes Katy. Thank you!" I literally ran from the room, buttocks aflame.


I was washing my face when Misha entered the bathroom. She examined my beet-red bottom with a sympathetic look, then reached around me and got a bottle from the medicine cabinet. Without saying a word she began applying lotion to the inflamed skin on the backs of my thighs and buttocks.

"Thank you Misha," I said quietly.

"Shhhhh . . .Try not to speak. I don't think this will be your last beating Alexis. You are too proud still, and that makes Katy angry. Obey her without question and she will be more kind. She can be a lot of fun you know." I nodded in agreement, even though I found it hard to think of Katy as "fun." Misha left me alone to think about what she had said. I was beginning to get the picture-my earlier guess had been correct. Katy was the dominant female in the house and it was she who had defined my new role.

I was now obvious that I would be not just a "woman," I was to be a slave of sorts. This was much more than I had bargained for, but it took some of the sting out Katy's abuses. Now I knew that she didn't resent me; she just needed to be in control. Strangely, this gave me a small measure of control. I decided to play along for a while longer and see what happened.

I came back into the living room, completely naked as Katy had instructed. Misha began opening packages and laying various items of clothing out on the sofa and chairs. Katy had me stand still with legs spread and arms raised so that she could check my shaving and hygiene. She made a few critical comments about my appearance, then reached down and picked up something that looked like a long pair of panties with straps hanging from the legs.

"This is a panty-girdle," she explained, handing it to me. I put it on and she showed me how to pull it snugly around my stomach. It felt tight and stretchy across my inflamed buttocks. Katy circled me, examining the fit. Then she pulled the waistband out and shoved her hand inside, grabbing my testicles and pushing them down next to my leg.

"Remember to adjust yourself so you don't bulge out in front." She yanked up on the waistband, tightening the material around my crotch. "The girdle will help hold things down-unless you get too big of an erection," she winked, "in which case you should excuse yourself and head for the ladies room."

Misha handed me some flesh-colored nylon stockings. Both women watched with amusement while I struggled into the stockings, somehow managing to avoid tearing them.

"Okay here's how these work Alexis," Katy explained, reaching in to fasten the stocking top to a garter strap. The sensuous touch of her fingers working against my inner thigh was getting me aroused. I needed to think of something un-erotic. I began to visualize working on my car. In my mind's eye I had the air-cleaner off and was adjusting the throttle linkage...

Smack! Katy slapped my already sore bottom, quite hard.

"Alexis! Pay attention! I asked you to fasten the next clip, didn't you hear me?" Chagrined, I reached down and fumbled with the next clip. After a few more I got the knack of it and even managed to reach the harder clips in back. I stood up proudly in my new panty-girdle and stockings, waiting for praise, but the women were too busy pawing through more lingerie to notice.

Just as I was getting to like the secure feeling of the panty-girdle they had me strip it off.

"Leave your stockings on dear," Katy instructed, "and put this on." She handed me a white garter belt with straps hanging from it.

After got it on, I hooked the straps to the stockings without being asked. I felt obscene in just the garter belt and stockings with my bare-ass and genitals hanging out for all to see.

The women took their time, admiring me and enjoying my discomfiture, Finally, Misha handed me a pair of black silk panties and I gratefully pulled them on, unsuccessfully trying to hide my erection underneath the sheer material.

Next they had me hold my arms out while they pulled a brassiere on me. Then they showed me how to hook it up (my previous experience being limited to bra-removals) and adjust it. The pads inside were just enough to give me the appearance of having small female breasts. Katy explained that I would be fitted for false breasts once they felt I was ready and had "earned them."

"Now the trick is for you to wear skirts and loose blouses or sweaters," Katy explained, "Never wear anything too tight or you'll give yourself away. You should also wear scarves whenever you can. They help conceal your Adam's apple and add a feminine touch."

"We have some things that will work nicely," Misha added, "Blouses that billow rather than cling, and skirts with pleats. We also have a couple dresses we want you to model, and a pair of shoes. We'll get you fitted with more shoes when you're ready to go out in public. Now slip this blouse on, I think you'll like it." The blouse was indeed "billowy" and though I expected it to be not much different than a lightweight shirt, it was much more. I fumbled with the buttons, which were on the opposite side from what men are used to. Just one more thing to disorient me. At last we got to the skirt. This was another "first," and it had a peculiar-almost enchanting-effect on me almost as soon I slipped my legs into it. It was long and ruffled, made of synthetic material that fell across my hips in soft curves and flowed over my thighs. My body, hidden now below the elastic waistband, felt cool and strangely unfettered, as if it were my own private playground; a place where I could even be naked if I wanted. Now I understood how erotic it must be for women to go out in public wearing a dress with no panties underneath. I couldn't wait to wear it outside, though I would probably need at least a thong or something to keep my erection in place.

Finally we had a nice assortment of clothes to keep and a smaller pile which the women would return or exchange. I tried to get them to let me pay them but they insisted they could afford it.

"You won't be needing money while you're here Alexis," Katy told me, "Anyway we got a lot of this for cost at a store a friend of ours owns." "You can repay us out of the royalties from your first book," Misha added, smiling.

"Okay we're done for now Alexis. Take everything off." I stripped down and once again stood naked in front of them, this time trying not to fidget or cover myself.

"What's in those?" I asked, pointing to a few bags and boxes that we had not opened.

"Never mind about those yet, they're for later. But there is one thing . . .Here, Alexis," Katy handed me a small white satin cloth, "Put this on, before you make the mistake of trying to hide yourself again."

I took the tiny white G-string from her and slipped my legs between the strings. The string fit up between my buttocks and around my waist, not concealing anything. I was grateful though for the satiny front pouch, which proved to be adequate containment for my genitals.

Katy came up behind me and laid her hand tenderly against my sore bottom. "You did very well Alexis," she said kindly. "I'm sorry we had to be so stern. It probably won't be the last time we have to punish you, but eventually I think you'll make it. Tomorrow morning we're going to start teaching you about make-up, but for tonight let's just relax and have some fun, okay?"

"Sure," I replied happily, "That sounds good. . .and Katy?"

"Yes dear?"

"I understand now why you had to beat me. I want to do the right thing and I appreciate your help. I promise I'll try harder to do everything you ask." I tried to sound as sincere as possible. It must have worked because I was rewarded with warm smiles and kisses. Before it became the love-orgy I was hoping for, Katy interrupted.

"Alexis, the first thing we're going to ask is that you help with dinner. This is going to be part of your domestic training so pay close attention."

"Shouldn't I wear something first?" I asked, suddenly conscious of my near-nude condition. Katy's expression changed and she fixed me with a stern gaze.

"Alexis, when we want you to wear something we will either hand it to you or we'll tell you to get it. Do not take any clothes off or put any on unless we give you permission. Most of the time you will dress and disrobe in front of one or both of us. That way we can see you are doing it properly. It will also reinforce the humility you must strive for. Now follow me."

We went into the kitchen, where I was handed an apron to wear. This protected my front from splatters but left my bottom exposed. The women gleefully examined my lewd attire and said they were looking forward to cooking many meals with me. Misha pinched my rear and declared,

"Looks like 'ham' is on the menu tonight." Katy lifted my apron and pulled by G-string out.

"No, I'd say we're looking at 'tube-steak'." They both broke into laughter.

I smiled ruefully, trying to ignore their humiliating comments and concentrate on learning new cooking skills. We made a quiche and I tossed a salad. Misha opened a bottle of wine and we all sat down to eat as if we were a normal family having dinner.

An observer might note that things were far from normal, since I was still wearing only my new G-string and the apron. The women got plenty of enjoyment out of my humiliating attire however, and secretly I didn't mind. The cool wood of the dining chair felt good against my bare and inflamed bottom.


After we were done with dinner, Katy told me that from now the kitchen would be one of my responsibilities. I was expected to keep it clean and to help with the cooking. This seemed like a fair arrangement, since the women refused to accept any of my money for food and rent. My feelings of being "kept" were going to take some getting used to. I had always managed to support myself before. Now that had been stripped from me, along with my clothes and my freedom to make decisions. Katy had made it clear there was only one decision I could make, stay or leave.

Leaving was still not an appealing option for me, so I resolved to stick it out. As I washed the dishes and thought about these things the women sat at the kitchen table behind me, drinking more wine and talking. Suddenly I became aware they had lowered their voices and were making lewd comments about me.

"You know that apron really looks a lot better on 'her' than on me, doesn't it?"

"Definitely. Of course you usually wear something under it, dear."

"Well she's got the G-string on."

"That's hardly what I would call wearing something. You can't even tell it's there."

"I know. Don't you just love how the string disappears between her firm little ass-cheeks. It gets me hot just looking at it."

"Watch those butt muscles flex as she reaches across the counter. Mmmm . . .that really turns me on."

As I listened to this exchange my face and ears turned the same color as my already crimson buttocks. I had finished washing the dishes and had to stoop down to put some of the pans away. The resulting pose caused even more embarrassment for me.

"Ooooo . . .look at those cheeks spread when she stoops."

I finished the last of my chores then and stopped. I stood still, refusing to turn around and let them see how embarrassed they had made me. I should have known that Katy would see this as a challenge.

"Oh, oh. I think we made her angry. Alexis, honey, turn around." I turned to face them, keeping my expression neutral. Katy stabbed me with a fierce look then turned to Misha and began speaking as if I weren't there.

"Now you see what I mean Misha? Alexis is just too fucking proud. We should just give up on this project. I don't see how it can work if he-she-won't completely submit to me." I rose to the bait and put on the most apologetic expression I could mange. "Please, Katy. I can change. Tell me what you want." She was unmoved by my pleas, and in fact seemed truly disgusted with me. Despite how poorly she'd treated me up until now, I found myself dreading the threatened expulsion. In desperation I found myself falling to my knees in supplication.

"Please Katy, I can change. Maybe if you condition me like you promised. . ." God, was I really this desperate to remain? Strangely enough I was.

She considered my pleas and then seemed to reach a decision.

"Okay Alexis. We'll try. Your insolent attitude-and your male pride-requires me to change a few rules though."

"Thank you!" I gushed, "I can . . ."

"Shut up!" she barked.

I froze and looked stared down at the floor. When Katy spoke again her voice was controlled and even.

"We have already established that you are not an equal in this house. That is a status you may earn sometime in the far future, but for now you can put it out of your mind. In order to remind you of of this, from now on you will refer to me as Mistress, Mistress Katy, or Ma'am. You may still call Misha by her name, but only in a proper and respectful manner. Do you agree to this?"

"Yes. Of course!"


"Yes, Mistress Katy."

"That's better. Now you may remove your apron."

"Yes ma'am." I took the apron off and hung it up, then stood attentively.

"Look at yourself. You're a slut, do you know that?"

"Yes Mistress Katy." Slut? This was a new twist, but I knew that any objection would get me nowhere except out the front door ... permanently.

"Are you proud, slut girl?"

"No ma'am."

"Take that off," Katy demanded, pointing at my G-string.

I peeled off the G-string and stepped out of it.

"Now show it to me." She examined it and threw it back in my face. "You've stained it! I see spots of pre-cum on the front and the strap is soiled from your dirty little butt."

"I'm sorry Mistress Katy. Should I wash it?"

"You're damned right you'll wash it. Take into the bathroom and wash it out in cold water. There's soap under the sink. Then bring it back here." I heard the women talking and laughing as I scampered off toward the bathroom. They were laughing at me. I thoroughly washed out the tiny garment and brought it back for Katy to inspect.

She looked it over with a critical eye, and then threw it in my face.

"You're pathetic. Go hang this over a towel rod to dry, and then take a shower. Wash yourself completely-and I mean every nasty little part of your body. When you think you're ready, come back in here."

"Yes ma'am." I left again. By the time I had finished and returned they had opened another bottle of wine. Their voices were getting louder; they were obviously pretty drunk. I stood obediently in front of Katy then realized-too late-that I still had my towel wrapped around my waist.

"What in the fuck is that!?" she pointed at my towel.

"My towel Miss Katy."

"What did I tell you earlier about dressing and undressing, slut girl?"

"I'm sorry. I thought you just meant clothes."

"You stupid cunt!" she shouted, ripping the towel off me. "I meant everything." She reached out and grabbed my testicles-firmly. "This body belongs to me young lady. Everything you put on it or take off of it will be done only with my permission. Do I make myself clear?" She squeezed hard for emphasis.

"Yes ma'am," I replied, straining to control my anger over her rough treatment of me.

"Did you wash yourself thoroughly?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Turn around." I turned my back to her and felt her grab my buttock. "Are you sore?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Now show us how well you cleaned your little 'cunt.'" I bent forward, arms at my sides. This was obviously not the correct response.


Katy slapped my sore bottom with her open hand. I winced, but remained silent and held my position.

"Dammit! Pull your fucking cheeks apart, bitch!" Feeling hurt and ashamed, I spread my buttocks open wide enough for the women to view my anus. Fortunately I had cleaned myself very thoroughly.

"Hmmmm. Misha, hand me a paper napkin." Misha gave Katy a napkin and moments later I felt her press it against my anus. She poked her finger inside and twisted. The paper was rough, and it hurt. I held perfectly still while she pulled it out, then let go of my buttocks. I stayed bent over, wondering what was next. Unfortunately, I forgot to keep my butt cheeks spread apart.


"Did I tell you to let go of your ass-cheeks, slut girl?"

"No ma'am." I spread my cheeks open again, extremely humiliated by this time. It was hard to get used to having another person virtually own my body, including access my most private places.

"So why did you let go?" I struggled for an answer that wouldn't make her more angry.

"I wanted to please you Mistress Katy . . .I guess I thought you would want me to do it." That seemed to placate her a little. She told me to go out to the living room and build a fire in the fireplace. A few minutes later, after I got the fire going, Misha and Katy came into the room. I stood up attentively and waited for instructions..

"Nice fire," Katy commented, "You may sit Alexis. No, not there . . .Your new place will be here." She indicated a thick throw-rug next to the fireplace, at the foot of an overstuffed chair. "You may kneel, lay or sit here at your leisure, unless we have given you orders to do something else." I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest, trying not to sulk. She was treating me like a pet.

Then I felt a hand on my head and looked up to see Katy offering me a glass of wine. I took it from her gratefully, being careful to keep my eyes lowered.

"Thank you Mistress Katy."

"You're welcome, Alexis," she replied, smiling kindly.


I sat on the rug by the fire, drinking my wine and watching the flames. I kept my eyes averted from the women, waiting to be prompted before speaking, but no such prompt came. Eventually I heard a sound and glanced up to see the women locked together a passionate kiss. Katy was sliding her hand up Misha's dress while Misha kneaded Katy's ample breasts. Katy opened her eyes for a moment and glared at me. I quickly averted my own eyes back toward the fire, and tried to ignore their display. Moments later they both got up and went into their bedroom, leaving me crouched naked on the floor.

I put another log on the fire and began to ponder my new lowly status. So much had changed in just one evening! Was I really prepared to subject myself to the abuse and humiliation Katy seemed to think I needed? I thought my rape in the basement room was the only real humiliation I would have to bear during my training. Now it appeared that those were merely "initiation rites." Katy seemed to be changing the rules as we progressed. Today she made me reconfirm my commitment by threatening to expel me. Then she bullied me into agreeing to "conditioning" which was really just an excuse for her to humiliate, insult and beat me. I was now reduced to being a servant, sex-toy and even a "pet." Was this all for my benefit, as she claimed, or did she have her own agenda?
