Rose Ch. 68-74


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We were working our way along the trail on the eastern side of the Pack grounds, well inside the boundary fencing that kept the area clear of humans. We were moving uphill along a small creek, single file, when I heard the two helicopters approaching us. I stopped and looked up, and recognizing the Cobra attack helicopters heading towards Camp David. "The President must be leaving," I sent.

"Yeah, it happens every time," Laurie sent back. "I'm glad we don't have to hide anymore, it's so nice now that things are out in the open. Did you ever ride in Air Force One?"

"A few times, you can't fly commercial after that, though. It ruins you. I've never been on Marine One, I wasn't important enough." We continued our run towards the north, when we heard three helicopters coming our way. "Come on, let's get to the ledge, we should get a good view of my old boss," I said.

"No shifting though, right?" Melanie teased. I could just imagine the reaction if the pilots were flashed by a half-dozen naked and totally hot women. They were Marines, after all.

"No shifting." We ran to the edge, where the rocks broke through the tree line and gave us a good view. The helicopters were a few hundred feet above our level as they turned towards Washington, DC.

When the machine gun opened up, all of us were shocked. I could see the tracers heading up towards the Presidential helicopter, the red trails working their way in. The helicopter turned hard, almost on its side as it turned away from it. One of the Cobras went into a dive, its gun raining hellfire down on the ground. The machine gun stopped firing, just as two missiles streaked into the sky.

"NO!!!" I watched helplessly as the rockets sped towards the helicopter. The pilot released flares and turned hard again, but there wasn't enough time. One slammed into the side, the explosion ripping into the body like it was a coke can. The helicopter started to smoke, and the tail began to swing.

Marine One was out of control and was going to crash behind us.

I turned to chase after it as it spun towards the hard ground, the others behind me. "MARINE ONE IS GOING DOWN, NORTH EAST CORNER OF THE TERRITORY, GET HELP UP HERE!" I was running hard, the big helicopter crashed heavily into the trees and into the ground. We were at the scene thirty seconds later, and it was already burning.

"GET THEM OUT NOW," I sent as I raced to the fuselage. Shifting, I jumped though the hole in the side. I found the President in the corner, he was covered in blood. I unbuckled his belt, picked him up, and raced back out, ignoring the flames and the pain from the hot and twisted metal I was stepping over. The other girls were picking up and dragging the others out. We moved them away from the burning wreckage, finding a small spot of grass to set them down.

I laid the President down and turned to go inside. "Don't," Melanie said as she ran back. "They're all dead."

My heart sank, only five people were here with us. "Tammy? The First Lady?"

"She's gone, so are the two pilots." I looked down, one of the Marines in full dress uniform was sitting up, his leg broken above the knee. The others were unconscious. We made them comfortable, raising their legs to stave off shock as we waited for supplies and medical help.

"Lisa," I heard the whisper from below me.

"Mr. President, don't try to move," I said. I ripped part of his shirt free, folding it before using it to press around the wound on his stomach. He was bleeding, I could hear his heartbeat starting to weaken.

"Lisa... change me. I'm dying."

"Are you sure?"

"Do it, please."

I had Melanie hold pressure on the wound while I shifted into my wolf. Moving forward, I bit his forearm, making sure to put extra slobber into the bite. Shifting back, I moved by his head. "You need to relax and stay calm, sir. If you are angry or panic, your wolf will come out fighting."

He closed his eyes, trying to relax despite the pain. I could hear the Cobra circling, and more helicopters were inbound. We covered the wounded with our bodies, shielding them from the rotor wash, as one started to hover. A man was lowered by winch into the clearing, he unhooked and ran over to us as a stretcher was being readied. He ran to us, making a beeline for the President. "Sir, we've got you," he said as he took off his backpack. Opening it up, he reached in and grabbed a battle dressing, placing it over the soaked portion of shirt. He then grabbed a bag of blood, cleaning his hand with alcohol before inserting the needle. "Hold this, please," he said as he handed me the bag.

He examined the President quickly, as a second paramedic arrived with the rescue stretcher. "He's got to go now," the first man said.

"Check the others, I'll help him," I told the second man. We carefully lifted the President and strapped him in, then I took one end as the first paramedic took the front. We moved quickly to the helicopter, hooking up the stretcher to the winch cable and steadying it with a rope as it was raised up.

"Thanks for you help," he said as it disappeared into the helicopter.

"I need to go with," I told him. "I'm a werewolf, the Alpha, and I had to bite him to save his life. He's going to change, and I have to be there for it."

He looked at me, his face going from shock to horror to understanding in just a few seconds. "Come on," he said as the cable was lowered down again. He clipped his harness on, then gestured me to him. "Hang on tight," he said. I wrapped my legs around him, my arms around the cable, and we were pulled up.

As soon as we were being raised, the helicopter started to pull away. The men continued working on the President as I found a seat, one of the crewmen tossed me a spare flight suit that I put on. The flight to the hospital in Frederick took less than ten minutes, and a crowd was waiting as we arrived.

The President was rushed off into surgery, and I followed with the Paramedics. Secret Service agents and police were everywhere, and I only got through because one of the agents recognized me. "Bob, I've got to talk to the doctors. This isn't going to be normal for them. I'm a werewolf, and I bit him. He's going to change."

His face turned ashen as he realized what it meant. He called over the radio for the floor to be evacuated except essential personnel; they started moving everyone out. "What do I need to know?"

"The change will accelerate his healing, and the change could come fast given the amount of adrenaline in his system from the crash," I said as we reached the surgical floor. As soon as the elevator doors opened, people started to run for it. I moved into the hall, searching for the commotion, and watched as people bailed out of a room. Secret Service agents were pointing their weapons inside, completely terrified.

A bloodcurdling growl came from the room, right before a big black wolf ran through the door.

Ch. 70

May (Six plus months after last chapter, and after events of My Mystery Mate)

Rose's POV

"Oh God! Harder! Harder! Ooooooh... GOD I'M ALMOST THERE! Harder! PLEASE! Oh GOD!!"



"You're not coming until I hear it from you."


"Say it then."


I knocked loudly on Charlotte's door. "Just TELL HIM your ass belongs to him now so the rest of us can get some sleep!"

"MOM!!! Oh GAWD!"

I laughed, the rooms were supposed to be soundproofed, but new mates were loud. I should know, it was only last year that Gunny and I were keeping HER up all night. I hung a gift bag on her door, in it was a ball gag and some anal lube. I chuckled to myself as I walked down the stairs to the kitchen, imagining her reaction when she saw it. I was sleep deprived, and I needed water and a snack.

I ate an apple, then poured myself a tall glass and drank it down before going back upstairs to the nursery. Set next to our room, the four babies were sleeping side by side. The identical triplets, Angela, April and Allison, were still asleep, while brother Bruce was awake. He was watching the mobile spin above him, little rabbits and mice spinning around as he reached for them. They were all dressed in onesies, and my life since their birth four weeks ago had been hectic.

"Hi baby, come to Momma." He giggled as I picked him up, bringing him with me over to the changing table for a diaper change. I was an expert by now, I could literally do it in my sleep, then I took him to my padded rocking chair. One of my favorite presents from my baby shower, the gliding motion and wide, pillowed arms helped me feed two at a time. My breasts were sore and full, and as I unbuttoned my top, I pulled him close. He immediately latched on and started to pull hard.

I relaxed as he fed, pausing after a few minutes to burp him. He was a strong boy, regaining his birth weight after a few days and already a half pound above his four-pound, one-ounce birth weight. He was almost done when the girls woke, crying, and in moments the whole room was full of noise from them.

"Here, I'll take him," Gunny said. He put Bruce back in the crib for now, as I took Allison and he took April for their changes. Once they were clean, I sat down, and he placed them where they could both feed while he changed Angela. He sat on the papasan chair next to me with the two while I took care of the girls I had.

"I'm kind of jealous of them," he said as I burped Allison. "You have the epic huge mounds, and you won't let me touch them because they get all the nipple time."

"You're such a guy," I said as I winced, Allison latching on again. "They are always sore, and I feel like a milking cow. It's hard to feel beautiful with these basketballs up top."

"You're amazing," he said. "I never dreamed life could be like this." He had Bruce dropping off to sleep now, his little hands gripping his shirt. Bruce was named after one of his previous sniper team partners, who had been killed by a mortar attack in his Iraq mess hall. He was stroking Angela's back to calm her down while she waited her turn at the breakfast bar.

"I think I scared the hell out of Charlotte, she's not planning to get pregnant right away now."

"Not for lack of opportunity," Gunny snorted. "Those two are as bad as we were."

I laughed. "Not as kinky yet, but they are still young. Just wait until they can mate in animal form." I leaned back, thinking of how much our lives had changed since Gunny pushed his way into my heart. "Only two days until she can change." She had just turned eighteen, meaning she could be claimed by Josh and they could start a sexual relationship finally, but she had to wait for her finals to be done at school before being turned. She needed the four-day weekend for her change, and graduation was right before we left for the Gila Pack for their big Memorial Day get-together.

"Has she decided panther or wolf?"

"Not yet, but Ella and I are lobbying hard. I think seeing the difference in childbirth and the cubs faster development is a big selling point, plus we are better looking," I said. "Still, Josh is a wolf and I'm sure he wants to be the one to change her."

"Yeah, if I was Josh I'd feel the same way."

I handed him Allison, and he burped her and settled her on his lap before handing me Angela. We'd developed a system, and soon he had fallen asleep with the four tucked in to his side on the big chair. I moved to the bed and fell asleep immediately.

I woke all too soon to the sound of crying babies, but I didn't get up. Taking a sniff, I could tell Larissa was here, and soon she undid my top and tucked the girls in for their morning feed. Gunny was not in bed, so after the first two were done, I sat up to burp them. "Good morning, Larissa." She had been a lifesaver, stepping in as a nanny while we struggled with the demands of the four babies.

"Good morning, Alpha. How was the night?"

"Too short," I said. "Gunny is wishing he was in combat again, he says he got more sleep then."

She laughed. "Mom says it will get better. Just wait until they sleep through the night in a few months." We swapped out the babies as she put the two who were done into the basket. "I'll take these two down while you finish up."

I watched her go, smiling a bit as I heard the girls begging to be able to hold them. I was just burping Bruce when Charlotte knocked and came in. "How are my little brother and sister," she asked, her voice breaking slightly as she tried to talk softly.

I noticed she was walking a little carefully, and her eyes betrayed her fatigue. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

Her face turned red. "You know the answer to that, Mom." She got a goofy look on her face. "We just... finally, we can, and we just can't stop," she said.

"Just wait until your change, when you can fully bond it gets even better," I said. I was so happy for my girl, she was happy and had her whole life ahead of her, and Josh was a good man. I handed her the babies, then got up and changed as she left with them.

By the time I got down to the dining room, all the babies were being entertained by Pack members at the table or in the living room. They were happy babies when clean and full, and there was no shortage of arms in our big family to hold them.

The house was still big for our small pack, since most people had left for the island late last year. Alpha Ella, Craig, Mitchell and Darryl (7, wolves), daughter Emmanuel (4, wolf), fraternal twins Renee (2, panther) and Gary (wolf), and now triplets Marjorie, Mabel and Melissa (4 months, all panthers) gave her the big family she wanted.

The woman was crazy, she was looking forward to her next pregnancy already.

Al and Marge, plus Carl and Mabel, stayed with their Alpha pair. I missed their cooking and their helpful presence.

Craig's sister Olivia and her mate Mark built their own island house nearby, with former wolf (now panther) twins Tony and Tina, daughters Elanor and Elizabeth (5) and son Alex (2), all wolves.

Jacob and Melanie Weinberg (wolves) and daughter Chance (5) built a home near the docks, where Jacob was in charge of the fishing boats and water transportation.

Jerry and Mary Peters, Justin (13) and Lawrence (11) built a house up the hill from the beach next to the Pack school they were building.

Elders Mark Miller and Lois Albertson stayed in the main house, where they could help with repairs and child care.

Not everyone they expected left. John and Teri Johnson (23), the only survivors of the Rochester pack, decided to stay because they preferred to stay in the States. The Spencers, John, Angela, Josh and Jane, all stayed because "the Island has crappy internet," as Josh said. Jane and Charlotte were also best friends, and they didn't want to be apart after they both mated.

The Albertsons didn't want to leave the States with their oldest getting to college age. Grandma Lois, parents Zach and Laurie, and children Lars (22), Logan (20), Larissa (19), Lance (16) and Linda (14) were all living in the neighborhood with us.

Some of the cats who had showed up had become full members as well. Minka Peterson, the lynx from Minnesota, was first to be added. She was soon joined by another dozen cats from all over the country and even the world, including Tatiana Dubronov, a Siberian Tiger whose family escaped Communism during the Russian Revolution. For those who didn't feel comfortable joining, we had an Affiliation status. These cats were allowed to purchase adjoining properties and had permission to run on some of our private lands but could not enter the residential areas without permission. This was becoming a popular option as word got out.

Tom Harris (panther) decided to stay with his mate Daniella (cougar), mother to Kelsey Stillwater who also stayed with her mate Keisha (cheetah). Shelley and her mate Lars had taken a house down the street, and Tom and Kelsey moved into the houses on each side of them. They shared a common backyard with a trampoline park, where their triplets Sharon, Sara and Sally (10) were always playing. All three had been changed to mountain lions by Daniella, while Shelly was now a panther like Lars.

Joe had gotten them both pregnant, and we had given them adjoining houses where the mountains met the wide-open desert, so both had room to run. Tom had purchased the ranch, which added dozens of square miles to the Pack land holdings along the edge of Federal lands. We were all curious as to whether the babies would be wolves or cats; so far, all the female offspring had been cats, the males all wolves. Even so, they shared some characteristics of the non-dominant species. Ella didn't know, nor did anyone else, so we would have to wait.

I have to admit, it had been a little interesting when we traveled up to Colorado for Joe and Linda's trial. The babies were only two weeks old, but traveled easily, since they slept all the time. I brought Larissa and Charlotte on the trip to help with them, and by pumping milk at the trial, I was able to watch most of it. I had been nervous the whole time; Linda was Ella's friend, the one who had changed her, and in a way the mother of all Panthers in both Packs.


The group of us sat in the back of the room, shocked at the ending of the trial. We were trying to talk to Linda, but she was still in the custody of the Council pending sentencing. When it was pronounced, we all let go a relieved breath, that she would live.

As things calmed down, Joe and Linda stood with their Pack in the front of the room. People lined up around the room, waiting to congratulate them. When we got to the front, Ella took the lead, introducing her mate Craig, then Gunny and I as Alphas of the new Pack. We chatted briefly about being a Panther and Alpha, then moved on after extending them an invitation to visit when things calmed down.

We turned to wait for Keisha and Kelsey, knowing the fireworks were about to start. "Hello, I'm Kelsey Stillwater, of the Guns and Roses pack," she said as she shook Linda's hand. "Hello again Joe," she said as her other hand rubbed her swollen belly.

"You know Joe?"

"Of course I know my baby daddy." The temperature in the room dropped to freezing as Linda dropped her hand and turned to her mate. I started cracking up, I was expecting her head to do one of those Exorcist turns or something. "And Keisha got knocked up by him too, first try!"

Joe immediately dropped to his knees, his eyes pleading. "Honey, it's all right, I was only trying to help..."

"HELP? HELP THEM WHAT? GET LAID?" I could see she was fighting back a shift, her claws were coming out and her eyes were starting to glow.

"Kelsey and I are mates, Alpha," Keisha finally said. "Joe volunteered to help us have babies. He jacked off into a cup, every four hours, for a week. He never touched us, we used a turkey baster," she said. Linda calmed down as Joe hugged her legs, pulling his head into her belly. "It was very kind of him to agree to help us, both our species have trouble conceiving. He has strong sperm," she finished.

"That is mine and only mine now," she said with a growl as Joe frantically nodded his agreement. She pulled him up to his feet. "I know it was before you met me, and I'm not mad. I'm happy my mate was willing to help them out," she said. "Is he going to be involved in their lives?"

"We are leaving that up to him, and now you," Kelsey said. "We will not prevent him from seeing them if he wants to be known as their father, and we are not asking for any child support from him."

"We need to talk," she said to Joe as he hugged her tight.

*End flashback*

"Alpha Rose, can we swim now?" I looked down at Lynn, she had run down the stairs ahead of her parents to ask. Joe and Linda walked into the room and went over to get plates at the side table.