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Liv acts up on a date with Dame and is punished.
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Written By: Sisi Burks

Edited By: Bazzle

Date Finished: November 17, 2023

A/N: A continuation of my Complexities series.

Chapter One

Okay, I have to admit it. After putting that message up on that board, I am advertising myself as nothing more than a prostitute. I am selling my body for cash. But in all honesty I had not expected my growing infatuation with Damian Saunders, my best and loyal customer to date, it has even surprised me. I always thought that I would be 100% loyal to Aaron. But...Damian was my type in a lot of ways, but in more ways he was not. Unlike Abel, this man was born with his diamond encrusted spoon hanging out of his mouth type life. That it only got more luxurious as time went on. He was making so much money by the minute and had never faced the hardships of not having it. Something I knew most of my life. Sometimes it made things a bit weird, especially when it came to these types of dates.

It was really obvious to me, entering Damian's world that he loved the finer things in life. It was really all he knew. So, my dates with him were expensive and lavish. I never knew how to dress for the occasion, but it rarely mattered. He normally had an outfit in mind and already bought for me after getting my measurements from the old woman who did alterations to my dress. It was almost creepy if it wasn't so sweet and kind of him to take care of me. I could tell he did it from the heart. Even if he was a total perv about it sometimes, like this time.

Whilst busy working, my head was a million miles away from thinking about men. Well that soon changed. A delivery person stopped by and handed me a white box wrapped with a pink bow. I made my excuses and ran with it under my arm to the staff room. I quickly found that it contained the dress and a pair of crotchless panties I was meant to wear for that night. I ran back into the store and had to glare at him as looking at the man who brought it told me he knew just what was in the box, until he finally left with his candy bar he took forever buying.

Just because I was interested in having more than one man in my life did not mean I wanted all men. I don't think the driver would have paid as well as Damian!

It was just another thing I was genuinely insecure about when it came to this whole thing. I really hoped that anyone who knew what I was doing and who I was to an extent must have thought I was a whore. I can't argue that I am not. Going around and fucking any man that tossed me a little change.As for me there really that was something known and special, for sure, between me and them. All three were so sweet and understanding. Though demanding of my time and energy, and my body. All to a point I wondered if I would ever be able to keep up.

As I finished work that day, I just wanted to sit down and chill. I was not too shocked to see there was a car waiting for me outside. All I really wanted was a cigarette. Not to be fussed whilst smoking it. It was not until I saw who was getting out of the driver's seat to open my door for me. Seeing my tall, blond stud of a man opening the passenger door with his phone between his shoulder and ear, I perked up and slid my unlit cigarette back in my pack and raced over with the slender box clutched firmly to my chest. After dumping it in the car I jumped into his waiting arms, being scooped into his massive hold.

"Damian! I didn't expect you would be picking me up personally." I swooned as he let go and slid his phone from his face to hang it up and stick it in his pocket.

"I figured it would be best to be the one you see first. Well other than my delivery boy," he chuckled, looking over at the white box I had tossed into the passenger's seat."But, since I came to get you, you'll need to get dressed on the way," he teased playfully, though I could tell how much he meant it. At least he had a spacious enough car.

Getting undressed was easy enough, but I was nervous the tint on the windows would not do enough to cover me from outside view as I sat in my underwear. That's what I changed first was my panties. I slipped out of my rather boring white cotton pair I had worn that day for work and pulled on the daring and exotic crotchless, lacy red ones Damian had brought. "No bra," He ordered, already reaching over to get his hand between my legs and feel the warmth of my bare pussy on his fingers. "You won't need one with the dress anyway. Plus, I wanna get a feel of those tits."

We were stopped at a red light and I blushed at his command. Damian really knew what he wanted and he was never all that worried about asking for it. Before I could even reach back to unclasp my bra, he had done it for me and was pulling it down with his right hand. Once my breasts had sagged down and were completely on display, he reached over and got a grope of one and smirked. "Ahhh yes... very nice." He mumbled as he played with my tit for a moment before pinching at my nipple.

I whined lightly and shivered, he had the air conditioning on full blast as I pulled away from him, "Okay, okay. I need to get dressed now," I said, not really wanting anyone on the outside to see me naked and what he was doing to me. Sometimes, Daminan could be so uncaring when it came to that kind of thing. He never cared if anyone saw us, which was hot, but only sometimes. Thank goodness Damian backed down at that point and allowed me to quickly slide into my sundress. It was made up of blue fabric with pink roses all over. Down at the skirt of it there was only a short blue slip that just about covered my lady bits before it stopped and the only thing covering my legs was the sheer material overtop. The top was like a corset the way it held everything together at my breasts and tummy.

I also found under a layer of tissue paper in the box, there was a pair of lace up sandals. It took me a little time to get them both done, they are awkward to do in a moving car. They soon were laced up to right below my knees. They were brown and cute, going right with the sexy dress he had gotten for me. I sat back and adjusted the strap and chest area of the thing, feeling a little tight up there. My heart was thumping "What about makeup? And hair?" I had put on a little makeup before work just in case, but it was nothing flashy. And my hair was just in a high ponytail on the back of my head.

'Don't worry about it," he assured me, not even looking from the road. "I have an appointment for you with a stylist on the way there. Figured you could use a nice trim as well," Well, that did sound like something Damian would do. I was not too shocked by it, that was for sure. A hair and makeup appointment sounded... pleasant. Though I was worried how short he would want me to go with my hair. I enjoyed having it long and wanted to keep it that way.

I found out at the stylist that he did want some inches off, but it was nothing I was too uncomfortable with. So, two hours later, after finishing up there I left with my hair just a bit past my shoulder with a feathered, layered cut. It looked really nice and so did my new face of makeup. Damian had been very happy with the outcome when I was brought back into the waiting room.

Coming back outside, I stopped Damian at the car and hurriedly got out my smoke and quickly got it lit, as I dragged hard for my much needed fix. Two hours was long enough. I earned myself an annoyed huff from my lover. "Those things are so bad for you." He tutted and mumbled, just as he had every time he saw me with them. I rolled my eyes, pulled hard almost in spite bringing in the flavorful much needed smoke into my lungs.

"I know!" I answered, billowing smoke from my mouth, not at all worried about it. I had been smoking for a while now and it was not as if I was blind to the facts of smoking. It was just a vice, like any other. Maybe slightly worse for my health but, in the end, who really cared? It was not as if Damian would be at my bedside in forty years to hold my hand as I took my final wheeze and passed on. That wasn't even that long, not like someone who enjoyed smoking as much as I did. Not sure I would last much longer than that. Would be a little too hopeful for reality. Why did he seem so affected by the risks of them? Probably just didn't enjoy the smell. It was my lungs I was punishing. "Why not just take me to Emilia?" I asked, still able to enjoy my smoke, even if he hated it.

"She doesn't have a studio," Damian answered, "Plus, we have to give her some time off as well." Yes, I'm sure she needed time off. Time off to fuck around with my boyfriend. Was I angry about it? I couldn't really tell. I was at first, that was for sure, but now... It seemed okay. Why not? I had all these men to take care of, Aaron could have one other woman to enjoy. It was just hard to get past that in my mind, I just had to remember that he had gone through the same thing. Twice.

"I see." I said evenly, not showing any of my anxieties to my date. He wouldn't care to observe all that, it was not as if we really knew one another on that kind of level. My insecurities were my own, especially when it came to being around Damian, who's eyes followed me as I was taking long drags off my cigarettes.

"Make sure not to mess up your makeup. We need to be at the premiere in about an hour." He informed me, checking his phone yet again for the time.

I arched my brow, "Premiere?" I asked, unsure what he meant. Until then, I had never been to the opening of anything. The opening of a pack of cigarettes was currently the most exciting thing for me at the moment, and even that happened most days. It seemed with these men I would be learning a lot of new things.

"Yeah, a movie premiere. I couldn't be more disinterested as it's a superhero movie of some kind. Figured you could come and help me keep from pure boredom." The man chuckled, flashing his white perfect teeth, then violently plucking my half finished cigarette from me and stomping it out into the asphalt with the heel of his shiny shoe. I groaned a bit, as I was actually enjoying it, earning a sharp glare from the large man that shut me up on the spot. Just seeing that look on his face made my blood run cold in my veins. Right, this was a job and just like any other, I needed to know my place.

At least he was gentlemanly enough to open the door for me and usher me back into the car. A superhero movie didn't sound all that good to me either, though I could not help but think of how much Aaron would probably love it. It was too bad he was spending his night with Abel and not taking my place with Damian instead. Although, if he were to, he would be pulled too deep into the story to keep the bigger blond happy. That was my main goal for the night and so far, I didn't think I was doing too good of a job.

On arriving at the event, Damian flashed the cash and had the valet take his car as soon as we pulled up to the front. It turned out we had to walk up the red carpet and that was an experience in itself. Damian was a private man and I still did not know much about him, but the reporters and cameras flashing around us sure did. They were calling out to him, saying all kinds of things and asking questions. Some were even about me, the woman on his arm. But, Damian didn't answer any of it. He just smiled that charming, white smile and held me by the waist.

Who was this man? Would I ever find out?

This was not the place to think about it as I was taken into the nicest movie theater I had ever seen before. I didn't even know about this place and now I was being sat in a private balcony area with a few big seats, only two being used, with small flip down tables on the armrests. Damian was handed our menus and he thanked the employee before taking a seat beside me and sliding one into my lap.

"Get what you like." He said as he looked over his own copy. I looked over everything, noting there were no prices on the menu. Ahh, if you have to ask, you cannot afford it. Nice. Before I could find a drink I wanted, Damian again took control and ordered us both the same drink. He talked about his day, I dutifully nodded where I thought I should. When the drink came out it was in a really nice thick, chilled glass and swirled with this really pretty pink, shimmering liquid. I took a sip and realized the difference between cheap and expensive liquor. It was nice tasting, but also knock-you-on-your-ass strong. He also got us some of the fanciest looking French fries I had ever seen to eat with our drinks, at least they would soak up a little of the alcohol.

"So... what brings you to the premiere of a movie you don't want to see?" I asked, sipping on my drink, wincing at the strength as I leaned back into the cushioned seat, noticing there was a foot rest as well. In this outfit I wasn't too sure it would be a good idea to use it though. I needed to present myself as lady-like, especially while the lights were up. The alcohol in my body just made me want a cigarette so badly, I almost reached for them in my purse. I stopped, I couldn't pop out. It seemed I was out of luck for a long while and I couldn't help but think of the one that had been rudely removed and stomped out far too early by my date.

Or was he my employer?

Either way, I now wished I had sucked down that whole thing filling my blood with nicotine, before he had the chance to take it. Now I was going to go several long hours without one.

"I'm friends with the director." Damian answered firmly, bringing his hand down to my knee as the lights began to dim and lower. Friends with the director? I would have to find out more about that, but for now, the movie was going to get started and I needed to keep my mouth shut. At that point, it was clear to me why I had on crotchless panties. For his entertainment, I would need to keep my mouth closed and my legs open. A shorter skirt would have helped this situation along with no panties at all.

As the film started, his hand gently landed onto my knees, with a flick of his pinky it sent my slinky skirt sliding out of the way down my smooth legs so he could let his fingers dance against my bare skin, slowly and teasingly drawing figure eights with his fingertips. The pattern felt nice as he slipped off my knee and drew them up my inner leg as his hand now dipped further under my skirt. We had quite a bit of privacy in the booth, probably by design, so I wasn't too worried about sitting back and spreading my legs wider and wider for him.

Still, it felt so dangerous to do something like this in public. Higher and higher he slowly circled. Our focus was meant to be on the exciting opening sequence of the movie. But I was distracted. Figure eights slowly turned to ever smaller circles as he got close to my panties. He was taking his time, teasing me and enjoying himself. I was sure, as he was closer to my sex. It was obvious to me what he was looking for as he touched the lace ever so lightly before being more deliberate. He even traced an arch on the opening on my crotch. By the time his fingers flicked and caressed my pussy lips, I was already drenched from it all. Damian continued his teasing, running his finger between my lips to gather the slickness I was producing was sliding down my buttocks, and then used it against my swollen clit. In desperation for something to distract me, I snatched up my drink and began to gulp on it far too quickly. My eyes were trained on the massive screen, watching but not really seeing what was happening. Nothing was going in my head but his fingers were incredibly close with the feeling of his touch.

Damian was just being so gentle, teasing me rotten. I knew if I kept going for the whole two hours he would ruin me. I would be a sweaty panting wreck before we got back to his place. I was now both extremely turned on and getting more and more desperate for a cigarette. It was like the softer he touched me the more nervous I was getting for what was to come. For me nerves mean a cigarette. But in this case I was nervous... but also lustful and excited. He was a real brute in bed and I loved every moment of it. I was only a bit scared this time because I was still sore from the event days before. I wasn't even sure I would be able to take it. But, I knew I was going to have to at least try regardless.

As the scene on screen came together with the car coming to a screeching halt, Damian finally buried his finger deep inside me, bringing a moan out of my mouth that was thankfully hidden by the loud movie audio. I should have pushed his hand away, but no, I sat there with my legs parted wide and with him pushing his fingers deeper into me and going at a pleasant pace. Making sure to swipe my clit with his thumb. My arm was being pushed into my chest, making my braless tits look like they would pop right out of the top of my dress.

Damian was clearly well practiced, he was so good at using his fingers and I was being good as I was tortured by it. I was getting so wet that what was there of the panties was now getting drenched. The chair would have a stain as so much was leaking even the skirt of my dress was becoming damp. It was humiliating just how much moisture he was pumping out of me with every piston like movement. The sloshing sounds as his fingers moved, I was sure it was probably extremely lewd. At that moment I felt more like a whore than I ever had before. But it was too much like pleasure, and that was saying something since I got eaten out as if I was a tub of chocolate ice cream on a livestream with Abel.

I was getting close to the cliff edge. I could feel myself building, my buttocks were clamped together, my head was hard against the seat. Then suddenly, it all stopped. He took his hand back, leaving my skirt half unraveled, leaving me flashing my now glistening self to the auditorium and then rather than wiping it on his clothes, I watched in disbelief as he dipped his fingers that was just inside me into his drink, mixing the ice cubes with my flavor in with the alcohol.

The longer I sat, trying and failing to focus on the boring movie, the colder my wet ass and pussy were getting. I knew I needed to get cleaned up sooner rather than later. Not only that... I couldn't get out of my head how I now really needed to smoke. There was an internal battle honestly. As much as I wanted to be a good girl and dutifully wait until the movie finished. I was uncomfortable between my thighs, agitated from my lungsI just could not sit still anymore. Not when, on purpose, I was being left on this edge. Aaron or Abel would have kept going! Oh to have Abel between my legs licking me out. Oh that would have been amazing. I leaned over and whispered in Damian's ear, "I need to use the restroom."

By the way he sighed, it was obvious I would be also taking a little step outside as well. This girl has needs. It was not as if I would miss anything. I hadn't paid a lick of attention to any of the action yet. I would need to rewatch this with Aaron. On second thoughts maybe Abel so I wouldn't have to actually watch it and I could just play with his cock. Either way, I was missing out on this screening, even if it was the most prestigious.

Blinking hard as I got into the brightness of the hallway and determined I really needed a cigarette more than anything. So after rushing into the bathroom and grabbing some tissue and very roughly cleaning up the sticky moistness between my thighs, I made my way downstairs and outside. My heart sank as I turned around, cigarette between my lips and was met with Damian. He was already standing there, waiting for me. I just needed a quick smoke for god's sake. "Couldn't even make it forty five minutes in?" He asked. Of course he would follow me. I sighed a little.