Rumors Ch. 03


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Retreating to my room with Marissa, her gown was nearly falling off of her already. I started undressing to match her. She said, "Tyler, I hope you understand that I wasn't expressing any dissatisfaction in making love to only you back there. It's just that my dreams lately have been filled with images of the four of us, like a prediction of the future. I've had dreams like that before, which usually come true, but I get impatient with them happening."

I kissed her forehead. "I didn't think that, at all. I'm feeling impatient about it, too. Understand, we're all imagining what it will be like. I had a brief glance of them in a 69 and then watched Mom go down on Annie just before you got there, but haven't seen Annie up close with Mom. And I haven't seen what you look like with either of them. Now, I almost wish we'd done the foursome last Friday night, instead of trying to take it slow. Even if we still had to put the brakes on after that, at least we'd know. Maybe if we hadn't gone on that date, Gary wouldn't have started this rumor."

Marissa was out of her gown, down to just her thong panties. As she reached for my belt, she said, "Even if we could change the past, I wouldn't want to erase that night, Tyler. Having you defend me from the creep proved that I could trust you with my heart. And my body. I love you, Tyler."

"I love you too, Riss," I replied.

"You're not saying that because I just did, are you?" Marissa asked.

"I don't believe in making that a rote response. If I say it, I mean it. It might have taken your nudge to get my brain to recognize what my heart already knew, but I do love you, Marissa Gutierrez."

"Then make love to me, Tyler Campbell," she said, pushing my pants and briefs down in one motion.

I swept her into my arms, carrying her the remaining distance to my bed. Laying her down, I slipped her panties off and spread her legs so I could eat her out.

"Do I taste blueberries? And coconut?" I asked, after my first couple of licks.

She giggled and said, "I once read in this story online that you could use olive oil mixed with a flavoring to soothe the skin after shaving and it would taste better for a guy going down on you than most lotions. I use coconut oil for the same purpose after shaving my chocho, but I don't shave every day, so I didn't use it the night of our first date. I ordered some blueberry flavoring just for you tonight."

"You were already delicious, Riss," I told her. "It is interesting, though." I went back to licking her folds. Would I ever be able to have blueberry pancakes without thinking of her, now? I realized I'd be okay with that, if I was having them with her by my side.

For a few seconds, I pictured myself as being in a pie-eating contest, trying to eat a slice of juicy blueberry pie with no hands. Thankfully, the image faded before I tried to bite into her clit as if it were a fleshy blueberry.

Still, the extra fervor did not go unnoticed. "God, Ty! It's making you wild tonight! I'll have to tell Annie and Shelby about this."

In between licks and nibbles, I said, "Could this... be just... between us?"

She answered, "Unless you're... dios... the only one eating me out... oh, right there, Ty... they're going to taste it, too."

"Right," I muttered, just before sucking her clit between my lips, flicking it with my tongue three times and backing off.

I introduced a finger into her pussy, using my thumb to tease her clit, as I raised my head to say, "I'd still like it to be just your flavor, then. Not something all three of you use for me. Maybe let them pick their own."

"Okay," she muttered. "Oh, fuck! No fair... trying to make me... make me talk while... rubbing my gspot. Please! Get your tongue back on my clit!" Her hand atop my head pushed me back into her pussy.

My tongue attacked her clit while I strummed her gspot and I was rewarded by her first orgasm of the night. Her body shook beneath me, grunting with each spasm of her stomach muscles, her hand grasping my hair.

"Wow, Ty! That was intense!" Marissa said, at last. "Imagining Annie and Shelby with their own flavors, imagining what they'd pick, really turned me on."

"No surprise," I responded. "Thinking about eating pussy, with any of you, is enough to make me hard. Why wouldn't it add more charge while I'm going down on you for you to think of Annie or Mom riding your face at the same time?"

Marissa moaned briefly, then said, "I was actually picturing the two of them in a 69 next to us, but that's a hot image, too. Maybe a daisy chain, instead." Sitting up slightly, she said, "Ty, I don't know if I can wait until after graduation to be with the two of them. I want to be able to study for finals with Annie, but I'm not sure I'll be able to think straight, sitting next to her, thinking about Tahoe."

I moved to lay beside her so we could talk better while I also caressed her skin, raising goosebumps. I asked, "How did you manage, before you admitted your attraction to her? Was studying with her a distraction then?"

Marissa answered, "Yes, but I managed to keep it together, because it was still imaginary. I could kind-of picture the two of us together, but I didn't know. Now, I've actually been with her, although just for one night. Now I know what she tastes like, what her nipples feel like under my tongue, what her tongue feels like on my clit. I want more of that, but I need to stay away from her right now because of this damned rumor. Don't get me wrong, I think all three of you are worth being super careful, I'm just feeling impatient."

"What is impatience, if not an expectation about time?" I asked. "We expect things to take less time than they really will, then let that expectation not getting met dictate how we feel about it. If we keep our expectations realistic or have none at all, we don't feel impatient. Are you prepared for this arrangement to be for the rest of our lives, Marissa? If so, what's two weeks, against our lifetimes?"

"Is that a marriage proposal, Ty?" Marissa asked.

"Not yet, Riss," I answered, more calmly than I expected. I realized that, a week earlier, I might have panicked at that question. Now I was a lot closer to committing my life to her. It was simply too soon to propose. "Just shining a light on a potential future, hoping we all get there together. I was only asking if you could see that same future, even if you ultimately decide it's not the right one for you."

Marissa sighed. "I can not only see it, I feel it in my heart, Ty. It feels right. So right that I want it now. I don't want there to be this obstacle, this rumor keeping the four of us apart."

I had to laugh, which made Marissa frown. I explained, "I wasn't laughing at you, but at the universe. I used to joke that 'What Annie wants, Annie gets.' Seems to be truer than ever. Of course, this path we are on combines both of your birthday wishes, me loving her and her loving you, without being in conflict. Add in Annie's older wishes, for my mom to be in her life, and here the four of us are, itching to make the foursome real."

"You think wishes have that much power?" she asked.

I responded, "What is a birthday wish but another form of prayer? You believe in that, don't you? Even if you're not consciously directing the wish to God, how else is it going to come true?"

"Your Mom talked about intention last Sunday, when it came to expectations. Do we maybe have the power to make our own wishes come true?"

I answered, "We certainly have the ability to get in the way through pessimism, so I suppose we also have the ability to bring the things we want into our life by being more optimistic about them. Sure. Maybe there's a bit of the divine in all of us and prayer and wishing are two ways we unlock it."

"How do we keep winding up in these philosophical discussions in the middle of making love?" she asked, while reaching her hand down to my cock, which had softened.

"At least they're philosophical discussions about our love life. Doesn't that count as foreplay?"

"Not unless they keep your dick hard," she said. "Now I've got to rev you up all over again. Poor me."

Never letting my cock go, Marissa began kissing her way from my neck to my collar bone to my chest. She spent a minute each sucking and licking on my nipples. I was stiff by the time she reached my belly button. Shortly after that, her mouth covered my glans, her tongue whipping around it.

"Vroom, vroooom," I muttered.

"Don't make me laugh with your cock in my mouth," she warned. "I might bite."

"I'd much rather make you moan," I said.

Satisfied with my hardness, Marissa turned and thrust her pussy over my cock, then lay down on my chest, kissing the underside of my chin. "I like moaning," she responded. I'd almost forgotten what she was answering, I was so distracted by the feel of her pussy.

I rolled us over, so I was on top, and began thrusting into her. I had my arms braced beside her shoulders as her knees spread and her legs wrapped over mine. "Te amo," she whispered.

"I love you too, Riss," I answered. "Fuck, you feel great," I said, as I thrust deeper into her.

"Better than Annie?"

"Don't do that to me," I pleaded, stopping mid-thrust. "I will not declare a favorite between the three of you. My cock will always favor the woman he's in, anyway. Right now, he's in you and feels great."

"Sorry, a little self-doubt there," Marissa said, flexing her hips to get us moving again. I resumed thrusting, trying to focus on our pleasure again.

It nagged at me, though, delaying my orgasm. It's one thing to last because you have the willpower, but another because your focus is split by your thoughts and your arousal suffers. If it's bad enough, your erection fails. It had happened once with Darcy, after an argument left my mind more focused on her words than her pussy. Still, I came in Marissa after about 10 minutes, just as she reached her own climax.

As I pulled out and laid beside her, I said, "We need to discuss what just happened, because it cast a serious cloud. Are you really feeling insecure about how you compare to Annie? Or Mom, for that matter?"

Marissa snuggled against my shoulder, whispering, "I guess. I mean, I know Annie's pussy is tighter than mine, from fingering her. But it's also how deep your love is for her, your Mom too, that you'd be willing to commit a crime to show them how much. And it's hard to let go of the idea that I'm just a cover story for the three of you."

I said, "Let me answer that point by point. The biggest factor in how tight a woman feels is her vaginal muscles. They relax when she's aroused, or she can clench them consciously, making her vagina tighter. If a baby's head can fit through there, there's no cock that's truly too wide or pussy that's too tight for it. Length is another issue, of course. But, if I wanted to experience your pussy at your tightest, I'd skip any foreplay and enter you before you were aroused, when your muscles are still contracted. You'd kick me out of bed before I got to the second stroke."

"You're damned right about that," Marissa agreed.

I kissed the tip of her nose. "So, Annie giving up her virginity meant needing to relax with me and letting herself get used to those muscles relaxing inside her. I don't expect there to be a major difference going forward other than the fact that she's a couple inches shorter than either you or Mom and the experience you each have in flexing those muscles consciously. Her hips seem about the same size, just not as padded. But, like I said, my cock prefers whatever pussy he's in."

"This pussy likes having him inside," she said.

"As for you feeling like I love them more, that's another unrealistic time expectation. Comparing the two of us having been romantic for just a week to my love for Annie and Mom being rooted in two decades of familial love, even if we're just as new to being intimate together. I know what I'm feeling for you is love, Riss. Give it time to deepen. If we had been dating for three years, would this be an issue now?"

She snorted. "I would have been 15 then. As thrilled as I would have been, there's no way you would have looked at me before I turned 18 in January."

I continued, "Probably not. Let me rephrase. Do you expect it to still be a problem three years from now? We're off to a good start. Just realize that it is still new, so don't compare it to something that's older."

"I'll try, Ty. I know I'm falling for you already."

I said, "As for you being a cover story, I thought we discussed that several times, already. I want our relationship to be a real one, not something we have to fake for public consumption. I don't want my relationships with Mom and Annie to depend on the two of us working out, or vice versa. If Annie, Mom and I decide to stop being intimate because it proves to be too risky, that doesn't put an end to our relationship, unless you prefer to be with Annie over me. Otherwise, you're my girlfriend now, no matter what prompted me to ask you out. Only my second serious one, really, because I've been involved with a series of girls in college who were only looking for casual sex, not a boyfriend. They wanted to focus on their studies. What can I do to prove that I'm not just using you as a smokescreen?"

"Nothing," she answered, shrugging. "Because I know it's my fears talking, not anything rational that you could actually change. I need to trust the love I feel coming from you, the love I'm feeling for you, instead of seeing negative outcomes around every corner."

"Good advice for anyone," I said.

"Yeah. Simple advice, but not always easy. How to let someone into your heart, without being afraid that they'll hurt you. Especially after what I went through in trusting Gary. Not that I was in love with him, but he did make me doubt my instincts for detecting bullshit."

I said, "I could get huffy and say, 'I'm not Gary,' but that's both obvious and immaterial. I need to earn your trust, not demand it. And I will, Marissa. We may have some bumps along the way, like any other couple, and a few that are unique to the larger question of the four of us. I think we're putting too much pressure on ourselves, because we're letting the prospect of the foursome mess us up in terms of developing as a couple. I think, when we look back on it, having to wait another two weeks before we pursue sex with Annie and Mom will turn out to have been a good thing, giving us the time to get closer as a couple first."

"Except Shelby suggested a moratorium on dating until we're done with finals," Marissa said. "Although my mama would say the same thing."

"Mom did it to me after prom three years ago, too," I said. "It's not like we can't see each other at all, though. I'll be available to help both of you study, then your finals are over Thursday morning, with graduation that night. Then we'll have time for a couple of dates before we head to Tahoe on Saturday morning."

"Then we've got to make the most of tonight," she said, kissing me. Her hand reached between us to grasp my cock, which was half-hard already, just from lying beside her nakedness. My hands went to her breasts, caressing both nipples as I continued to kiss her.

Once I was hard enough, she coaxed me onto my back, straddled my waist and slid her wet pussy over my cock. She braced her hands on my shoulders and began her ride, pushing backwards and forward over me. Starting out with slow full length strokes, she gradually increased her pace.

I kept my hands on her hanging breasts, squeezing them and tweaking her nipples. We looked into each other's eyes, finding love in each other's gaze. "Te amo," I said.

"Siempre," she breathed back. Always.

I gradually drew my knees up so I could start thrusting more with my hips. Soon, her firm ass was slapping against the front of my thighs, as I felt my orgasm drawing nearer. From her moans and grunts, I could tell she was getting closer, too.

"Oh, god, Ty! You fuck me so good! Aaaiiiiee!"

While she shuddered above me, her vaginal muscles fluttered and I couldn't hold back any more. "I'm cumming," I cried, as my cock jerked and started spewing several streams into her pussy, which got squirted back onto my balls along with her juices, running between my thighs.

Marissa collapsed onto my chest, nuzzling into my neck as her body came down from its high. My cock was still deep inside her, not wanting to go soft. I rolled my hips, drawing my cock back three inches, then gradually pushed it back in. My glans was too sensitive for anything faster.

Marissa whispered, "I like slow, too." We luxuriated like that for another fifteen minutes, quietly caressing each other, neither of us getting that close to another orgasm but enjoying being connected and close.

Just before I was going to increase my pace, Marissa suddenly drew herself off of me, muttering, "Gotta pee..." before she ran out the door for the bathroom, her hand between her legs. Whether she was worried about my cum dripping out or stopping herself from peeing, I didn't know.

Ten minutes later, she still hadn't come back, so I got up to look for her, not bothering to cover up. When I reached the open bathroom door, I was stunned to see Marissa and Mom making out, standing next to the vanity. Their hands were caressing each other's breasts.

"Ahem," I voiced, getting ignored.

I felt a pair of arms slide under mine to wrap around my ribs, a pair of small breasts pressed into my back, right before the rest of a torso. "They look nice together," Annie whispered, pulling me back into the hallway, halfway to my bedroom, before she let me go. I turned around to hug her to my front, careful to keep my softened cock from touching her. Still whispering, she said, "Mom had to pee. I wondered what was taking so long. I guess the same happened with Marissa?"

"Yeah," I whispered back, as I felt my cock start to refill, forcing me to step back. "I thought we were waiting until Tahoe."

"For sex with you, at least," Annie said. "Why should the two of them kissing be off limits? It's 1:30 in the morning, I doubt the cops are going to show up right now, if they haven't already. I'd like a kiss from her, myself."

A bit louder, I answered, "So long as none of my sperm gets transferred to you or Mom," which made Annie's eyes widen. "Riss did go down on me but just to get me hard. I didn't cum in her mouth, but precum can contain sperm. The cops could swab your mouths to detect sperm there, too."

"I did ask Marissa about that, but felt it was worth the small risk," Mom said, coming out into the hallway, holding a blushing Marissa's hand. "She was just too cute, running into the bathroom just as I was washing my hands, to resist a test kiss once she finished peeing and washed her hands. We did get a little more carried away than that, as you saw. But you're right, your jizz in her pussy makes it a danger zone right now, as much as I'd love to drag her to my bed to eat it out of her."

"I just wish we knew whether the cops were actually going to show up," Annie said, walking towards the living room, since it looked like a conversation was in order. "Are we being paranoid about this?"

"If the rumor that incest is happening in this family is still active around town," Mom answered, "It needs to not be happening, at least in the short term. Not because the odds of the cops investigating is high, but because the costs are too high if they do."

"What if the rumor never goes away, Mom?" I asked, sitting beside Marissa on the couch. Annie and Mom took the love seat.

She responded, "That's not really the issue. The issue is determining how much risk we're at. If the rumor goes away, the risk goes way down, but there's still risk based on our behavior in public going forward. If it doesn't go away, the risk of police involvement could still turn out to be zero. They could turn out to be uninterested, unless we do something stupid like that woman in Oklahoma who sought an actual marriage license with her formerly estranged daughter because the daughter's birth certificate was changed to remove her mother's name. Or we might simply have to move somewhere else where the rumor can't affect us."