Sailing His Ship Pt. 06


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Sabine began to open the engine up. The air began passing through their hair as the speed increased. Then Becca scooted over and rested her head on his chest. She began stroking it, and running her hands down around his belly button and back up. He soaked up the feeling and began running his hands through her hair.

She pulled herself up to his ear, and spoke into it, "I really want this, and I think Sabine does too." She started nibbling on his ear.

Charley turned his face towards hers and pushed himself against her ear, "I've found it works in my favor to give Sabine what she wants."

Becca grabbed him and kissed him, then climbed on top of his lap and began grinding her pussy against him.

Sabine cast occasional glances back as she drove the boat. She'd reach down and rub her pussy a little bit each time she looked.

"I think you are really fucking hot. And you've got the perfect cock. No wonder Sabine fell so hard for you," Becca continued whispering in Charley's ear as his dick pressed against her. One hand was on her ass, the other feeling up her beautiful little tits.

"You are really fucking hot yourself, and you have the most delightful little body. You're like the poster child for the hot girl next door."

"You think so?"

"You're gorgeous Becca." He confirmed.

She climbed off of him as they began approaching a more congested area, and just rubbed his thigh.

As they got closer to the restaurant, that was now in sight, Sabine cut the engine and slipped into the cabin. When she came out she had a pair of shorts pulled over her bottom, and a t-shirt on.

"You both may want to grab something to wear as well before we pull up."

Charley adjusted his dick and followed Becca to the cabin. She slid on some white athletic shorts from her bag, and a pink tank top.

Charley put on the coral colored tshirt and found a pair of regular shorts in the bag for himself.

When they came out, Charley leaned into Sabine who sat at the Captain's chair patiently and kissed her. "You're amazing lover."

"You aren't too bad yourself, " she teased, then said, "Are you both ready. "

"Aye aye" Becca laughed.

Sabine started the boat and eased it toward the dock, into an open spot. Charley jumped off with a rope and began tying it off. Becca had gone to the front and tossed that rope to him next. Once secured, Charley held out a hand to each girl, assisting them off the boat.

"What a gentlemen," Sabine giggled, and smacked his ass, making him jump.

Every eye around them watched as Charley walked down the dock with a bombshell hanging off each arm. A couple jealous women smacked their men and gave them dirty looks for watching a little to long...a few women found it hard to pull their own eyes away...funny the impression they made together.

They climbed the set of stairs, up to the patio above, where a hostess greeted them. "Table for three?" She asked.

"Yes,"Charley replied.

"Right this way." They followed her to the table and she set down menus, promising the prompt visit of a server.

They glanced over the menus, and Becca said from behind hers, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm not sure I will eat a ton having been in the sun all day. "

"I feel the same way," Sabine responded, "but I didn't want to have to fix another meal on the boat. Maybe we can order a couple of things and share."

"Sounds good to me," Charley responded.

"Perfect." Said Sabine

"Mhmm." Becca confirmed.

The server approached. "Can I start you with something to drink?"

"I'll take a water and the IPA on tap."

"Give me the lager, and a water too." Becca ordered.

"I'll have the same as her," he said pointing toward Sabine.

"I'll have those right out."

"I wonder how many filets come with the fish and chips.I think I'll ask when they come back."

"Ooo, that sounds good." Becca said excitedly.

"I could go for that as well."

The server came back, handed their drinks out and asked," Are you ready to order?"

"How many pieces of fish come with your fish and chips?"

"Depending on the sizes of the pieces, about four. If there are smaller ones, they add more to even it out."

"Do you guys want to get a double order of that it split it?"

"That sounds great to me." Charley said.

Becca nodded.

"Awesome, we will have those right out," the server announced and gathered the menus.

The sun was starting to lower in the sky, it's light not as harsh, but not quite dimming to a sunset.

"What a beautiful day," Becca said.

Sabine looked across the table intently at Becca and smiled warmly. "It was absolutely wonderful and filled with such spectacular views," she giggled.

Becca bit her lip, as she looked into Sabine's eyes. Becca had never once thought about another woman this way. It wasn't that she was turned off by the thought, more so it never really had been on her radar. But the confidence Sabine exuded, and the way she looked at her sent shivers down her body and made butterflies flutter in her stomach. Warmth built between her thighs.

"This has been really nice." Charley said, squeezing both their thighs under the table.

They sipped their beers and watched the dinner crowd for a moment in silence, now and then, catching someone checking them out.

"We seem to be attracting all the attention," Sabine laughed.

"I've noticed," Becca snickered.

"Maybe we'll have to put on a show before leaving." Sabine said with a wink.

Becca smiled a devilish smile, "I think we should," her eyes bouncing between Sabine and Charley.

Charley was a little nervous about what that meant.

The fish and chips arrived shortly after and they munch away at their food. Having mostly finished it, they sat back and relaxed.

"Do you want to do a couple of shots before we go?" Sabine asked them.

"Ooo, shots," Becca confirmed with her excitement and that's all it took.

When the server came by, they ordered two shots of tequila for each of them, with training wheels. Sabine asked for the check with them.

It took a couple of minutes, but their shots arrived.

Sabine raised her glass, "To a great day...."

They clinked and tipped them back.

She grabbed the next glass, "And hopefully an even better night!"

The server returned with her card, she signed. They stood up, and slid their chairs in. Sabine walked up to Charley, and gave him a kiss, then to Becca, and gave her a longer, more passionate kiss.

After, Becca and Sabine walked on either side of Charley, their arms crossed behind his back, each cupping an ass cheek of his. Making their way to the stairs that led down to the dock, they turned plenty of heads.

Sabine and Becca hopped in the boat. Sabine cranked the engine, Charley untied the ropes, jumped in, and off they rode into the evening sky, as the sun dropped a little more.

Once they had gained some distance from the dock, Sabine slowed the boat and cut the engine. "Becca, can I borrow you for a minute?" Sabine gestured towards the cabin as she asked. Becca got up and followed.

The door shut.

Sabine slide off her shorts and removed her shirt. Becca doing the same. Then they slipped off their bikini tops.

"So there's a little something I could use your help with..." Sabine grinned, running a finger over Becca's small and perfect breast.

"Oh yeah?"

"So I kind of have this thing, where I like to put panties on Charley...and well, he's come to accept it...and I thought you could help me pick..."

" are a kinky little minx aren't you," Becca laughed, then kissed her. "I'd love to help you pick."

Sabine opened her bag and started removing several pairs of panties.

"Ooo, these are all cute." She lifted up a satin green pair, with white lace, and smiled. Then ran her fingers over the other pairs. She thought all of them sexy. "It's so hard to decide. They're all fun."

The idea made her kind of wet. Never had she thought about making a guy wear panties, or even that it could be a turn on, but in the moment, between the events of the day, and the alcohol, she liked it.

She picked up a simple pair of white cotton panties with red strawberries and a little pink bow above the crotch and laughed. "Mmm, I think these are perfect."

"I agree. I think you should put them on him. Let's smoke a bowl, crack a beer, and we can work on him from there," Sabine said and winked.

"Sabine, I'm liking how you roll." Becca said with wide eyes, giving Sabine's ass a little squeeze.

They exited the cabin, and Becca slyly slipping the panties into a compartment next to the back bench before sitting down. They sat with Charley between them.

His eyes glued to their bare swaying tits as they came out of the cuddy cabin.

"Like what you see?" Sabine asked, her hand resting on his shoulder as she sat down. Becca's hand rested on his thigh.

"How could I not?"

Sabine pulled out her one hitter and lit it, taking in and blowing out a big puff of smoke. She tapped it out, and stuffed it again, passing it to Becca who did the same, then to Charley.

Sabine passed out beers and they cracked them.

"Charley, could you be a dear and drive us back to our spot. I think that's a good place to settle into for the night."

"Of course, love."

He flipped on the lights, as the sun was slowly disappearing over the horizon, casting an array of colors across the sky. He then throttled up, and began the journey.

Occasionally looking back, he could see Becca and Sabine's legs intertwined as they kissed and caressed each other, hair blowing in the wind, and it was quite the turn on.

As the boat approached the finger of the lake that led to the cove, he slowed the boat and crept along until reaching the cove. He dropped the anchor and turned off the boat.

Then he made his way toward the girls. They had stopped making out and separated, leaving a space in the middle for him, and giggled as they did. Patting the open space, Charley sat down.

Sabine started kissing him and thrusting her tongue into his mouth as Becca undid his shorts. She stood up and pulled them off his legs, Sabine still keeping his mouth preoccupied. Once they were off, she pulled his trunks down as well. His cock sprang up. Becca took a hold of it and gave it several gentle strokes. Pushing his legs apart, she knelt between them and took Charley's aching hard dick into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the head, Sabine continued kissing him, and teased his nipples. He moaned as Becca began bobbing on his cock. Sabine pulled back, and began watching Becca throat her boyfriend's member. She stroked her hair.

"You're doing so good, baby," she praised Becca.

"That feels so fucking good."

Becca let his cock flip out from her mouth, a string of precum hung from her lips. She stood up and kissed Charley, pushing the flavor into his mouth with her tongue.

She reached into the compartment and grabbed the panties as she sat down next to Charley. Beginning to stroke his dick again, she said," So Sabine told me how you like to be a little bitch and wear panties."

Charley blushed, and his cock twitched. A pool of precum forming at his slit. She squeezed and more leaked out.

"Oh, does that get you all wet, Charley?" Sabine began sucking his nipple. "You like prancing around like a little sissy for us to watch?" Becca continued.

Charley moaned, and Becca stopped stroking and pulled out the panties.

"Stand up and put these on!" Becca ordered, handing him the panties.

Charley stood up, and Sabine smiled big. He took the panties and slid them up his legs. He tucked his cock into them the best he could.

"Mmm, you're right Sabine, he does look awfully cute in those. You like being one of the girls, Charley?" She asked as flicked his dick through the fabric, making him jump a bit. "Turn around!" She demanded. He did and she grabbed his ass. "Wiggle it for me," she was having fun with this, "and now I want you to walk to the front of the boat and back and work that ass for me." He did. "Good girl," she said as he walked back up.

Sabine grabbed his cock and balls at the base and squeezed. "Aww, she gets all excited when Becca treats him like a little sissy," Becca laughed in response. "You like Becca telling you what to don't you?" She tightened her grip.

"Yesss," he gasped.

"Good girl. Now don't you think this is getting too hard. Don't want it to fire off to quick. I think you need to cool it off a little. Why don't you hop in the water for a second?"

Charley knew it'd feel cold with the sun disappearing and was about to protest, but as soon as he opened his mouth, she put her finger to it and shhhsssed him.

Then she pointed to the water.

Becca just smiled. She was glad she had chosen the white panties...

Charley, jumped in the water, "woooah, it's cold." His cock immediately losing it's size, and began shriveling up.

He's teeth began to chatter after a few minutes and his skin was covered in goose bumps.

"That should do," Sabine laughed, "I guess you can come back in. He climbed up shivering. She handed him a towel to dry himself some. When he was mostly dry other than his cold damp panties, she took the towel from him and cracked it across his ass, making him flinch.

Then she turned him around and examined his junk. The water pretty much may the panties see-through. His dick had shriveled down to a little dicklet, barely stretching the panties.

"Mmm, look at that little clit. That's more like it. What do you think Becca, can he be one of the girls now?" She asked as she pinched his little member through the panties.

Charley was still shivering a little, and keeping arms wrapped around his chest.

Becca reached over and felt his limp, puny crotch. "Well he definitely can't be one of the men right now, not with this," she gave a pouty little look, " I'll guess she'll have to be..."

"Well then." Sabine raised her eye brows at him. Then she stood up and walked towards the cabin. She silently beckoned for them to follow.

Charley followed, with Becca right behind him.

"Look at that cute little ass," Becca laughed and gave it a pinch.

Once inside Sabine looked at Charley, and pointed to the bench near the bed. Obediently he sat. Then she walked to Becca, wrapped one arm around her, grabbing her ass, and pulling her in for a kiss. She then grabbed the backs of her thighs and lifted her, pressing her against the door. Sabine began biting down her neck, Becca moaning one hand on the back of Sabine's head, and the other running her nails across her back. Becca cast a look at Charley as she gasped, then it turned into a devilish smile, right before Sabine worked her way back up to Becca's lips.

Charley was enthralled, but his body was still cold, and his dick practically hiding, turtling inward. His nipples felt like could cut through glass.

Sabine stepped back spun around, Charley noticing their abs flexed and against each other. Then she laid Becca back on the bed. She picked her up again slightly and shifted her further up, before removing her bikini bottoms and crawling up the bed. A small patch of shortly trimmed hair formed a "landing strip" above her pussy. She began kissing and licking her way up Becca's cute little legs. When she reached her pelvis, she let her face hover right above Becca's crotch and breathed hot air over it, stalling there for a moment and making her way up. She began kissing along her hips, her hands now sliding up Becca's stomach. She slowly kissed up to her bellybutton, her hands holding and gently squeezing Becca's chest. She slid up further now, taking Becca's nipple in her teeth and biting down a little, causing Becca to moan and squirm. She let off with her bite and began swirling her tongue around the nipple, often sucking on it for a moment, alternating between breasts occasionally.

"You are such a little fox,"Sabine said between breasts. She suckled for a second and then sat back, grabbing the bands of Becca's bikini bottom and lowering them slowly down her legs, lifting her legs and sliding them off her feet. She then set her legs down gently and tossed the bottoms at Charley. He noticed the wet spot along the crotch.

Sabine spit on her hand and rubbed it along her slit. Then she separated Becca's pussy lips with her fingers and spit down the center. Lifting one of Becca's legs, while sitting on the other, she brought hips forward, until their pussies kissed. And she began grinding herself against Becca.

"You have no idea how many times I've touched myself to the thought of doing this with you," Sabine said.

" no..idea...ooh, how many...times I'm going to touch myself...uhhh....thinking me," Becca moaned out.

"Ooh, fuck...oh fuck, you feel sooo good," Sabine growled and looked at her in the eyes, like an animal, hungry and deliberate.

Sabine pulled back, and crawled downward, letting Becca's leg rest, then brought her face back to Becca's now swollen pussy. She had a little extra cushion above her pussy, and was completely shaved. She ran her fingers around the edges of it, Becca moaning with aniticipation.

"You have such a beautiful vagina. I like how puffy and swollen you get. I think it's fucking hot," Sabine said looking up at Becca, then licked the lips of her slit, "Mmm. Charley, do you see how pretty her little hole is," she spread Becca with her fingers as she asked.

"It looks fucking amazing," Charley had warmed up some, and the panties now only mildly damp, his dick now chubbing against the fabric.

"That's right baby. You like watching your girlfriend eating such a nice little pussy?"

"Fuck yes."

Sabine began sucking on her labia, Becca grabbing her breasts and squeezing them into herself and moaning, "Mmm, fuck your..uhhhhh...girl suck on my pussy. Fuck yes!"

Sabine was now furiously lapping at and sucking at Becca's clit. She'd flutter her tongue over the head of Her clit, then flatten her tongue and work around the edges of it, slowly making the circles of her mouth's pass wider. She'd insert two fingers and match the rhythm of her mouth.

" ....goddddd, that fuckkng good...."

She then crawled up Becca and kissed her deeply. Sharing the flavor of Becca's moist cunt, while their hips ground into each other.

Sabine then rocked back, and stood up.

She walked over to Charley and grabbed him by the hair and pulled him into her box. He started kissing her around her pussy. She pulled harder on his hair driving his face harder into her pussy. "Fucking suck that clit. I want you to taste how wet I am from working on her tight little snatch."

He sucked furiously at her clit, her juices smearing all over his face and lips. She pulled his head back. "You like sucking that clit, you little bitch?"

"Mmmhmm," he responded.

"Good bitch." She said then slapped him across the cheek. She reached down and grabbed his dick, now tenting the panties, and pulled him by it guiding him to the bed.

She pushed him down on it. Looking at Becca, Sabine said,"Come here," and guided her by her hand to sit up.

"I want you like this, and guided her until her pussy was directly over Charley's face. "I want you to sit on his face and use him for your pleasure baby," Sabine said and gave her a kiss.

Becca lowered herself gently onto Charley's face, with her ass towards his forehead. Sabine sat on his stomach and made out with Becca.

Becca reached down, slipping her hand between Charley's stomach and Sabines cunt and began massaging in circular motions while holding her kiss. Her other hand, grabbing one her breasts and fondling it.

"Mmm, work that's all yours...," Sabine groaned in ecstasy. Becca continued relaxing putting more of her weight down on Charley, smothering him, as he diligently sucked at her pussy. He'd stick his tongue out as far as he could and plunge it into her, slowly pulling out as she ground against his mouth, then suck at her clit, and after lick all the way back to her opening and repeat.