Rosa Pt. 04


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"I'm starving," said Rose."

"Me too," said Rosa.

"There are four good pubs in Rhayader, all do food", Said Rose. An Indian. Or we can take a fish supper home. It's not the best, but it's tolerable. If we want good fish and chips while we are here, I recommend we go to Aberystwyth; it's only three quarters of an hour up the road and the batter alone is worth the trip. It does go straight on your arse though! I will have to eat straw for a week to get it back off."

I could see where this was going. Poor little Bunny was, like it or not, about to make her first public appearance as "Latex Bunny, submissive to Mistress R" as I pulled into the town's car parkt. Rose took off the blindfold. Rosa had just finished polishing Bunny with a tin of silicone latex spray polish. Come, Bunny, we are going to get something to eat.

"But I..."

"Bunny! Look at me,! said Rose." Who am I?"

"Mistress!" Whispered the girl.

"Leson one Bunny! A good sub is proud to belong to her mistress and proud to show it. I want you to do this for me. Look."

Rose held out a small scrap of rubber, Bunny took it from her. It was a simple black latex collar. Bunny handed it back to Rose and tried to kneel, there wasnt enough room for her to do that. Rose lifted Bunny's chin with her index finger. She placed the collar around her new submisives neck, pushed a small staple into its hasp then took a tiny ornimental padlock and clicked it into the staple.

Rosse pulled Bunny into a deep kiss, when she broke it she whipered so I could bearly hear, "are you ready now?"

"Ooh Yes Mistress Rose"

I thought Bunny would need help walking. But she didn't. Rose was a bit surprised too. I wish I'd keep the courage of my convictions and put her in the armbinder, she whispered to me. There was total silence in the pub. The requisite spotty youth behind the bar ran. He just disappeared.

If he's gone for a wank, tell him to wash his hands before he touches any of our food, said a laughing Rose to the barmaid. I tried the more traditional opening line of "Table for four, please, love."

Menues on the table, darling, she replied, her broadest Brummy accent. Rosa had Mac and Cheese, her pub favorite, Rose had what appeared to be mostly rabit food and Bunny fish and chips. It's better in here than in the chip shop, Rose explained to bunny, and I had steak and kidney pie chips and mushy peas. Bunny and i had Apple Crumble and custard to finish off. Bunny was just a natural at this. She kneeled by her mistress, then when Rose put a finger under her jaw, she lifted herself to a standing position and then sat on Rose's lap while Rose fondled her and fed her the occasional chip. Bunny responded every time with a loud and clear "Thank you, Mistress." Untill Rose said the naties have stopes staring, you can eat properly now Bunny.

The boy had come back from his wank. He was transfixed by Bunny. He came over to the table; I think the barmaid sent him. Can I get you anything else? I had a pint of bitter, a very nice pint of bitter.

Do you wish to speak to my pet young man? His mouth moved but he said nothing. Rose said to me, Shall we leave Kevin?

As I stood up to leave, Bunny was still staring into the lad's eyes. She ran the fingers of her left hand over her latex collar around her throat, down over her right boob, circled her nipple with her index finger, then down over her belly button and settled it on her mons, she winked, then turned away from him, catching Rose's hand as Rose called her.

Together, they walked away, the heels making Bunny wiggle her bum. Rose let go of the hand and placed it on Bunnie's bum to guide her through the door and out to the car. Rose was giggling like a schoolgirl when we got back in the car.

"Oh, Bunny, I was wrong; you do like boys, just poor shy boys, though. That poor boy is going to be pulling the end off his nob tonight.

I pity his poor mom. I said she has to wash his sheets.

How did you walk so well in those shoes, said Rosa?

Bunny beamed. I did ballet after school for three years. Lessons were free because mom was claiming and I didn't want to go home. Then the smile vanished. Me and Meg did ballet. She is very, very good. They want her to go to the ballet school, but her mom can't afford to send her. Just as we got to the turn-off to theMarteg Valerie Bunny's phone rang. I was amazed the girl found it. What do you want? She snapped..... Pause, Oh, yeah, I'm sorry too. No, I'm OK; they are all really nice..... Pause. No, I've run out too. I may be able to get some; I'll call tomorrow. If I can, Meg, Hello, Hello.

Was that your friend, Bunny?

Yes, Mistress, her credit has run out as well, I think.

"Do you want to talk to her?"

"Yes," poor bunny was on a bit of an emotional roller-coaster. She says she is sorry she called me a lezzer.

What do you want to say to her? I want to say it's OK, and she was right; I am, but I dont mind who knows now. I want to ask if she will still be my friend.

Use this, said Rose, handing Bunny her iPhone. Tell her you will call her from the farm when you get there in five minutes and say you will be on your own then, say you're in a car with three nosy old people listening. But say thankyou for calling back.

Bunny taped in the number from memory.

"Meg, It's me.... No, I'm not called Carmel anymore, Meg. I'm Bunny now.... No, I'm not coming back to Newport ever. Rose is giving me a job--minimum wage, I think--but I hope I get more hours than I did at the service and I don't have to pay for a lift. Meg Listen, this is Rose's phone; it's a bloody iPhone 14 Pro Max.... no, I'm in her car still.

Do you remember Rhayader? We went on a school visit to the lakes there. Well, she has a farm near there. I'm going to spend Christmas with them and some other people, I think. I'm in the car with them, but I'll be able to call you from a landline number in a few minutes. I'll see if I can have a sub, get some credit, and get some back for you. I promise. I'll call again.

Do you owe her money, Bunny? Yeh, she got me a five-pound credit on my phone.

We had better get that sorted out. Do you owe anyone else money?

My mom says I owe her board money. But I don't think I do.

Well, that's hard to prove one way or the other.

If you pay what she says you owe or what you agree, she has no more hold on you after your birthday Bunny. But remember, she is your mum, I'll always do my best for you but she is your mum.

"I know Mistress, but i dont want to send her any money, it will just go up her arm while she is with that cunt"

"BUNNY!" Rose shouted, "there is no need to use language like that."

Rosa and I both snorted and we both got an old fasioned look from Rose.

"How about we send a tesco delivery or something like that?"

Bunny smiled, "Mum will like that."

"Do i need to pay off anything else Bunny?"

"No, I promise. I don't like borrowing money; my mom does all the time; that's why she never has anything. Always paying the tally man back. I don't want to borrow from you either.

Your not borowing from me Bunny, if it were a loan, you would have to pay it back, I do not want it back. I want you to concentrate on schoolwork, not on what you owe to who.

When I pulled into the drive to the two farms, there was a beautiful silver Lotus Elan parked outside the first farmhouse, the one we were going to.

Shit said, Rose. I forgot he might be here.

"Who is he," said Bunny?

The nearest thing I'm ever going to get to a husband, said Rose.

Bunny looked a bit panicked.

"Don't you worry, sweet; we are just fuck buddies. You don't have to be in the same room as him if you don't want to.

Bunny looked a bit concerned. She didn't need to be; I had already figured out who this was. This guy may be twenty years older than me, but he was Mr. Cool.


"Yes pumpkin."

""Is that the car you used to own?"

"No pumpkin; it's the car I still own. It's a bugger to get it repaired; it's fucking useless in the south, so it lives here."

"It's beautiful, said Bunny."

"Nearly as beautiful as you my sweet. That's something else I'll have to teach you, how to drive, not that though, not yet anyway.."

"Is that as well as how to lick pussy, said Rosa?"

"Bunny looked at Rose. Will you teach me how to lick pussy first? she whispered."

"First job my girl, is for me to find the best way for me to lick yours. Don't worry, my little bunny. I'll show you how to lick mine tomorrow."

"Bunny visibly shuddered. I think this was all getting to our little innocent; I'm pretty sure she came then."

As soon as we were in, Rose sent Bunny into her office. "There are two phones in there. The number cannot be traced on the red one. I'd prefer it if you used that for both calls; I insist you use it for the first. Phone your friend; you promised her a private chat, but first, phone your mom."

Bunny tried to speak. "I don't give a fuck. I don't give a flying fuck about your mom. If your friend has spoken to her and told her you just fucked off with three pervs in a big car, she will be shitting herself, and if she hasn't already, she will be on the verge of calling Mr Plod. I dont want him here stamping around in his big size 12 boots spreading mud and sheepshit on my carpets.

You can tell her as much as you want, but the minimum is that you tell her you are OK. You are here because you want to be. You're free to go anywhere you want." Rose softened her tone. "Anything else is up to you babe. Oh dont forget to ask how much board money you owe her.

"Just open the door and tell me when you finish the first call, please, love. You can make the second one after the cup of tea Rosa is about to make for us all. Thats if you want to chat for a bit, but you must never leave people worrying if you can help it."

"I've done it on the phone. said Bunny.

"Are you and Meg friends again?"

Bunny smiled. "Yeh, you know I said I'm never going back to Newport. If I can get a job and I save a bit can I get a bus from where you lie to go and visit for the day? Or she is going to drop school cos she is going to get more hours could she come to visit me? She wanted to go to dance school, but that's not going to happen. She was offered a half scholarship, but her mom can't afford that either."

"What school, Bunny, Rose asked?"

"Royal Ballet School, Covent Garden"

" Ooh, Is she that good, said Rose?"

"Yeh said Bunny with a big smile and some very obvioud pride in her best friend. She went for a year, but they don't do full scholarship anymore. She didn't go to school there until later than all the others, but she was better than the posh kids with all the money."

"What's her name Bunny," said Rose?

"Meg" said Bunny.

"Don't be dull, girl. I know her given name is Meg; what's her full name?"

"Meghan James."

"Any middle name?"

"Yeh, but don't tell her I told you; she hates it, Delila. Her mom loves Tom Jones."


"Why do you want to know, mistress?"

"Because I'm a nosy old bag."

"I'm going for a bath, announced Rosa. Will you shave me again after, please, Master?"

"Bunny was curious. Do you shave, Mistress?"

"No, I had electrolysis to remove mine permanently years ago."

"Does it hurt, Mistress?"

"No, it tingles a bit. I think I'll get your puss done."

"I'd like that Mistress"

"It takes a while. that's the only problem."


"I'm going to be the only girl with a muff."

"I'll shave you if you want me to," said Rosa. "I can't do the way Kevin shaves me; he uses a cutthroat Razor, and you may lose your little prawn if I use that. I'll use my lady shave on you.Or mum has a few waxing kits. That does hurt a bet but apart from Elecrolosys its the best way.

As they disappeared off to the bathroom, Rose asked me, "Do you like shaving my pumpkin?"

"Not realy, its a bit of a chore to be honest. I do like eating her, and I don't like hair in my mouth."

"Good," said Rose. "I'll pay for her electrolysis if she picks Bunny up and takes her. I hate munching a stubbly fanny."

"I want to talk to you. This child has taken the wind out of my sails. Am I being silly? I need a grown-up opinion. Don't tell Bunny, but I'm going to find out how much of a contribution the Royal Ballet needs for this Meg Girl's scholarship. If you two have no objections, I'm going to pay it."

"Also, I am determined to send Bunny to university. Obviously, it depends on her A-level results and whether she really wants to go."

"Am I being a silly old fool? Please be brutally honest."

"All I can say, Rose, is we will help. She is a lovely, scared young lady. She seems obsessed with you. Make her happy, Rose. I think she is overdue some happy. And the bit you didn't ask for--no, you are not perverting her. She is a kinky, sexy, fun-loving young thing."

"Let's make a pact; we will save her."

"I have a question: where is Trevor?"

"Trevor who?"

"I thought we were doing honesty, Rose."

"Yeh, OK then, he is in the other house.


"Trevor is married."

" I thought his wife died twenty years ago."

"Not true, sadly for me, and sadly for Trevor as well."

"Twenty years ago, she had a stroke. She hasn't uttered a word since. She doesn't get worse; she doesn't get better. She is a devout Catholic; Trevor isn't, but he won't divorce her, even though it would be unopposed. The silly old fool is devoted to her."

"I said I'd never let a man inside me again when I managed to give up whoreing. He is the only man I have ever loved. I adore him; he can have me any way he wants, as often as he wants, and wherever he wants, but he won't leave his wife."

"You remind me of him. My Rosa picked a real dud the first time around. She got six numbers up a second time. When you two get married, I'm going to be proud to call you my son. He's not your dad, is he?"

"Won't he come around? It's just us. You will have to manage Bunny, but he can't be alone over Christmas."

"I'll call him and say you figured it out. When did you figure it out."

Twenty years ago, he was still playing, you used to come and watch him."

"Was it the car?"

"Yes, I knew he was here when we turned up this evening."

"Lastly Kein, I bought Rosea a ring set like mine. It's her Christmas present. It's sort of yours as well. Don't let her find some backstreet tattoo parlour in Cairo to punch holes in her; take her to a good place. It will take a year to get them all done. The forchette and anal need to be done on their own, With plenty of healing time and you cant use the tradesmans enterance while it is healing but they are worth it for a sub. When your master locks a plug up your arse with either, you know you are a sub."

"Have you had a master in the past, Rose?"

"Oh, yes, you know him, but I'm not telling you who."

"The door opened, and a bit of my past walked in."

"I didn't know you had family. If someone takes me to the station tomorrow, I'll go back to Surrey."

"No, you bloddy, well, won't you daft old fool?"

Rosa came flying down the stairs hopped once and jumped into the arms of Trevor Holding.

"Jesus Christ girl, be careful with him; he's nearly a pensioner, said Rose."

I hadn't seen Trevor for over 15 years, but he didn't look a bit different. He was originally from Wakefield but had moved down south with his job. He had been head of the motor mechanics section of the local tech college.

After Trevor and Rosa had finished groping each other and Trevor had put my future wife down, he had congratulated me on getting my hands on a fine piece of womanhood. Rosa had noticed Bunny was trying her best to hide in the cracks in the floor. So, taking a good hold of her, she introduced Bunny, her new little sister, to Trevor.

Trevor in turn introduced himself as the only man on earth who could keep Rose's old Lotus on the road, which, to be honest, wasn't far from the truth. Rose, however, was having some of this. Bunny, this is Trevor. The only man who has had his cock in me for the last twenty years But before you shrink so much, you turn inside out and disappear up your own bum. He knows I sleep with girls, and he also knows I don't sleep with boys. Even with boys as big as him, he sleeps in the other house on account of the fact that he snores like an old seam train in a tunnel.

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