Rumors Ch. 06


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She reached her left hand to stroke my cheek. "It's simple, Tyler. If using either of those names makes your cock throb or your heart beat faster, use it. Calling you baby or even son, emphasizing our incest a little bit, turns me on, okay? What I meant by relinquishing the Mom role was not being in charge of the four of us. We've got to be equals, husband and wives, or the group marriage won't work. That doesn't mean that you've stopped being my son, just that I won't order you around like one."

As I began climbing between her legs, I said, "I want to fuck you, wife. That is my turn-on of the moment, newlywed fuckery." With the last word, I slid my cock inside, into my third wife of the night. Mom wrapped her arms around my neck. Rather than let her pull me horizontal, I shifted my weight onto my knees and pulled Shelby upright, until she was speared atop my cock, my arms traveling along her back to grasp her under her buttocks.

I began lifting and dropping her, while Shelby twisted her hips to grind her clit against my pubic bone. She got her knees planted outside of my mine and began thrusting herself up, sliding her breasts against my chest, kissing me more passionately than ever before.

"Husband," she whispered in my ear, just before she started nibbling on it. I thrust even harder in response, my hips bouncing her up and down. After about ten minutes, I lowered her back down to the bed and began fucking her in missionary position, rising and falling into her.

Shelby's Kegels repeatedly squeezed around me. They doubled in intensity when she began to cum, shaking in my arms. I managed to make her cum a second time, as my own orgasm roared through my body.

Drained, I withdrew from her, winding up by her side, kissing her cheek as the last spasms passed through her body. "Te amo, mama," I said.

Marissa and Annie had finished their 69 and were just lying together, softly kissing. Annie reached down for the covers, pulling them up over all of us. "I love you all," she said, before we all drifted off to sleep.


The house was a little bit chilly in the morning, reliant only on the in-floor heating after the fire had burned out over night. We slipped into pajamas and slippers when we got out of bed. The forecast was for higher temps for the rest of the week. Since we were planning to go shopping after breakfast, I cleaned out the ashes from the old fire and built a new one but did not light it, while Mom, Annie and Marissa prepared breakfast.

During breakfast, Annie and I huddled over our investment accounts and decided which securities we would sell to pay for the townhouses and put in our orders.

We all showered together again, with only a little intimate play, then dressed warmly enough for 50 degree weather and loaded into the Bronco.

Our first stop was the rental office, where Jack Randall had paperwork for us to sign for the offer, and several other forms gathering our personal information for the title company.

Next on our itinerary was jewelry shopping. We decided on the way to the first store to avoid any obvious symbolism of the number four. At the first store, their sole focus was silver and turquoise jewelry. I bought Marissa a lovely bracelet, while Annie and Shelby bought two pairs of earrings each.

At the second store, Marissa and I found a beautiful white-gold engagement ring with a .7 carat round-cut diamond in the center, surrounded by a series of diamonds and sapphires, with more along the band. For wedding rings, her thin band alternated diamonds and sapphires again, while mine was a wider band with a hammered finish that happened to be my size. I liked another one that had a line of four sapphires across its face, but thought it was too symbolic. Marissa's rings needed to be resized, so we needed to pick them up on Friday, making me glad we hadn't waited to shop for them.

Finally, at the third jewelry store, Shelby and Annie selected their matching wedding and engagement rings, yellow gold engagement rings with one larger and two smaller emerald-cut diamonds designed to be complemented by two smaller bands which were shaped to fit around the center stones, with more diamonds enlarging the setting. Theirs also needed to be resized, but would be ready on Thursday.

We stopped for lunch at a sandwich shop, then went grocery shopping, to have food for the remainder of the week. We weren't worried about buying too much, since we could always transport the remaining food home.

Back home, I got the fire lit and we spent part of the afternoon playing board games in front of it, after Shelby and Annie made a small production of putting each other's engagement rings on. They decided they weren't going to wait to announce their engagement. Mom nervously called her parents close to dinner time, when she figured her dad would be home, to give them the news, putting the call on speaker so we could all hear.

"Hi, Mom. Is Dad home from work?" she asked.

"Not yet, Shelby. How's your vacation going?" Grandma asked.

"It's going great. I called because I have some news. Annie and I are engaged. We're thinking about a post-Christmas wedding."

"Let me absorb that, since you never announced you were girlfriends," Grandma said, waiting ten seconds before she said, "I could tell that your relationship had changed when we had dinner at the Gutierrez house, so this doesn't come as a total surprise. Congratulations, both of you! Dad and I always hoped you would remarry, baby. We just didn't want it to be John again, after the ways he hurt you, or someone like him. Annie, honey, I'm sorry that I was cold to you over the years, but that's why. I should have treated you better, knowing that Shelby loved you like a daughter. Now, she loves you like a wife. Whether that's instead of or in addition to mother-daughter love, I don't think matters. It might be 18 years too late but welcome to the family."

A mix of emotions flitted across Annie's face, from resentment draining away to surprise to relief. "Thank you, Delia, both for the apology and the welcome," Annie said. "Although I suppose I should start calling you Mom now that you'll be my mother-in-law."

"I'll be honored to consider you another daughter," Grandma said. "Is Tyler going to start calling you Mom, now?" she asked, with a chuckle.

Annie laughed as I almost choked, before I said, "I'm not planning to, Grandma. Annie will always be my sister first, step-mom second. Wow, I just realized this will make my mother also be my sister-in-law." And both of them secretly my wife.

"Not an ordinary situation, for sure," Grandma said. "But love conquers all, they say. I can always tell when two people are in love... Or four."

I bet my eyes were just as wide as my wives' were, before Shelby said, "Mom, what do you mean?"

Grandma said, "Come on, Shelby. I've always been able to tell when someone looks at someone else with love in their eyes, especially if they're trying to hide it for any reason. You had the same look for Tyler as you had for Annie and I could tell he had those eyes for all three of you. Same for Annie. You and Marissa I wasn't so sure of, so I guessed she was a recent addition to your little grouping so the two of you hadn't had time to get as close as Tyler and Annie obviously were to her. I assume that your time in Tahoe has probably changed that. Or are you going to deny to the first person who committed incest with you that you're doing it again with your son and that he's also doing it with his sister?"

Shelby took and released a deep breath and answered, "No, I'm not going to deny any of it. I just wish it weren't so easy for you to see. If you can, who else will?"

"I think Angelina's pretty close to figuring it out," Grandma answered. "I don't think she bought Marissa's denials of a triangle with Annie and Tyler after admitting to it. So now she's trying to figure out how Shelby actually fits in. She's asked me a few questions about both Annie and Tyler that seem innocent on the surface, but are just what I would ask if I were trying to sniff out incest without being horrified by it. Although this engagement might throw her off track for a little while, it might also confirm to her that the triangle is actually a square. She seems to have inherited the Walsh talent for solving mysteries."

Marissa said, "I wish I knew how she'd react if I confessed the whole thing."

Grandma answered, "She loves you, Marissa, like any good mother loves her children. Our first concern is always your safety. I understand that your individual relationships with Tyler, Shelby and Annie aren't legally incest, but Tyler's relationships with the two of them are. Her concern would be that they eventually get caught and you wind up hurt in the process. Other than that, I believe she'll accept that you love all three of them and that they truly love each other too much to resist being intimate. I limited Shelby's experiences with her father and me to just once, because I didn't want her primary relationships to be with us and have to walk a tightrope of secrecy her entire life. Besides, I wanted healthy grandchildren, which her father couldn't give her. Now, all four of you have climbed on that tightrope together and I can only hope you don't fall. I can't tell you what to do, but if Angelina's going to figure it out on her own, eventually, wouldn't it be better to hear it from you?"

"Thanks, Aunt Delia. I'll think about it."

We heard a couple of clicks and Grandma said, "That's your Dad calling. I'll bring him up to date, kids. Congrats again!"

"Bye, Mom," my mom said, hanging up. To us, she said, "That went... not the way I was expecting. I at least expected a lecture about marrying someone less than half my age. But to have her figure us out and accept it like that..."

Annie said, "If only everyone would accept us, whether its the question of my age, you and I almost being related or our relationships with Tyler. Did you see that saleslady at the last jewelry store when we said we were getting engaged? I just know she wanted to say something real snarky about how young I am, but knew she risked her commission if she did. I can just imagine what she would have done if I'd called you Mom."

Shelby shrugged and said, "There will always be people who delight in judging other people's relationships, for whatever reason they can find. I'd rather not spend my time talking about them. Let's get dinner going. Then, someone I know is due for her 20-orgasm night, if she still wants it." She was looking right at Marissa as she said it. We started getting ingredients out of the fridge and pantry.

"You're going to love this, Riss!" Annie said. "Maybe you'll be able to last where I wasn't able to make it to 20."

I nudged her with my elbow. "You've got a choice, sis. Either you and I help Mom rock Marissa's world, or you get a second shot at 20, side by side with her."

Annie considered it, then said, "I'd rather wait until after we can give Mom the same treatment. Tomorrow night, maybe? But, before we do that, I've got to ask a question about you. Do we still think that we're at risk in San Rafael of someone ordering us to submit to a rape kit exam, looking for Tyler's sperm? In other words, do Mom and I have to start avoiding you, so we're safe when we go home in 4 days?"

Shelby answered, "I'm going to trust that Don Tobin was telling the truth when he said that the police had closed their investigation. It's time to stop being so afraid, maybe we have been paranoid, about it all. Not that we don't still have to be cautious, just not scared. I think I may have assumed a higher risk of having our bodies swabbed than is real. I did a little more research, and rape kits are technically only performed by medical personnel, not cops and not as the result of a warrant. I couldn't find a record of one being done that didn't initiate with the assault victim's choice. Usually in adult incest cases, which aren't that frequent, it's either a witness testifying or a DNA test proving that a child was born to the couple that convicts them or the really stupid ones who take out a marriage license together, then try to claim they didn't know they were related or that past estrangement should exempt them from the law. I saw no cases where a DNA swab of the woman was mentioned to prove that sex had occurred between the pair. Gary never had direct evidence and he's been discredited anyway. Without someone else reporting us, I doubt the police will reopen the case."

Annie asked, "Does that mean we could stay in San Rafael?"

Shelby replied, "Depends on whether you mean just you and me, or all four of us. If Tyler and Marissa are in Boulder, there would be no incest going on in San Rafael and we'd be safe, but apart. You and I would never have to move, if Tyler does. Or we quit having sex with him altogether. Moving to Denver to be closer to them would actually increase our risk again, it would just be a lower level than all four of us living in San Rafael, even in separate houses. The fact is that no place where the two of us have sex with him will ever be perfectly safe, not even here. Imagine if somebody we meet in town goes by on a boat and sees you and your brother fucking through the great room windows. We always have to be cautious. What we have to ask ourselves is whether the risk is too great to keep loving him, wherever we happen to be. For the past few weeks in San Rafael, it was. At least it felt like it."

Annie relaxed, but asked, "So, once we're home? Do we keep making love to him or do we pause again until August?"

Mom answered, "I don't think we can answer that until we get home to have a sense of whether the rumor has truly died or kept spreading. I want to say 'yes', but I'm not sure. There's not exactly a handbook for this."


"Fuck me, Ty!" cried Marissa, as I thrust in and out of her in doggy position. Shelby and Annie were both on their backs underneath her, sucking on her hanging tits, while Shelby had a finger-tip vibe rubbing around Marissa's clitoral hood, but not directly pressing against the clit itself. Occasionally, she swiped it across my shaft, giving me chills. Marissa already had seven orgasms, from oral sex performed by all three of us, tribbing with Annie, and various combinations of vibrators my mother had brought with her. I could feel her beginning to reach number eight around me. "Ayyy, another one!' Marissa announced.

I gave Marissa's butt a hard slap. Like Shelby, Marissa got turned on by the occasional spank, but not too many. She might have yelped in pain, but her pussy's pulsations jumped in intensity around me. I managed to avoid cumming with her, but barely. As her body stopped shaking, I slowed with her, and the urge to shoot receded.

Shelby turned underneath Marissa and began licking her pussy and my cock simultaneously, still bringing that finger tip vibe into play wherever her tongue wasn't, even sliding it over my perineum, before she wrapped her arm around Marissa to bring it into action against Marissa's perineum instead, as well as lightly brushing it across her rosebud, but not penetrating it. Annie moved up slightly to make out with Marissa, her hands still mauling our wife's breasts.

"Oh, damn, Mom!" Marissa moaned, as orgasm nine pulsed through her body, passing into me as I finally came for the first time in that session. I kept pumping and managed to retain my erection. Marissa had just stopped fluttering around me, when I heard a muffled "Another!" and the flutters returned.

Marissa's count was up to fifteen by the time I finally came again and collapsed by her side. Mom's tongue was shoved up Marissa's sheath, seeking my cum, before I even hit the mattress. After three minutes of sucking and slurping, Mom replaced her tongue with that little vibrator, pressing it against Marissa's gspot from inside and flicking her tongue against Marissa's clit at rapid speed. Marissa simply exploded at this assault on her sexual nerves, screaming in what seemed to me to be a five-minute orgasm, ending with her passing out on top of Shelby and Annie.

Shelby and Annie eased themselves out from under Marissa and Shelby announced, "That was 20. Those last five rolled one into the next, but I could feel each separate peak. She just never got back down to the valley until 30 seconds after she fell on top of me."

Annie said, "You should have seen the look on her face, like she'd never felt that good in her life."

Shelby said, "She probably hasn't. She said she'd never seen a finger-tip vibrator like this, after all." She turned it off and pulled it off of her index finger. "I think every woman should have one, even if they have a partner, because it's so much easier to excite the clit in a lot of positions than with a bigger vibrator and the extra reach makes it easier to self-pleasure the gspot. I've worn out two in the last few years."

After chatting some more, Annie and Mom both launched themselves at me, Annie asking, "Have enough energy for another round or two, bro?" The cock that was standing up between them answered her question.

Annie swung her hips over mine and had me sheathed before I knew it. Mom crawled towards my head, settling her pussy over my lips while facing Annie. Mom's labia tasted of orange and coconut, another use of Marissa's coconut oil. I would have expected it to be sweeter than the blueberry, but it was actually tarter and combined well with Mom's natural flavor.

We weren't in any hurry, slowly making love with each other. Marissa woke sometime during this, and I felt her knee graze my arm as she joined Mom in kissing and licking Annie's tits. When I felt the buzz of that finger vibe again, I realized Marissa had picked it up and put it on.

"Umph, a little too much, babe," Annie said. "That thing's surprisingly intense right on the clit."

"Sowwy," Marissa mumbled, her lips pressed against Annie's nipple.

Whatever change Marissa made to her technique worked, because Annie's vaginal muscles started pulsing a minute later, screaming, "I love you all!" before she was reduced to a wordless scream. Mom moved off of my face to join Marissa in a 69 as Annie leaned down to kiss my lips, tasting Mom in the process and smiling as she recognized the orange flavor. I supposed that left strawberry for Annie at some point. I responded by slipping my tongue into her mouth. Her hips gyrated over my cock, her nipples scraping through my chest hair. As her orgasm ceased, she stopped thrusting, simply squeezing my cock with her muscles. She turned her face to me and whispered, "Say we'll be together forever, Ty. All four of us."

"Forever, Annie. There's nothing I want more." Whatever caution we needed to exercise, we would.

Reassured, Annie flexed her knees and began lifting and dropping her wet pussy onto my cock, her upper body barely moving on my chest. I joined her in thrusting my hips upward, slapping into her thighs from below. We fucked faster and faster, kissing each other deeply. Our grunts and moans were swallowed by our mouths.

A scream from Shelby pulled our attention to the side. Marissa still had the finger tip vibe and was plunging it in and out of Shelby's pussy, while sucking on her clit. Shelby's back arched several times, her abdominal muscles rippling. I felt my cock respond to the sight and muttered, "I'm close" to Annie.

Annie answered by adding a twist of the hips at the bottom of her stroke, grinding her clit against the bottom of my shaft, just barely beating me to my orgasm as we shook against each other, crying out our ecstasy. When she finally stilled above me, she shocked me by saying, "I wish I could have your babies, when the time was right. I know we absolutely can't risk it, but that's the only thing that would be missing, long term. I'm not sure I want to have any other man's baby but yours."