Rough around the Edges Ch. 04


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"Don't worry about that. Look Dante, I don't think you understand what I'm saying. I want this to be over between us. We are pretty much staying together for no reason."

"There is a reason, after everything that I have done for that restaurant and for you. Not only that but the fact that we do love each other." Jade sighed to herself, rubbing her temples, "Dante, I don't want to argue with you and I'm a couple of seconds from getting pissed off. We are not together anymore. We are through." he sighed out loud running his hand over his head.

"I see that you need some time to really think about it, so I'm going to go back to my place and let you cool off." he said walking over to the door.

"Dante, I don't know what delusional world you stay in, but don't come back. There is no cooling off or anything. This is over. In fact give me my key."

"Alright babe, if that will make you feel better, but I'll call you later. I promise." he dropped her keys in her hand and left.

You got to be kidding, she thought to herself. He must have gone crazy while he was in Colorado. Well, she broke up with him in his face, if he still act like this she would just get James on him. James? She couldn't imagine what he must be thinking right now. She was just ready to have him take her again and now had to kick him out because of Dante. Well, she would talk to him later. She had to get ready to go to work so she could get ready for the big party coming up.

When she got in for work, she went straight to helping some of the cooks in the kitchen and doing some inventory. She was just getting everything done, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Dominique and Katrina's smiling faces.

"Okay I know you have a job because you work with me." Jade said pointing to Katrina, "But what about you?"

"Don't worry about me. I don't have any clients right now. We are hear to share some news."

"Oh well, in that case. Let's go out to the restaurant, I have been waiting to take a break and gossip."

They grabbed a table after Katrina asked one of the cooks to fix a little appetizer sampler. Jade was also itching to have a picnic basket made so that she could bring it to James, but he was probably still be upset. She would call him later, right now she wanted to hear what her friends had to say.

"Okay Dominique, what's the word? You had a date last night?" Jade asked.

"So get this, I am waiting and waiting at the restaurant for this guy to come and meet me. It's nearly nine o'clock and he still doesn't show. I have been waiting for like an hour and a half."

"Where did you meet this guy?" Katrina asked, taking a drink of water.

"It was this little stupid little blind date thing I did. You know that lady Miss. Harris, the one that says she's never wrong about her matches? She had hooked me up with this guy named Batista."

"Batista? You dipping over to the other side now?" Katrina teased as Jade laughed.

"Ya'll going to shut up and let me tell the story?" Dominique asked, rolling her eyes.

"Don't be scared of the other side, it's good." Katrina nodded.

"Finish telling the damn story." Jade laughed.

"Anyway, I was just about to give up, when Scott's friend came and sat with me. I think his name was Nikolas?"

"Scott didn't say anything about him being in town?" Katrina said taking a bite of her a cheese stick.

"I know, we talked yesterday and he was saying that he wanted to be settled before he start telling his friends that he was in town. He got a town home apartment and he was getting ready for police training."

"Wow, I'm proud of him. I know he said he was moving here but he just needed to finish some things. So this Batista guy stood you up?" Katrina said.

"Yea he did, but Nik came and I actually had a good time with him. I mean all the girls were staring at us, probably wondering what a good looking guy like him was doing with a huge chick like me."

"Dominique, how many times we have to tell you? You are not huge, fat or none of the negative words. You are just thick as hell." Jade said and Katrina nodded, "I mean I thought my ass was big but you give me a run for my money, besides you have a flat stomach."

"Ya'll know how I feel about my weight though. I think that's why most guys just don't approach me like that."

"Forget those other guys, you focusing on getting the right guy." Katrina said.

"I haven't finished yet." Dominique whined with a smile, "Anyway, I actually had a good time with him, he was cool and fun. He wasn't trying to lay that whole smooth talk on me, he was actually being himself. It was refreshing."

"So, do you like him?" Katrina teased.

"Enquiring minds want to know." Jade added.

"No, it was just nice to have an actually nice dinner date with someone. He did give me a kiss though and for like three seconds, I felt like my head was spinning, but that's it."

"Hell that's all it takes." Katrina said and they all laughed.

"You guys know I can't be with him." Dominique said.

"We know, we know. I mean I really don't get it since you are mixed yourself, but we know. I mean you never know what you might find when you become a little open minded. I mean you can even ask Jade."

"Ask Jade? What does that mean?" Dominique said turning towards Jade.

Jade bit the inside of her mouth and glared at Katrina, "James bought me flowers yesterday. He sent orchids to me."

"That's so sweet. What about Dante?" Dominique asked.

"I broke up with him last night."

"Did she say she broke up with him? Let me get one of the girls to serve us a bottle of wine." Katrina said.

"Ha, very funny guys. Then, I spent Valentine's Day with James."

"Wait, are you serious? You slept with James?" Dominique asked.

"Oh come on, with all the stories I was telling you guys about what's been going on, couldn't ya'll see that happening?" Jade said.

"So, are ya'll dating?" Katrina asked.

"No, not really, but it turned crazy this morning. Dante showed up at my house talking about he was going to let me cool off and rethink this whole dumping him thing.'

"He is so egotistical. How many ways can you say we are done?" Dominique said.

"I just think I could have messed up with James though because I told him to play along and you know that's nothing like him."

"So, what are you going to do?" Katrina asked.

"I'll think of something. You know me, I come up with the best plans under pressure." Jade said sitting back in her seat.

"When the hell did you get here man?" Scott asked, muzzling Nik's hair.

"You know I hate that, come on. I've been here since last Saturday. I just didn't want you douches to know till I was settled in. Then I go to the academy starting Monday." Nik said settling in his seat.

They were all sitting in James' office at the shop, grilling Nik on his secret move into town. When James came in, he was shocked to see them both standing around talking to Ramon. James had notice that Nik started to change a little. He had grown some of his dark brown hair back, but it was mainly slicked back and he looked like he was trying to put on more muscle.

"How are your parents?" James asked, looking through some paperwork.

"They are good. My mom was wondering when you two were coming to see her again."

"Maybe soon. I have to get past this graduation which you are coming too." Scott said.

"Oh yea, I'm going to be shouting out there, talking about dynamic duo. Li trasmetto dentro, voi li chiudo a chiave in su." Nik said and started laughing.

"You two are really fucking hilarious." James said not even smiling.

"Oh come on commander, you always said you liked my humor."

"No, I said your humor was going to get your ass kicked. So, what about this service that you used on Valentine's day?"

"Man, I don't know what happened. You know me, I don't spend Valentine's day alone, but since I been here I haven't had any chance to hook up with anyone. So, I went through this woman and she claimed to have found, the one. When I got there, the chick never showed up. I was like ain't this a bitch, I got stood up."

"Who was it? Did she know how you looked or your name?" Scott asked.

"Doesn't matter, it was a mistake anyway. I gave out my middle name which no one knows, besides my parents and you guys."

"That's sad man, you got stood up." James said shaking his head.

"I know, but I saw Katrina's friend, you know the thick fine one. She was sitting by herself, so I just went over there and had dinner with her. You know me, the Italian Stallion strikes." Nik laughed briefly.

"You are an idiot." Scott said, "Anyway, we know how the so call Italian Stallion spent his Valentine's Day and I spent mine with my wife. What happened to you James? Ramon told me that you got a box and then kicked everyone out."

"I see I have to speak with my employees about keeping everything secret from you two gossiping females." James said and set his paperwork down, "I had a good Valentine's Day despite the fact that Deborah is still here."

"She is still here? I guess she can't go back home to hell since it hadn't opened up yet." Nik shrugged.

"When did she get here in the first place and what the hell does she want?"

"I have no idea and frankly I don't care. If it's money, the only amount she would get from me is enough money for a plane ticket back to wherever she wants to go as long as it's far away."

"Well as long as she stays away from all of us. She can't pull that flirting crap with me now. Katrina would kick her ass." Scott said shaking his head.

"So, what about this box you got last night?" Nik said going back to the original conversation

"It was a present," James started, "that's it."

"That's it? Come on man, I haven't really seen any women around you lately." Scott said.

"Thanks a lot." James said and felt his phone vibrate, "Hello?"

"Hey, how are you?" it was Jade.

"I'm busy at work and you?"

"The same somewhat. Actually I feel kind of bad because of what happened this morning."

"Feel kind of bad?"

"Okay, I feel a lot bad. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I did want to say thank you."

"For covering for you?"

"Not only that but also for last night, mostly because of last night. I want to see you again." his mind drifted to the way she was looking right now asking for him to see her again. She could picture her in her office, sitting at her desk, biting on her bottom lip. He couldn't focus on that, she needed to know that he was not going to be other man.

"Is he still around?" he asked.

"I swear James, I broke up with him. There's nothing going on between us, it's just he has this crazy notion that we are going to get back together again."

"And you told him?"

"I don't want him anymore. What do you say dinner on me?"

He sighed to himself, "I'll let you know later. I have some work to do."

"But James..."

"I'll talk to you later." he said closing his phone, looking up to see his two friends waiting patiently.

"Now we can tell the conversation was with a woman. It wasn't Deborah because you aren't red or stressed out. It must be that woman from last night, right?" Nik asked.

"Okay, I know you have a job, so maybe you should get to it. And you? You have something to do, don't you?" James said pointing to Nik.

"He got that look in his eyes, which means we better go." Scott said., "How about we help Nik with training and go jogging tomorrow morning?"

"Excuse me, I'm in tip top shape." Nik said.

"Yea, still you need to get back into it. Police training is no joke." James said, "Besides I could really go for a morning jog. I'll see you guys later."

After they left, James settled back into his seat with his hands behind his head. What was going on here? He was starting to confuse himself with this whole thing going on with Jade. He was pissed off this morning, in fact he was still pissed off. He couldn't figure this girl out. She had this guy that was treating her like crap and she supposedly broke up with him, but James, who had spent the night with her, had to make up some story about why he was there. Then he wanted to punch that arrogant ass in the face when he tried to offer him money for helping Jade out. He just didn't know, James thought to himself. Damn it, he was sitting here thinking about her which meant she was getting to him. He sighed to himself and was thinking about calling her back, but his stubborn side kicked in. No, she needed to learn that she wasn't dealing with a boy anymore.

Later that night, James let everyone go home and stuck around to put in a little extra work on the motorcycle. He still hadn't called Jade, but he missed a couple of her calls. He needed to get his head straight without her around. He was just replacing a new part when he heard the back door being knocked on.

"Closed!" he shouted over his shoulder, but the knock was persistent.

He looked at his watch, it was nearly ten o clock, who would be out this hour about a car? Maybe it could be something else, his instincts told him. He walked over to the door with a wrench in his hands. He swung open the door quickly and Jade jumped back, staring up at him. Her eyes immediately shifted to the wrench in his hands.

"Were you afraid I was going to rob you?" she asked.

"Something like that. What are you doing here?" he asked setting the wrench down.

"Are you going to let me by so I can come in?" he stood there for a minute taking in the coat she was wearing, what did she have planned?

He moved out of the way and she brushed past him on her way in. He closed the door and locked it back up as she walked back to his office. Her hair was down framing her face and he could see the fish net stockings she was wearing with the 'come and get it' heels. He could do nothing but follow her to the office like a hungry dog. In his office, she sat on the edge of the desk with her ankles crossed.

"I wanted to come by and apologize. It was wrong what I did."

"It was wrong. Also, it was the simple fact of what reason did you have to lie to him. I don't buy that you didn't want him to know you moved on quickly."

"That is it. I mean then he would think that I was cheating on him this whole time and knowing him he would try to turn it all around and make me out to be the bad guy."

"And that matters because?"

"You just don't understand." she shook her head, looking down at his desk.

"You're right, I don't get it. I don't get how a woman can have a man that she just spent the night with lie to the boyfriend that she just broke up with."

"Okay, I admit that part was stupid. I just wanted out of this thing with him. If not for any reason but for me. I have been doing a lot of things to make other people happy all my life and as a result, I put myself on the back burner. You are actually the first person that has come up and helped put me first. I mean I know my girls do but they have known me most of my life. You don't even know me that well."

"Jade, I know how it feels to be on that other side of someone cheating on you. It's not fun and there is nothing enjoyable about it. I told you I was married to it. The worst part was that everyone knew about it but I didn't want to believe them."

"So I guess we both have our faults about cheating partners, huh? Is that one reason why you didn't want to go all the way with me when you had the chance the first time?"

"I told you, you are better than that." he folded his arms across his chest which made her bite her lower lip, "You are special."

"Well, can this special person invite you to dinner tomorrow night? I'll cook for you and we can have it at my place."

"I'll think about it." he said.

"Is there anything I can do to get a definite answer from you tonight?" she said her eyes slowly raking over him.

He licked his lips, "Show me what's under that coat, cause I know it's not clothes." he said in a low husky whisper.

She smiled at him as she pulled the ties of her coat open. He wasn't prepared for what she revealed. She had on this black mesh bra with matching boy shorts. The fishnets that she had on came up to her thighs and was held by a garter. His eyes drunk in her body and went straight to his cock. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the door. Well, the girl knew how to get a definite answer from a man. He sucked his teeth and pushed himself from the door making his way to the little temptress. Her body was hot and itching to feel him again, to make her scream. She never felt a need for someone as she did for him. He grabbed the back of her neck just before crashing his lips against hers. She pulled him closer trying to keep up with the desire he invoked in her. Every time she was with him, she felt like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. She had a taste of that explosion last night and she wanted more.

He pulled away from her lips and she tried to bring him back, "Hey now, how about we go back to my place?" he suggested and she nodded.

"Good, cause I need a shower and I want you in there with me," he said kissing her again, "but first cover up because I don't want to kill someone if they see you." her body shook as she laughed bringing his attention to her breast.

"Let's go then, cave man."

Dante plopped on the bar stool anxiously waiting for his first drink of many. He needed to find a way to make Jade come to her senses. He loved her, damn it. They were perfect for each other and now she starts talking about this break up crap. Damn friends of hers must have gotten to her, he thought. He thought back to everything he has done for her, after all that she owed him. He had to get her back, but what if there was someone else.

"Damn it Jade!" he said to himself slamming his fist against the bar.

"What's wrong honey?" he heard a soft voice next to him ask.

"Women trouble." he immediately answered.

"Sounds like me. I'm having man trouble. Did you say Jade? Do you know her?"

When he heard her name, his head snapped up to look into the woman's cold blue eyes, "That's my girl." he answered.

"Really? I met a Jade a couple of days ago at my husband's shop. She was bringing him lunch in a picnic basket."

"Who is your husband?"

"His name is James Barr."

"Isn't he in the Marines? A tall, white guy who tries to look scary?"

"Yep that's him and this could have been your Jade. She was obviously jealous to see me there with him." she said flipping her hair.

"James and my Jade. Hell no, she doesn't like those macho demanding guys. He is not even on her level."

"Well, I'm just telling you what I saw." she shrugged taking another shot.

Dante sat there a minute pondering what she was saying. It was weird that he was there early this morning and if he was helping her, why was Jade out in those short shorts? Unless it was because...that's when the realization hit him.

"Son of a bitch!"

"I guess it was your Jade."

"I'm going to kill him."

"Dear, I don't want to be mean but I know my husband. He would break every bone in your body before you get a chance to lay a finger on him. Look, it's obvious you want your girl back and I want my man. How about we get together and try to make that happen?" Dante felt something surge through his body at that offer. For some reason a part of him told him to not take this deal and let it go. His other side told him that Jade was his and she needed him back.

"Alright, I'm Dante." he said extending his hand.

"I'm Deborah." she said taking his hand, her lips turning into a mischievous smile.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
And Also...

Deborah and Dante are getting on my nerves. God, I hate relationship conflicts! ~SIGH~ Oh well, I guess it has to be done. :-\

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I am in love with Jade and James as a couple. Just always reading about "their lips crashing into each others" is a little exhausting. It's used a LOT in this story. I understand they are kissing aggressively, but a phrase can be used too much. I don't mean to make you feel attacked, and I apologize if you are taking it that way. I catch myself doing something similar in my own writing, and when I proofread it, I have to reiterate that word or phrase in a different way. It really is a good follow-up story, though. Wonder about Dominique and Nikolas now. I just can't read it until I'm done with this one. ~SIGH~

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

am i the only person notice that Dante always claim to be busy with his family but as soon she tells him its over him makes time to visit his x-girlfriend ... glad she finally on her eyes n let that lame go

lissahoney305lissahoney305almost 10 years ago


AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

Dante just made a deal with the devil.poor boy

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