Rose Ch. 21-24


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I looked to the other side and pointed to a local reporter. "The killer's tape referred to Renee Hastings as being the cause of this. Two questions, have you determined what she did, and is she going to sacrifice herself to stop these killings?"

Just shoot me now, I thought. "We are working closely with Alpha Renee to identify people who might blame her for events, but as of now we do not know the specific. As for her sacrifice, she has already sacrificed much to attain the peace we have now. I don't believe for a second that the killer will just stop if she were to commit suicide, and we would never ask her to do that. I'm frankly shocked that you would even bring that up, she's pregnant with twins for Christ's sake."

I kept answering questions until it was clear it was doing nothing but raising my blood pressure. "Thank you," I said as I walked off. The rest followed me out the door, I made sure it closed and we were in the elevator before I let out a frustrated scream.

"You did well," Linda said.

"You kidding me? Unless you're saying I did well because I didn't punch them in the mouth or worse."

She laughed. "You didn't have much to go on. Come on, it's late and you're tired. You need to go home and get some sleep." The doors opened and we were in the employee parking area. She walked to the waiting van where the other Gila wolves were heading back together, while Craig and I walked to a pair of Suburbans. The back door opened and Charlotte jumped out, running to me and hugging me tightly. "Hi baby," I said as I kissed her cheek.

"Are you all right? That looked as fun as a root canal."

I laughed as I followed her into the car, she went to the back bench to sit with Josh while Craig and I took the middle seat. Nadine was already seated in front, and Jacob was driving. I didn't miss the rifles or the trail car with more fighters. Craig wasn't taking any chances.

When we got onto the road, I looked back at Josh. "What was with the text message, Josh?"

"I was asked to look into the possibility that the shooter was getting help from the inside, right?" I started to get a sinking feeling in my stomach. "So, I worked with some buddies. We've tapped all the computers in the FBI office and the team offices, so far nothing out of the ordinary. We did confirm that someone is working against you, though."

Fuck. "How?"

"The traffic camera? We looked at the raw data and compared it to the data in the FBI database. There were two cameras that data was not taken from, it was transmitted there but the files were deleted before the analysts started recording all the license plates on them. We can't figure out who deleted them, so we started looking for any communications that might speak to the cameras in the day leading up to it, until the day after."

"Did you use Echelon intercepts?" We had sent Beta Enrique up to Utah just for this purpose.

"No... if I can't trust the government, I can't use it. Every keystroke Enrique does is mirrored and tracked. So, we hacked cellphone and land line records. I didn't find anything when I went through the phones of the agents, but we did find something interesting. Text messages from a burner phone to another burner phone, from the area of the office. When I saw this one, I knew we found our mole."

He pulled out his phone, flicked to a screen shot and showed it to me. "CLR EDITH NORTH CAMS" it said. "The cameras on Edith Street were the ones deleted. We know the phone numbers that were used. I checked the cell towers, one of the two is still in the Federal Building. Find it, we find our mole."

Ch. 23

"How do we find the phone? It could be anywhere, hiding in a desk drawer, in a purse, what do I do, search the place?" My mind was spinning, and I was getting pissed off. Whoever did this set me up to be killed, and made sure the killer could get away.

"That's one way," Craig said, "but as soon as the place is locked down the person could ditch it. You'd have to catch it in their possession."

Linda looked back at us. "We could sweep the building at night, when we don't have people around."

"No, that only works if the person leaves it behind. They are being careless; if they thought they were being watched, they'd do this differently," Josh said. "They would take out the battery in the phone so it wasn't transmitting and couldn't be detected, they would only call or message at specified times."

"He's right on that," Jacob said as he drove us out of town towards home. "The fact that he or she leaves it on means that they have to be instantly available to the killer, in order to provide real time help. They are actively cooperating, and until we know who it is, we don't know how much information has been funneled to the killer."

I was shaking with anger now, I had trusted, and I was burned. "Anyone in the team has real time access to the information on the database, plus the updates. We have to assume the shooter knows everything we do, and is being actively aided. Josh, any more text messages?"

"No, but we pulled the call history. There are thirteen different calls, all over the last three days. Locations of the second phone vary, but are consistent with the attacks so I'm confident it is the shooter."

"Josh, can you figure out a way to search for the phone without appearing to search?"

"That's easy. There are pocket detectors that can read the numbers of cellphones in the immediate vicinity. I can rig up a few to connect to your smartphones; as you walk around, I can set it to send you an alert if it detects the number we're looking for."

"How long will that take," Craig said.

"I have one, I'll have to order two more. I can have the first by morning and the other two by the end of the week." He pulled out his laptop and started to work.

"What do you do when you find him," Charlotte asked. "Arrest him?"

"Kill him," Craig said. "He's endangered Pack, he's resulted in additional werewolf deaths."

"No," I said, "We can't kill him, not without bringing down the wrath of the government. Right now, we have a fragile state between the Packs and the government, based on a common goal to find this person. If we take things into our own hands and dispense our own justice, that breaks down. Don't you see, that's what she wants, she wants us fighting again because she can't kill us all on her own."

We were quiet for a while, I was looking through the darkened windows at the passing desert landscape. Finally, Jacob spoke up again. "We're missing the big picture here. We know there is a mole, but the mole doesn't know we know he exists. So, we figure out who it is, and we use that information."


"By feeding that person false information, using him to draw the shooter out of hiding and get them both. Look, right now we're defensive, and there are too many packs and too much land to be safe against a shooter like this. We need to flip the odds, bring her to a place of our choosing, where we can be ready for her."

"I like the way you think, Jacob. Let's do it. First things first, we need to figure out who the mole is." I turned around and looked at Charlotte, reaching my hand back to hold hers. "How is your schoolwork coming?"

"It's all right, I guess. Alpha Ella contacted the school and told them we would all be working from home until the killer is caught. We all have our books, and the teachers are emailing us our assignments. Ella is having us use the library, we have to be down there every morning after breakfast until the day's work is done. She's also tasked the Peters with monitoring our progress."

I nodded, Jerry and Mary still ran the Pack school. "What about tests?"

"The school agreed to send a teacher to our house to proctor exams for us when needed. It's not bad, Mom. We get our work done by ten or so usually, since there are no distractions, then we head out to the pool. I miss seeing all the people, though. My new-found celebrity status is useless in the Pack House." She showed me her phone, her YouTube channel had over fifty thousand followers and the video of her punting his nuts into next week had two million views and counting. I looked up the video on my phone, scrolling through the comments. She had struck a nerve, the women of this country were sick of harassment like this. Charlotte had made a difference.

I was still laughing at the comments when we pulled into the estate. As soon as the car stopped, the door was ripped open and Gunny pulled me out of the car into his chest, my feet never touching the ground. I wrapped my legs around him, grabbing his neck and kissing him deeply. He started to run off with me, his arousal pressing against me as I held on. Al held the door open, he didn't bother to talk, he took me straight to our room and tossed me on the bed. He locked the door, then turned to me, his eyes showed his cat was forward. I started to scoot back, and movement away from him was enough to push his cat over the edge.

He shifted, his clothing tearing into shreds. His forelegs dropped to the ground, his razor-sharp claws digging furrows into the hardwood flooring. He was a huge panther, glossy black with a hint of lighter tan rosettes underneath. His body was well muscled, just like his human body, and he moved with the grace the big cats were known for. He kept his eyes on mine, daring me to move as a low growl rumbled out of my chest. He climbed onto the bed, his paws sinking into the mattress as his claws shredded the sheets and blankets like tissue paper. I stayed perfectly still; I had seen his panther before, but this was different. This wasn't playful or loving, this was something different, more primal, more basic.

He moved forward until he was straddling me, his big chest and legs blocking any escape. He moved his big head down, the long whiskers tickling my face as he checked me over. I knew he was just reassuring himself that I was all right. He took a deep sniff of my right cheek, then moved over to my left and froze. He lifted his head and roared his outrage through the walls.

He reached out with his jaws, grabbing on to my jacket and pulling. I was being shaken like a rag doll, he was using his claws to shred it and my arms were still in it! The fabric tore free just after I got one arm out. He held it in his teeth while his claws cut it and the bed into little strips.

I tried to scoot away, but his teeth grabbed the collar of my blouse and ripped the sheer material away. He shook it in the air, reaching a paw up to shred it as it danced around the air. I was on my back in the corner of the bed, wearing only a bra from the waist up, and wondering how the hell he didn't scratch or bite me just then.

I quickly figured out what set him off. I had fallen asleep on Craig's shoulder, and his scent was on me. I reached up, moving my fingers through his thick fur until I could grab his ears. Pulling his face down until he was looking at me, I figured I'd stomp this behavior out quick. "GODDAMN IT GUNNY, GROW THE FUCK UP AND TALK TO ME LIKE A MAN," I yelled in his face. He snarled in anger, so I twisted his ear until he whined in pain. "Yes, I smell like Craig, he's our Alpha, he's mated, AND he was the one by my side the whole time protecting me! Cut this possessive shit and shift back so we can talk!"

He shook his head, and his eyes glazed over, so I knew he was communicating with Craig. It took about fifteen seconds before his shoulders slumped down, his ears went back, and he lost his aggressive posture. He leaned down, licking me from my chest all the way to my temple with his wide, rough tongue. "Jesus, Gunny..." He moved down, licking at my breasts, causing me to laugh and try to push him off as his whiskers tickled my belly. Finally, he shuddered and went back to human form. He collapsed on the bed next to me as he rolled off onto his back.

He was breathing hard, we both were. He looked over at me, checking my body for scratches. "Did I get you," he said as he pulled me into his chest.

"I'm fine, Rico."

He kissed my hair as we snuggled together. "I'm sorry. When Craig told me what was happening, my cat got a little scared for you. I've got him under control now." He hugged me a little tighter. "I can't lose you, Rose, and not marking you is causing my panther stress. We can't link, we can't feel your emotions, and my mark is not warning others away. I felt helpless today, Rose."

"You know you can't mark me until this is over," I said into his chest. I moved up a little, my eyes looking at the wound where the bullet had struck only three days ago. The scar was angry, red and bruised, and my fingers could feel the heat under it. "Is this infected? Jesus, Gunny, you were supposed to rest and heal!" My fingers trace around his wound, feeling the back where his shoulder blade had been shattered by the bullet.

"I did, my love. I'm fine. The color and heat is my body repairing the damaged tissue. The major healing is done, another day and I'll be full strength. Panthers heal quickly, faster than wolves." I was so relieved, I bent down and kissed the raised scar before resting my head back on his chest again.

I relaxed into him as he stroked my back. When we were both breathing normally again, he pulled me up for a deep kiss, then pushed me up onto my knees. "Come on," he said, "We need to meet with the others."

"Really?" I had expected to be naked and writhing under him in pleasure by now.

"Yes, they're waiting." I got up and pulled a shirt over my head, then took the slacks and dress shoes off and replaced them with lounge pants and slippers. Gunny pulled on a pair of basketball shorts and a T-shirt, then walked to the door and unlocked it and held it open. I walked through, grabbing his muscled ass with my hand as I brushed by. I smirked, then yelped as he smacked my ass hard. He pulled me into his side as we walked towards the stairs. "Equality in all things," he said. "So tonight, that ass is MINE."

I couldn't wait.

Ch. 24

The Pack meeting didn't take long; Craig and Ella wanted to update everyone on the threat and reinforce the rules for Pack security. So far everyone had cooperated, but the longer the lockdown went on, the more likely someone would try to get around it. The Alphas also told everyone that there was a leak in the Albuquerque FBI office, someone who was working to help the shooter target me and get away. Gunny hugged me tight and Charlotte gripped my hand as they were talking, because I was still a target and I was exposed.

I stared at Josh as the meeting ended, causing him to lift Charlotte off his lap. I watched him take her back to the female dorm, kissing her briefly before she ducked inside. I squeezed Gunny's hand. "Come on, stud, let's get it over with," I said. "I'm exhausted."

He went to pick me up and I stepped back. "Ah ahh, you're not fully healed and I'm fully capable of walking my ass back to our room."

He lunged forward, grabbing me around the waist and lifting me onto his good shoulder. "And I told you I'm nearly healed and your ass is MINE," he whispered as he walked to the stairs. I was turning red as I saw the other adults pretend they didn't hear it, but it was nothing new. Packs had happily mated pairs that enjoyed a healthy and frequent sex life, and didn't feel the need to hide it.

They also spent more money on soundproofing, but not here. This house had been built to human standards, so even my ears were hearing more than they wanted to some nights. Gunny kept holding me tight until we were in the room with the door locked. "Why don't you take a shower, and I'll fix the bed," he said. I laughed, his panther had wrecked the one we had; sheets were shredded and stuffing from the mattress was pulled out. I kissed him and went into the bathroom, leaving him to the cleanup.

I showered slowly, making sure I gave him plenty of time to get things ready. I finished my bedtime routine and wrapped myself in my towel, knowing that any clothes would only last a few seconds once I got to bed. I walked out, and was immediately pulled into his arms. Once again, I was flying through the air to land on the bed, my towel dropping off in the air. This time I was ready, I wanted him, and I wanted him now. I watched him strip as my hand moved down to my sex. My tongue was licking my lips, he was Grade 'A' Prime man-meat, and he was ALL mine.

I pulled the sheets back and jumped in as he leaned over me, taking my hand in his. I didn't recognize what it was until it was too late. He used his cat quickness to pull up and secure a leather cuff around my wrist. By the time it clicked closed, he had my other hand in his and was pushing it to the other corner. The matching cuff was pulled up and quickly attached. I was now helpless before my Adonis of a mate, trussed up and ready to be ravaged, and my body was so ready for it.

He turned off the lights, then went over and closed the curtains, casting the room into darkness. Now I was at a real disadvantage, he had excellent night vision and mine was nowhere near as good. My ears strained to pick up his movements, but he moved like a cat too. Silent, smooth and with purpose.

I felt his mouth descent onto my right breast, sucking the nipple up and biting down gently. I moaned loudly with the sensation, and before my mouth could close it didn't. A hard rubber ball was placed in my mouth, and his hands quickly secured the elastic bands behind my head. "WMM URRR UUU NNNNG?" is all that came out when I tried to talk.

"You're not the only one with a toy drawer, Rose. The ball gag will allow you to breath, but you won't be able to be as loud as normal. Even if someone in the house hears you, they won't be able to make out what you are saying. So, go ahead, scream your pleasure to the heavens, because its MY turn to play."

I could hear him laying some stuff out on the bedside table, I looked but could see nothing through the darkness. I heard a cap come off, then a liquid noise. Lube, I thought. My ass clenched in anticipation, and for the first time I thought maybe I went a little too far with the strap-on threat. I jumped when I felt his tongue part my slit, moving slowly from the bottom to the top, circling my engorged clit and moving slowly back down. My hands were helpless, but I locked my legs behind his head and tried to pull him closer as he continued to tease me.

He was anticipating this, because he moved his shoulders up to roll my hips with him, and while I was focused on his tongue I lost track of his hand. I felt the plug at my dark star, he pushed it in past the resistance of the anal ring. It popped into place, and he pulled it a few times and rotated it to make sure it was fully seated. We both loved anal, and I loved toys, especially this one. He turned the vibrating plug on and it started a low pulse in my bowels.

He moved his tongue back to my sodden sex, going back to work on it. As he took me soaring to the first of many orgasms, all I could think about was how lucky I was to have this man. I had asked him once why he was such a good lover, did he have lots of partners, watch a lot of porn, or read a lot of dirty stories? "Yes," was his first answer, "but my job helped too. People think of snipers, and they think all we do is put the crosshairs on someone and shoot. Marines know anyone can shoot, but the SCOUT part of scout/sniper is much harder. Learning to remain unseen in a hide, for days, observing and recording everything. Learning patterns, tendencies, personalities. There are guys I killed that I knew better than their best friends, I'd been watching them so carefully."


"So I do the same with you. I don't dive in aimlessly, seeking my own pleasure, hell an Army guy can do that. I watch you, every part of you. What makes you react, what does your body like and dislike? What makes you moan, what do you urge me to as it builds? Your breathing, how flushed your body is, how swollen you become, it's all monitored. Plan, do, check, adjust. Every time we make love I learn you better, better than you know yourself, and THAT is how I rock your world."