Sally's Trip to the Theater

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A sequel to a story by Just Plain Bob.
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The following is a sequel to a story by Just Plain Bob titled 'Sally's Trip to the Theater'. There's no prologue and no introduction. You have to find JPB's story and read that first. It's right here on Literotica so that shouldn't be a problem. My sequel picks up immediately where his leaves off.

I got JPB's permission to do this. I only hope he doesn't get too pissed about what I've written here. When you've finished at the end you'll find my reasons for the way I ended his story.


Sally's Trip to the Theater, Part Two.

By carvohi with Bob's permission.

Yeah, I decided Sally was history I just didn't know how to make it happen yet. Well I had couple days off; I'd start to figure all that it out in the morning. I crawled under the covers and decided to pretend to be asleep when she came in.

No sooner had my head hit the pillow then I heard the front door slam. I heard Sally tromp loudly up the stairs. I guessed the pretending to be asleep wasn't going to happen.

Sally trounced in the bedroom, turned on the overhead light and trundled straight to her side of the bed, "Don't pretend to be asleep. I saw you at the window."

I rolled over. There was a lot I wanted to say, but getting into a knock down drag out fight had never been my style not with Sally, so I answered, "Was that the guy Sam you went to the play with?"

Sally, arms akimbo sneered back at me, "Sure was. We saw the play, and then he fucked the living shit out of me. I even gave him my ass. He loved it."

I felt a little like laughing, and would have too if I hadn't seen them. Sally was never very good at the sneer thing; it just wasn't in her, and the ass thing, that was a joke. Sally's ass was the size of a dime; if he'd gotten her there she sure wouldn't be walking much. I knew that was bullshit.

I sat there in the bed and stared at her for maybe six or seven seconds; that's all it took to get through what crossed my mind. Sally and I had only done the anal thing one time in all our married life, but she cried so much I stopped. She said it hurt too much so I'd stopped pushing in. I never did get very far. And Christ, afterward even then she limped around like a cripple for a week.

I sat further up in the bed. Sally was really working on her 'meaningful glare'; that was another thing for which she had no aptitude.

I stared at her for a couple more seconds. I wanted to climb out of bed and wipe that smug smile off her face; what she needed was a good spanking, but I wasn't the type to ever hit a woman, especially as one as little as her.

Shit for most of our married years I'd felt guilty just yelling at her. She'd had it kind of tough growing up. She was the oldest of six, her dad was a bum and so her mom had to take a job outside the house; that left Sally with all the housework, all the cooking, cleaning, and babysitting and stuff. I sort of thought when we got married I was rescuing her. I think she thought so too.

For most of our marriage Sally had been the subservient little mouse. I mean if I just stared at her she'd get all flustered; most times she wouldn't even be able to complete her sentences. It'd only been in the last few months that Sally had become something of a bitch. Well let's say she tried; she wasn't very good at it. I wondered what was wrong. I never thought she might have been cheating on me, but now, what with this guy Sam that changed.

I faked a yawn and replied, "He must have a little pecker if you liked it..."

She interrupted me, "Sam has a great pecker! He's a lot bigger than you," I watched her as she hesitated. I could see she was trying to summon up some courage before she said what she was thinking. Then she blurted out, "You're a needle peter!"

Wow; that was a new one for her. I wondered where she picked it up. It should have pissed me off, but coming from her it sounded childish and silly. I felt like laughing but held it in. I smiled, "Look tomorrow's a busy day..."

She cut me off again, "What going to play Galahad and save the company again?"

I must have pursed my lips because her smile broadened. I answered, "Maybe; I just know I have a lot to do tomorrow." Of course I had the next few days off, but I wasn't about to tell her. I knew I'd be busy; just not with the office. I'd be busy making history.

She growled, "You don't care that I fucked Sam?"

Shit, I thought, another inane remark; if she was going to use profanity she ought to at least try to make it work, but coming from her it just sounded juvenile. I didn't take the bait; no sir I decided, no fights tonight, not if I could help it. I asked, "How was the play?"

Her demeanor changed, and I got a look at the woman I knew. Her voiced softened; it lost the phony, nonsensical, stridency, "It was good. You'd have liked it...look John..."

I interrupted her, "Good night Sally. Like I said I have a busy day tomorrow," I rolled back over and closed my eyes.

She squeaked, "I hate you John."

Well, I thought; she's trying to get to me again. I heard her as she went to the bathroom. I kept my eyes closed. I wrapped my head in my pillow and thought I'd try to get to sleep, but even through the pillow I heard the shower running. I figured she deliberately left the bathroom door open. A few minutes later she came back and crawled in bed beside me. She lay on her side facing the bedroom door. I lay on my side and faced toward the window. This was how we pouted.

I don't think either of us slept a wink all night. Once or twice I felt her fingertips as she pressed her hand back against the back of my thighs. Customarily this was supposed to be when I'd roll back over, wrap my arms around her, start kissing the back of her neck, and start whispering endearments in her ear. This time I didn't. I wanted to. I still loved her, but my mind's eye kept seeing her head bobbing up and down in the car. Oh did that piss me off!


I awakened early. I guess I did get to sleep after all. I climbed out of bed, slipped on a Tee shirt, no drawers, I decided to let my wang hang free, and started for the door. I glanced over at the bed. Sally was awake and she was looking at me. I knew she was checking me out. Yeah, I thought, needle peter my ass. I turned and went on downstairs. I got to the kitchen, put the coffee on, and trudged back up to our bedroom. Though I was off I decided to follow my normal 'workday' routine. I showered, shaved, brushed my teeth, went back in the bedroom and dressed for work. By then Sally was up and sitting on the side of the bed. I kept getting ready.

Sally, hands pressed against the bed on either side of her hips murmured, "John I..."

I didn't look at her while I tied my tie and started for the door, "Can't talk...busy day, more dragons you know, got to save the company." Out of the corner of my eye I saw her looking at me. She was trying desperately to affect a smirk. That didn't work either; I mean imagine being growled at by a puppy. She didn't get up, and try as she might she just couldn't pull the 'bitch' thing off.

She spread her legs and showed me her crotch, "Want some?"

Gee, I thought, another first! I grinned, "Hell no, after what I saw I bet you've got the clap."

As I left the bedroom Sally shouted, or more accurately yelped at me, "Cuckold!"

Now that got me, I know I winced, but I pretended not to hear. I clambered on down the steps, climbed in my Lexus and drove away. As I drove I pulled out my cell and called Jerry Malone. Malone was our family lawyer. He handled most of our legal work such as it was. Malone and I weren't really friends; friendly would have been a better word. I called and left a message that I'd like to see him about finding a divorce lawyer. Then I went on over to the nearest IHOP to get some breakfast.

While I ate my fried eggs over medium and biscuit I reflected on my nearly dead marriage. Now I'm not a crier, but this was getting to me. Shit she knew how I felt about fidelity. I thought we'd agreed on that. Up till the other day I thought we'd had a pretty good marriage. I know I'd been good to her. I got her away from a horrid home life, I'd helped her get into college and get her A.A. I even helped her find a decent job at a local company. She only worked part-time and didn't make a lot of money, but her college and her new career had given her a sense of real accomplishment she hadn't had. Hell, until the other day I'd been damn proud of her. The more I thought about what she'd done the more it hurt, and the angrier I got. Damn, she said cuckold, now that hurt.


For Christ's sake Sally was no raving beauty. She was just someone's typical mousy little nobody. I don't even know why I took a shine to her. I mean I had my choice of some prime stock. She just looked so vulnerable when I met her. We'd met at a local public library back in Pennsylvania. I was looking for a copy of something about the Persian Wars. I'd already read Herodotus. I was looking for something that might throw a little critique in old Herodotus's direction when I first came across her.

She was piling up a little heap of romance stuff. Some of it I saw was old books my mom used to read. I recognized some of the names; names like Kathleen Woodiwiss and Rosemary Rogers. That was some pretty old stuff. I'd read a few when I was in high school. Don't ask me why; I just did that kind of shit. I even read 'Little Women'. I remember my dad thought it was funny that I'd read 'Little Women', but then a couple days later I caught him reading it too.

I waited till 9:00 a.m. before driving over to Malone's. I went in and saw his secretary. She said he'd see me, but just for a few minutes. She ushered me into his office.

Jerry got up and held out his hand as I walked in, "John, come on in. I can't talk long, but I did get your cell message. Divorce is it?"

"Yeah, it looks like Sally and I are on the way out."

"Too bad," Jerry replied, "You know I don't do domestic work, but I have a colleague who might be able to help, names Fred Mertz. In fact I already called him. He said he didn't need to be anywhere until after lunch. His office is down the hall."

I heard the name Fred Mertz and thought shit 'I Love Lucy'. What kind of lawyer would have a name like that? I stood as Jerry stood.

Jerry said, "Let me walk you to his office."

Jerry left me at Fred's door. I knocked and went in. I took one look at the man and thought, Jesus, it is Fred Mertz!

Mr. Mertz got up and walked around his desk toward me. I guess he understood the expression on my face because he said, "I get that all the time. Believe me it's actually good for business. Jerry says you're looking for a divorce lawyer," He took my arm and walked me over to two chairs. We both sat down, "Tell me about it."

I spent the next few minutes explaining to Fred what had happened, how I felt, and what I thought I wanted. While I talked he asked if I had a picture of Sally. I got one out of my wallet and handed it to him. When I finished he started in.

"John," he said, "let me tell you how things work around here. We're in Colorado. Beautiful state, but the divorce laws don't always match the beauty. We're not precisely a 'no fault' state; more along the lines of a 'fair distribution' state," he handed me Sally's picture back, "She looks like a nice girl, pretty girl, but John let's face it, she's no Mila Kunis."

I asked, "What's that supposed to mean," I guess even though I was furious with her for what she did she was still my wife.

Fred smiled, "You ask for a divorce and you'll probably get it, but let me tell you what it will cost you."

I was a little pissed at his attitude and I think he caught it, still I asked, "What do you mean?"

Fred went into me then, "Let's see you're what thirty-two, Sally's thirty-one. You've got light brown almost blond hair, blue eyes, I'd say 33 inch waist, broad shoulders. You're what 6'2", 6'3"?"

"I'm 6'2"," I answered, "So what?"

"Well look here Sally's maybe 5'3" in that picture and she's wearing some kind of stacked heel. She's got dark brown hair, brown eyes. She's little. You earn over $80,000.00, she gets what $18,000.00?"

I replied, "That's about right. So what? What's all this got to do with anything?"

Fred smiled, "Come John, you're considered quite young. Sally, well Sally's over thirty, and she's not what most men would call a looker. You could collect a stable of likely babes. What's Sally got to look forward to? Not much I'd say. Gee John, you're rich, you have a great future with a good company. You have looks. You have everything. What's Sally got? She's got you. You say she cheated on you. You got any proof? You don't think she's going to stand up say yes I cheated? Even if she did; look where she works. Those people there have a small privately owned company; it's run by some deeply religious people. You know they've got some kind of morals clause..."

I interrupted, "Good, then I'll get her fired and get her lover fired too!"

Fred smiled again, "Calm down John. You get her fired; then what. Then she's got nothing, only you."

Damn it I knew some things Fred didn't. For one I knew if some judge asked her if she cheated she'd tell the truth, but he was right about the other things. I saw where Fred was headed, and it was pissing me off.

Fred went on, "John you'll go to court in a $1,000.00 suit, wearing a $200.00 tie, and $400.00 Italian shoes. You'll look like a god. Sally will show up, and she'll look small and weak; she'll look like a lamb to the slaughter. The judge, and it won't matter, man or woman, they'll see a young upwardly mobile narcissist trying to dump his poor frumpy but loving wife."

I couldn't hold it in another second, "She's not frumpy. She's pretty. She could get any guy she wants. Man, this is such bullshit."

Fred chuckled, "You're right about that; it is bullshit, and believe me John if Sally gets a halfway decent lawyer it'll be you in the shit. If you win, you'll lose. Say she loses her job; what happens to her alimony, the payments you'll make. John I'll be glad to take your case. I'll take your money. I'm $250.00 an hour by the way, but in the end you'll be shit out of luck, completely shit out of luck."

"So you're saying just go home. Pretend nothing happened. Just be the big cuckold."

"No I didn't say that. Sure go home, but pack up a few things. Get a place closer to work. Move out, but don't stay out. Go back home every few days. Cut the grass. Paint the kitchen. Pay the mortgage. Be the husband. Just don't hang around. Take your time. See what she does."

I replied, "Fred I've always taken care of things, you know..."

He responded, "John you came in looking for a divorce. Don't tell me you take care of everything, and she's this helpless child. She not some kid; she's thirty one."

"Yeah, but when I found her she was still living at home. She doesn't..."

He finished my sentence, "Have any experience. Maybe that's what she needs."

I thought about that. I scratched my chin, "What about the other bills?"

Fred smiled broadly, "This is all off the record you know."

I smiled and leaned forward, "Yeah?"

"Go home. Be the faithful husband. Like I said, pay the mortgage. You said you have one saving's account and one checking account. Clean them out, but leave enough in the checking so she can buy groceries."

I remarked, "But if I took her off everything she probably wouldn't have any credit. That wouldn't be..."

He stopped me again, "What, you mean fair? So what; what's not fair? She cheated on you didn't she?"

I nodded.

"OK then. Let her face a few problems. Give her the chance to see some of the consequences."

I got up and held out my hand, "I think I get it. Thanks Fred."

Fred stood up and took my hand.

I asked, "What about today's bill."

Fred replied, "We'll mail you; oh and by the way don't open it. Let your wife see it. If she's as helpless as you think it'll terrify her."

I smiled one last time and left his office. My next stop was the bank.

I spent the next few hours taking care of business. I closed our savings account and opened a new one in just my name. I emptied our checking down to $100.00 and took my name off it. Her car insurance was on my policy so I called and had her dropped and her car removed too. I paid off and closed our two credit cards, and opened two new ones in just my name. By the time I finished the only things that were still jointly shared was the mortgage, the Gas and Electric bill, and our health insurance.

When I got home Sally was there. I usually got home after she did so there was nothing unusual about that. She was in the kitchen when I walked in the front door. I smelled something good; it smelled like homemade lasagna, one of my favorites. It broke my heart. I realized Sally certainly hadn't tried her credit cards, and of course if she'd written a check to cover the ingredients for the lasagna she wouldn't have known the checking was down so low.

Sally must have heard me come in, "John is that you?"

I answered, "Yes."

"I called you on your cell. You didn't answer."

I ignored her. I hadn't answered because I'd thrown my cell in the trunk of my car. I'd bought a new cell phone with an entirely new package.

"Dinner's almost ready. I'll..."

I continued to ignore her as I ran upstairs. I decided not to wait around. I didn't want to talk to her. I just didn't feel like getting into it right then. I guessed the lasagna was supposed to be some kind of peace offering. Well it wasn't going to work that way. I went in the bedroom, pulled down an overnight bag and started packing a few things. I took just one casual outfit, one suit, my shave creams, tooth brush, and a few other cosmetics.

I was coming down the steps when she stepped through the dining room to the foyer. She had an unopened bottle of beer in her hand, "Dinner's almost ready," she held up the beer, "I thought..."

I kept walking, "Nope, can't stay."

Sally followed me as I walked out the front door, "John I've fixed..."

I glanced back, "No can do," I kept walking toward my car.

Sally followed me out, "John I..."

I looked back very briefly, "Smells good though." I turned and kept walking. I know she said something more, but I didn't catch it. God I wanted to forgive her, but then I remembered her in that guy's car. Shit, I wanted some of that lasagna too. The kid can cook!

I threw my bag across the seat, climbed in my car, closed the door, and backed down the drive. I watched her as she stood there holding a beer in her left hand. She had an apron on, and she was tugging at it with her right hand. She had one hell of a forlorn look; all white and unhappy, hair a little mussed. As I backed away I thought about what Mertz had said. Yeah he was right. She was a mousy little thing, just a vulnerable helpless not very pretty little nobody. God I felt terrible. Fuck! Why'd she do what she did?


I drove all over town until I found a place that looked like it might have the kind of apartment I was after. I pulled up and went in, but no one was in the office. They were closed. I noted the office number and address, and went back to my car. OK. I'd get a motel room for the rest of the week and weekend. I drove around and found a good motel, and got a room for a few nights. The place I picked was a little northwest of Denver.

I picked a place to the northwest because I'd made a down payment on a nice six acre lot just outside Boulder. Sally didn't know about it. Her birthday was coming up and I thought I'd surprise her. We'd planned on starting a family soon. The area I'd kind of settled on had terrific schools, almost no crime, and it was in one of the most scenic places in the region, I mean scenic even by Denver standards.