Sam Spade 10: Demon Tears


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The look on her face was that of a mother watching her child walk for the very first time. Picking up the reins and buggy whip, I flicked it against Jamie's backside and said, "Giddy up." She started walking at a steady pace, her hooves flashing in the sunlight. Putting the whip back in its holder I looked at Kitten sitting beside me and smiled. It was if I were in a dream once more. The sun on my face, Jamie's steady clopping footsteps and the birds singing made everything right in the world. We followed the path up until the house was out of sight. I was surprised at how much land there was behind the house as I rode.

We ran across an old oak tree and creek. Pulling back on the reins, I stopped. It was not exactly the dream place, but it was close enough to give me shivers. Getting down I grabbed the picnic basket and removed a blanket. Spreading it, I went back to Jamie, disconnected her from the cart, and led her to the blanket, "Sit." Once she sat down, I removed the bit gag from her mouth and noticed how sweaty she was. "Do you need to walk it off?" I asked.

She shook her mane and smiled, "Only if you wish me to Mistress. I am fine, really."

Nodding I opened the basket to see what Heather had packed. I unpacked it setting food to one side and drinks to the other. At the bottom, I saw a little note and plastic baggy. "Only if she pleases you, mistress." In the baggy was a sugar cube. I looked at and smiled. I knew how I was going to use it already.

As we ate Kitten in cat form played in the grass, only stopping when I told her it was time for lunch. When she came over, I opened a can of tuna fish and smiled as she pounced on it like a little tiger. Overall, it was a wonderful outing. Just as I planned, for dessert I lay on my back and placed the sugar cube between my lower lips. The only problem was that Kitten wanted to eat the cube instead of letting Jamie have her reward. However, with a promise of more cubes back at the house Kitten let my pony have her dessert.

The ride back was just as lovely as the ride out. Just as I expected Crystal was waiting for our return and came up as I got off the cart. Ignoring her, I walked up to Jamie, "You did wonderfully, sweet pony." She pawed the ground and swished her tail at me in reply. "Keep working at it and soon we will go out on the town." She nodded happily. Turning to Crystal, "Very good, though she was a little winded after that trip. Also see that there is a brush included next time."

Crystal nodded, "Yes mistress."

"Finally, think about how to work her out with more weight and longer distances." Hugging Crystal I said, "You did wonderfully training my little pony." Speaking up I added, "Keep up the good work, both of you." Looking at Kitten sitting on the bench seat I said, "Come along Kitten." We walked back to the house together. Looking back from the door, I saw Crystal dancing happily with Jamie. "How about a little rest and cuddle time?" I asked Kitten.

Nodding, she zipped through the door as if she were hot on the trail of a mouse. Following along more sedately, I followed her to the bedroom. Kicking off my heels, I lay on the bed and opened my arms to her. In mid step she changed from a cat to the cat woman I had grown to love. Purring loudly, she nuzzled me and said, "Kitten need momma love."

Holding her tightly I nuzzled her back, "Momma needs you too." Instead of making love, we cuddled and rested together.

I had not planned to fall asleep, but the best laid plans. It was Kitten's voice that woke me, "Momma wake up." Opening my eyes, I looked nose to nose with her, "Angela say time now," she continued. Getting up I looked past her at the clock, by golly she was right, it was four pm.

Caressing Kitten's head I said, "Thank you Kitten," to which she moved into my hand and started purring loudly. Smiling I bent down and nuzzled her once more and said with a smile, "Shall we go see how Jade tastes now?" In a flash Kitten was back in cat form and raced out of the room. Putting my shoes on I followed at a more sedate pace. I thought about brushing my hair, but seeing it was already four pm I did not want to be too late.

When I reached the playroom, I saw at once that everyone was there. Everyone that was, with the exception of Alvin. No doubt, he was lying in a room becoming more fit and younger looking. I still loved this room, the walls ceiling and floor had all been done in latex covering. Therefore, when you first walked in the erotic scent of the latex filled you. The girls were all centered in the middle of the room talking excitedly.

When I stepped in and closed the door, they turned to face me in mass. Everyone had the same look of excitement and raw lust in their faces. Each human was dressed the same, hobble dresses, opera length gloves and high heels. Jamie's coat looked freshly groomed and shiny, while Kitten and Tigress both were in cat form. Without speaking, the girls knelt before me. It was then that I saw what they were looking and talking excitedly about.

In the center of the room stood Jade. Just like my fantasy, she was wearing a hood with a chain attached to the ceiling, hobble dress, and an arm binder. At the bottom of the dress, I could see the tips of the ballet boots on the floor. The first thought was I wonder how long she had been standing there. It was quickly followed by a feeling of lust. Striding over to her I unzipped the mouth and eye holes and taking her head in my hands kissed her deeply. Though bound in a standing position for at least six hours now, her tongue kissed me back with just much passion if she had not been bound. "Good girl," I breathed huskily. Unzipping the hobble dress, I found that she had been made back into a woman. Her bald flower glistened with excitement. "Spread your legs pet," I said as I dropped to my knees before her. Without speaking Jade took, little steps and spread her legs.

Gripping her ass firmly I thrust my tongue into her. She was wet already, her honey tasted divine. Sucking and drinking her liquid love and devotion, I brought her to the edge of a much-needed orgasm before stopping. Standing I kissed her once more, my cum covered tongue pressing into her mouth. Jade sucked on it as if it were a mini cock in need of milking. Turning back to the girls, who throughout this time had watched in excitement, I said, "Please welcome your sister and her change properly."

Walking over to the chair, I sat down, poured myself a drink and lit a cigar. I watched them with half my mind as they each took turns making love to Jade still bound in a standing position. In reality, I was thinking about what was going on. 'How did Jade know that I wanted to see her bound this way? Could it be I was the cause of all this? Jade wanting to be female and bound, Jamie's hooves, and Alvin's new enjoyment of latex and his staying.' I wondered.

There was only one-way to test it that I could think of. I imagined Jade being released from the hood and chain so she could walk over to me, kneel and beg to lick me in return. I knew she would want to do that anyways so I added the vision of Kitten, Jamie, and Tigress putting arm binders on everyone else and making them line up behind Jade. Then they would place hand cuffs on each other before joining the end of the line.

To my surprise just as I imagined it, Angela released Jade so she could walk over. Kneeling before me she rested her face against my shoe and kissed it. Looking up she said softly, "Please mistress..." Opening my legs in invitation, I watched as a look of pure lust filled Jade's face as she moved up to lick and nuzzle my flower. With her arms still bound behind her, she was a bit unsteady, but my hands held her in place. Orgasming I mewed in pleasure as she licked and sucked my clit.

"Good girl," I said lifting her face from between my legs.

"Thank you, mistress," she said. She then stood and tip toed to one side of the room.

By the time Jade had moved out of the way, Angela was kneeling before me. Like Jade, she too was wearing an arm binder. Just as Jade had done she kneeled and bent over to kiss my shoe. Looking up at me, I saw not the Angela I knew, instead this Angela was pure submissive and eager to please. Nodding I smiled as she moved up to worship my flower. Of all the girls in the house, Angela knew how to drive me wild. It only took her a matter of minutes before I was screaming in pleasure. Behind her, I could see all of the other girls lined up, looks of need and lust filling their features.

One by one, each of the girls licked me to an orgasm. Last was Kitten, kneeling before me, her hands cuffed behind her back, she looked at me with her golden yellow eyes and said, "Kitten love bound for momma." Resting her head against my shoe, she nuzzled it with her face before looking up, "Kitten need momma taste."

Nodding I smiled as she buried her face against my inner thighs. She was a little buzz saw with a vibrating tongue. After having everyone bringing me to orgasm, it took only a matter of seconds before Kitten's wide tongue brought me over the edge. Purring wildly, she licked until I was clean. Then, like the others, she walked to the side of the room and waited my pleasure.

Standing I walked over to the girls and unzipped their hobble dresses. The sudden heavy scent of their musk filled and mixed with the latex in the room. "I love that smell," I said inhaling deeply lost in the moment. I was brought back to reality by the sounds of everyone inhaling deeply taking in the heady aroma just as I was and the looks of bliss on everyone's faces. One by one I helped them lay down and then going back to the chair I sat looking at them. "Enjoy," I said as I thought about them having a licking frenzy on each other's bodies.

As the moans of passion rose, I relit the cigar and thought. I was somehow the cause of the changes. 'That means's Maradith had fixed me. Somehow, she turned me also. What was I?' Standing I hurried to the bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My reflection shocked me, on my head were a pair of tiny red horns and I could see bat like wings waving the air behind me. Running my fingers through my hair, I failed to feel neither horns nor when I reached behind me, the wings. Staring at my reflection I said, "I need to call Jason now."

Chapter 2

Looking at the time I noticed it was near four am and while I knew brothels worked on a twenty-four basis, he did have to sleep sometime. "Morning will be soon enough," I said softly to myself. Crawling into bed, I lay between the latex sheets and inhaled their heady aroma. I wondered why was it that my pets were not as obsessed about the smell and feel of latex as I was. They wore latex because I asked them, however when I was in a coma, they had stopped. My gloved fingers caressed my body and I lost myself in the pleasure of their feel.

Spreading my legs, I plunged my fingers inside and brought myself closer to bliss. Something inside me clicked and I threw the covers over my head. Inhaling deeply, I could smell the latex and my own musk filling the stale air. I could feel the emotions of everyone in the house. With the exception of Alvin, they all were still in the playroom making tender love to each other. I do not know what came over me, but I pushed my obsession of the feel and smell of latex on them. Feeling their minds shift and become like mine was more stimulating than my fingers still pumping franticly in my flower. With a loud scream I orgasmed, my orgasm triggering theirs. Coming down I realized what I had done. Instead of being ashamed, I found I was excited.

A few minutes later, I heard a voice, "Mistress?" It was Angela. Pulling the covers back down and exposing my head, I looked up at her. She had a worried expression on her lovely face. I lifted the latex sheet, and she crawled into bed with me, nuzzling my neck. As her hands tenderly caressed my rubber-covered breasts, she said softly, "Samantha, something is wrong."

"What's troubling you sweet angel?" I asked as I guided her hand down between my legs.

"I need...I need," she replied and then with a quick movement pulled the sheet back up covering both our heads. "This!" I could hear her inhaling deeply and mewing in pleasure. Angela crawled down between my legs and replaced her hand with her tongue. "What happened to me," she asked, her voice muffled.

"Nothing Angela," I replied as I filled her mind with my obsession with latex. "This is normal; you needing the feel and smell of latex." I could feel her looking up at me as she dwelled on my words.

"Of course Mistress," she said happily, the internal conflict resolved. She went back to licking and sucking on my labia and clit bringing me to a rapid orgasm. At some point during the night, both Tigress and Kitten joined us under the covers. Our combined scents mixed with the latex were overwhelming and the rest of the night passed in a haze of lust.

When I awoke, it was late morning. I lay in bed one hand idly fondling and pinching my nipple while the other circled my clit. That my clothes had disappeared did not surprise me, I had vague memories of Kitten and Tigress shredding the latex off me in a frenzy to reach and worship my skin below.

I became aware of my hands motions and felt raw lust rolling off me like waves crashing on a beach. What was happening to me? I had always enjoyed sexual pleasure with a friend or alone so waking up in the morning horny was not something new. However, waking up masturbating was a new experience not to mention how much I was consumed with lust. I needed a good hard fuck and I needed it now.

As if on cue, Jasmine walked into the room. She was wearing the hobble dress from the night before with the zipper all the way down. As she took tiny steps towards me, holding the tray steady I looked her over. She like her twin sister, Jade, was a vision of loveliness. She would do nicely for what I needed. While from the waist up she was a sexy female, she still had Jimmy's cock. Letting the rubber sheet slide down, I exposed my hand pinching and pulling at my nipple. "Good morning Jasmine," I said licking my lips.

"Good morning Mistress," She replied, her eyes glued to my hand's ministrations. "I brought you breakfast," she added a moment later.

Pointedly looking at the bulge in her hobble dress I replied, "So I see..." I glanced up and caught her blushing. Pushing the covers back, I stood and walked to her with one hand still buried in my cunt. Removing my wet fingers, I ran one across her lips before taking the tray from her unresisting hands. Setting the tray down on the dresser, I turned back to Jasmine. "Lay on your back in the bed pet," I commanded tenderly.

Licking her lips to taste my honey, she replied, "Yes mistress." Even though she was hobbled, she moved quickly over to the bed and lay on her back. Jasmine looked up at me with lust and need in her eyes even though she lay unmoving.

Moving to the foot of the bed, I grabbed the zipper to her hobble dress with my teeth and unzipped her slowly to the waist. Just as I had thought, her cock sprang to attention once it was freed from the confines of the dress. Sitting up I looked down at it, a little white pearl of pre-cum formed on the tip. While looking into her eyes I lowered my lips to her cock and sucked it in.

I had planned to torment her, bringing her to the edge before allowing her to cum inside me. However, when I tasted her pre-cum it felt as if something snapped inside me. I became an animal seeking her nourishment. One hand reached behind her ass and held her tightly as the other kneaded her balls. My mouth sucked and bobbed up and down as if it were a living vacuum cleaner. I envisioned Jasmine cumming harder than she ever had before, draining every drop of her seed into my hungry mouth.

With a scream of passion Jasmine came. It felt as if her orgasm would never end, cum spurting in the back of my throat to be devoured by my hunger. When she finally stopped, I licked my lips and sat up. Her cock started to deflate and I said, "Oh no you don't, I want you nice and hard inside me." As if by magic, her cock grew hard once more in my hand.

Moving up I impaled myself on her hard cock. Leaning forward I captured her hands in mine and looked down into her face as I slid up and down her shaft. Her eyes closed and mouth slightly open she moaned in pleasure as I rode her slowly. "What should I do with you?" I asked her softly. Jasmine's eyes flew open and I continued, "Your twin now loves her ballet boots and is a woman through and through."

She looked up at me not understanding nor speaking. Still sliding up and down her hard cock I clinched my vaginal muscles and said, "Just think what it would be like, your movement centered on being hobbled by wearing ballet boots." In my mind, I could see her walking on tiptoe just like Jade. The vision caused me to speed up in excitement. Opening my eyes, I saw a look of pure bliss in her glazed eyes.

I wondered if she could feel what I felt on top of what I told her to feel. Bending down I kissed her neck and tried to let her feel how it felt to be fucked. It must have worked because Jasmine started thrusting hard into me. Her hands, which until now had been lying dormant in my grasp, now gripped my hands in return. Feeding from her excitement, I felt myself reach the edge of orgasm.

I let go of her hands long enough to reach back and grab the rubber sheet. Throwing it over us both, I lay down against her still riding her cock franticly. In the darkness under the latex sheet, I said softly, "What do you want?"

Jasmine's hands found my breasts and pulled at my nipples, "Please..." she said, her voice begging.

"What do you need Jasmine?" I said softly against her neck as I kissed and bit at it.

"To be twin," she said. The words came out brokenly as she mewed in pleasure. "I need ballet boots... please Mistress."

"Anything else Jas?" I said moving up to kiss her lips, my hips still thrusting against her cock.

"Finish me, make me a real woman like Jade." She said her voice filled with need.

"I don't know," I said. "I kind of like this cock of yours." Jasmine's only reply was soft whimpering. I realized that if I wanted, I could make Jimmy want to be a woman. I had walked that path of control once before and caught myself before making the same mistake again. "Cum with me, fill me with your seed Jimmy." Jasmine moaned in pleasure as she orgamsed again. Feeling her cum inside me caused me to orgasm also.

Pulling the sheet down below our heads I lay on top of her spent. One hand reached up and caressed her hair and I said, "As a woman, you could never have what we just had again." Tenderly kissing her neck, I continued, "But if you wish to change, Jasmine, then you have my permission."

Jasmine looked at me and said softly, "Red, you know I could never refuse you anything," and smiled. "For you, and for myself," she paused a moment before continuing, "I will stay the same, stuck in transition."

I smiled; the old Jimmy had reared his head and replied. "You know I love it when you call me Red." I said with a hug. I kissed Jasmine once more before getting up off his softening cock. Standing I went over to the tray and picked up breakfast.

By the time I was turned around Jasmine was up and had her dress zipped all the way down once more. "Mistress, may I still train myself to wear shoes like my sister?" she asked timidly.

"Of course Jasmine, but don't overdo it." I replied with a smile, the vision of my pets all bound in some way all the time.

She came over, took the tray from me, and set it on the edge of the bed. Turning back, she pulled me into her arms and kissed me deeply. "Thanks Red," she said before taking tiny steps out of the room.

I smiled after her; I realized belatedly I had reached a cusp and not given into the seduction of power. Going over to the bed, I lay back down and pulled the tray to my lap. Uncovering it, I realized the warm things were cool and the cool things were warm. "Oh well, it was worth it." I said as I sipped the luke warm coffee and took a bite of soggy toast.