Saint Ives Whelan Chronicles Ch. 06

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Getting together.
8.5k words

Part 6 of the 22 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/20/2010
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Here we are with the continuation of Nick and Fran. Many thanks go towards Jazcullen for proofreading and Asylumseeker for editing.

Saint Ives Whelan Chronicles: Dominic Saint Ives - Whelan

Chapter Six : Getting together.

Entering his bedroom, Nick was fast to walk up to his bed, the sheets still a mess from their earlier shenanigans. He looked down at the woman in his arms and he couldn't believe how lucky he was. Placing one knee on the bed he very gently put Fran down and laid next to her.

Amazed with how she reacted to his revelation he just held her, caressing her back tenderly, enjoying Fran's body cradled next to his. Knowing what he was going to do, he knew he had to explain a few things first. Smiling inwardly he got excited because he was going to have a temporary bond with her. He rolled on his back, taking Fran with him.

"Let me tell you first what would happen with a true mating," he started. "We have to make love twice and have to prove dominance over each other and mark one another. Both times I have to be locked with you for it to stay, the mark that is."

"What you mean with locked?" Fran asked.

"When any kind of canine breeds they form a knot at the base of their penis. It's to make sure they impregnate the female. For us wolves it works more or less the same, only we have a little bit more control over it, unless our mate is in heat," he explained, "When we truly mate I can smell when you're in heat, your cycle will change a bit, female wolves go into heat about three, four times a year."

"Three, four times, I can live with that," she grinned.

"Don't laugh so fast, if I knot you during those times you'll be pregnant, you can be hundred procent sure of that," he stated.

"Ooh," was her single reply to that.

"Yes, ooh. I don't mind having a few little pups of my own, but I'll leave it up to you. Anyways I'll continue. For a true mating to happen I have to make love to you and once I'm knotted I have to wait until we're both cuming, then I have to bite you, right here," he told her, then trailed one finger in the crook of her neck.

"Normally a scar like that would heal instantly for a werewolf, but only during a mating the scarring stays as proof of the bond," he continued, "After the initial bite, we'll have to do it all again, only this time you'll have to prove your dominance over me and bite me at the same spot, marking me as yours."

"How do you expect me to bite you? I don't have canines like you have," she pointed out.

"That's the small difference. A single bite will turn a human, the initial change happening rather fast. After I mark you, you'll need to rest for a bit, to let the change happen. It doesn't hurt, but you'll notice your senses becoming sharper and you'll feel the mating instinct a lot stronger. You'll feel the presence of your wolf once the initial change is done," he explained further.

"Will I be able to change straight away, like you did today?" she asked.

"Not immediately no, you'll have to wait till the next full moon before you'll be able to make a full transformation. After that you'll be able to change at will. When we're mating your primal instinct will help you when you have to mark me, you don't need a full change for that," he answered.

"Ok, think I get it, sounds a bit complicated, but I understand," she chuckled lightly. "Basically we make love two times, first time you bite me and second time I have to bite you when we're locked together."

"If you want the short version, yeah, that about sums it up," Nick agreed[,] "Once we're bonded we'll get a mental link as well. We'll always be in touch, no matter where the other is."

Straddling his hips, Fran sat up straight, tipping her head to one side and taking in the man trapped under her. Still overwhelmed by the events, she was surprised that despite everything she felt completely relaxed with Nick. Just being with him soothed her, even now knowing what he really was.

When he first transformed right in front of her she was shocked and perplexed. But he said he would never hurt her and he didn't, only making her feelings grow. Taking in the view in front of her Fran noticed Nick was studying her face intensely, as if he was trying to read her mind.

"Can you always read someone else mind?" she asked.

Nick lifted one eyebrow, his hands traveling up and down her legs.

"I never said I could read minds, I wish I could, like right now would be such a time," he answered, a mischievous grin appearing on his face. "What I meant was, after we're mated, we'll be linked, we'll feel each other's emotions, we will be able to exchange thoughts. That is only possible between mates. Only because I am an Alpha I can link to others when needed, but it's not a permanent thing. My link with you would be."

Traveling over his muscular chest with her fingers, she locked their eyes together.

"I bet you would want to know what I'm thinking right now," she teased, wiggling over his groin.

Grabbing her waist, he stilled her movements. Nick could feel his desire growing already.

"There is a way how I can let you experience part of a bonding, it will temporarily heighten your senses and you'll pick up part of the emotions, but there won't be a mental link," he told.

"So when you bite me I'll feel only a part of it?"

"No no, it doesn't work like that, remember, I said a single bite will turn you, there are no exceptions for that. The way for you to feel something similar means you'll have to take a bit of my blood." Watching her intensely, he saw her wrinkle up her nose. "Only a few drops will do, honey, and it will only last for an hour or two."

"Phew, for a moment I thought it would be something more severe, but I'm sure I can handle a couple of drops of blood." She relaxed again.

"Are you sure? I understand if you don't. I just want to show you as much as I can without making things permanent, I want you to be hundred percent sure," he wanted to make sure.

"Honestly I'm being so overwhelmed, I'm trying to give everything a place. For you these things seem normal, but they aren't to me," she started second guessing herself again.

"Fran, sweetheart, I know this is all a lot to take in and I won't hold it against you if you need a bit of time to adjust to all these new things." Pulling her down, he hugged her tenderly, his face buried in the crook of her neck. "I know I said I needed to show you what I felt, but the last thing I want is you getting scared or overwhelmed."

Nick turned them on their sides and cupped her face and studied it.

"I can see you aren't frightened but you got more questions. Why don't we take a quick nap and continue this conversation later? You can ask me anything you want to know and then we'll go from there," he offered her.

"Think I'd like that, Nick," she accepted, her body relaxing against his, the excited rush leaving her body.

Nick reached for the sheets and covered them, then he cuddled up again and held Fran tenderly.

Inwardly he was cursing himself, he had pushed her, he should have went slower. But the joy he felt that she was accepting him for what he was clouded his mind. His thoughts were going into overdrive, replaying the events of that morning. Nick realized he shouldn't have tried to let her go along, he was glad that for once her insecurity reared its ugly head.

Fran relaxed against Nick's chest, her mind whirling around like a hurricane. She didn't feel pressured but she was glad Nick picked up her feelings to slow things down. She nestled herself closer to him after he had covered them with one of the tousled sheets on his bed.

Closing her eyes she breathed in his scent, wondering how it would be to feel what he felt, to be able to react on a single thought. She liked the idea. Letting their conversation pass again her focus started to slip and she drifted off to sleep.

She saw Nick sitting in the grass behind the mansion, his arms reached out. Following his look she saw a little boy, barely able to stand, wobble towards Nick's open arms. The little toddler looked like an exact replica of the man sitting down.

"Come on, Thomas, you can do it, Daddy's big boy can do this, only a few more steps," she heard him coax the little kid.

Seeing the toddler slowly and shakily making his way over, she could see the big smile across the beaming face, his big eyes focused on Nick, his daddy. Once the boy had reached the open arms, Nick lifted up his son and carefully lifted him up high then spinning them both around.

"You did it! You make Daddy so proud," she heard Nick say. "Come my little warrior, we'll have to go tell Mommy you took your first steps. I'm sure she'll be proud as well."

Watching him come up to her, she didn't know what to do, looking around quickly she noticed she was in his living room, but she picked up a few changes. Toys scattered all over the floor, a doll house placed in one corner of the room.

Coming up to her, he had the boy placed on one hip. He reached for her twin image, she only just noticed standing right next to her, with his free arm, nuzzling her neck.

"Hi, Mommy, did you see what this little warrior just did? He made his few tentative steps and he didn't fall once," he told her with much pride in his voice.

Not sure what to do, she decided to follow them. She listened to the easy conversation between what could be nothing else then her dream Nick and dream Fran and their dream family. She heard a car stop in front of the house, a door opening and closing and then someone running along the corridor.

"DADDY! You're home," she heard a girl screaming, then throwing herself at Nick, who quickly handed over the boy to Fran.

"Easy does it, you little vixen," he laughed, picking up the girl and twirling her around. Hugging her tightly he then planted a tender kiss on top of the little girl's head. "So how was school today, Sheridan?" he asked the girl who was a younger version of her mother, in looks and in spirit.

"It went fine, but uncle Merlin is being grumpy. I think auntie Lis is mad at him again," the little girl told him. "He kept mumbling the word 'hormones' all day long."

Nick looked at Fran.

"Could she be pregnant, again?" he mentally asked her.

"I don't know, I haven't spoken to her this week. She was fine the last time I saw her. She had dropped Dave off with her parents and she had the twins with her. I'm sure we'll know soon enough if it should be so. She'll need all the support we can give her then, well not really support, more like a catering service," she mentally replied to Nick.

Looking down on their daughter, Fran told her that things would be fine.

Nick and Fran started to walk out of the room, the little girl hopping in front of them. She wanted to follow them but the view started to blur then fade dark.

Her eyes shot open in surprise, she tried sitting up, but she was held back by two arms holding her down tightly against a warm chest. Taking in the strange room, she realized again where she was, relaxing back in the iron embrace Nick had her in.

Letting out a deep sigh, she tried to remember the dream she just had.

"What is it, sweetheart?" Nick asked, gently maneuvering her around so they were facing each other.

"Just a dream, it's fine, I'm fine. Just spooked myself waking up," she explained.

"It must have been something."

"Hmmm, I'm trying to remember it, I know it was about us, I was standing in the living room, watching outside," she started telling, propping herself up on his chest. "You were sitting out there in the garden, a little boy running up to you. Once inside, the elder sister came home from school. She said something that auntie Lis was mad at uncle Merlin and that because of that he was grumpy at school."

"It seems you had a prophecy dream," he told her, "Sometimes when future mates spend time together it can happen that either one has some kind of dream, showing their future. They don't occur that often, so they're cherished. Each dream we know of always turned out to be true." He was a bit surprised as well, those kinds of dreams were very rare, but they were never wrong. Suddenly he burst out laughing, making Fran look at him curiously.

"What is the inside joke? Care to let me in on it?" she asked, playfully poking him in the chest.

It took him a few moments to tone down his laughing but then he explained to her.

"As I just told you, the dream you had was a prophecy dream, they're very rare, but they always tell you the truth. I'm happy to hear we'll have two children one day, but what got to me was Merlin. He swore he would never fall for a woman again, but it seems Lis will prove to be his downfall," he explained. "I can't wait to see that happen," he chuckled lightly.

"Merlin as in the old wise Merlin you mentioned before?"

"The one and only," he replied.

"It seems I still have a lot to learn," she said, shaking her head, a smile on her face.

"Give it time and it will be all fine. But tell me this, you remember more about the kids?" he inquired.

"The boy was still a toddler, taking his first steps, you called him Thomas, he looked like a younger version of you. The girl came waltzing in like a whirlwind, she looked a lot like me, she seemed to be six or so, Sheridan was her name. She practically leaped on you from across the room, happy you were home. You asked her about her day at school, that's when she told about Lis and Merlin," she narrated her dream. "They started walking out of the room, I wanted to follow but everything turned black. I guess I woke up at that time, feeling a bit weird."

"Sheridan and Thomas," he let the names roll off his tongue, "they're nice names. A girl and a boy." Letting out a contented sigh, he hugged Fran close. "Thank you."

"Thank you, what for?" she asked.

"Thank you for the two wonderful kids you'll bring into this world someday. My deepest desire was finding my mate, second on the list was having kids, your dream just reassured me I will get those things," he confessed.

"So you're going from workaholic to family man just like that?"

"Things won't be easy, honey, I'll be honest about that. I'm not just Alpha to my own pack, I have more responsibilities. I'm also head of all the packs in this part of the world, which means when there are meetings I may have to travel from time to time. But I don't want to bombard you with all that right now, we have other things to focus on," he mischievously winked.

"Do we now?" she replied rather plainly, feigning disinterest in everything.

"Oh yes we do, knowing we'll have kids, just makes me want to take you for a practice run," he told her, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh really? You know it takes two to tango, maybe I'm not up for it," she said, pretending to get up.

Before she knew it Nick had her trapped under him, his legs pinning hers to the bed, her arms held together above her head.

"Lesson one: never make a wolf chase his mate, we only want you even more if you do, my sweet," he whispered.

Looking down he could see the sparks in her eyes and her feeble attempts not to burst out in laughter, traveling south he could see her hardening nipples. Letting out a small appreciative growl, he dropped his head to the top of the t-shirt he gave her earlier and ripped the top. Bringing one hand down he tore open the rest of the shirt and peeled it open, revealing her two pink nubs.

"Nick," she gasped, "was that really necessary?"

"Lesson two: no clothes in my bed, I'll only shred them lovingly to have access to your gorgeous body," he stated, dipping his head and taking one nipple in his mouth and flicking it with his tongue.

The things he did with his tongue got her wet in no time and she kept wiggling under him, wanting more. When he came up she expected him to roughly kiss her, but instead he very tenderly brushed her lips, following the outlines before he covered them completely. Giving him access, their tongues touched and caressed each other, slow at first, their battle becoming more heated by the second.

They had to part to take in some precious air and Nick gave her a serious look.

"Do you want me to show you now?" he asked.

She knew right away what he was referring to and nodded affirmatively, she was sure, she already had her mind made up about that.

He braced himself on one arm and brought the other one up. Fran saw he had dropped his canines and he nipped his thumb with one of them, then they immediately disappeared again.

"A few drops are enough," he stated, bringing his thumb up to her mouth.

Opening her mouth, she sucked in his thumb, her tongue twirling around it in a seductive way. Each time she crossed the tip she could taste the coppery flavor of his blood. A few seconds later he removed his thumb, to give it a lick of his own, sealing the wound he had created.

"It only takes a few minutes, then you'll notice your senses being more accurate," he explained.

Closing her eyes, she waited for the effects to occur and true to his words she started to hear her own heartbeat. Somewhere nearby she could hear another beating sound going faster than her own. Reaching out, she placed her hand on his chest and it felt as if his heart was just hammering away just under the skin. She felt her desire grow tenfold, her eyes shot open at that sensation. A feeling of pure joy coming together with the desire she felt.

She could see the smile on his lips reaching his eyes, so she gathered she was picking up his emotions already.

"Are you ok?" Nick asked.

"I'm fine. This feeling, it's so ..." she hesitated, "I can't put words on it, but I'm sure I'm feeling yours, I can hear your heartbeat so loud and clear. It's amazing!"

She started to explore his chest again, feeling every light tremble he emanated. When she dipped her hand in his sweatpants and cupped his ass, she felt her emotions growing again. It wasn't the only thing growing, she noticed, when he pressed his groin snuggly between her thighs.

Lifting her head, she went for his neck, nibbling, licking and kissing him. He tasted so divine and his smell was just intoxicating. It made her feel like she wanted to jump him and ride him all day long. She could feel his chest shaking and she looked up.

"Honey, now you feel what I've been like since I sensed you that Friday night," he revealed.

"Is it like this ALL the time?" she asked in wonder.

"No, it depends on what we're doing, it goes along with our emotions. It won't stay so intense forever, but it will take some time to temper those feelings. I'm all for getting rid of them with some intense physical exercises till we're totally burned out," he replied.

He felt her passion flare up and he went back to his earlier ministrations, only now he cupped her breast first, squeezing it firmly, pointing her nipple upwards, making it easier for him to torment the little hard nub. Slowly he drew circles around it with his tongue, when he reached the tip he sucked it in his warm mouth.

Doing the same to her other nipple, had her writhing with pleasure. She could feel little butterflies throughout her entire body. Lacing her hands through his hair she held him close, but it wasn't for long when just his licking and sucking wasn't enough and her hips started to move against his groin, feeling his hard flesh rub against her covered pussy.

Nick released her nipple and let out a soft growl. Feeling the urgency of her desire, he scooted down and removed the shorts he'd given her earlier and dove in straight away. Her hands hadn't left his head and he felt her grip him tighter. Not wanting to waste time, he gently parted her labia and licked her from her clit all the way down and up again, staying around her clit.

Her scent was driving him mad with lust and he wanted to taste her, he wanted her sweet honey dripping from her moist center. Sucking her clit, he inserted one finger first and went for her tender spot, which he found after a few exploring strokes. Placing his other hand on her stomach, he immobilized her.