Sam and Jake Pt. 05

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A dance leads to discovery.
8.6k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/08/2020
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Jake lay on his side next to his Mom, watching her sleep. He smiled at how peaceful she looked. He placed his hand on her belly, careful not to wake her, imagining that his sperm was swimming to her egg to make a baby.

He hadn't really contemplated them going this far with the relationship. Part of him was not ready to be a father. Another part was excited to watch her belly grow with their child. Still another part worried what the outside world, and his Dad, would think about his Mom getting pregnant. Was she thinking of that stuff too, or did she have 'baby' on the brain?

One thing he couldn't deny, the thought of fucking his Mom and her getting pregnant was seriously erotic. His dick, laying on his thigh covered in their combined juices, twitched as if to agree. He would have zero issues with doing his part to satisfy her desire for his baby.

Rolling out of bed, he went to shower and put on a suit to swim in. He felt drained, but in a good way. A swim was just to take up some time and take his mind off of his Mom while he waited for her to wake up.

As he was heading downstairs, he met his Dad walking from the front door hallway. He felt the awkwardness between them rise up. He hadn't really spoken to his Dad since he'd found Mom in his bed.

"Oh...hey Dad," he said, quietly.

Bill looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Where's your Mom?" he asked.

Jake gestured upstairs. "She's taking a nap."

"Already? It's only 11 in the morning. What have you two been up to? Late nights?" He sounded inquisitive over accusatory.

Jake shook his head. "No late nights. We went to a movie last night but were home by ten."

"Oh yeah? What movie did you go to?"

"The new Jurassic Park."

"Oh, I was thinking of taking... um, Marcy to see it. How is it?" Bill's face went a bit red as he said 'her' name. Jake hadn't heard who he was seeing, and it wasn't a familiar name to him.

"Ummm...actually I don't know. I didn't pay much attention." Jake cleared his throat as he realized what he was admitting.

"Like that, was it? Did she show you how well she gives hickeys?" His Dad smirked a bit, knowingly.

Jake did not know what to say. Here he was having a casual conversation with his Dad about how well his Mom sucked neck.

"Ummm... she mentioned it, but didn't show me or anything."

"Ah, maybe next time. Are you two doing anything later?"

"No plans, not yet." Jake thought of this Mom in his bed upstairs, her pussy full of his cum, and decided not to mention the pregnancy plans. Talking to his Dad like this, he realized how many holes their plan of making a baby had. There could be difficulties.

"Okay, well I'm home all evening, Marcy has a family event going on. If you two want to watch a movie with me later, I promise not to listen to you on the loveseat this time."

Jake's already red face flushed hot all over as he realized what his Dad was saying. "Aaahhh, I'll ask her when she wakes up, but it sounds good to me."

"Great!" His Dad turned to the kitchen and Jake went out to swim, his mind racing.


Sam woke up after what felt like hours but only turned out to be 45 minutes. She felt refreshed, though, as if from a full night's sleep. She spent several moments laying in Jake's bed, basking in the memory of her time with him, until her brain kicked into plan mode. Plans for how she could possibly have a baby when Bill had a vasectomy, or even what people might say to a sudden pregnancy. The options didn't look good. Then she turned to plans for the pregnancy itself and for when she delivered, and she cheered right up again.

Tumbling out of bed, she felt some soreness in her groin from the fucking Jake had given her after her confession, and smiled. She anticipated having the same soreness for a while. Showering again, she put on new clothes. This time in a more revealing top, but shorts and panties. It was fun to switch things up.

As she got downstairs, she ran into Bill, finishing making a sandwich in the kitchen.

"Hey sleepyhead. Jake said you were napping. Do you want one of these?" He gestured to his plate.

All of a sudden Sam was starving. She nodded a firm yes, and then went about cleaning up the sink. It was still full of cold water and dishes.

"Looks like you got interrupted. I remember when I used to interrupt you like that."

Sam smiled at the memory of both this morning and the times Bill would 'interrupted' her. The most frequent was when they were trying to make the baby that would turn out to be Jake.

"Yes, I remember getting interrupted. It was very pleasant."

They continued in their activities in comfortable silence until Sam asked, "What if I got pregnant?"

She heard him stop moving as she stared at the sink. The silence continued until she looked over at him. He was looking back at her, an unreadable expression on his face.

"It's just a thought. We've been careful, but accidents happen."

More silence as his eyes flitted over her face. Finally, he said, "You want that, don't you?"

So many years of living as man and wife meant they could read each other fairly well. She knew he was trying to understand. He knew she was saying more than her words.

She gave up the fear. In for a penny... "I do. I don't know why. I didn't want a baby before this all started. It's a very powerful feeling. I think...we'd need your help to pull it off."

Bill continued to stare. "I guess this is a bigger deal than I had assumed. I thought you'd get your affair with Jake out of your system and then both move on. But this. This is life-changing. It's huge. Are you sure you want this? Does he?"

Sam nodded at everything he said. "I'm not sure if he's thought of everything, but he says he wants it too. And I... well I want it more than anything."

Bill nodded once. "So, it has to seem like our baby, right? That's what you mean by needing my help?"

Sam smiled sadly. "If you leave me it'll be very odd for me to have a baby. I need you to stick around and say it's yours. Can you do that? If not, I'll stop right now, but I do so very much want his baby, Bill."

Bill sighed and then shrugged and turned back to making her a sandwich. "Well, like I say, I don't want to lose this life of ours. A baby won't be so bad." He turned a glare on her, mock serious. "But he's doing the midnight feedings and diaper changing!"

Sam's relief swept over her, the joy following soon after. Getting swept up in the heat of the moment was one thing. The sober reality of it all meant she'd needed Bill's help for her dream to come true.

As an afterthought, Bill said, "Oh, I told Jake we could all watch a movie tonight. I let him know that I'll be sure to ignore the sounds coming from the loveseat this time."

Sam's face went just as hot and red as her son's had earlier, and Bill smiled to see he'd hit home twice. She said, "Sure, that sounds like fun."

After her sandwich she changed into a swimsuit to join Jake but he wasn't in the pool any longer. He was on a lounger, eyes closed.

"Hey baby, all done swimming?" she asked, walking up to stand over him.

He shaded the sun from his eyes to look up at her. "Yeah. Turns out our morning activities took a bit out of me. Don't worry, I should be fine tonight."

"You mean tonight when we watch a movie with your Dad?"

"Oh right. I guess so. Did he tell you about hearing us on the loveseat last time?"

She nodded, a grimace on her face. "Yeah, I was sure we were quieter than that. But it explains why he was so calm when he found me in your bed. He'd known for a bit."

Jake laughed and said, "He was waiting to spring that one on us, wasn't he?"

Sam smiled. "Yeah I guess he was."

After a moment of just looking at each other, Sam said, "Listen, I had a talk with your father. I brought up the pregnancy thing."

Jake sat bolt upright on the lounger. "You did? What did he say?"

Sam gestured for him to calm down. "It's okay, it's okay! I wouldn't have brought it up if I didn't trust him. It's all fine, he's going to say our baby is his."

"What about his vasectomy?"

Sam shrugged. "They're known to fail. We'll just say he has to go in for a redo, but we're happy with the new life joining us." She paused for dramatic effect. "He did say that you're the one getting up for midnight feedings. And you'll be changing diapers, not him."

She watched carefully for this dash of cold reality to register. She was glad to see it didn't even faze her son.

He nodded firmly and said, "Of course. My baby, my responsibility." He looked at her, directly in her eyes, and said, "I'm excited for this. To have you bear my child, to see your belly grow. To meet the new human we make. I can't wait."

Sam's heart ached at his sincerity. "I'm so glad to hear you say that. I can't wait either, and I know you'll be a fantastic father."

He grinned at the word 'father', and then ran his hand on her leg, rubbing up and down her outer thigh.

She looked at his groin and was not surprised to see the sleeping snake in his suit coming to life. "Down, boy. You're father's home. We can continue this later. How about a swim for now?"

He looked disappointed but nodded and got up to dive in the pool before anything 'popped out' to say hi.


That night the movie turned out to be a chaste situation. Bill's admittance that he had heard them the last time put cold water on any desire for hanky-panky that Jake might have felt. He and his Mom just cuddled casually on the loveseat, with no blanket.

When it was done all three of them walked upstairs to head to bed. At the top, Jake turned to his bedroom but was stopped by his Dad.

Bill said, "Hey, why don't you two take our room? It's bigger. I'll take your room for now, Jake."

Jake hesitated. All his stuff was in his room, and he was comfortable there. Sleeping with his Mom in his parents' bed felt weird.

He didn't have a chance to say so before his Dad continued, "I've already swapped a few of our things. Bathroom stuff, clothes, etc. If you're missing anything let me know." He walked past Jake to his room, leaving him standing there with his Mom.

"Ummmm... is that okay? Did you know about that?"

She shook her head, looking as mystified as he was, but said, "Nope, that was a surprise. But I'm okay with it if you are."

Jake thought about it and then shrugged. "I guess it makes sense." He followed her to her room, his heart beating as if they'd never slept together. As he entered their room, he examined it as if seeing it for the first time. His Mom's stuff arrayed over her dresser, her clothes in the closet.

On his Dad's side of the room there was just a dresser and nothing else. He opened a drawer and found his clothes inside. He turned to the bed and found his Mom watching him on the opposite side.

"So? Is this okay? We can go to your bed if you want," she said.

He shook his head. "No, it's fine, it's just unexpected." He stripped his shirt and shorts off, leaving him in boxer briefs, and slipped into the clean sheets. The bed was bigger and softer than he was used to. He watched his Mom go about her bedtime ritual, which was new to him. Until now they'd just been falling asleep after sex in his room.

She took off her clothes and went to the bathroom to wash her face. She put a cream on afterwards, carefully applying it to her legs, arms and chest. He watched, rapt, as she did this. It was so intimate and yet so mundane. He had no experience with this, and his dick was as hard as it had ever been.

Finally, she put on some panties and a camisole and pulled down the covers on her side. She slinked under the sheet and sidled over to him, pressing herself up against his side, arm over his chest. She purred, burrowing into her side of his pillow, eyes closed.

She said, "I love this. I know it's not really any different than being in your bed, but it also is. You know what I mean?"

He did. He nodded and then cleared his throat. "Yep, I know what you mean."

He was nervous about being in this bed with his Mom, as if he was going to get into trouble. As he lay there trying to relax, he felt her hand move down his body until it encountered his dick. She murmured under her breath something about 'my cock' before digging her hand into his underwear. She grabbed his shaft and maneuvered his dick out of the hole.

The feel of her hand on his dick brought on a surge of confidence. This was what they did. It didn't matter where, as long as they were together. He rolled towards her, putting his dick between them, her hand following. He looked into her eyes as she looked back. He couldn't help the moan of pleasure as she stroked his dick, using her thumb on his head.

Jake was in heaven. This was where he loved to be. In the arms of his lover, the soon to be mother of his baby. He snuck his hand under her top, locating a breast with a hard nipple. Rubbing his own thumb on her nipple as she rubbed hers on his dick head, they started to kiss. A long, slow leisurely kiss with roaming tongues darting in and out. Her taste once again overtook his senses as her lively tongue caressed his in a dance of love. He could feel her tongue get wetter as her mouth flooded with saliva.

As they kissed, he grabbed her nipple and squeezed it the way he now knew she liked, and was rewarded with a muffled groan. She responded by stopping the manipulation of his dick, and finding his own nipple to give it the same treatment. His dick was now pushed into her belly as it stuck out of the hole in his boxer briefs.

"I need you in me," she said, in between kisses.

He grunted his approval and rolled over on top of her, seating himself between her spread legs. He lifted her legs in front of him and then pulled at her panties, pulling them off of her. She instantly spread them around his hips, knees bent to give him full access.

He took advantage and lowered his hips to put himself into position, but she stopped him. "No, take them off, I want to feel all of you."

He quickly stripped his underwear off, growling when they got caught on a toe. Now naked, he lowered his hips, found her entrance by feel and pushed his dick into her. She was so wet he was able to enter her fully with only two thrusts and then they were mated. He stopped there and stared down at her.

"Fuck, you feel good on my dick," he said.

"No," she said, frowning.

"No?" He laughed. "You don't?"

"Not 'dick'", she said. "Call it anything but that. The organ that puts a baby in me isn't called a 'dick'. It's juvenile." The distaste in her tone was clear.

"What do you call it?"

"The wonderful instrument of pleasure you have, that powerful tool you will use to knock me up, is a cock."

He grinned down at her and said, "Fuck you feel good on my cock."

"That's better. I love having your cock inside of me. Maybe you could move it around a bit?"

He followed her directions, starting a slow in and out that suited them both.

Jake fucked his Mom for the next 30 minutes with slow strokes. Moving as constantly as he could but never varying the speed. He wanted to draw it out, enjoy it as long as he could. Twice he had to stop while she shuddered underneath him. He explored every part of her body, while keeping his cock inside of her. By the end of it, he was as wound up as he'd ever been and told his Mom when he was ready.

"I have to cum, now. I'm going to shoot inside of you. Is it okay?"

She smacked his shoulder lightly and said, "I've been ready for you to cum in me since the first moment you stuck it in."

He moved, and he came, his mother's arms wrapped around him. The feel of his semen pumping forth into her was wonderful. Jet after jet sent forth to inseminate the person who had given birth to him. The thought of it was an added ingredient to the cocktail of mental and physical stimulation that made up his orgasm. His cock was a live wire of nerves, stimulated and stroked, massaged and milked by her wonderfully tight pussy, until he couldn't take it anymore. He had to stop; it felt too good.

He stopped fucking but kept his cock inside of her as he leaned down to kiss her again.

"Thank you, Mom. I love you."

"I love you too." She looked at him with a smile. "I think if any cum could ever knock me up, that was it."

He smiled in return and rolled off of her, his cock slithering out of her vagina. Cuddling up next to her, he fell asleep.


Sam woke up feeling a familiar ache in her midsection. An unwelcome ache, but a predictable one. It had been 28 days since her last period, and so while it wasn't unexpected, it wasn't what she wanted. It meant she was almost certainly not pregnant, and she would be in discomfort for the next 5 days. No sex, either. At least, not without a big mess, and she always preferred to avoid it. Plus, the cramps were so unpleasant she wanted nothing to do with feeling or being sexy.

She rolled away from Jake, trying to not wake him, and went to the bathroom to take care of her needs. She sat on the toilet and fought off some tears. Going from the high of trying for a baby to the low of discomfort and pain was a hard way to start a Sunday. She was going to spend it watching TV and eating junk food, she was sure.

Sure enough, by noon she was set up in the living room with a bowl of popcorn and an old movie on. She was surrounded by a blanket and surviving on ibuprofen.

Sam was very glad to note that her period had not fazed Jake one bit. He saw her in pain on the couch and started arranging to get her anything she needed. Right now, he was at the other end of the couch giving her a foot massage. She didn't need a foot massage, per se, but she sure as hell wasn't going to turn it down either.

The movie was an older 80s chick flick, and so nothing Jake was interested in, but she saw him sneaking glances now and then. She smiled to herself and slowly ate another piece of popcorn. She'd never eat the entire bowl but chewing on them took her mind off the pain when it was particularly bad.

At 4pm Bill came home and took one look at her before heading to the kitchen. He brewed up a batch of his 'special tea', a mix of a couple types of leaves he thought helped. In truth, he had done it once and she found it so sweet that she had sworn his tea cured her cramps. Ever since then she played along when he made the tea, though it did nothing. Ibuprofen was the best help.

Come Monday, she went to work and tried not to think about pregnancy, or babies, or Jake. In the evening Jake would wait on her, making sure she had whatever she needed. She enjoyed the attention but would have to cure him of it before long.

The week passed, and by Thursday she felt pretty good. Good enough to start plotting the first opportunity she could get to take Jake's pants off. He had sworn he would not masturbate while she was on her period, which gave her some interesting side entertainment. All she had to do was stretch in her shirt to show off her chest, or bend over, and he was blushing and hiding his groin. It was torture, but she'd make it up to him, no question. Tomorrow...


Friday arrived. Jake woke up in his parents' bed and noted that he seemed to be getting used to the change. It wasn't disorienting anymore to be waking up in a strange room anyways. He lay there and thought about the day ahead of him.

First was his final day of school, then his grad ceremony, and then a dance until midnight. He had a tux rented for the dance, but no date to go with. He had been planning on asking someone out, even just a friend date, but the last few weeks had flown by. Now he had no interest in asking a girl on a date when he'd just be thinking about his Mom all night anyways. He'd probably just go with Rusty and hang out in the back until they got bored.

He turned to the other side of the bed and was surprised to find his Mom already up and gone. He suppressed a surge of disappointment. He'd figured to maybe get a quickie in before school. The last 5 days hadn't been the worst ever. He'd really liked the time spent watching movies and hanging out with his Mom, but he was Last night she had said they could resume trying for a baby, but then put him off, saying today would be better. It was today now, wasn't it?