Salon Surprise

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Marissa gets her hair braided and her pussy pounded!
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A torrential downpour fell in sheets throughout that windless afternoon, dancing on the pavement and splashing in the grassy puddles. Marissa darted from her car and rushed towards Flaviana's hair salon, holding a plastic grocery bag above her head in defense against the pelting rain. I watched from fifty meters away, sheltered from the downpour as I huddled against a dilapidated carport. The summer storms were arriving like clockwork now, bringing an extra dose of humidity to this sweltering Caribbean hamlet. I brushed the mixture of sweat and rain off my forehead, while a rush of anxious excitement pulsed through my veins. Glancing back, I noticed Marissa's afro bobbing back and forth as she dodged brown puddles on the gravel driveway and entered the salon. It was 3:00 p.m., and Marissa was right on time.

Flaviana and Marissa had been school mates decades ago. The two stayed close through marriages, kids and the daily struggle to stay strong and independent in this small island community. Flaviana's thick body was usually adorned with a bright floral dress that started just above her voluptuous and full breasts and stopped mid-thigh. Her life plans had changed many times over the years, but she still had that spark that would catch any man's eye. She'd also become the local expert on braiding and plaiting, which kept her fingers in Marissa's hair every six weeks.

As Marissa opened the screen door and entered the salon, she was greeted by Flaviana's welcoming smile and familiar pat on the back of a red, thickly cushioned chair. The two have become so close that they know each other's every story, experience, success and heartache. Today they'd experience something entirely new and something that they'd talk about for years to come.

The prior week, I'd stepped into Flaviana's salon myself, after the last customer of the day had left and seconds before the "Closed" sign was hung from a suction cupped hook on the window. I smiled, partially easing the tinge of uneasiness on Flaviana's face.

"Hi, my name is Jon . . . a friend of Marissa, a regular customer of yours. I believe the two of you are friends and I'm pretty certain she's mentioned me." I paused for effect and to see if her reaction would confirm my assumption.

"Uh huh," was all she offered, failing to disguise the suspicion in her voice.

"I'd like to do something special for Marissa during her next appointment, kind of a birthday surprise and I could use your help." I pulled a thick stack of cash from my pocket, the amount of which wasn't certain to her, but it was thick enough to keep her interest.

"I'd like to pay for Marissa's hairstyle, and ask that you keep the salon closed to anyone else during that time. Best that no one else be here, it's a private party. I'll stop by to visit during her appointment, with a special surprise for her. This money should make the effort worth your while." I watched as she did some quick math, and the thousand dollars seemed to strip away another layer of suspicion.

"And there's a similar amount for you if you make sure to keep this our little secret."

"Uhhh, exactly what kind of surprise do you have in mind . . . Jon?"

I smiled in that universal way that sends the unmistakable message, "Well if I told you, we'd both be a little embarrassed, but trust me, neither of us will regret it."

Before she could reply, I handed Flaviana a sealed greeting card and the wad of cash.

"After you start on Marissa's braids, please hand her this card. No need to explain anything to her, the card will provide all the details," I instructed. I smiled, winked, and was out the door.

Behind me, Flaviana's suspicions were replaced with plans for a new chair and A/C unit for the salon. Interesting how money can put one's mind at ease.

Now that the appointed time had arrived, I could feel an extra pulse of adrenaline coursing through my veins. I stepped away from the carport and jogged over to the salon. I could feel the warm rain splashing up my ankles, but there were more important things on my mind. When I was within view of Marissa, I could tell that she was reading the card. Her eyes were big and bright and a delicious smile exposed her perfect white teeth.

Inside the card was the following hand-written poem:

Succulent, juicy, sweet and spicy

Flavor and aroma lingers, impossible to ignore

Sanity says, wean off, but logic has vanished

The draw, the pull is beyond my power to control

Unquenchable thirst fills my days and nights

One more drink, one more swallow will be enough

But as her warmth fills my chest, quickens my loins

I crave more, I demand more

Searching constantly, I need her more than breath

The image of a recent taste fills my mind

Anxious intensity all too familiar

I relive the sight, the sound of her

Pressing my memory for vivid details

Eager to savor the rush, the buzz

Then she appears, and I'm home again

Captivated by her enchanting eyes

Weakened by the curve of her lips

I drink her up in big, sloppy gulps

As her deliciousness trickles down my throat

I hope you're as eager as I am . . . see you very soon!!

I paused at the screen door, creating a dramatic moment of surprise. Marissa was shocked to see me, assuming that I was miles away. The slight squeal of the screen door returned as I walked into the salon. Without saying a word, I closed all the blinds. Marissa stared in wonder, Flaviana smiled with anticipation. Flaviana continued to prep Marissa's hair, confessing that she was an accomplice to this real life fantasy.

Maybe it was the heat, maybe the humidity, but Marissa could feel the wetness between her legs pool up and seep into her red laced thong.

Kicking off my sandals and removing my t-shirt, I began to give a few clues of what might happen. Staring into Marissa's eyes, I walked slowly towards her and knelt down at her feet.

"What exactly do you think you're doing, Jon!" said Marissa. She wasn't fooling either of us though. Flaviana and I knew that Marissa was loving every bit of this. She laughed, which seemed to be her attempt at pronouncing that she was in control, but I knew different. Marissa was nervous as her two worlds collided, afraid that someone might see this rendezvous unfold and unsure if Flaviana would truly keep this a secret.

Regardless, her thick nipples were rock hard, her pussy was slimy and hot, and she needed a good, hard fuck. The social ramifications would have to wait.

There would be no more words, no explanations. The next few acts in this play would just have to be experienced. My hands carefully glided up Marissa's ankles, my fingertips caressing the back of her legs. Staring into her eyes with only a wicked smile, Marissa sat in a state of pleasurable paralysis.

I pushed her coral red sun dress up over her knees, kissing her thighs and drawing soft lines with the tip of my tongue. Flaviana continued to braid Marissa's hair, albeit at a much slower pace than usual. Marissa's fantasies were being tested. Would she really allow herself to be taken in front of another? I stared up into her eyes and could tell she was watching every movement of my tongue over her smooth black skin. Her eyes opened and closed slowly, as soft moans flowed over her plump, shapely lips.

My fingers moved slowly up the tops of her thighs, almost reaching her hips before retreating back to her knees. I sensed from her squirming and heavy sighs that my teasing was having full effect. My tongue licked circles just inside her knees. My moans described what filled my mind . . . Marissa was as delicious and tasty as a woman could ever be.

"It's great to see you, Marissa," I whispered. "Flaviana is a very good friend of yours after all, isn't she? She agreed to this one-time only special deal . . . hair braiding and well, you know."

I quickly reached up and grabbed the top of Marissa's panties, a red lace thong that she acquired on a recent holiday trip. Slowly but firmly I pulled the thong down. She offered up a fake and unbelievable resistance, then surrendered with a lift off the chair so I could slide her thong completely off. I stuffed it in my back pocket. For what I paid, I was keeping the thong.

"You won't be needing this, I'll take it with me," I whispered.

Marissa was now fully aware of the unfolding plot. Flaviana's silence all but confirmed to Marissa that she knew what was happening, and probably had her own juices dripping down her legs by now. Marissa shifted in the chair and I immediately lifted her legs over my shoulders, my face nestling between her thighs. Her freshly waxed pussy was smooth and shiny, the lips glistening with hot, slimy pussy juice.

I plunged my mouth onto the moist, narrow lips, sucking them in so my tongue could glide the full length of her cunt and I could lick up every drop of sweet nectar that had leaked out of her. Marissa let out a slow, controlled sigh as her fingers ran through my hair. Her hips shifted again and I felt her pull my head closer to her fountain of warm juice. My tongue slid inside her cunt and the familiar heat of her pussy filled my mouth.

Hot, slimy juice covered my mouth and cheeks and dribbled down my chin. I made no attempt to be discreet or careful, but instead was ravishing Marissa's cunt like it was the first drink of water I'd had in days. I looked up at Flaviana, staring long enough so she was forced to looked down at me. Her eyes said everything there was to say. I knew that she too wanted to be eaten, to be ravaged. I knew that she wanted to take her turn at Marissa's cunt. But I wasn't going to allow any of that, at least not this time.

In a surprising twist, Flaviana finished a braid, then dropped her hands to Marissa's shoulders, offering a supportive squeeze, assuring her that this was safe and discreet. Marissa's head tilted back, her moans now loud and desperate. Her mouth searched for Flaviana's arms, eager to suck a part of her into her hungry mouth. Flaviana slid her hands down Marissa's chest and under her bra. Marissa's moan bellowed through the salon, as the fingers that once carefully braided her hair were now caressing her hard nipples. Marissa kissed and licked wildly at Flaviana's arms as sexual pleasure filled her from head to toe.

My own lips pressed in tight, pushing her pussy lips open wide and giving my hungry tongue unhindered access to the full length of her clit. My tongue glided quickly from side to side over Marissa's throbbing clit, with just enough pressure to tease and pleasure without giving too much, too fast. Loud slurping sounds came fast and furious as my licking moved to full on ravaging.

Marissa was going crazy in the chair. Flaviana would pause the nipple play and return to weaving and plaiting, as if she was in some way an active partner in this threesome. I continued to suck and lick, devouring Marissa's cunt with greater and greater intensity and showing no signs of slowing down.

As her moans were now one constant stream of delightful passion, I knew the long, thundering train of orgasms was just around the bend. I slipped two fingers into her pussy, pressing them up to caress her g-spot.

"Ohhhh FUCK!!" screamed Marissa. I knew the real party was about to start.

The first orgasm hit like a tsunami, lifting her ass of the chair as she used the leverage of her legs over my shoulders to drive her sopping cunt against my mouth. Her hands slapped against the back of my head, grabbing my hair and pulling me tight against her pussy. A moment of silence followed, as Marissa regained her breath and recovered from the hard slam of her orgasm. She leaned back in the chair, her shoulders slumped, and moaned with closed eyes, in that world where every woman goes when she's been given precisely what she needs.

Flaviana continued to occasionally caress Marissa's plump, full breasts unabated, albeit slightly interrupted by Marissa's uncontrollable movements.

I stood up, kicked off my sandals and stared down at Marissa. Her wanton eyes demanded more. Without breaking my stare, I unbuttoned my shorts and slowly unzipped. I reached for Marissa's hands and raised them to the top of my shorts. If she wanted more, she'd have to slip my shorts off herself. As the last of my clothes hit the floor, both women were staring at the cock rising before their eyes. My manhood hardened, first pointing straight at Marissa, but with blood rushing through my veins, my cock kept getting harder and harder, until it pointed up to the ceiling.

I looked straight into Flaviana's eyes, signaling that it was time to move to the next level. With a hand on the back of Marissa's neck, I carefully pulled her forward so her mouth could easily find my hard on. Marissa took my cock in deep, immediately slamming it against the back of her throat. Now with both hands behind her head, I face fucked her until she gagged and gurgled. Her saliva was dripping down the length of my shaft as she sloppily sucked my cock.

I pulled away and gently pushed her back into the chair and into Flaviana's eager hands. Flaviana couldn't resist caressing Marissa's face and neck, giving silent encouragement.

I then kneeled in front of the chair and pulled Marissa's hips forward. I nodded to Flaviana, and she walked around to Marissa's right side. Slowly, I lifted Marissa's legs up, revealing the glistening pussy that was about to be fucked. Flaviana held Marissa's right leg up, and I pushed her left leg up and back. Her cunt was front and center, anxiously dripping for my cock.

What happened next could never have been planned and was impossible to choreograph. Marissa looked up, desperate for more but unwilling to interrupt the steamy sexual flow. She could only look on and hope that I'd give her exactly what she was begging for. Flaviana slipped her left hand down Marissa's sun dress and onto her right breast. She fondled and teased her rock hard nipple and leaned down for an occasional wet kiss. It wasn't expected by me, but seeing the chemistry between them, I didn't mind. My cock was throbbing and I was anxious to ram it into Marissa's tight little cunt.

I was able to reach the perfect angle holding onto the point where the armrests meet the back of the chair and with her legs spread wide for me, my cock easily found its target and plunged deep into Marissa's welcoming cunt. She began writhing and bucking against me, yelling a constant barrage of sexual obscenities at me. I knew I'd hit the mother lode.

I fucked her hard and my hips slapped loudly with each thrust, her pussy juice creating that moist sound that is the global theme song of fucking. I continued to pump her with no concern for the chair or her own physical well being. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I used every ounce of my strength to ram Marissa's pussy as hard as I could. It was worth the effort, as Marissa was screaming and swearing, slapping approvingly at me.

I pressed my cock in deep and held it there. No announcements were necessary, it was obvious to all that I was about to explode. For two weeks I had been storing up for this encounter and a full load was about to slam against the back of Marissa's cunt. I leaned my mouth down to feverishly kiss her lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me close and I felt that familiar build-up of pressure in my cock, followed by the welcomed release. With each burst of cum my hips bucked and my panting became louder. And then I reached that blissful state of relief, lying on Marissa with a pounding heart and feeling her soft kisses on my neck.

After my breath returned to normal, I kissed my way down Marissa's front, happily licking up any sign of our love making. There, on my knees in Flaviana's homemade salon, I stared up into Marissa's eyes and interlocked our fingers, smiling and letting our eyes do all the talking.

When it was time to stand, I was out as quickly as I had arrived. Flaviana winked at me as I stepped to the door. I guess you could say we were friends now. Marissa sat in the afterglow of the best sex she could remember. Her thighs were like jelly now, unable to support her even if she wanted to stand. She'd keep that smile for the rest of the day and night. With a long "I Love You" stare keeping us connected, I turned and walked out the door. I jogged away through the steady rain, the luckiest man on earth.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

He kicked off his sandals twice?

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