Salvation Pt. 01


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Tom's attention had not stopped, and now he was rubbing slow circles with his flat tongue around her most sensitive bud. Evelynn dropped to all fours and hung her head, hoping to hide her face in her hair. Again, out of the corner of her eye, she saw her daughter watching her. Megan was watching her mom getting eaten by a highwayman. The sensation of the rough tongue rubbing random patterns on her clit was too much. She could feel her pussy flooding with her own wetness, and her nipples hardening with arousal. Evelynn bit her lip, trying to stifle a moan as the bandit suckled on her clit. He drew the hard nub in between his lips, and once it was trapped in his hot mouth, he rubbed it rapidly with his tongue. Evelynn whimpered as the pleasure of arousal built within her. Tom's sucking on her clit was the most intense pleasure she had ever felt, and the heat building in her crotch was irresistible. She knew if he kept it up, she would cum.

Tom's mouth withdrew, and she felt him shifting behind her. Scared, she remained still. She glanced out from under her hanging hair, intending to check on her daughter, and instead was confronted with the sight of Finn sitting in the dirt and jacking his exposed prick. His small dick was wrapped in his hand, and he was furiously jacking away at his member.

Finn distracted Evelynn just enough that she was surprised again when she felt the hard cock head pressing against her pussy lips. Tom's prick nestled in her wetness between her lips, and pressed at her tight vaginal opening.

"Good idea boss, she's all wet now," Tom said as he pressed harder against her opening. Tom pushed, and Evelynn gasped as his prick slipped between her wet folds and into her vaginal canal. Tom groaned as he felt the wet glove of Evelynn's pussy sliding against his pole. As he sunk his full length into her, he closed his eyes and reveled in the feel of her soft wet skin sliding against his sensitive member. It hurt Evelynn a little to take his full length, but when he withdrew and plowed back into her, the stretching feeling was gone. Submitting on all fours, she hated it, but Tom's cock felt good. He withdrew again and bucked his hips upwards, relishing her hot wetness as his cock sank into her. His bucking motion rubbed the fat head of his cock against her G spot as he entered, and Evelynn felt tingling pleasure flowing through her pussy. More sure of himself now, Tom grabbed Evelynn's hips in his strong, dirty hands and pulled her velvety pussy back onto him as he thrust forward and speared her on his pole. In and out he went, feeling her soft pussy lips grasping him as she felt his pole pushing against her G-spot, and the fucking began to feel good for both of them. Tom bore down harder, as Finn sat to the side furiously jacking his cock. Tom shoved his thick meat into her tight opening and she remained helpless beneath his strong body. She could feel her pussy getting wetter and the excitement building in her as he pushed his cock into her, and she bit down on her lip again to keep from whimpering with pleasure. In and out, in and out he went. She could feel the beginning of an orgasm building in her as Tom plowed into her over and over. Just as her orgasm was on the verge of escaping, Tom felt the pure joy of her slick pussy cause his own explosion. Her tight, velvety tunnel accepted his prick once more, his orgasm took him and his world filled with sparks of pleasure. The orgasm racked his body, and he shot his seed deep into Evelynn's pussy. He held himself deep into her as load after load expanded his cock and spewed out of it, coating Evelynn's insides with his delight.

As the last spurt left him, Tom fell back in a slight daze. He was so happy, and tingled enjoyably all over. Evelynn was very disappointed. She had been close to coming from this murderer's assault, and he had left her both unsatisfied and full of his sperm. But Evelynn soon felt two strong hands grasping her hips again, and without warning another prick was pushing its way past her well lubricated folds. This dick was much smaller than the first two, and without even looking back, Evelynn knew it was the one called Finn, the bandit she most detested.

Finn couldn't wait, he lept to his feet to fill the spot vacated by Tom. He had his smallish prick buried in the whore's cunt almost before he realized it. It was so nice and warm and squishy inside her, and Finn had been turned on since the moment he first tackled that younger whore. Finn bucked his hips frantically into Evelynn's wet snatch. It felt so good to have his cock in this soft, warm, wet tunnel. He bucked recklessly, like a dog humping a leg, because he knew he wasn't going to last long after all the excitement. At first, Evelynn was very irritated. She hated Finn and he clearly wasn't very experienced with sex. But then his small prick surprised her again. His amateur hip bucking motion was jamming the head of his small prick against the bottom wall of Evelynn's pussy. That cock head was rubbing directly against her G spot. Finn's cock was hitting her perfect spot.

"Oh God," she whispered, trying to hide her arousal.

Finn shoved his prick gleefully into her warm tunnel over and over again. He loved the way her pussy sucked on his sensitive cock skin as he withdrew. Without realizing what she was doing, Evelynn arched her back to bring his cock head into more direct contact with the bundle of skin that formed her G spot. The result was his hard prick rubbing right against her pleasure center. With every rapid thrust, both their bodies began to fill with tingling sensations. Evelynn felt her toes begin to curl, and began to pant involuntarily.

"Ah, ah, ah," she panted softly, trying to hide how good the fucking felt. The last thing she wanted this asshole Finn to know what that she was enjoying his attention.

Finn was oblivious. So close to his own final release, after waiting for his turn, he couldn't even control the rising sensations inside of him. They built like a fire out of control as he sank his meat hard into her hot, wet box. Two more rapid thrusts, and the pulling of her pussy walls on his dick was too much for him. He thrust hard, ramming his cock into her G spot and spurting his own hot load into her pussy walls. The sensation was too much for Evelynn, and she came as she felt his seed erupting out against her hard nub.

"Unnnnnnnnnggghhhh!!" she grunted, trying to hide her own orgasm. The waves of pleasure rolled over her body and she lost control of herself. The orgasm flashed inside her loins and spread throughout her, curling her toes and her fingers, just as Finn's own orgasm began to subside. Finn fell back into the dirt next to Tom, lost in the happy residue of his orgasm as Evelynn collapsed down into the dirt, satisfied by her own body's joy.

Megan had seen enough and took off running. She was on her feet in a flash, terrified by what the men had been doing to her mother, and tried to scramble down the road despite the leather bindings on her ankles. It took Badger a second to tuck away his flagging penis, but he was on his feet and after Megan in a flash. Tom was on his feet and stumbling awkwardly after the girl not far behind Badger. Despite their large speed advantage, Megan was down the hill and over the horizon before Badger finally caught up with her. Seeing the futility of her escape, Megan stopped running and began to cry again. Badger launched himself at his escaping prize, and tackled her roughly so they tumbled into the dirt road.

That was all the distraction Evan needed. He had been carefully crawling on his stomach through the brush towards the little stand of trees. He wanted to think of himself as a good person, but he also understood the value these women represented to him. They meant a settlement of some sort. They meant supplies. Evan had carefully crept to the edge of the clearing without being noticed, all the while watching the thieves have their way with the older woman. When the younger one took of on her shuffling run, Evan saw his opening. The lead bandit was up and running, and then the second bandit followed. The third stayed behind, putting his boot on the back of the woman lying on the ground, but all his attention was now focused down the road where his companions had run. That would prove to be a fatal mistake, as Evan silently sprung to his feet and managed to slip behind one of the trees.

Evelynn looked up at the brute looming over her. "Please don't hurt her," Evelynn implored. Finn responded with a soft kick to Evelynn's mid section. His accompanying sneer did not last long. As Evelynn looked up at the thief, she saw a flash of light on steel. The young man grabbed at his throat, and Evelynn could see the dark red blood beginning to flow through his fingers. Finn was stunned, and gasped futilely as he tried to draw air into his lungs. He choked, turned pale, and fell to his knees without a sound. Before Evelynn could even roll over into a sitting position, Finn was on the ground and dead.

Another gruff looking figure loomed over Evelynn. She was about to scream when the new man pressed his finger over his lips and motioned for her to remain silent. Still stunned by the sudden death of her rapist, Evelynn did what she was told and allowed the strange newcomer to lead her off into the brush behind the trees. The man was tall and fit, full of lean muscle that was evident even with what appeared to be several layers of clothing. He had a face full of stubble that showed signs of turning from brown to gray. But the most striking thing about the man was his deep blue eyes. They reminded Evelynn of the ocean she had seen once, and made her want to trust the newcomer. After the man had led Evelynn some distance away from the clearing, he pressed her down into the grown so that she was laying flat behind a clump of dry bushes.

Badger was furious at the stupid young pup he was now leading with a forceful hand on the back of her neck. But his fury turned to fear when he made it over the rise of the hill and in sight of the stand of trees. Finn was laying in the dirt, an obvious pool of dark blood around his body, and the other slut was nowhere to be seen.

"Finn!" Tom cried out in surprise, but there was no answer other than the sound of the wind.

"Hush fool!" Badger harshly whispered to Tom. There was a chance that the woman had done this and run off, but Badger knew better. Someone else had come along and killed Finn. Maybe someone else from the woman's village, or maybe another group of highway men like the one he led. But one thing was quickly sure to Badger. Someone had killed one person in his group, and whoever it was might have the potential to kill the other two.

"There's danger down there," Badger instructed his subordinate. "We've got to take this prize of ours and get away."

"We're just going to leave him?!!" Tom pleaded with Badger.

"Yes fool. No telling what might have killed him or whether it might kill us too. Best to get when we got something as valuable as we have." Without another word, Badger grabbed the whimpering girl, turned her around, and began to quickly march her back down the road she had earlier tried to run. Tom lingered for a moment, looking at the sunlight sparkling in the pool of blood left by his comrade. Then, reluctantly, he too turned and hurried to catch up to Badger.

Evelynn wanted to run after her daughter, but Evan restrained her. "Could be a trap," he whispered to her. Reluctantly, she too did as she was told. Evan kept them behind the bushes for over an hour, waiting for any sign that the two killers might return. Evan would have waited all afternoon, but a piece of good fortune finally struck the pair. Bernard's horse returned from wherever it had run, and gently began sniffing at its fallen master.

"Go out and get the horse," Evan instructed Evelynn. "Hold it here."

Evelynn slowly crept to her feet and again did as she was told. She cautiously approached the animal which recognized her, and took up its dangling reigns. She was surprised when Evan did not immediately join her, and stood uncertainly alone in the clearing. She realized she could leap to the back of the horse and attempt to ride off, but so far the stranger had done nothing but help her. After a few minutes of waiting, Evan joined Evelynn in the clearing and helped her to the back of the horse.

"My name is Evan," the stranger offered.

"What a strange coincidence," she responded. "It must mean something. My name is Evelynn."

"Pleased to meet you," Evan responded automatically. He quickly rummaged through both Finn's clothing and Bernard's. He found a short, sharp knife on the thief, and a pouch of what appeared to be tobacco. He deposited those two items into his pockets, along with a piece of flint that he found on Bernard.

"We need to burry the bodies," Evelynn complained as Evan began to lead the horse towards the stream.

"No time," Evan responded. "No telling what your noises might have attracted or who else might be now watching."

"But we can't..." Evelynn began.

Evan looked back at her with those deep, blue eyes. He could tell the woman was in shock and wasn't in her right mind. "Those killers didn't even come back to check on their fallen mate. Either they knew how dangerous the road could be, or they are waiting to trap us. Either way, we need to move."

Evelynn intended to ride in silence as Evan led the horse into the stream and then began to follow the water along its rocky bed. But as she took one last glance back at poor Bernard lying awkwardly in the dust, she lost control of her emotions. Bernard dead and her daughter carried off by rapists. Her world was crumbling, and she wept softly on the back of the horse. If Evan noticed, he did not show it.

A long ways out of sight of the trees, Evan turned onto the muddy river bank and began to lead the horse through the low brush. It grunted its disapproval at being led through scraggly bushes, but dutifully followed Evan's lead. They walked through the brush, parallel to the road, for hours. Stopping briefly only to examine the sun as it slid slowly towards the horizon, Evan made to turn back towards the road.

"No," Evelynn said. "Keep going this way."

Evan obliged for another hour, again and again walking beyond the horizon he had seen. He noted that the brush here appeared to be slightly greener and the dirt a slightly darker shade of brown than on the other side of the stream. He began to worry that they would lose the sun and need to make camp when he spotted an enormous stand of trees off in the distance. As they approached, Evan began to think that there was something strange about the trees. When he got closer and could more clearly make out the orientation of their trunks, Evan realized what was so odd. The trees appeared to be planted in well ordered rows, and the stand hand clear corners as if it was planted long ago in the shape of a box.

Then Evan spotted someone standing at one of those corners. He paused and scanned the trees more closely.

"It's okay, go ahead," Evelynn encouraged.

As they approached, the watcher waved his arms. Someone else emerged from the undergrowth beneath the trees and headed deeper into the grove. At 100 feet away, the watcher stood and raised a rifle over his head. Evan marvelled. It was a real rifle! And it appeared to be in good condition. But the gesture was unmistakable, and Evan stopped.

Soon after, a group of three figures emerged from the deep brush beneath the trees and began hurrying towards the visitors. Evan noted that the group appeared to be very old, led by a man who was down right ancient in this world after the world.

"Greetings," the oldest one called. "Please, come. Bring me my daughter."

Evan responded to the gesture by walking towards the group, noting that the watcher's rifle was now pointed at him. Evan was stopped by the group just beyond the edge of the grove, and further marvelled that one of the old greeters was a woman. Upon further inspection, the watcher also appeared to be a woman.

"Forgive me, but I need to speak to my daughter alone," The old man stated. He took the reigns from Evan, and led the horse into the stand of trees. Evan remained with the two other members of the welcoming committee, and stood there in awkward silence.

After several minutes, the old man returned alone, and gestured for Evan to join him. Evan walked slowly forward, and the two greeters fell into step behind him. Evan peered through the trees and thought he could make out a large settlement in the middle of the grove. All the underbrush and foliage made excellent camouflage for the settlement. The old man walked towards the center of the grove, and Evan silently followed. Only once he was through the brush did he see the wonder before him, and it took his breath away.

There was an enormous building at the center of the group of trees, the biggest Evan had seen since the war came. He could make out patches of the roof that had been covered over in wood, but the majority of the building appeared to be made out of metal and cement, like structures from the days of his youth. A set of large, reinforced steel doors sat over what must have been the buildings opening. A young looking boy and another old man stood guard there, each holding a rifle. Evan could not believe the firepower on display at this strange settlement.

As Evan was led through the doors, he saw that the enormous structure was mostly an empty cavern on the inside. Small structures that appeared to be dwelling were built inside the cavern, like an entire village had been built indoors. Evan could not help gawking as his head turned back and forth, marveling at the structure.

His old guide laughed. "It used to be a Walmart," the old man said. "Do you know Walmart?" Evan nodded. "Some friends and I managed to hold out here just after the war began. It had everything we needed; shelter and clothes, food, water, and most importantly it had guns, knives, and ammunition." Evan was led to a small structure near the entrance to the cavern. Stepping inside, he found four bare walls, an old table, and eight chairs that appeared to be hand made. It was a small meeting room of some sort. Only the old man entered with Evan, and he gestured for Evan to take a seat opposite him, across the table.

"Evelynn has told me your name is Evan," the old man began. "A strange coincidence that you would be the one to rescue her. She told me what happened near the river, thank you for bringing her back to us." He paused, staring into Evan's eyes, and appeared to be weighing something. "Would you mind telling me, Evan, are you a Christian man?"

Evan was surprised, he had not been asked about his faith in many years. Now he paused thoughtfully, before answering. "I was raised Christian and taught about Jesus. I do believe there is a God somewhere, controlling what happens. I haven't prayed in a long time, but I guess if I had to say what I believed, I would say I was still a Christian."

The old man smiled faintly. "Well," he responded, "I suppose that's the best I could have hoped for." The old man paused again for a second before continuing. "I have an offer for you Evan, but first I have a story to tell. My story is about this home and the family it created. They were just my friends once, but these long years have made us family. We have survived much better than most, thanks the the provenance that provided this place for us, but I fear our time is passing. My family fears it too. I suppose you could said I'm the leader, though my family only defers to me because I was the first who came up with the idea of making this our home.

"We've had more than enough food and supplies over the years, between what we learned to hunt and what this building provided. But we have not had many children. Birthing and raising young has been very difficult in this hard world after the world, and we had no doctors or people with knowledge of medicine to help us. In the early years, we managed to stave off the bandits and robbers who tried to take our home. We even survived a raid by a large group of slavers many years ago. But the brightest and strongest of our children, the young man who likely would have led this place after I passed on, was killed in that attack. Some years later, we sent two of our young men out to search for supplies and to try to make contact with any civilization they could find. They were full of wanderlust at the time, and there was not much we could have done to stop them. We have not heard from or of them since they left. The only children left to us were Megan, who was taken today, and my granddaughter, Leah. We also have Simon, who you saw guarding the entrance as you walked in, but he's barely 14."