Sam: Life After Olivia


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I think I was succeeding in making her first time truly memorable.

We left the restaurant with her arm through mine. She held my arm close and tight to her side, not to mention close and tight to the side of her left boob. She kept squeezing and releasing said arm as we slowly walked to the car.

Before I could open the car door for her, Sandy leaned in to me, put her arms around my neck, and gave me a long, wet, salacious kiss.

"That was just utterly divine, Sam. I wish I could've found you long ago."

I just smiled around her kiss and rubbed her back. She inadvertently leaned her mons into my rising hardon. When she felt it, she didn't miss a beat--she just ground into my cock all the harder. I finally got her into the car. She rested her left hand on my right thigh all the way back to my house.

Early that morning, Nik told me, "Since I know what's going to go on in your bedroom tonight, I'll be staying overnight with a girlfriend. That way, I'll be out of your hair and you two can have the place all to yourselves--at least until our parents come home."

"Thanks, Nik. I owe you."

"You'd better believe you owe me. I plan to collect, too."

So, Sandy and I found the house empty when we arrived. I took her to our living room. I had scented candles on both end tables beside the couch arms and three more on the mantle of the fireplace. Despite the warm June night, I had a minimal fire in the gas log. Atmosphere, you know.

"Oh, Sam," Sandy cooed as I led her to the couch fronting the fireplace. We sat and she cuddled up under my right arm. For some time, we just sat there, enjoying one another's company and basking in the aftermath of the great time we had at Giovani's.

My nose was in Sandy's hair, smelling her shampoo, soap, and any other essence I could detect. She smelled really great. She was making small, satisfying sighs and a purring sound in her throat. I slowly started the show.

I gently moved, with the lightest of touches, to kiss or lick: her face, forehead, nose, eyes, cheeks, jaw line, ears, and neck--especially the hollow at the base of her neck and behind her ears. I licked the inside of her ears and blew very lightly. Sandy appeared to be drifting in a daze of, of what? Romanticism, sexual arousal? My nose definitely detected the faint scent of an aroused female.

Under my touches, Sandy's nervousness never had a chance to show itself. She nearly melted into me with her cooing. I dropped my left hand to her boobs. She never flinched.

"Oh yes, she cooed in a whisper. Put your hands on me, Sam. Put your hands on my naked skin. She deftly pulled her dress top down along with her push up bra. Her quite small tits broke free.

"That was the secret, Sam. I don't have much for tits. The cleavage you saw was all push up bra. I hope you're not disappointed."

"Not in the least, Sandy," I said as I dropped my mouth to a very pretty and very hard nipple. "the size of this body part or that body part makes no difference to me. I'm quite happy to just enjoy whatever is offered."

"Oh God, Sam, no wonder all the girls drool for you."

By that time, Sandy was having some trouble breathing and was panting like she was in heat. I think she was--in heat that is. This girl wanted sex in the worst way. I stood and drew Sandy up in front of me.

"Allow me to help you the rest of the way out of that gorgeous dress."

The underskirt and panty hose went next. "If there's one thing I hate about girl's clothes, it's panty hose," I whispered.

That left Sandy standing in a pair of tiny, lace trimmed panties of red silk. I helped her back into her heels.

"Oh damn, Sandy, you're a centerfold for sure."

"Not with this flat chest I'm not, Sam."

"Not all centerfolds have mountains on their chests, Sandy."

"Most of them do."

"But Sandy, you don't need them. You're beautiful just the way you are."

She grabbed me in a tight clinch and kissed me fervently.

"Liar," she said, "but you can keep telling me that."

"Oh, I will, Sandy, I will."

"Now it's my turn to undress you. I want to see what's making your slacks tent out like that. I bet I'll like it."

Sandy proceeded to slowly strip me. I could smell the aroma of her aroused pussy. That aroma, quite strong by that point, was such a turn on, like an aphrodisiac--the best kind of aphrodisiac. Finally bare to the waist, she dropped my pants and boxers as one. There was an audible gasp as she watched my cock pop free.

"Oh my, I've never seen one before--at least not a full grown one."

"You mean as in an adult cock?"

"Yes. It's so big."

"Not really. I barely measure out as normal or average in size, whatever that is."

"About six inches, or least so the sex ed books say, Sam."

"Yeah, so I'm told, Sandy. Grab your clothes and come with me, girl, we have things to explore yet."

We slowly climbed up the stairs, with me gazing at Sandy's swinging ass the whole way.

"You know, Sam, I just can't believe I'm doing this. Conservative, shy little me."

"Doing what, Sandy?"

"Strolling, not even running, just lazing along, naked as a baby. Naked and with a person of the opposite sex. Even more, that person is also naked. It's out of the realm of possibility for me. Yet, here I am, doing just that. And I'm not even nervous anymore, not the least bit. Absolutely, fucking amazing."

"Well, Sandy, the fucking part comes in just a minute."

"Having come this far, I can't wait, Sam."

She turned around, nearly knocking us both down the stairs. She grabbed me into another clinch, smashing her small tits into my chest and her bald mons into my vertical erection. She ground hard on both ends. Jesus, what have I turned loose here?

"Come on, Sandy, just a little further--the bed, please."

The clothes dropped simultaneously as we stepped through the doorway. She still held onto me fiercely as we stumbled over to the bed and fell onto it with Sandy on her back and me on top of her.

"Do something to me, Sam. God, do something. I'm on fire."

With her squealing and squirming, I kissed and licked my way around her tits and nipples until she screamed, "More, Sam, More."

I moved down her chest and belly to her navel. My tongue rimmed that and poked into it. More groans and a low growl. "More, Sam, Goddamn it, MORE, Sam."

My mouth and tongue dropped onto her pussy. Damn if she didn't nearly toss me off her as she burst into a shaking, shattering orgasm.

"Oh my fucking God, Sam, MORE, MORE, MORE."

My tongue was by then laving up and down her slit from butt hole to clit. Again, as was my custom, I ignored her clit and went around it. Sandy was shaking hard. I found her opening and stuck my tongue in--all the way in. Sandy shook even harder. When I stuck a finger in her ass and simultaneously sucked hard on her clit, she shot off again, the hardest yet. This time she squirted all over my face.

"Oh my God, Sam, what'd I do. Did I just pee all over you?"

"No, my gorgeous Sandy, you just squirted your girl juice, your sex cum, all over my face. You are among the lucky few who experience orgasms so strongly that you sometimes squirt like that. Most girls just bubble out a tiny pulse of moisture or a lot, but most don't actually squirt like that."

"God, Sam, I felt that from head to toe, all up and down my insides. I want to feel that again."

I went to work on her again. Just aa she started down from another strong orgasm, I thrust into her in one hard, fast stroke, breaking through her hymen and burying myself balls deep into her puss. At the same time, I managed to get my middle finger into her asshole.

"Sandy screamed, and screamed, and screamed some more as she shook so hard I lost my balance and fell out of her. It was screams of pure pleasure, not pain. I don't think I've ever seen a woman orgasm so heavily and heartily before or since. She later told me she never even felt any pain of her hymen bursting.

"I think I've loosed a tiger here, Sandy."

"Believe it, Sam, you have. Now I want to lose my ass cherry as well. you up to it?"

"After I recuperate for a while, Sandy, you really wrung me out on that come."

It was a long, fantastic night. I finally got her home at two in the morning. She said she'd have no trouble with her parents about the hour. I got a hell of a kiss and grope goodnight from her.

"Thank you, Sam."

Late, very late the next day, Nik said, "What the hell did you do to Sandy last night. I got home just in time to see you disappear from the top of the stairs. I waited a while and then went up to my room. I had to listen to you two all night, screaming and hollering like the world was ending. Jesus."

"I thought you were going to be gone over night, Nik."

"That didn't work out. Again, what the hell did you do to her?"

"I don't play and tell, Nik, you know that. Let's just say she was quite happy with the evening--and the night."


The next Friday, Selma was my date. She was the one with the shady reputation. I took her to the same Italian restaurant and treated her like a lady. She fairly glowed. Before the night was over, she also lived up to her reputation as well. Her parents were gone for the whole weekend, so I spent Friday night, all day Saturday, and Saturday night at her house. By God, I was one whipped puppy by the time I stumbled back home at four o'clock Sunday morning. I didn't know there were so many damned different ways to fuck.

Selma knew them all. We did them all, and then some. My learning curve jumped three hundred per cent, I bet. I mostly kept up with her but, like I said, I was one whipped puppy by Sunday morning.

But word traveled fast. I was rapidly booked solid every Friday and Saturday night for as long as I wanted it to go on. Damn. And I still had to find time to fuck my sister. She refused to be left out. She never did insist on the threesome she originally required. She said when I fucked her, she wanted me all to herself.

The summer was rapidly waning and so was my sexual ability. The libido never diminished, just my physical capacity to keep up with such a loaded schedule of fucking. Man, I was drowning in pussy, almost literally.

The envelope was in the mail one Monday morning, the first week of August. It was the letter telling me I'd been awarded an international scholarship to study for a year at Oxford University in England. Europe. England. Me! Highly unusual? Yes, for a just graduated high school senior. But, the fact that I graduated valedictorian of four-hundred and fifty students may have given me a boost.

And Olivia. It was her tutoring that helped me get that particular scholarship. Now I'd get to see Olivia again. Hot damn. She'd told me she had a solidly committed relationship awaiting her return to England, but I could always hope.

I had just two weeks left to prepare, pack, and get my ass on a plane to London. The fucking weekends had to end. I needed to regain my strength and time to get the necessary preparations done. The fucking was fun while it lasted, but it was, as I said, wearing me out. There is an eventual limit, even for eighteen year old male with more hormones than he knows what to do with.

So it was that early in the last week of August, I found myself on a Boeing 747 winging its way over the Atlantic, London bound. The first term, Michaelmas, began in October and I needed time to get settled and acquainted. I happened, by chance, to draw a seat next to a ravishing redhead of about twenty years. Waiting in the plane to leave the gate for takeoff, I introduced myself.

"Hi, my name's Sam. May I know yours?"

Her teeth weren't quite chattering as she answered, "Hi. My name's 'Red.' Actually, that's my nickname for obvious reasons. My real name is Sandra."

"Well, I'm pleased to meet you, Sandra," I said cheerily as I extended my hand for a shake.

The palm of her hand that grasped mine was sweaty. It shook just a little before she grabbed on to mine.

"Glad to meet you too, Sam."

"Ever fly before, Sandra? This's my first time and I dare say I'm a bit more nervous than I thought I'd be."

She still held my hand and tightened her grip even more.

"God no. This is my first trip too and I'm scared shitless, pardon my language. I just know I'm going to get sick--or worse."

"Well, if it'll help any, you can hold on to me anytime you need to during takeoff or for that matter, any other time during the flight."

I wondered if she felt the sparks of our hand contact as strongly as I did.

"Oh, that helps so much. I hope I don't make a nuisance of myself, but you're so calm. I think it will be a very big help to me."

She still held tightly to my hand, very tightly.

"I think the first thing you should probably do is tighten and buckle your seat belt. The sign is on."

"Oh, yeah, good idea."

Completing that task, her hand again sought mine and squeezed tight. I believe this has the makings of quite an interesting flight was the thought that immediately crossed my mind.

We began moving as the tractor pulled us away from the gate to get us to the taxi way leading to the runway. My seat companion shivered and broke out in a light sweat.

"Everything will be just fine, Sandra. Lean your head on my shoulder and squeeze my hand. We'll be airborne in just minutes."

It turned out to be more like forty-five minutes because of the long take off queue that moved at a snails pace. We had to wait our turn. That long wait didn't help Sandra's confidence any.

Sandra almost sobbed. "I'm not usually like this Sam. Normally, I'm very sure of myself, outgoing, confident, and aggressive. I think I'd qualify as a type "A" personality. But this airplane ride is making a complete mush of me."

"So don't think about the airplane. Think about pleasant thoughts, soft winds, handsome men, who you'd like to be with right now. Anything but this plane."

"I couldn't have found a better person to be sitting beside me right now, Sam. No one."

I just smiled at her and squeezed her hand some more. The sparks were still there. I couldn't squeeze it much, she had mine squeezed in almost a death grip. She was going to cut off circulation if she didn't let up soon. I just remained mute.

Then it was our turn. The engine whine rose as we taxied into position at the head of the runway. The plane braked with a noticeable dip. Then the engine whine grew to an ear splitting scream as the pilot spooled the engines up. Sandra flinched and squeezed my hand so hard she nearly broke it.

"Just normal procedure, Sandra. The engines are run up to full power, the brakes are released, and away we go."

And that's what happened. We both held our breath as we raced down the runway, chasing take off velocity. We both exhaled at the same time we simultaneously felt the wheels break contact with the ground and the plane lift to soar free.

"Oh God, we're flying."

"Yes indeed we are indeed flying, Sandra. Once we reach altitude, things should even out and calm down to the point you'll hardly know we're flying at all."

That's the way events transpired. The noise level dropped considerably, the flight sailed smoothly along, and Sandra at last relaxed some, but not enough to let go of my hand. She also kept her head on my shoulder for over an hour. I think she even dozed off for a while. Neither of us had as yet unbuckled. Some time passed before the plane gave a noticeable but subdued shudder. But it was enough to wake Sandra.

Alarmed, she asked, "What was that, Sam?"

Before I could answer her, the plane gave another, even more noticeable shudder that lasted at least five seconds. Sandra gasped and squeezed my hand really hard again. Her eyes and face had a very frightened look to them.

"What woke you was a milder version of what you just felt. It's nothing to be alarmed about. All it is, Sandra, is air turbulence. Turbulence is a common occurrence, like bumps in a motor highway."

At that moment, the intercom came alive with the voice of the pilot in confirmation of my explanation to Sandra.

"Attention please. This is your pilot. Please fasten your seatbelts. Don't be alarmed. We're going to be experiencing some mild to strong air turbulence for a short while. When we exit the turbulence area, the seat belt sign will be turned off again. Thank you for your patience."

Sandra again released the tension in her hand gripping mine, but once more, didn't release it entirely.

"God, Sam, I'm so glad you're here. This flying business is just not for me. If this flight wasn't completely necessary, I'd not be here."

"Well, Sandra, I'm awfully glad I'm here as well. It feels quite nice to me to sit next to and hold hands with a beautiful young woman."

Sandra blushed. Her head returned to my shoulder.

"You know, a guy like you could grow on a girl like me."

"You don't say. I was thinking the same thing--in reverse of course."

Sandra giggled.

"I've told you quite a bit about myself up to this point, but I've not heard much about you. So, What about you, Sandra."

She sat up, but still clung to my hand. "I grew up in a small rural community in southeast Iowa. Normally..."

Sandra went on with details of her life, a life very similar to mine as I grew up in a small rural community in central Indiana.

"What about boyfriends, Sandra?"

"Oh, I've definitely dated a lot. I've had two serious boyfriends, one in high school and one at Ames. There was also one serious affair at the university with one of my married professors. That ended badly some time ago."

"I see. And were you intimate with all of your boyfriends?"

"You mean, did I fuck them?"

"That's what I mean. I'll explain why I asked in a moment."

"To answer you, yes, I was intimate with all of them. What about your girlfriends, Sam?"

"Ah, girls. Well, there was Olivia ...'

I went on in some detail, first about Olivia and then the pageant of girls of the past summer. I kept it a simple statement of facts--no prideful boasting. However, I intentionally made no mention of my sexual relationship with my sister.

"That's why I asked you. I knew I had to tell you about my past experiences and I knew there were quite a few."

"So you're quite the stud are you."

I just blushed. The hormones swarmed. What could I say?

"I guess I've had some experience, Sandra."


Trying to change the subject, I asked, "So, Sandra, what are you doing on this plane then?"

"I've just completed my second year at Iowa State University at Ames. I'm now on my way to England for a year of study at Oxford on a scholarship."

"The stars must be in proper alignment, Sandra. I'm also on my way to Oxford for the same reason."

"Oh my God, Sam. It musta been fate."

She leaned over to me as much as her seatbelt would allow and kissed me in a vigorous lip lock. We were holding the kiss as the plane gave a very violent shudder.

"Talk about an earth shaking kiss," I said as we broke the lip lock but hot the near clinch."

Sandra giggled but didn't seem overly frightened with the shuddering aircraft. Suddenly the plane plummeted down swiftly enough to push us tightly against our seat belts. That did bring back Sandra's fright. We held each other as we rode out a bad ten minutes of severe turbulence until the plane could regain the lost altitude and the flight quieted down again. The rest of the flight was smooth and unruffled.

"What college are you going to, Sandra?"

"I'll be at Trinity College to study drama. You?"

"My college is Bolliol College to study English history."

"Oh, Sam, I hope the colleges aren't too far apart."

"What, you planning on seeing more of me, Sandra?"

"Don't you want me to?"

"You'd better believe I want you to. Very much."

The kiss she then gave me could've burned down a barn.

Somewhat later as we neared the end of the flight, Sandra poked me and said, "Sam, I've got to pee something awful. I've held back way too long. I was too afraid to unbuckle and get up 'til now."