Ron Ch. 11: Kaylee's Birthday Gift


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"Oh! Perfect!" she texted her friends and handed the phone back to him. "Get a picture of me lapping this up." She positioned her self with her tongue touching the pool of semen. He took a couple of pictures as she actually lapped and sucked it up.

"Oh WOW! This stuff tastes so much better when it comes out of my pussy. No wonder you like sucking me out so much!"

He admitted she was "tasty." She did have a nice sour and salty flavor with a hint of sweetness. "But I really do it because you like it."

She finished texting the latest picture to her friends and snuggled close to him.

"I should clean up a bit more," he told her.

While he was in the bathroom she rubbed her breasts wishing this would never have to end. She thought about his statement, "I do it because you like it." When he said it she thought it was just something to make her feel good, but she realized that probably the reason Ron was "the best fuck ever" was that he really did focus on her pleasure rather than his own. Ever since he had met her, he seemed entirely focused on her and her pleasure. She felt like she was the only girl in the world as he brought her to orgasm after orgasm. She knew he'd be on to others, including her sister and Alyssa's sister, but for now she was the only one he cared about. The thought gave her a thrill and goosebumps.

When he came out of the bathroom, she grabbed him tightly and gave him a big kiss as an expression of her appreciation. She spread her legs and, with no effort or guidance, his cock slid easily into her. She managed to get him under her and began bouncing on his cock. But she was tired and soon collapsed on his breast.

He found that position uncomfortable and moved into a spooning position. She took his arms and pulled them tightly around her, one over her breasts, the other around her waist. She fell asleep with the feeling of his cock nestled in her butt crack.

Early Morning Hot Tub

Kaylee woke in darkness. The ghostly glow of night came from all the casement windows excepting one through which the light of a streetlight cast a bluish square of light on the floor opposite the bed. She felt Ron Lindstrom's warm body next to her and remembered the previous night.

Ron had promised her four orgasms and she remembered thinking "that's three" before dinner. But then after that there had been more, too many to keep track of and she had lost count.

She remembered earlier in the evening that Ron's aunt had suggested they use the hot tub. Ron said that her mentioning his younger cousins being in bed meant that they could go in naked. But he had also said his aunt and uncle might join them and expect to join in sexual activity. She didn't want that, she only wanted Ron.

But it was really late. She managed to focus on the dimly glowing clock numbers, "2:43". His aunt and uncle were surely asleep and wouldn't be joining them, but then so was Ron.

She flicked at his ear to rouse him, a technique that she had used on family members for as long as she could remember. It seemed to work with him and as he mumbled to show he was awake she whispered, "I bet your aunt and uncle are asleep. We could use the hot tub without them coming out."

Ron was still sleepy, "What?"

"C'mon! Hot tub!" she encouraged him to get up. "Hot tub! Tonight, naked!"

Ron slowly came to a realization of what she wanted, "Oh, sure. What about my aunt and uncle?"

"It's almost 3 A.M. They're asleep, C'mon!"

He allowed her to lead him outside. It was a bit chilly and that woke him up, but the quick walk to the tub wasn't as cold as she had feared and the hot water was relaxing. So relaxing that Ron felt himself about to doze off. He stood up to expose himself to the cold air in the hope that would get him awake.

She watched as his pendulous balls came out of the water and began slowly rotating and shrinking in the cold air. She laughed and couldn't help touching him as his scrotum became a small, leathery looking and feeling pocket which disappeared altogether as her touch pushed his testes inside his abdomen, "I didn't know balls did that!" she exclaimed, "What strange things." She was sure that her sex classes had talked about what purpose they had but she didn't remember a thing about it and wondered why guys would have such apparently sensitive organs hanging outside their body. His cock had also shrunk in the cold. She kind of understood why a penis had to be hard to get inside her and why it might be good that they were soft and more out of the way when they weren't being used for sex, but testicles? "Why don't they just stay inside like this, " she thought as she poked and prodded at the strange organs in their wrinkled hiding place.

She couldn't help but begin manipulating the soft, almost tiny, two inch long penis hoping to get it harder so they might do more in the tub than just sitting. She succeeded and watched in amazement as it grew rapidly. Being in the cold air hadn't helped Ron wake up but the blow job was doing it. With slight tugs on his arms she encouraged him to sit next to her. She stood, turned her back to him and sat on the almost fully engorged cock. The hot, swirling water had washed away some of her natural lubrication so it didn't go in easily, but once she got the tip past the entry and into her still wet, waiting canal, it slid all the way in with almost no effort. As she began moving up and down on him she began massaging his balls which had come out of hiding in the warm water.

Ron was uncomfortable with his back against the hard edge of the spa, but there was a place. He grabbed her and moved over a few feet to a seating area which had a sloping back rest. That was much better and he admired the slim back and perfect shape of the young woman who was now bouncing vigorously on him. There was no doubt that with her height and figure she'd be a perfect fashion model. He put his hands around her slim waist. His hands almost completely encircled her, he could almost touch both fingers and thumbs at the same time. He aided her movements and soon felt an oncoming climax.

She didn't stop but kept on bouncing as he grunted loudly and emptied himself into her. He tried to slow down her movement which was giving him an unbearable feeling of pleasure but she'd have none of that, laughing and bouncing faster. "I got you off!" she exclaimed with joy. "You're welcome!" finally stopping and pushing herself down on his lap as hard as she could in the water. She turned around and kissed him as he wondered if he'd released some sort of sexual maniac.

They hadn't brought towels so the trip back in from the hot tub was much colder than the trip out. Even after they had dried off, she was shivering. Ron threw another comforter on the bed, wrapped her in his arms and they fell asleep in the comfort of their shared warmth.

Morning Sex

Ron was awakened by his alarm. 6:30! The room was still dark with it's single, streetlight illuminated casement window. This time of year the sky wouldn't start lightening until 7 and the sun wouldn't be up until 8. His first class wasn't until 11 but Kaylee would have school at 9, or earlier. He gently shook the sleeping form awake.

The first thing she thought of was another session of sex. But anxious as she was for an encore, there was a more pressing need. She slipped out of bed. The streetlight illumination allowed her to easily made her way to the bathroom as she considered that this was the first time she had actually slept with a boy. The first time that she had actually stayed the night and gone to sleep with him in the same bed. All her other sexual experiences had ended with one or both of them almost immediately getting dressed (in fact it seemed like most times they hadn't even gotten undressed, just exposed their genitals and gone to it). In those cases when it was evening they returned home to their own beds.

She had the light on in the bathroom and when she came out, turning the light off plunged the basement into total darkness. The square of light from the street was an isolated patch in a surrounding void of ink. She hesitated. She could turn the bathroom light back on in order to navigate to the bed, in which case it would remain on. She decided to wait for her eyes to get used to the darkness when a pair of arms surrounded her waist. "Hard to see?" Ron whispered in her ear. His hands separated, one moving to her breast, the other to her crotch. She felt his naked penis against the small of her back.

"Yes," she gasped in response. She leaned back against his hardening organ. One of her hands pushed his hand more firmly against her genitals. He took the hint and pushed a finger inside. He guided her back to the bed and she climbed in. "Gotta pee too," he told her and she watched as the bathroom light flooded the basement with light and he went in, closing the door behind. Her hand went to her crotch as she anticipated with hope another round, another orgasm or two or more. Ron seemed almost like a super man. She was familiar only with guys shooting their load and then being done. Orgasms were something she did to herself.

The toilet flushed and the room was flooded with light again as the bathroom door opened. Ron came out of the opening, his cock clearly visible and swinging with his steps.Then the light went out plunging the room back into almost total darkness except for that one square of bluish light. A shadow flashed in front of the square and she felt Ron lift the covers and slid in next to her. "Can you see in the dark?" she asked, astounded about how quickly he had gotten to the bed.

"My room, I know where the bed is, just have to be a bit careful," a hand began gently stroking her body and she felt his lips on her cheek.

Those two light touches and her body tensed with anticipation. She filled her lungs and arched her back as she turned her head to place her lips on his and worked her tongue into his mouth. His leg moved over hers and she felt the hardness of his cock press against her. A single thought, "do me again" ran repeatedly through her mind.

She shivered slightly at his every touch. He continued, beginning by gently and slowly stroking her back, sides, arms and legs. As he sensed her excitement growing, he began moving his fingers over her belly, coming close to her breasts and genitals but never actually touching them. She began squirming in an attempt to cause him to touch her more sensitive areas. He didn't resist, allowing her to move so his fingers encountered her breasts and pubes. She began running her fingers over his body with no reluctance about including his cock and balls in her caresses.

He kissed her breast and began lapping at her nipple. She gasped at the suddenness and forgot about what her hands were doing as he moved his attention to the other breast. His hand crept down through her soft genital fur and slid smoothly over her wet and engorged labia. He could feel that her vaginal opening was completely open and awaiting a cock. Her whole body tensed at the slightest touch of her clit which extended from its protective hood. Ron couldn't remember any woman's genitals being so ready for sex. He was able to easily penetrate her cavity with his whole hand, bringing her to another laughing, screaming orgasm.

He flipped the covers off their bodies and swung a leg over her head, allowing his balls to fall to her face. She kept wishing, "do me, fuck me," but he simply massaged the inside of her thighs and brushed against her genitals while rubbing her face with his testicles. She groaned and tried to get her mouth on his scrotum. Her main occupation was moving her hips in an attempt to get any part of his body to enter her. Then he suddenly obliged. His whole hand plunged effortlessly into her vagina, filling it completely. Simultaneously he lowered his head to her crotch and rapidly licked her clit with his tongue.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Ron was concerned that the vibrating scream would wake everyone upstairs.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Her tense body vibrated like a motorcycle. Ron was sure the whole house must hear it but didn't let up.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He plowed his hand in and out of her soaking wet cavity as it pulsed intensely.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAA aaaaaaaaa" her screams slowly diminished and she collapsed in total relaxation. Ron lifted his head and removed his soaking wet fist from inside her. He listened for footsteps on the floor above them expecting a knock at the door but none came.

He positioned himself at her side and gently put his arm around her. She turned and kissed him. "Fuck me," she requested.

She grabbed his rock had cock, "Fuck me. I want to feel your huge dong inside me. I want you on top of me, your arms around me, your chest rubbing against mine." She pulled the cock to her crotch, "Fuck me." She felt more like an actual woman, not a girl, than ever before.

He grabbed a pillow and lifted her hips. She didn't resist but asked, "What are you doing now?"

He pushed the pillow under her hips, "making you more comfortable for this." He moved between her legs. Daylight was beginning to light up the room and he could make out her spread labia presenting a pink blossom in the center of her dark brown bush. There was a dark hole, almost a half inch in diameter marking the entrance to her vagina, still enlarged from the hand he had inside it moments ago.

He felt for her legs. She kept them spread wide and made a giggling gasp as his penis came to rest on her still sensitive clit. With a simple movement of his hips his cock guided itself to her opening and slipped in. She sighed with relief and satisfaction.

She wrapped her long legs around his waist and encouraged his slow thrusts. She wrapped her arms around him, pulled his face to hers and kissed, long and hard. His long cock filled and emptied her, his pubic hair tickled her clit, his large testicles slapped gently against her butt. She swayed her hips in ecstasy as she considered how she had almost passed this experience up, twice. Once when her sister proposed it and then she'd told Ron she wanted to go to the mall thinking she'd ditch him there. She released the kiss and pulled his chest tightly against her breasts with their swollen nipples. Her head against his neck, she alternately giggled and sighed as he kissed her neck and she listened to his grunts of exertion. "That's what I want," she encouraged him in a whisper.

She felt her whole body filling with euphoria, a feeling that she wanted to go on forever, more and more she wanted it to continue, but then, "OH!".

"Oh?" Ron queried. Knowing exactly what "oh" meant, he drove himself into her hard and held himself in place.

Her body shivered slightly, "oh." she replied, aware that the slightest movement would turn the euphoria onto something much more intense.

Ron, smiled, "Oh." He began to slowly withdraw, sensitive to the shivers that went through her with each movement of his cock.

The on-the-edge feeling was becoming unbearable but she was reluctant to move, reluctant to even speak, "a-a-a-i-i-in," she managed.

Ron heard the "in" and obliged. Not at all gently he drove himself into her quivering body and the quivers erupted into spasms. She intoned a loud, warbling and melodious "ooooooohhh" without seeming to need a breath. Ron felt like he was on a bucking bronco, one that he couldn't fall from since she embraced him tightly with her arms and legs. His cock exploded into her. Later she would describe it as a "full body"orgasm. She hadn't had much experience but every orgasm she gave herself and the several Ron had given her earlier were all centered in her genitals. Intense sensations from her clit or vagina powered it. This one came from everywhere. It had no center and it drove the vagina, not the other way around.

As suddenly as it began, it ended. She collapsed under him releasing her grasp. Her arms were still around him but only gently. he legs fell to the bed. After a huge intake of air she could only mutter quietly, "Oh my."

Ron moved and she implored breathlessly, "No, stay inside."

He rolled the two of them side by side and pushed his collapsing cock inside as far as he could. "I think this needs to be the end of a wonderful night," he told her. "You're going to need to get ready for school."

A quick look at the clock told her that he was right. A sensation of fear flooded her breast. "I have no clothes! What I was wearing yesterday will never pass the dress code! I might as well stay away as wear those, they'll send me right home anyway." She was hopeful he would let her stay. More sex! that was an appealing thought.

Ron said he had some clothes that other girls had left, suggesting she could use some of those. But that was hopeless, given her height and thin figure. There were some for much smaller girls that at least fit her if you ignored the fact that they were way too short on her to pass the dress code. Even the things that were loose were still too short.

"I guess we'll just have to stay here," she suggested but Ron wouldn't hear of it, emphasizing that she, and he, needed to get to school. She almost felt like he was blowing her off.

"I think we'll just have to take you home to get proper school clothes," he told her, adding, "But this has been a great day and night. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a woman as much as you. I wish we could continue too, but we'll have other times together."

That buoyed her spirits and they dressed and went to her home. That got a little awkward when she told Ron to come in and then introduced him as her friend's brother. Karla was there and teased him about it when she got him alone. She showed him the pictures Kaylee had sent. "I bet you enjoyed this," she laughed as she showed him the picture of Kaylee sitting on his cock. "Not sure about this though," she showed him the one with semen flowing out of Kaylee's vagina. He couldn't help but note the caption, "Baby on the way?"

Karla claimed that Kaylee was joking and was on the pill. He had to ask Kaylee about it but even after she confirmed she was on the pill, he was nervous about it.

Kaylee came out with a big smile and wearing what looked almost like a school uniform, A simple, button front white blouse and a simple, modest but form fitting, black pencil skirt that extended just past her knees. Kaylee was astonished, "What a change. And you have an actual face. No make-up?"

Kaylee's father was beside himself with praise for the new look. Her mother only said, "You look very nice, dear." But that was praise well beyond the silent disapproval Kaylee usually got when she left for school. She smiled at them and said, "Thank you."

On the way out he heard Karla explaining to her parents, "Yes, I met him at school. He attends Community College."

On the way to school, Ron expressed wonder at her outfit, "You don't usually dress like this?"

"No, but I thought maybe I'd keep the natural look. Do you really think I could be a fashion model?"

Ron had no doubt that she had the physical attributes and assured her that she could.

Her face void of make-up and with a smile and fresh sheen, her friends almost didn't recognize her. She told them, "It's my natural beauty." The center from the basketball team even asked her out, attracted to her height and offered to show her around the school, thinking she was a new student.

She found that she got more attention without make-up and a smile than she ever got with her sultry look and outlandish colored face. And even more when she began wearing feminine blouses, or modest tank tops , along with skirts (sometimes as short as the dress code would allow, other times almost to her ankles). Her friends took up the "natural beauty" look though they retained their colorful hair and the look became a fashion at the school for the remainder of the year.