Ruth's Journey Ch. 6


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She looked down at my crotch, and her face wrinkled up in disgust. I was covered with a gooey mixture of the rapists seed spread over my pubes, and my belly was wet with my own milk. "You are the most disgusting slut that I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with!" The smell of his spunk filled the close confines of the elevator. She snatched the hanky off my face, and dropped it over my bare pubes. She mopped up the mess as best she could, holding it up for me, brandishing it by the corners like a bullfighter. The fabric was soaked, and thick translucent white globs of sperm clung to it, sliding down with gravity. She casually moved it up over my chin, and gently draped it back over my face! My senses were overwhelmed by the sickly odor, and creepy feel of the soiled cloth, as it settled over my features like a second skin. I slipped into a drug-induced sleep, as I heard the doors of the elevator hiss shut.

I awoke in a small private room. I was still naked, but now covered by a thin bed sheet. An I.V. drip was hooked up to the back of my left hand, taped securely in place. I had no idea how long I had been under the influence of the drugs. I had to get out of there quickly, while I had this opportunity! I pulled off the tape, and gritted my teeth as I pulled out the thick needle. The small amount of discomfort was child's play after what I had been through! I pulled a facial tissue from the bedside table, and pressed it over the wound, stopping it from bleeding. I stood up unsteadily, feeling quite dizzy. There was another bed next to mine. A thin white curtain separated us. I could here someone snoring peacefully from the other side. I walked over to my wardrobe, but naturally it was empty. Walking quite as a mouse, I crept around the curtain, and checked my neighbor's closet. For once I was in luck! I gathered the clothes that I found in my arms, and with a pounding heart, shut the door softly and backed away. We had a private bath, and I closed the door behind me. There was no lock on the door. The bright light blinded me when I flicked the switch up.

I stared at my obscene body in the mirror. You would never know I had been so horribly misused! My skin was unmarked, the devils own work. Luckily, my unknown benefactor had worn thick gray sweatpants and a sweatshirt, so they fit fine, if not a little tight. Her underclothes were much too small, so I left them lay. I jammed my feet into her tennis shoes. They were uncomfortable, but would do just fine for now! I pulled my hair through the back strap of her ball cap, and pulled the brim down low, helping to disguise my features. I now looked quite anonymous, save for my thick nipples protruding through even this heavy material. Nothing to be done about it now! I'm embarrassed to admit that I rummaged through her purse, scavenging it for money. I found fifty-eight dollars. I left her everything else though. Steeling my nerves, I slipped over to the room exit. Fear washed over me. What if the door was locked! The handle turned in my hand, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I slipped out into the hall, and stepped in behind a small group of people who were chatting amongst themselves. They were pushing a young lady along in a wheelchair, dressed in street clothes. By the tenor of their gay voices, I judged that they were on their way out. I was not mistaken, and I tried to blend in with them, appearing to be in their group, as we worked our way out to the front entrance.

I broke away from them as we stepped out into the bright daylight. I had no idea what day it was, having lost all sense of time. The street was bustling with activity. There was lots of traffic on the main street. I saw a cab, and I raised my hand quickly. My luck was still holding, as the bright yellow Checker cab shot over to the curb, squealing to a stop beside me. The windows were heavily tinted, and I could see nothing from within. I pulled the rear door open, and crouched to enter. A man was seated against the far door, his features all obscured. He was silhouetted by the light streaming in from the other side, and was shrouded in darkness. His gloved right hand gripped the handle of an open wicker basket, placed on the bench seat next to him, between us. The basket was full of fruit and vegetables. I saw a small bunch of ripe bananas, some cucumber, zucchini, even a thick bulbous eggplant glistening as if wet within it. I stepped onto the running board, preparing to swivel into the dark confines of the interior. I pulled up short however, when I heard a chorus of muted voices from across the street. I gazed across the top of the cab, and saw the twin carved wood doors of St. Anthony's Cathedral. It carved stonewalls beckoned to me, as if it was a fortress or stronghold.

I left the cab door standing open, and transfixed I circled the cab out into the street. Cars screeched to a halt, but I was pulled along as if by a tractor beam to that great-carved edifice. Though massive, the door swung open easily, on well-engineered hinges. I stepped into the receiving hall, and the chorus sounded louder, till the hymn ended. I stepped through the vacant hall, to the entrance of the church proper. I pulled the door open, and entered the long cathedral. It must be Sunday morning; the hall was full of parishioners. The hall sloped downwards before me towards the massive front dais. Beautifully colored stained glass dominated the sidewalls, as well as the very front of the church.

Bright tapestries were draped; elegant carvings flowed over every surface. I had interrupted the sermon being given by the priest, standing behind his elevated podium. His gaze found me standing unsteadily at he top of the corridor, between the rows of polished mahogany pews. Rather then consternation though, he gave me a beatific smile. He stepped down from the dais, and strode up the aisle towards me. His dark robes flowed behind, from some unseen and unfelt breeze. His aged face had heavy joyful lines of wisdom. His clear blue eyes held me in peace and love, not with any kind of guile or devilry. He stood before me and opened his arms. "You've finally come home child! Welcome!" I melted into his arms, and sobbed great cries of relief as his powerful embrace wrapped me up. He comforted me wordlessly until my grief left, and a feeling of peace settled over me. He held me out at arms length, scrutinizing me. I was stunned by his countenance. Tears of joy streamed down his cheeks, but he ignored them. He led me up towards the front dais, seating me in the front row before him.

Returning to his podium, he once again faced the parishioners assembled before him on this holy day. "My dear friends, we are joined today by a very special guest!" he spoke out in his great baritone, and I was enraptured. "Here stands one who has faced down the true enemy, Satan himself, and yet walked proudly into our midst, still pure in mind and spirit!" He paused a minute, softly shaking his head. "Here stands one who has truly walked in the valley of darkness! I wonder how many of us would fare so well?" His loving gaze found me, healing my open wounds.

"Satan is a cruel trickster, and preys on our weakness and vice. He finds safe harbor, and worms his way in. But child, he is weak, and will find safe harbor no longer inside your pure soul! I have felt your suffering and pain, and I feared for your very survival. You people cannot even begin to imagine the great evil that she has faced alone, with nowhere to turn. But I tell you now, in front of all of Gods children, that it is ended, and he will trouble you no further. You have returned, and you will realize true love and blessing!"

Relief washed over me, and I experienced the bliss of life anew. I am known as Sister Ruth now, and do the Lords work in any small way I can find. I hope that some will find comfort in my own journey through Hell, with the knowledge that full redemption is within your grasp, even though you may see no way out.


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