Sam Spade 05: Case of the Lost Girls


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"How can you be so calm Mistress?" she asked as she followed me into the bathroom and shower.

"Practice sweet pet, practice." I said in reply. As we showered together, I worked out the plan for the night. It was risky but with a lot of luck, it would work out. None of the girls would like it, but it was not their call to make. Once we had showered the grime off, I lead Frankie out to the hot tub. Everyone else was waiting there for us. Letting the heat of the water and the high power jets further relax me, I paused a minute or two before saying, "As you can guess that call was from Don Bruce. He wants Frankie in exchange for the rest of the girls."

There were gasps from around the spa and Frankie said as she started to get out, "I'll get ready mistress."

Grabbing her wrist, I said to Frankie, "Sit down pet, you are not going anywhere." Pulling her close to me I put my arm around her shoulder and held her close, "I have not, and I will never give in to blackmail." I looked at everyone else making eye contact, "Once I give in, none of you, not a single pet will ever be safe again."

Finally, after a prolonged silence, Heather spoke up, "Mistress, if you are not going to give Don Bruce Frankie back, then what are we going to do?"

I smiled, "Hide Frankie in plain sight. All Don Bruce really needs is for Frankie to disappear. So we give him what he wants."

Angela got it first and grinned, "Ohh that is good mistress!"

Looking at Frankie I whispered in her ear. I was somewhat worried about my plan but her happy grin and nod put that fear to rest. Leaning back, I said, "Jasmine, I have a question for you sweet pet." When she looked at me I continued, "How would you feel about having a twin?"

Jasmine looked at me not understanding. However, a glance at Frankie's happy face clued her in, "Oh!"

Ashley spoke up, "You mean Frankie has to change her looks and look like Jasmine? That does not seem fair to her Mistress."

Heather nodded, "I would be glad to look like Frankie, Mistress so he would not be able to tell which is which."

Before I could put a halt to the alternate idea forum, Frankie spoke up, "Thank you sisters, but I like the idea." She looked at Jasmine and then at me, "I want to be exactly Jasmine's twin." Looking back at Jasmine she said, "The best of both worlds."

I had been thinking that she would look like Jasmine but with female parts instead of male. Therefore, her asking to be totally like Jasmine had caught me off guard. Looking at Angela I asked, "Can you do it?"

Angela nodded, "yes mistress." She looked at Frankie and said, "Are you sure you want this Frankie?"

Frankie giggled, "Daddy always wanted a son. Now he will get his wish."

"For now let us just do the looks Frankie," I replied shaking my head no. "I will need to think on it before I allow you to take that step." Everyone with the exception of Angela started to speak at once in Frankie's defense. Holding my hand up they quieted down, "I did not say no, I said I must think of this and I want Frankie to think on this more before we take that step." Looking at Angela I said, "I noticed you did not speak up for the change Angela. Why?"

Angela said softly, "You are my mistress, you know what is best and you have your reason for saying no."

At Angela's words, everyone hung their head in shame. Nodding I said, "Very well said. Will you with the help of the others start Frankie on her journey please?"

As everyone was getting out I held Heather back a moment. "I need you to make a call for me." I explained what I wanted her to do and who to call. At first, she looked doubtful and then as time went on she smiled and started to nod. When we were finished, I went to check on Frankie and the others.

By the time I got there, she had just received the first of several shots. I leaned over and kissed her, "When you wake everything will be taken care of." Turning to the others I said, "I need you to be dressed formally by the top of the hour. We have company coming." I looked at Angela sitting in a chair at the make-up table. "Someone needs to help Angela dress for work." Looking at her, "You're the only one who will be armed tonight."

Going to the master bedroom, I pulled out a red after dinner gown and put on the rubies. I sat looking at myself in the mirror. Twice in one day now, I had dressed totally out of character for me. While the first time was not bad, this time felt as if I were wrapped up in nothing more than a piece of gauze. I guess all my life I had been a tomboy and having to wear a dress was hateful to me. I heard a knock at the door and then Heather poked her head in, "She will be here mistress."

Nodding to her, I replied, "Thank you Heather."

I picked up the phone and called Fat Johnny, "Hear anything from your song birds?" I asked him when he had picked up. When he replied no, I told him that Don Bruce was requesting a meeting tonight at seven sharp. "And you are going to drive me there Fats."

"Are you out of your mind!" he replied. "You know he is going to shoot you Sam. You are number 2 on his hit list right behind Frankie."

"You worry too much; I just want you to drive me there and back again once he and I have our little chat." I replied. "I know you are worried and all, but all you need do is get me there, and back again Fats." It took time to convince him that it was safe for him to drive me but finally I managed it. By the time I finished it was time to greet our guest.

When the doorbell rang, I was standing beside Heather when she opened the door. "Sue," she said moving forward to hug the elderly woman, "How good of you to come by." She turned to me and said, "Sue, may I present Lady, Samantha." I looked her over and smiled, she looked like someone's grandmother instead of a mol for the kingpin of the mob. While her dress was tasteful, it was plain instead of glamorous like Heather's and mine.

I stepped forward, took her hand in mine, and gave it a little squeeze, "Oh please, just Samantha." I said smiling. Taking her hand and wrapping it around my arm, I lead her into the living room as Heather closed the door in the bodyguard's face. "I have heard so much about you," I said as we sat on the couch semi facing each other.

Heather went over to the dry bar and poured a couple small glasses of sherry. She placed them on a tray and brought them over to us. "Please have a sherry dear." She said offering the tray to first Sue and then me. Personally, I never had liked sherry. It was too dry for my taste. However, I would drink anything if I thought it would help.

Sue turned to Heather and thanked her for the glass. Sipping it, she smacked her lips and then said, "You said you had news about Frankie? Lenny is in a terrible mood about her. Every time I try talking to him he storms off." She shook her head sadly. "I don't know what to do with those two, they are always fighting."

Heather nodded, "I can imagine. But it is Lady Samantha that can help; I am just here to assist her in any way possible." I looked at her and with winked with the eye not facing Sue.

"You have been more help then you could know dear," I said as I reached across Sue to grip Heather's hand for a moment. Looking at Sue I said, "Are you aware of today's events?" She had the look of a cow staring at an on rushing train. "This morning, Lenny had some of his," I had to think a moment of how to put it; "Workers kidnap Frankie and kill her adopted sister in the process."

Sue's hand went to her mouth, "Oh my stars!"

Still looking at her I took Sue's hands in mine, "When Frankie was brought before Lenny she," I looked down, "She tried to shoot him for killing her sister." Looking back up at her, "She made it away from her father and went into hiding." I looked to Heather and back to Sue, "Now Frankie is number one on his list."

I was surprised at her reaction, "That son of a bitch. How dare he." She said her face turning hard. I had to wonder, who really ran the family. Sue looked at Heather for conformation and then back at me. "What is your connection with all this Samantha?"

I knew that question would come up. I had originally planned to spin a tall tale but once I met her, I knew she would see through it. "Long story short, I am her mistress."

She just looked at me and nodded, "Now give me the long story. I want to know how my daughter became a lesbian, quit the family business, and moved in here Miss Spade." She looked at Heather and patted her leg, "It's ok dear, I knew once I met her. I mean she IS the spitting image of your goddess in the middle of the spa." Turning back to me she said her voice suddenly hard, "I am waiting Miss Spade, why is my Frankie your slave?

Setting the sherry down I told her the saga of the masks. How it had been a plot to frame me and that anyone who put the mask on was permanently bonded to it for life. As I spoke, Jasmine and Ashley entered and sat off to one side. I went on to explain how Angela had turned the tables on Cindy and thwarted her plan. "I tried to free them Sue. I tried to give them the freedom to live their lives without guidance." Standing I went to the dry bar and poured myself a drink. I needed something stronger then wine.

I walked back over and sat down once more, "You see, I love your daughter, just as much as you do. She is my daughter. All of the girls are my daughters." I looked at the glass, "In the stroke of a few days I had responsibilities thrust on me that I had never planned on." I looked at her, "Not that I am complaining. But, as a private detective it threw a monkey wrench into my business. Every woman, all of my daughters now were in danger. Someone could take one and use her as leverage against me."

I paused and looked down, "You can ask Lenny about this, he knew long ago about Frankie. Now he is holding my other daughters' hostage against Frankie's and my life."

Suddenly I felt the glass taken from my hand. I looked up in time to see Sue gulping it down, "He knew?" she asked looking at me. I nodded. She stood and threw the empty glass into the fireplace where it shattered. "I am going to kill that son of a bitch. Just give me a gun and I will personally rename him dickless!"

Chapter 8

We watched in stunned silence. It was a sight to see a kindly looking woman lose it and talk mayhem against her husband. Sue calmed down and blushed, "I am sorry."

Heather spoke up, "He is also holding our sisters' hostage."

Sue looked at her, "How many? How many are there of you?"

Heather smiled, "I have 14 sisters." Her smile faded, "I had another sister but she died."

I spoke up, "Cindy was taken along with another and in the process of rescuing them she..." I lost my voice and sobbed at the memory of her death. No matter what anyone said, I knew it was still my fault. I had failed my daughters.

I felt arms pulling me into a hug and Sue's voice, "I understand dear, I lost my boy in the last war." She added, "That was before Frankie was born and with my first husband."

Hugging her back I said, "Thank you." Sitting up I saw the worried looks on my pets faces, "Its ok dears." I said to them as I wiped at the tears.

Sue looked at the faces and then at me, "You really do love them and they you."

I nodded.

"So why did you have Heather call me?" she asked.

"I want to keep from having anyone else shot and or killed." I replied simply. "If I walk over like this, three things will happen. First I will be gunned down, the girls Lenny is holding will be dead, and then he will come over here and make sure Frankie dies as well as anyone in this house."

Her eyes got big, "Yes I guess he would. Lenny was always one to shoot first and think afterwards." She looked around, "So I am a hostage? Is that the plan?"

Shaking my head, "No Sue, I had considered that idea and discarded it. I do not know how Lenny would react. Assuming we get through this alive, I do not want Frankie living with the thought that she had caused even by her living, the death of her parents." I looked at the others, "I don't want anyone to die. Frankly I don't think I can stand the thought of losing another of my daughters."

"There was only one solution I could think of. Frankie must die." I said. The look of horror on Sue's face was mirrored on everyone else's, "That is to say, she must appear to die, never able to show her face again. That way Lenny's honor is saved."

Sue said, her voice hushed, "What do you mean, appear to die?"

"Come with me Sue." I said. I lead her back to the room where Angela sat with Frankie, "Angela, this is Sue, Frankie's mother."

Angela smiled slightly, "Please forgive me not standing. My legs do not work."

Sue looked at me, "Angela was with Frankie when they took her this morning?" she asked. I nodded and she turned back to Angela. "My dear child, I am so sorry. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know."

Angela nodded, "Thank you for the offer. There is a specialist flying in from London in the morning to work on them."

Sue looked at the sleeping form of Frankie. "What's wrong with her?"

Angela looked at me and I nodded. "She is being remade." She showed Sue the program and what the projected changes would look like. "This is still in the experimental stage but trials so far are looking good."

Sue looked at the computer screen and then at Jasmine, then back at the screen and back at Jasmine again, "That looks a lot like you."

Jasmine blushed, "Yes Miss Sue, Frankie wanted become my twin sister."

She looked at me, "How do you know it really works?"

Jasmine spoke up, "Because before now I looked very different, now I am happy and beautiful."

She looked at Jasmine once more and walked up to her, "Yes you do look happy, and quite lovely. It's nice to see Frankie has finally learned good taste." She looked down at her daughter, "I always did hate that plastic surgery she had done."

We had retired back into the living room when she asked, "Ok so what is the plan?"

I looked at Sue and replied, "It's quite simple. Talk to Lenny, the father, instead of Don Bruce the Godfather."

Sue looked at me and laughed, "That's some plan Samantha. It's so stupid, it might work."

Shortly before seven pm, Sue and I walked out to her car. I had forgotten all about Fats and he stood by my car waiting. Turning to Sue I touched her arm, "One moment dear," and went over to Fats. "I am going to ride over with Sue."

He looked at me and then at her and then at me once more, "Do you know who that is Sam?"

"Yes, that is Frankie's mother and a dear friend of mine." I replied. I led him up to the house and opened the door. All of the girls were standing there watching with the exception of Angela and Frankie. "Heather dear, would you and Ashley give Johnny a ride back to his restaurant please?"

Heather looked at him and then at me, "Yes Samantha."

Turning back, I hurried to where Sue was waiting. She looked at Fat's and asked, "Is that Johnny Picacce?

I looked at Fats; I have never worried with his last name before. "Why yes, do you know him?"

She nodded, "Yes he has a lovely little restaurant with linguine that you would die for."

"Oh yes I have been there many times." I replied as I got into the back seat with her.

We rode to The Don's house in silence. While I was still wearing the red dress and rubies, I felt wrongness to my dress. Not only was I not in my suit but I had left all the weapons back at the house. Sue put her hand on my leg and said, "Don't worry dear Samantha; I will be beside you all the way."

I cannot express how good it felt to hear her speak those words. "Thank you Sue, would you like to be there tomorrow when Frankie wakes up?" I knew that if it were I, I would want to be there, but I was not Sue and wife to the crime kingpin.

She looked at me like a child on Christmas morning, "Really? I would like that very much." She looked away, "I guess you think I am a horrible woman for marrying into the families. My first husband was the Don and when he died I had to marry his chief lieutenant to keep the family from splintering." Before I could reply she added, "I was too wrapped up in the pursuit of power to be a good mother to Frankie while she was growing up. I even let Lenny name her that silly name."

Now it was my turn to touch her leg and when her hand covered mine I took it and squeezed it tightly, "No, I think you are a wonderful woman Sue, and it is never too late to be a good mother." When the car stopped, I got out and looked around. While I had been here before I was always wearing a bag over my head. The front lawn and drive looked just like our house. The only difference was the amount of armed guards looking around.

Sue came up beside me and pulled my arm into hers. She leaned her head into mine and said softly, "Don't worry Samantha, it will all work out. Lenny knows who really runs the show and will toe the line."

We were ushered into the house and into a study where Don Bruce sat behind a desk. One of his boys said, "Spade is here boss," As he ushered us in. At Sue's hard stare, he dropped his eyes and mumbled sorry. He did not even look up from the paperwork he was doing.

Finally, after a good minute he said as he lifted a silenced pistol, "Miss Spade and Frankie, I have been waiting a long time to..." he looked and saw that it was Sue standing beside me with her arms crossed. Her face was set in stone and if she were a bomb, she would have gone off any moment. He looked at me and then at her once more not speaking.

Sue said in a quiet voice that was more frightening then when she had blown up at the house, "You have waited a long time to what?" She walked up and took the pistol from his unresisting fingers, "To kill a woman, your daughter?" With her free hand, she slapped him.

I had never seen fear in a man's face like I did his. He was white as a sheet. I realized then that Sue was the true head of the families and he was just a figurehead to keep the underlings inline. He sputtered, "But pumpkin you don't know what she..."

She slapped him once more. One of the "boys" opened the door and looked in, "Everything ok boss?"

Sue not looking away from Don Bruce she said, "The next person that opens that door will be shot." The man shut the door with a startled look. "Let me see what I don't understand. You knew about the mask's programming to our daughter. You knew about Miss Spade and her feelings to Frankie. You knew that if Frankie stayed out on her own she may end up like Cindy. You knew that disowning her would break her heart. And last of all you knew to tell your men to kill anyone else when you kidnapped her this morning."

Sue stood over him her face red and breathing hard. "Most of all you knew not to tell me the truth about her and Samantha." Sue leaned in close and pressed the pistol against his groin. "If it were me this morning I would not have missed." She moved closer until they were nose to nose, "IF you ever harm Frankie again, I will kill you. If you ever threaten Samantha or any of her girls, I will kill you. Do you understand Leonard Eugene?"

He gulped and said in a quiet voice, "Yes mam."

"Good," Sue said standing back up and tossing the pistol onto the desk. She looked at me, "I'm sorry Samantha that you had to see our little squabble." She looked down at her husband and said, "Lenny dear, will you make drinks please. I will have my usual. Samantha, bourbon on the rocks for you?"

"Yes please." I replied. I was caught off guard by the sudden shift from the nice to the crazed and back to the nice mindsets. Sue moved over to the side where there were several red leather chairs sitting in a semicircle before a dark fireplace.

Sue sat down on my right side and after serving drinks, Lenny sat beside her. "Now Miss Spade, I understand you wanted to speak to us about our daughter." Her hand reached out to take Don Bruce's in hers.