Room of Masks


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"Welcome to the Hades bridge club and congratulations for making it this far! You're probably feeling nervous. Don't be! Just remember that you're a short step away from fulfilling your wildest fantasies with us and if things get too much you can back out at any time using the safeword you entered on your application.

We'll come and get you soon, so just relax and enjoy the complimentary champagne. If you're into role-play (or just like playing dress-up!), there's a selection of clothing behind you. As we make clear on our website, we deeply value anonymity and we insist that all members and guests wear a mask *at all times* (this was underlined). For those guests who haven't brought their own, you'll find a wide range to your left.

Have fun exploring, and remember what we always say here: life is short, make sure you experience everything it has to offer."

Well, I still wasn't sure what was going on but I'd certainly seen enough to know that this was no ordinary bridge club! I'd started wondering if there was a way I could sneak out when I heard footsteps approaching the door, high heels echoing on the parquet floor. I didn't want to be recognised as a receptionist so I quickly slipped the sapphire mask over my face. My heart fluttered against my chest and my stomach lurched, as the door opened.

"Hi, I'm Angel, welcome," the woman said as she stood in the entrance. She was tall and slim, with long, platinum blonde hair, a slinky silver dress hugging her slim frame, her blue eyes shining brightly behind a small white mask decorated with tiny diamonds and pale blue feathers.

"I'm Jade," I said, my hand shaking as I slipped the invitation from the inside pocket of my jacket and thrust it towards her.

"Thanks," she said, taking it from my hand. "That's a lovely mask you've selected, it suits you."

"Thanks," I said, just about resisting the urge to turn and run.

"Anyway, come along, let's get you inside," she continued, clasping my hand between her cool, elegant fingers.


She led me towards the centre of the room, where all the tables had been pushed together to form one long table, the chandelier reflecting brightly off its polished surface. It was darker around the edges of the room, but I could make out smartly dressed men and women, all wearing masks, sat at the small tables or leaning casually against the walls as they sipped at their drinks. Angel handed the invitation to an older man sitting at the head of the long table.

"My name's Dionysus, welcome to the Hades Bridge Club... Jade," he said, glancing at it.

"Thanks," I said, looking around nervously. Similar to the other men, he was dressed in a dark grey suit, with a white open-collar shirt. His face was half-covered by an elaborate mask, his thin greying hair cut close to his tanned scalp. I noticed he appeared to be the only one who had a mask that was gold-coloured. The air was warm and humid, filled with the aroma of warm wax from the candles.

"Can I take this?" Angel said, and without waiting for a reply she slipped my navy blazer from my shoulders and handed it to someone nearby.

"Now then young Jade, let's have a look at your application and see what we can do for you, hmm?" he said in a curiously high-pitched, almost feminine, voice as a man in wolf-like mask and a black suit emerged from the shadows and handed him a sheet of paper.

I waited anxiously, my clammy hands clutched tightly behind my back as I wondered when would be a good time to confess that I was an imposter. Looking around, I noticed that the women tended to favour colourful, elegant masks, often colour-coordinated with their evening dresses. Whereas the men tended to wear either plain black masks which matched their dark suits, or grotesque masks with a silvery sheen and obscenely long, hooked noses or bulbous cheeks. I shuffled from foot to foot as I looked around the strangely expressionless faces.

"Well, well, you're quite... daring, aren't you, hmm? Let's see, you like amateur dramatics and enjoy characterisation and role-playing. You're into spanking, light bondage, submission, exhibitionism, uniforms, humiliation... how delightful! In particular, you fantasize about being caught doing something you shouldn't and being punished in front of a group of people. For example, a schoolgirl being caught cheating and punished in front of class, or a student nurse being spanked in front of her peers by an older doctor, or..."

I cleared my throat, and he paused and looked up at me expectantly.

"Listen, before you go any further I've got a confession to make. I mean, there's been a mistake, you see I work here on reception and I kind of ended up in here by accident."

He looked up from Jade's application, his pale, watery blue eyes examining me from behind his golden mask. I waited nervously as they slid over my body, lingering on my white shirt where it clung to my modest yet perky boobs.

"By accident?" he said.

"Yes, I work at reception," I said, tapping at the breast pocket of my shirt, before realising that my name badge was attached to my blazer. "Listen, your guest 'Jade' came into reception earlier and said she was too nervous to go through with it. She handed me her application form so I could bring it down to you and apologise on her behalf."

"So why didn't you tell us before? When Angel collected you?"

"Well, I suppose I was kind of curious as to what goes on in here," I managed to say.

"Ah but if you were a real hotel employee, you wouldn't have been able to get in, would you? Our excellent doorman, Mr White, would have recognised you and turned you away, wouldn't he?"

"Well, I sort of sneaked in..."

"You sneaked in?" he repeated, a distinct note of scepticism in his voice.

"Yes, a colleague distracted him, and I kind of slipped in, so, um, I'm just going to..." I said, glancing over my shoulder towards the dim outline of the tall wooden doors where I could escape back to reception.

"I find that hard to believe. Mr White's been our doorman for years, we've never had any issues before," he said, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

"So, yeah, I'm just going to go now and leave you guys in peace," I said, smiling nervously as I stepped back, but bumping into something solid. I spun around and jumped as I found my way blocked by the tall man in the black suit and wolf-like mask. Up close, I could see it was quite realistic with a long snout, pointy ears and grey fur. He gently but firmly grasped my shoulders and spun me back around.

"I'm into amateur dramatics and acting, and like to really throw myself into characterisation and role-playing," Dionysus said, continuing to read from Jade's application. "I sometimes fantasize about being caught shoplifting, and being forced to undress in front of two security guards who punish me with a spanking before having their wicked way with me."

"No, really, they're not my words, I really am..." I spluttered, realising where this was going.

"Bravo, young lady, I think you had us all going there for a second," he chuckled, wagging a finger as he relaxed, sinking back into his chair. The people around us started to laugh too, sharing the joke. "Congrat's though, I do admire a young lady who really commits to a role-play."

"No, please," I said, shaking my head. I tried to back away, but the man in the wolf mask tightened his grip on my shoulders.

"You fantasize about being caught doing something you shouldn't and being punished in front of a group of people. Like a hotel receptionist sneaking into a private club, for example, hmm? Very good, I'm impressed. Well, I certainly think Angel and Wolf can help you fulfil that little fantasy, isn't that right?"

"No, wait..." I said, but Wolf and Angel were already pulling me away from him. The tables had been arranged to form one, long table and I struggled as they pulled me towards the centre.

"Don't worry," Angel whispered as I felt Wolf's strong hands manhandle me, forcing me against the table, my stomach bumping against its edge. "If you want to stop, you just need to use your safeword."

"Safeword? Oh!" I gasped, the breath rushing out of me as I was forced to bend over the low table, my hamstrings stretched, my bottom sticking up. I felt the cold surface against my cheek as I was pushed down and twisted my head sideways.

"Yes, the safeword you specified on your application. Just say the word and we'll stop," she whispered, her lips next to my ear.

"But I don't... Ow! Stop that!" I shrieked as I felt a firm hand slapping my backside.

Up until that point it had all seemed rather surreal, like some bizarre dream but the sharp slap made my bottom sting hotly, bringing me crashing back to reality.

I twisted around, in time to see Wolf raising his hand again. I tried to straighten up but my hands were grabbed by a couple sitting across from me, a man in a silver mask with a long, pointed nose and a woman with bright red hair, wearing a crimson dress and matching sparkly red mask. They grinned as they tugged at my wrists, stretching me across the table, my boobs crushed, my ponytail brushing its varnished surface as I tried to pull myself free.

"Ouch! No!" I shrieked again, as I felt Wolf's firm hand slap me once more.

There was a low murmur of appreciation around us, people around us moving in closer now, drawn by the spectacle.

"You've got to love her attention to detail, she looks just like the receptionists here," a voice said.

"Mmm, and such a lovely rounded arse," I heard a woman giggle somewhere off to my left.

"Imagine having the nerve to sneak into our private club, like some grubby con-woman," I heard a well-spoken man say, presumably thinking he was helping to play out my fantasy. "Let's show her what we do to peeping toms."

"Yeah, skirt up, knickers down, let's do this properly," growled another man, his voice behind me but moving closer.

"No, please, wait! I really am, I can prove it," I pleaded as I tried to twist around, just able to see Angel grasp the hem of my smart, navy skirt.

"Remember your safeword," she mouthed, pausing for a second before tugging it up over my thighs along with my shirt tails. I struggled, but with my wrists still firmly held there was nothing I could do to stop her easing it up over my bottom, revealing the panties I'd put on this morning. They were my favourite pair, pink and lacy with a cute raspberry-coloured bow on the front, and now everyone could see them stretched tightly over my buttocks. There was a low murmur of appreciation from the crowd gathered around us as I felt Angel sliding a hand over the smooth, pink skin.

"What a lovely plump bottom," she purred as I felt her fingers squeeze my cheeks before slowly sliding her hands down over my bare legs and tugging at my ankles.

"What are you doing? Stop! Ow!" I gasped as Wolf's rough hand connected with my now semi-naked buttocks. At the same time, I felt Angel tugging at one of my ankles, and the cold embrace of something metallic around it.

"Ow! I shrieked as Wolf spanked me again, a little harder this time as the people around us crowded in closer. I could feel Angel tugging at my other ankle. I tried to resist but soon felt my legs pulled apart as I felt something cold slipped around it, clicking into place with a metallic snap.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" I said. I was trapped now, my ankles bound by shackles (I guessed) and my wrists firmly held by the couple opposite. I felt myself panic a little, my heart thumping, my breathing reduced to a series of harsh gasps.

"Ow! Fuck!" I gasped as Wolf's firm hand stung me again. Without the protection of my skirt, it really stung, and made a sharp slapping sound that echoed around the room.

"I really am a receptionist," I said, meeting the cool grey eyes of the woman in the crimson dress, who was using both hands to hold onto my left wrist as I tried desperately to pull it free.

"Of course you are, you poor dear. And you snuck into our little private party, and now you're going to get punished with a little spanking," she said, her glossy red lips curling into a wicked grin as she tugged harder, drawing me further over the table.

"Ow! Ow! Fuck!" I gasped as I felt Wolf's hand connect smartly three more times, beating a rhythm on my naked buttocks.

"I do love a good spanking," she said, turning to her partner in the silver mask.

"I know Scarlet, you came like crazy when I spanked you over this table for your initiation, remember?" he chuckled.

"How could I forget? I came three times!" Scarlet said with a throaty chuckle as she turned her face to his and they shared a long, lingering kiss. She was wearing a low-cut lace-edged burgundy evening gown, and I watched as he slid a hand up over her stomach and squeezed one of her shapely breasts until it bulged against her dress.

Behind me, Wolf continued to spank me, ignoring my complaints and slipping into a smooth well-practiced rhythm as I squirmed and wriggled. He wasn't hitting me too hard now or maybe I'd just got used to it, my buttocks glowing warmly. As my body jerked in response, I felt my thighs rubbing against the edge though my panties and although I didn't want to admit it to myself, I felt the warmth from my buttocks spreading between my legs, my skin tingling, my pussy moistening.

"That's it, give it to her good and hard," I heard a woman say.

"Get her knickers off," a man growled impatiently.

"Yeah, spank her bare-arsed," insisted another.

"No! Don't!" I mewed, but Wolf ignored me, and with my wrists still held firmly I was unable to stop him slipping my panties down. I wriggled helplessly as I felt him roughly tugging at them until they were down around my widely spread thighs, the waistband cutting into my skin, the air feeling cool around my damp inner thighs.

The crowd shuffled closer around us now, and I closed my eyes feeling my cheeks burn red with embarrassment. With my legs held wide apart by my shackles, they'd be able to see every rude, intimate detail of my sex, the swollen purse of my pussy peeping out from between my hot pink buttocks.

The sound of Scarlet moaning drew my attention, and looking up I saw that her partner had eased the strap of her dress over one shoulder and eased one of her full boobs from her dress. She was leaning back in her chair now, eyes half-closed as he groped her pale breast, massaging the soft flesh. I watched as he dipped a finger in his glass of red wine and traced a series of tight circles around her dark pink nipple, then made her gasp hotly as he flicked a wet fingertip back and forth till it was hard and stubby. I felt my own nipples hardening as I watched him use his thumb and forefinger to gently pluck at her hard little teat as she wriggled and moaned hotly.

A series of fierce spanks brought my attention back to my own body.

"No! Ow! Please!" I squealed as I felt the sting of Wolf's cruel hand, expertly finding the spots to draw a reaction from me: the fleshy part of my already sore buttocks, the inside of my thighs, then gently tapping me between my legs sending jolts of pure pleasure through me. I moaned loudly as pain and pleasure, agony and ecstacy swirled dizzily around my head.

"Such a lovely little pussy," I heard Angel say, her tongue lapping my ear as I felt her stroking the inside of my thighs.

"No, no," I kept repeating as I felt her slender fingers stroking my inner thighs, sliding smoothly along the groove of my sex.

"Mmm, she's already nice and wet," Angel purred as I felt her fingers trace the contours of my honey-coated lips, first sliding up and down then massaging them in smooth circles. Wolf continued to lightly slap my sore buttocks as I wriggled and squirmed hotly, my brain struggling to cope with the competing sensations of pleasure and pain.

"Fuck! Oh God!" I groaned as I felt her skilful fingers spreading my shamefully wet folds, her fingertip finding my pulsing clit, gently flicking it until my body vibrated with pleasure.

Having Angel caress me like this, in front of all these strangers was more humiliating than the spanking. The spanking was bad enough, but now I couldn't hide how turned on I was, and I closed my eyes burying my face under my arm as I felt Angel spread my labia, my pink, glistening inner folds exposed, my arousal all too obvious.

"Look at her, she's loving it, the horny tart," I heard a man say, his voice thick with lust as he watched Angel expertly, slowly but inevitably bring my body to a simmering boil.

"Please, please," I begged as she continued to diddle my clit with one fingertip whilst I felt another sliding along my inner lips to toy with my vagina. As she stroked and fondled and caressed my most intimate parts, I felt the pressure begin to build, my breathing reduced to a series of short, sharp gasps as she all too easily slid a finger inside me, not penetrating me fully, just gently frigging the first inch of my tight entrance as I moaned loudly. It was simply unthinkable that I'd experience an orgasm right here in front of all these strangers but even as I formed that thought I knew that I was quickly approaching the point of no return.

"No, don't! Please!" I gasped as she strummed my clit and slid a finger smoothly in and out of my clasping lips faster and faster, each stroke driving me closer to climax, as my body twisted, my hips bucking up and down, my ankles and wrists straining helplessly until I could take no more.

"Oh no, no!" I heard myself shriek, my body jerking feverishly as I surrendered myself to one of the longest, hardest orgasms of my life.

I collapsed sobbing and limp across the table, listening to the polite round of applause and murmurs of appreciation from the gathered crowd. The couple opposite let go of my wrists, and I covered my face as I felt either Angel or Wolf briefly unfasten my ankles, slip off my black court shoes then slide my pink panties off my legs so that I was naked from the waist down.

When I eventually opened my eyes, I met the Scarlet's dark eyes examining me from behind her sparkly red mask. She was leaning back in her chair, her boobs still exposed, her eyes half-closed as she sighed contentedly. From my position near the edge of the table and I could see her dress rucked up around her partner's wrist as his hand moved up and down between her stockinged thighs, his movements subtle but unmistakeable.

"Seems like you enjoyed your spanking, Jade," she said with a knowing wink.

"I need to go, I should get back to reception now," I said breathlessly.

"Of course, back to reception!" her partner laughed before making Scarlet gasp as he flicked the top of his tongue over one of her erect nipples.

"But that's only the first part of your punishment, I mean, don't you think Mr Wolf deserves a little reward for all his effort?" Scarlet said, as she slid a hand over her partner's thigh and ran a finger along the hard ridge that had formed in his black suit trousers.

I twisted my head around just in time to see the man who'd administered my spanking easing open his flies. Around us, there were a series of breathless, excited gasps and giggles from the women as he eased his long, thick and extremely hard looking prick free. I gulped as he slowly stretched a transparent blue condom over the thick, bulbous head and slowly rolled the well-lubricated sheath over his fat shaft.

"Fuck!" I said, trying to straighten up but felt his firm hand in the centre of my shoulders pushing me back down.

"Exactly," Scarlet chuckled as she unfastened at her partner's black leather belt then unzipped his fly.

Scarlet and her friend had let go of my wrists now but with my ankles re-fastened and Wolf's strong hand on the back of my neck, I knew there was no escaping my fate. I found myself holding my breath as I felt the thick head of his cock pressing insistently against my tight entrance. I was still very wet from Angel's caresses and it only hurt a little as I felt him push his cock inside me.