Salvation Pt. 02


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Evan had worked his full, seven inch cock into Sarah's ass, and she felt filled to her limit. His pole impaling her over and over made it feel like her clit was stretching and even more exposed beneath his fingers. He continued to rub at her as he fucked her, and she could feel the dual electricity of his cock in her ass and his fingers on her clit building the energy inside of her.

"I'm going to cum, Evan," she panted, "Cum with me. Cum in my ass."

He was surprised, and not quite ready, but there was no holding her back. In and out of her ass he plowed, listening to her moans building higher and higher. Her grunting was turning him on, and he was close. But his fingers never stopped their pleasurable assault on her clit, and he rubbed insistent circles around her sensitive clit.

"Oooohhh God. Oh God," she began, "I'm CUMMMMMMMMMINNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!"

Sarah spasmed around his cock, her arms trembling as the electricity of her orgasm burned like a lighting bolt through her body. Evan's cock plunged in and out of her ass, his fingers rubbed back and forth across her clit, and she came. The orgasm blotted out all thoughts from her mind, anything beyond the pleasure of her release.

Sarah's sex sounds drove Evan almost to the edge. Satisfied that she had stopped cumming, Evan took his fingers off her clit and ran his hand up over her toned stomach until he felt the large swell of her breasts. Evan grabbed her full, large breasts with his hands, and pulled her body upward. His cock continued to fuck in and out of her ass as his hands massaged her firm, smooth globes. He pulled into her breasts and her body was pressed back against his. Sarah lazily draped an arm back over Evan's head, exposing her big breasts to his eager hands, and he came. Evan buried himself deep in Sarah's ass as he orgasmed, groaning into her ear. The burning heat, pent up after days of ogling the two beautiful women, was finally released in a wave of pleasure through Evan's cock. Spurt after spurt of cum shot out of his hard pole and deep into Sarah's ass. He kneaded at her firm nipples with his palms as the glow of orgasm spread through his body. Finally, they collapsed together on the bank of the stream.

It was some time later that they emerged back at camp, freshly scrubbed from a dip in the water, and smiling and laughing. They found Leah sitting over the fire, stirring at the coals to draw up a new flame for their breakfast. Leah greeted her two travel companions with a smile, but Sarah thought her new friend was especially quiet and reserved this morning. Evan knew the reason why.

Later that afternoon, Evan was walking ahead of the two horses as the women rode behind. His head swiveled back and forth as he proceeded the women down the path, his new rifle tucked into the crook of his arm. The stream had narrowed as they walked towards its source, coalescing into a small river. The terrain around them had grown hilly, and the river meandered back and forth to slip between the terrain. Evan didn't like the way the river had begun to turn sharply. Around each new bend could lie danger.

As Evan approached a particularly steep bank of the river, he noted there were very few animal noises. There were no birds singing, no rustling of little river animals crawling along the bank. He turned and shushed the chatting women behind him.

"Evan, we're almost there," Sarah called quietly. She spurred her horse and ran it up next to Evan on the narrow dirt path. Sarah led Evan around the next bend, with Evan following closely behind her horse.

As soon as Leah had also made the turn, a voice called out from a cluster of short trees near the top of a hill that overlooked the path.

"Stop!" The voice bellowed. Silence followed, the abrupt warning of the voice echoing in the minds of the three travelers. Evan was careful to remain still, not making any movement that might provoke their watchers, while his eyes scanned the cluster of trees. He could not see any movement, and from his lower vantage point he could not see much of anything. The lookouts had chosen their spot well. The only sound was the wind rustling through the nearby brush.

"Sarah?" Called out the voice, finally breaking the silence. "Sarah, is that you?"

"It's me!" Sarah responded with glee from the back of her horse. "Who's that up there?"

"It's Jimmy Henderson, and I've got someone else up here with me," the voice called back. "Who's that with you?"

"Jimmy!" Sarah squealed. "Tell your sister Beth that I've got real jewelry here with me. These people with me rescued me and brought me home. Let us pass."

"Tell that hombre there he's going to have to turn over his rifle," instructed the voice.

Evan gripped the barrel and slowly raised the rifle over his head. He then passed it, butt first, to Sarah who took it out of his hands and placed it back in the holster on the side of his horse.

"Alright, that looks good. You three can proceed," said the voice.

Sarah flicked the reigns in her hand and her horse slowly trotted forward. The bend in the river quickly led to another bend which turned in the opposite direction. Evan was surprised by what he found around the second bend. The small river here had cut a little valley through the hills, and the mouth of that small valley had been boarded over with a solid looking wall of wood. The wood stretched from one valley wall to the other, blocking the path and allowing the river to flow out beneath it. As the three riders approached the wood fortification, Evan spotted two men atop the wall, peering down at them. Leah grew nervous and urged her horse closer to Evan, who was beginning to regret that he was on foot. Thirty feet from the wall, a large door in the structure, matching the width of the dirt path, was thrown open. A man wearing sunglasses and carrying a rifle stepped through.

"Sarah?" the man called.

"Ed," Sarah called back.

"Where have you been? Your father and brother, are they..." his voice trailed off.

Sarah's eyes had begun to fill with tears, and the man knew instantly what had happened to her missing family members. "I have a lot to tell you," was all she managed to say.

"Come, child," the man gestured, guiding her horse through the doorway. Evan and Leah followed close behind.

Sarah and the new man were lost in hushed conversation, but Evan could not pay attention to their words. He was too distracted by the settlement revealing itself around him. The dirt road and the stream rose straight up from the gate, which was shut heavily behind the group once they had entered. They trudged up a hill for at least 300 feet before the path finally levelled off and a sort of plateau was spread out in front of them. The river had bent away long before they reached the top, but the plateau was still much larger than Evan had expected. It was really three rough hill tops joined together. The edges were covered with trees, but Evan could make out a view between the tree trunks that stretched for miles. There were at least thirty homes randomly arranged around the little hill tops, many were attached to small gardens that appeared to be growing corn and wheat. Chickens ran around the little yards, and there were goats and pigs and even some cattle in this settlement. The settlers themselves kept their distance, but seemed friendly enough as they smiled or nodded when Evan and Leah moved past.

The two newcomers followed Leah's horse through the little settlement, and the one she called "Ed" led them to a neat little home with rough wooden fence surrounding a plot of green corn.

"Please, go inside," Ed instructed. "This is Sarah's family's home. I need to talk to her."

Moments later, Evan and Leah were settled inside the little house. They were sitting around a little table, noting the fine layer of dust that had settled throughout the house. Evan was used to dust, be he still hated it. After several minutes, Ed walked into the house and sat down across the table from Evan. Evan studied the man for the first time. He was almost as tall as Evan, and had probably been built like a brick house at one time in his life. Age had softened his frame, but Ed was still an imposing man. His shaved head, grizzled gray goatee, and piercing brown eyes added to the effect.

"First of all, thanks," Ed began. "Sarah told me what you both did for her. The death of her father and brother are a tough loss, they were good members of our community. Sarah also told me that Leah is looking for a place to settle down. After what you did for Sarah, it's the least we could do to give you a pace to stay. You're both welcome here. We're a tight knit community, kept safe because we're hard to find and isolated up here. We send out traders from time to time, but it's our secrecy that protects us from the rest of the world. If the slavers and Red Army can't find us, they can't hurt us. You hear much about this Red Army on the road?" The last question appeared directed to Evan.

"Ghost stories mostly," Evan replied.

Ed nodded in obvious agreement. "Well, like I said, you're both welcome to stay. We'll give you a few days to make up your mind about our little village, and then I'll check back in with you." Ed stood to leave. "Sarah's going to stay over at my place for a couple of days. You two are welcome to stay here until we figure things out. Let us know if you need anything."


The next couple of days were a blur. Evan spend a lot of his time wandering on his own through the little town, admiring the slice of serenity its inhabitants had managed to find. Leah spent most of her time talking to the villagers and learning about their settlement through her conversations. At night, Leah and Evan sat around the living room of Sarah's small home and talked. Leah's inquisitive but innocent questions had gotten a lot more personal. She wanted to hear his memories of his parents, how he had barely survived Armageddon. She asked about his early days wandering in the aftermath of the brief war, and the ways in which he had learned to survive. At first he was guarded. He was always guarded. But the more he talked to Leah, the more he wanted to share with her. It was like a release he found, not too unlike the release he found through sex. The more he held back and allowed something to build up inside of himself, the better it felt when he finally let it go. By the end of the evening of the second day, it felt like his talks with Leah had turned into a release valve where he felt himself unburdening all the baggage of his past. He never thought he would have been able to talk to someone the way he could talk to Leah during those quiet nights in the small wooden house.

But Evan's reaction to settlement was also clearly different from Leah's. Leah felt more alive and free with the protection of other people and a village around her. She was noticeably more playful than she had been on the road and she laughed more. Evan grew to love the way Leah's laughed, full throated from deep in her belly. Her chest shook when she laughed, and it made him smile. Leah was more willing to talk to strangers and explore in the new safety of the village. Evan meanwhile, felt wanderlust creeping through his veins. Constant movement had always meant safety on the road, and he felt stifled and a little trapped inside the village walls. It was like an itch beneath his clothing that he feared only fresh air and new surroundings could cure.

Then, in the afternoon of the third day after their arrival, Evan found himself alone in the little home. Being regularly in Leah's beautiful presence had begun to have its effect on him again, and he knew he needed to find time to get some sexual release. Leah had gone off to learn about the village's crops with Sarah, and Evan intended to take his chance with his free time.

Evan was reclined in the one large chair in the living room, his pants down around his ankles. His right hand was pumping up and down his hard, slick cock, and his eyes were closed. Behind his eyelids, Evan was imagining his new favorite fantasy. As his fist pumped up and down his hard rod, Evan imagined that this was Leah's wet mouth sucking on his cock. He pictured her soft lips happily wrapped around his member, her soft blue eyes staring deeply into his. As he jacked himself, he pictured Leah's head bobbing up and down in his lap, her blond hair tied neatly into a pony tail behind her. Evan pictured Leah straddling him, her firm, smooth womanly body settling over his. He imagined grasping her soft hips as he guided her down onto his cock, and then the way her firm, young breasts would bounce up and down on her chest as she rode him. Evan pictured looking up into Leah's face, seeing her ecstasy and her smile as she took his thick dick into her warm, wet pussy.

"Evan," came the soft voice.

His eyes shot open and he covered himself quickly with a blanket. Leah had walked in through the rear bedroom door, unnoticed by Evan, and caught him masturbating. He was furious with himself. He was supposed to be an alert and vigilant road warrior, and he had twice been caught by women while jacking off. Leah walked towards him, wearing just a t-shirt and shorts on this warm summer day. Evan reacted to her approach by holding up a hand. When Leah moved to within five feet of Evan, he stood up in the chair, still covering himself, and tried to back away.

"No wait," Leah said. "I'm sorry I interrupted you, but why are you trying to get away?"

"Why are you coming over here, Leah?" he returned.

"I don't know," she responded, still edging closer. "Is it a problem that I'm curious."

"Yes," he shot back.

"We've talked about so much and gone through so much together, and you can't be comfortable showing me this?" she asked.

"No," he responded quickly.

Leah looked honestly hurt. "Oh, I see. So you can fool around with Sarah, but you don't even want me to see your prick?"

Evan was surprised and confused. "No. I mean... that was different."

Leah took a defiant step forward, moving to within just inches of Evan. "Why?" she demanded.

Evan struggled to find words. "Leah... you to me..."

In one quick move, Leah gripped the bottom of her shirt front and peeled the cotton fabric up over her head. The cloth bra beneath was peeled off with the shirt, and Leah's large breasts bounced free. Evan's jaw dropped. He was confronted by the full, firm globes of so many of his fantasies. He had never seen Leah's naked chest before, but he had dreamed about those breasts more times than he could count. They were just as he had imagined, round and smooth with textured pink nipples. Evan could not take his eyes of of Leah's magnificent, flawless, porcelain skinned tit flesh. Leah grabbed Evan's left hand, the one he had held up to stop her (and not the one currently covering his cock), and placed it on her breast. He could feel the smooth skin with his palm and the the hardening nipple pressing back against his hand.

"If you can jerk off for her, you can jerk off for me," Leah stated strongly.

Leah pushed Evan down from his shoulders, and actually bent over to allow him to continue to fondle her breast. Evan's hand fell away from his cock as he focused on the soft and supple breast in his hand. He didn't realize how badly he had wanted to feel Leah's breasts until he had one in his hand. Evan began to stroke his cock almost absently mindedly as his rough palm circled around Leah's smooth tit. As his right fist began to pump up and down his now throbbing rod, he gently pinched Leah's pink nipple between his thumb and forefinger. This was the most stimulation Leah had ever felt from a man, and Evan's touch sent little bolts of pleasure through her body. She bent down to her knees in front of him, watching his well muscled arm and strong hands eagerly explore her tit flesh. The stimulation of naked Leah right in front of him was too much. He could feel the orgasm rising rapidly as he kneaded softly at Leah's breast, pressing her hard nipple between his fingers.

Leah moaned again, and her own hand found its way between her legs. She was wet, and she could trace up her glistening lips to her sensitive little clit. The feeling of Evan's hand teasing her virginal breasts was erotic. She wanted him to know that she was masturbating with him, and looked into his eyes to confirm it. His big hand was stroking his long thick cock and his eyes were watching her pleasure herself. She felt another little thrill of pleasure course through her body with that thought.

Evan was out of control, his fantasy come true. He looked up and saw Leah's eyes watching him. His hard, gray-blue eyes met her soft baby blue eyes and he could feel sparks shoot between them. His hand closed around her tit flesh, and lost himself in her eyes he felt the orgasm overwhelm him. He came groaning and writhing, unable to look away from Leah's beautiful face. His hot cum shot out of his cock and splashed unexpectedly on Leah's chest. A second spurt hit her squarely on the stomach, but she never flinched. Her fingers were now furiously rubbing at her clit as his cum covered her. She watched his cock head swell and shoot its white load out onto her body.

As Evan remained dazzled in the burning of his orgasm, Leah felt electric. The feel of his hot cum hitting her, and seeing his cock twitch and spray his cum on her, had set off a fire inside of her. And most of all, he had cum for her. She hadn't thought it was going to happen, but she was going to have an orgasm. She was going to cum right here, in front of the strong and quiet man who had protected her. She was going to be naked and vulnerable and ecstatic and she was going to cum for him.

Evan came back to his senses and could see that Leah was very aroused. Her face had deeply flushed and she had spread her legs to allow her hand better access to her sensitive clit. Evan could hear how wet she was.

"Leah," he asked, dropping to the floor beside her. "What can I do? How can I help you?"

"Kiss me," she replied, her eyes looking into his with naked lust.

He pressed his lips softly to hers, and felt her kissing him back. His hand reached up to her chest and found her covered in his cum. His hand slid slickly over her hot, wet breasts, and she moaned. Evan began kissing her in earnest, his tongue searching for hers, as his hands slipped up and down over her large, wet globes. She was slippery with his hot cum and his rough palms rubbed across over her sensitive nipples. The feeling was so new to her, it set off tiny jolts of electricity that shot from her nipples to her clit. She felt the orgasm building as Evan's warm mouth kissed its way over her face and started suckling on her neck. His hot mouth teased her neck as his hands slid all over her smooth chest and her fingers rubbed circles around her clit. Suddenly the fire within her was building beyond a point of no return, and she thrilled in the knowledge that Evan was touching her body while she touched herself. And then the wave of pleasure welled up inside her and crashed over her, sending her into a blissful, dizzying orgasm. She moaned and screamed her arousal as Evan suckled on her throat. He could feel her chest quiver beneath his hands and her legs tremble next to him. She groaned and groaned, and then she was only breathing deeply.

Leah melted into a pile of exhausted and tingling flesh, next to Evan, and he pressed a wet and sticky hand to her side. After only a brief respite to catch her breath, Leah clambered back to her feet and walked into the bedroom. Just as suddenly as she had arrived, she was gone. Later that night, with Leah staying hidden behind the bedroom door, Evan wondered if maybe he had dreamed the whole thing.


The next morning, Evan awoke atop a pile of rugs on the living room floor. Leah was sitting in a chair nearby watching him. He could not believe someone had been able to sneak up on him in his sleep. In her own way, this girl was dangerous.