Roommates on Lockdown Ch. 02

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Everything falls apart.
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/28/2020
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Over the next month Jennifer and I fell into a routine. Without ever discussing it, we began having sex whenever Gabrielle had a woman over - which was often. The string of women Gabrielle had marching through the apartment was truly incredible. Women of all types. Black, white, latin, asian. Women of vastly different looks and styles, teenagers through cougars. The one universal quality was that they were all knockouts. Their attitudes upon arrival varied - some were shy, some clearly reluctant, and still others obviously lustful. One memorable night, two beautiful brunettes disappeared into Gabriel's room with him, looking nervous and unsure. Gabriel later revealed they were sisters-in-law.

When Gabriel disappeared into his room with his women, Jennifer and I would do the same. Without fail, each woman was moaning within 15 minutes of the closing of Gabriel's door. We heard every whimper, every moan, every scream.

Thus, we began having sex a lot more often than we were used to. And though she didn't say anything, Jennifer seemed to want to match the tempo of Gaberiel's lovemaking. She often closed her eyes the entire time, and tended to climax at the same time as the nameless model. All in all, it made me extremely uncomfortable. It was hard to imagine she was doing anything other than imagining fucking Gabriel. And yet - I couldn't call her out on it. For one, I found myself looking forward to these sessions as well, and often climaxed at the same time as she. I'd also have been lying if I had said I didn't picture these gorgeous women on top of Gabriel when I heard their moans and screams.

But my relationship with Gabriel didn't improve. This was perhaps unsurprising given my girlfriend's increasing infatuation with him. I felt like I was competing with him for her attentions, and he was the clear leader. My anger made me take offense to everything he did. His intense accent, pretentious art, and even his fucking buzz cut annoyed me.

And then, about two months after Gabriel moved in, our lives got turned upside down by Covid-19.


The strange virus had been a growing feature of the news for the past two months but, to be honest, I had mostly dismissed it. It seemed like some novel disease scare occurred every year and it always came to nothing. Ebola, Zika - those things never really hit the US, why would this?

Of course, all of the sudden, it was here. Two weeks after the first known case, my office abruptly shut down and we were left to flounder and try to adapt on the fly to the disjointed work from home environment. When the state order came in, Gabriel too had to shutter his painting studio. The worst of all by far was that Jennifer left to Toronto to be with her family, fearful that they would shut down the border. She promised to be back as soon as she could.

All of the sudden it was just me and Gabriel. All. The. Time. We got on okay. He seemed to mostly ignore my resentment, meeting all my glares with mild amusement on his face. He still acted as if he owned the place, watching whatever he wanted on TV and playing music too loudly, but at least I no longer had to deal with my girlfriend staring at him all of the time.

Gabriel did try to bring a friend (likely a model) over once but I asked him to please not. I was scared of this virus and I wanted us to be as insulated as possible. I got groceries delivered and didn't go out. Gabriel was somewhat cautious, though not nearly as much as I. I begged him to please be as careful as I was being.

He took my request patiently and in-stride, but he did mention that he was unable to work now because his models couldn't come over. I felt bad about that but he was loaded right? It wouldn't be a big deal. Plus - worst comes to worst - I could always just pay the rent myself for a time.

Until I couldn't. By early April my company's sales had dried up and one afternoon they called me to tell me that I (together half of all staff) were being let go. Not furloughed. Terminated.

After sputtering my objections and questions, I hung up the phone, my hand falling limp to my side.


What...was I going to do now?

My chest felt tight and I felt dizzy. Fuck fuck fuck.

I staggered into the living room, needing a drink of water.

Gabriel saw me and stood up quickly from the couch. "Michael, what is wrong? You look like you saw ghost!" He took long fast strides towards me and put his long arm around me. It held me like a vice and I could feel the hard muscle of his bicep and shoulder pressed against me.

"I...I just got fired..."

His face took on a look of concern. "Ah, I see. I am sorry. Sit. Sit." He guided me to a chair and only once I sat did he take his arm from around me. I felt the loss of his security immediately and swayed slightly in my seat as he turned around to get me water.

"Here." He came back with a glass that I accepted gratefully. I took a deep drink but barely felt any better after.

"It is going to be just fine, Michael. You should be not worried." Gabriel advised in a calm, deep voice.

"What am I supposed to do..." I said softly. "It's not like this is a seller's job market right now."

Gabriel was sitting across from me now, the look of gentle concern still on his strong face. "Ahh you should not think like this. There is time. Right now, just be calm and relax. Here." He stood and walked behind me. Before I could stop him he sunk his strong fingers into my thin shoulders.

"Ohhh..." I practically moaned.

"Ahh, you are so tense Michael. Just relax. Nothing else for now. " He kneaded my shoulders and neck magically.

"Ahhh..." I relaxed my shoulders and my whole body followed, as I leaned back into the chair. "I guess...I guess there's nothing else to do for now..." My eyes fluttered closed and, somehow, instead of focusing on my dire situation, I found myself thinking only of Gabriel's fingers, pressing into me.

I must have drifted off because next thing I knew I was being lowered onto something.

My eyes fluttered open and I was looking up at Gabriel's strong stubble-covered jaw as he placed me gently in my bed. I felt his large biceps pressing against my back and into the back of my knees, tense with the (albeit minimal) effort.

"I...what...what..." I groggily attempted to ask.

"Ah Michael, you wake." Gabriel said gently. "You must have been very tense indeed because you fell asleep after just few minutes of massage."

"I...I'm sorry I didn't..." but Gabriel cut me off.

"No, Michael. Just sleep now." His pronunciation of my name had always softened the "ch" in a slightly feminine fashion, but just then it sounded particularly soft, as if he'd simply said "Mishel." And as he said it he brushed a strand of hair out of my face gently and looked into my eyes. I...I had never noticed how light a shade of brown his eyes were...Almost hazel...He grinned at me, showing his white teeth. I smiled back before I could stop myself.

Then he turned and walked out of my room. I looked at his broad back retreated form the room. When he was gone, I turned over and slept.


Over the next few days my behaviour could only be described as mopey. I stayed in bed, ate lots of iced cream, watched lots of tv, and generally did absolutely nothing productive. Jennifer checked in on me a few times and seemed sympathetic. But she was on the other side of the continent with no timeline for returning. I fell into a despondent loneliness, sure that I would never be employed or in a real relationship again.

As I said. Pathetic.

Shockingly, Gabriel helped to draw me out. I was in bed one morning (well, actually it was 1 p.m.) about a week after my firing when the door simply swung open without a knock. I looked up, surprised and angry, to find Gabriel in the doorway. He looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Alright Michael. It is enough, yes? Take a shower and let's go for walk."

" thanks." I replied curtly. "Also you need to knock when you come in here."

His expression didn't change. "Will you wash? Or do you need me to do it for you?" He grinned slightly at that.

"What? No. Just go away!" What the hell was he talking about.

"Okay then. It will be me." He took a step towards the bed.

"Wha? What are you doing!? Stop!"

He took another step. He was really very large. I had little doubt he could carry me off to the shower without much difficulty.

"I said stop!"

Another step. I started to panic.

"Stop! Fine! I'll shower, jeez."

"Ahh, good. I will wait in living room for our walk."

I muttered under my breath as he turned and walked out. But then I released a deep sigh and pulled the blankets off. I guess a walk couldn't hurt. I realized I hadn't been outside in...weeks?

After a quick shower I pulled on my jeans (the first time I'd worn anything other than sweatpants for weeks). I realized they felt a little snug. Why though? Could I have gained weight? I mean...I had barely ate amid my depression of the past two weeks, not to mention the Covid stress I'd been going through even before that. But upon closer examination, I saw that these weren't my jeans, they were actually Jennifer's.

Holy crap. I was thin, but Jennifer was super trim. Covid stress must have shaved off some pounds. What did it say that I could button these up at the top without much of an issue.

I tried on my own jeans but found they were super baggy now. And holding them up with a belt resulted in an even worse look than sweatpants.

Sighing, I glanced again at Jennifer's pants, now lying on the floor. I mean...they fit...even if they were a bit tight.

Reluctantly, I pulled them on again. They really were surprisingly comfortable. None of my jeans had ever provided this It felt like my butt was being gently cradled. And I had to admit that the press of them against my legs was kind of nice. Of course, I was pretty sure that while I might like the feel, I would most certainly not like the look. So for my top I chose the biggest sweater I had - an old larger roommates hoodie he left behind. I had nothing at all to do with the college mascot emblazoned on the front but the important part was that it was so long it went down past my ass.

Sighing at myself in the mirror - my hair was getting too long, down past my ears now - I took a deep breath and walked to the front door.

Gabriel was waiting, sipping a glass of water. He of course looked perfect, the ass hole. He wore a sharp navy blazer on top of black jeans and a white t-shirt. His slightly longer hair (though still not as long as my own at this point) was drawn back casually in a clean and sleek way, only a couple hairs out of place, dropping down over his left eye. For a guy who normally shaved his head, he had beautiful hair.

I saw him look me up and down, his face forming a thoughtful, contemplative expression. Maybe he just didn't actually believe I'd come. After a few more moments of him considering he gave his head a short nod, as if having made a decision, then his face broke out into a wide grin.

"You look very cute. So are we ready to go, Michael?"

Cute? "Fine. Yeah, I guess."

He held the door for me and we walked out. It was strange to be out, after having been cooped up for so long. Glancing around as we walked down the street, I was admittedly nervous. I was scared of this bug and wanted to keep a strict 6 feet from other people. To be honest it made for a somewhat unpleasant walk. The streets weren't too crowded, but it wasn't like we were the only ones on the sidewalks.

"Michael, what's going on? You seem very stressed."

"It's nothing...I feels like people are too close."

"Ahh, you're safe with me don't worry." He put his long heavy arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him. This was ridiculous, being near him wouldn't protect me from the virus. But...why did I suddenly feel so secure?

Gabriel was a big guy. Tall and broad. And my slim 5'6" figure tucked into his huge frame easily.

"Gabriel...this isn't..."

"Michael, you need to stop staying in bed." He interrupted.

"Well..I know that eventually..."

"No, not eventually. It is time."

"I mean it's not like I can even go anywhere."

"You can take care of self. You can take care in being clean. You can take care in how you look."

"I mean yeah but I don't need..."

"What is next for you? Will you look for another job?"

"In this market?" I replied sullenly. "I think I need to give it a bit of time to pick back up."

"And until then?"

"I dunno...I'll learn to play the harmonica or something."

"And what will you do for money?"

"Well I think I can collect unemployment insurance, right?"

"You think? Have you looked into it?"

"No but I mean..." I almost stopped dead. I had already been relying on those unemployment checks in my mind, but hadn't given them much though. But suddenly, for the first time since being fired, I considered the fact that I had only held my most recent job for slightly over 2 months. Prior to that I was paid off-the books. Would I qualify? Shit!

I continued, my voice shaking. "I...I don't know." I looked up at Gabriel, who was looking down at me, his hazel eyes intent.

"How will you pay rent?" he asked.


I didn't really have any savings. I had very much relied on the fact that my job supported my lifestyle and never felt insecure enough to get fired. Plus even once I did get fired, I was sure I was going to get those insurance payments.

Gabriel still set a smooth pace and I looked up at him, still tucked neatly into his arm.

"I...I...I guess I don't know that either. I mean...I have some savings but it won't last long."

He looked down at me, his strong face unreadable.

"It seems I may have difficulty with money as well."

I gaped up at him, and my hand moved up to grip his arm in alarm. Jesus his bicep was like steel. "What do you mean!? I thought you were so successful!"

I realized I was clinging to him and I pushed away so I was walking next to him. The street seemed very cold suddenly. Fuck I had chosen this ass hole in part because of how successful he supposedly was.

"I recently sent most of my money to my family in Omsk. They have difficult life, so I try to help. I have little left at the moment. A month...maybe two."

Well that deflated me a bit. It was hard to be angry about that.

"Crap...and you can't sell more pieces?"

"I have none to sell. I sold all old paintings, my studio is closed and you do not want my models coming to the apartment."

My face reddened.

"I's for our own know that." I looked down, embarrassed

"Ahhh. I know I know. It is just difficult, you see?"

"I d...I...I don't know how to fix it though..."


I looked up at him hopefully.

"I do have idea." He continued.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You will not like."

"Whatever, try me. We need money."

" could be my model, Michael."

I laughed out loud. "HA! Yeah right. What's your idea though?"

His hand closed like a vice around my upper arm and he turned me towards him. "I am serious, Michael."

My eyes widened in shock. "What!? What do you mean? You're going to start painting dudes now? What kind of painting are we talking here?"

"No...I will continue painting women."

"...I don't follow..."

"You would be my woman, Mishel." That time he definitely pronounced my name as the feminine version.

The seconds stretched on as I gaped at him. "What. the. Fuck. are. You. talking. About." I said slowly, the volume rising with each word belying my attempt to keep my anger in check.

"You can be my model. I will paint you as woman. I never see how amazing figure you have until this evening. Those pants. Very very cute. Especially with the large sweater. It looks like from your American movies - like your high school boyfriend gave it to you." He chuckled as my face reddened further. . "Anyways, your body is nice. It has much potential, Mishel. And I will make it even better."

"Stop calling me that..." I mumbled. This was bonkers. Still, I found myself strangely pleased by the compliment.

Recovering, I went on. "Dude, there is no way I'm doing that. And these pants are just...just...they're Jennifers and they were just lying around and...and.." As I spoke I realized that these were not excuses, and they did not make me look any better. Back to the basics. "Listen, I'm not doing that."

Gabriel shrugged, his huge shoulders moving up and down heavily. "Okay. Well...then we must solve how to pay rent."

We continued walking, in silence now. I couldn't get another job in this market. Gabriel was broke. My money would dry up soon. We really didn't have many options.

"Couldn't know? Draw from other pictures or something." I asked.

He just shook his head without looking at me and shrugged. "I draw live models. If I do not, my work suffers. I will not ruin my reputation."

I didn't want to do this. Fucking hell he wanted to draw me as a girl for christ's sake! I wouldn't dress up as a girl for anyone. ESPECIALLY not this fucking ass hole.

My stomach rumbled suddenly and I realized the walk was giving me my appetite back. Maybe we could grab a bite...But as I imagined paying for food I could practically feel the limited funds I have depleting. Fuck.

After a few minutes walking in utter silence I finally I took a deep breath and answered. "I'll...think about it..."

Gabriel looked down and smiled broadly at me. He draped his huge arm around me again and I was too tired and defeated to object.

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TurningintoCDTurningintoCDover 3 years ago
Love this story

Keep it going! This is one of my most favorite story lines that I’ve ever read on here!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Ready for next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
More please

Write faster please !

lazaruspluslazarusplusover 3 years ago

loving where this is heading

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Amazing set up

Words fail to express how excited I am for the next few chapters. I love how much detail you put on his feminine clothing. Loving this!

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