Samantha's Saturday Night


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"How does it feel?"

"Incredible... unbelievable, Sam."

"It's nice for me too," I told him truthfully, "is it how you imagined?"

"Better... much better!"

"Still not about to cum?"

"Not yet," he looked very pleased.

"That's good kid; you've got a job to do first!"

He looked puzzled; he really was naive.

"You've got to fuck me? Remember? I have needs too; you can't just stop here, little brother!"

I smiled up at his pleasant, surprisingly handsome face. Why hadn't I noticed this before? He really was a good-looking boy, especially those eyes...

"Pull back slowly... mmmm...yes... now thrust back in again...SLOWLYYYY... Ohhh yes!"

Despite all he had drunk, he was good at listening and doing what he was told and for a minute or two he thrust in and out of my pussy with long, slow strokes. It felt very pleasant indeed; smooth and he was a lot bigger than I had expected. I spread my legs a little wider and felt him slip an extra quarter-inch into me.

"Like that?" I asked. He smiled down on me.

"It's amazing Sam. I can't believe you're letting me do this..."

"Just keep doing what I tell you, ok? Are you ready to cum yet? Great! Now try a little faster..."

His thrusts suddenly became wild and much too fast.

"Woah!" I said, closing my legs a little in an attempt to slow his hips down, "slowly Tiger! We don't want it all to end too soon, do we?"

He looked down at me sheepishly and I smiled back.

"I want to enjoy this for a long time! Now, take it easy..."

Bless his naive soul, the boy did exactly what I told him; pulling back and thrusting forward slowly, allowing my body to adjust to his rather enjoyable presence.

"Now try and keep this pace going for a while," I said quietly, "mmmmmm that's nice..."

And indeed it was nice; very nice indeed.

"How about a little faster now? MMMmmmmm that's better..."

I opened my legs even wider and felt him sink a little deeper, his thick base forced a little further between my already-stretched inner lips.

"Oh Robbie! That's lovely."

"You really mean that? I'm really doing it?"

"Christ yes! You're really, truly fucking me!"

"Oh God!"

"Oh yessss! Can you keep that pace going for a bit? Say if you're going to cum!"

The sound of our bodies colliding echoed off the bedroom walls, a slow, steady pulse as his young body was repeatedly thrust into mine.

"Is it good for you too? Great! How about a little faster still... ohhhh yessss!"

The wet slapping grew louder and faster and a warm glow began to rise from my groin. This was much better than I had expected; maybe it could be better still.

"Still not ready to cum? Sure? That's amazing! I knew you could do it, Robbie!"

The look of incredible pleasure, astonishment and sheer delight on his face when I said this made my chest tighten with emotion. What we were doing was so, so wrong but if it made him so very happy and made me feel... well actually he was making me feel amazingly good too!

"Try a little faster still... oh YESSSSS!"

His thrusts grew even faster and noisier. I tilted my pelvis downwards, bringing my swollen clitoris down onto the top of his shaft and twisting his cock inside me. It was one of my favourite moves which nearly always worked wonders both for me and my lovers...

"mmmmMMMMMM thatsssgoooDDDD!"

And it was working now, at least on me!

Jesus! Surely my little virgin stepbrother wasn't going to give me an orgasm during his first ever fuck!

Surely my little virgin stepbrother couldn't make his slutty older sister cum, and yet...

I clamped down as hard as I could with my pelvic floor and thrust my hips hard upwards against his rapid thrusts. The warm glow rushed outwards from my vulva, through my belly and into my chest.

Oh my God! The boy really was going to make me cum! Oh God! I wanted this orgasm.


The climax was small but so, so satisfying. I grabbed my little brother's shoulders then his waist as my body writhed beneath him. My legs wrapped around his upper thighs, then up to his back and my fingernails dug into his biceps as the intensity grew.

"Sam! Sam! I think I'm... I'm..." he gasped. It could only mean one thing!

"It's ok... just let it happen Robbie... let it now...!" I gasped as the warmth from my chest spilled into my belly.


"Cummm nowww Robbieee!"

And he came, right inside me. For the first time in his life my little stepbrother ejaculated inside a girl's vagina and she was actually having a minor orgasm when it happened.

And the girl was me, his older sister!

His face twisted into an ugly grimace as he came and I knew it was a good one for him, he twisted and drove himself hard into my body as he spurted his semen into me in wild uncontrolled thrusts.

I held his shoulders tightly, steadying myself as his legs drove me up the bed with the force of his first proper orgasm. It felt good; no it felt great! It was nowhere near the best orgasm I had ever had, not even in the Top Ten but definitely the most unexpected and one of the very sweetest.

"Cum for me Robbie! Let it rip! Don't hold anything back!"

"Ohhh Sammmm!"

His body rocked with the strength of his climax, his back arched and his legs forced mine so wide it hurt. It was short and violent but so, so sweet. A minute later my brother lowered his spent body onto mine, crushing me against the mattress but I didn't care, I just lay there in a glow, feeling his cock twitching and throbbing inside me as he pumped the last few drops of his semen into my vagina.

"There you are Robbie," I whispered into his ear, stroking his back with my fingertips and kissing him on the cheek. "You've well and truly lost your virginity now."

He smiled, his eyes dreamy and sweet.

"I can't believe it Sam, I've been so unhappy... I thought I'd never... thank you thank you thank you..."

"Shhh! It was my pleasure too, little bro, couldn't you tell?"

"You're not just being nice to me?"

"Cross my heart. With a bit of practice you're going to be good at this!"

"You mean that?"

"Trust me!"

And I realised that I really did mean it. After a debut performance like that the only way was up!

"Can I... can I kiss you?" he asked, "It doesn't seem right to... do it... and not kiss properly."

"Ok, but remember I'm not going to be your girlfriend," I grinned, feeling a little emptiness and disappointment inside as I said the words.

He lowered his mouth to mine and we kissed; first tentatively, exploring each other's mouths then deeply; lips apart, tongues entwined until our lips were numb. I felt his soft cock slip from my body and when our lips eventually parted he rolled off and lay alongside me on the bed.

"That was nice too," I told him. "You're a good kisser. I guess Mary was useful for something after all."

He grunted.

"Sorry. I guess the wound's too fresh to make jokes," I apologised.

"It's not that, it's just..."

"Just what?" I rolled onto my side and began to stroke his chest with my fingers.

"I don't know. Maybe if this had happened earlier, if I hadn't been so under confident..."

"You might not have lost her?"

He nodded. I leaned over and kissed again.

"But this wouldn't have happened - you and me - if she hadn't gone off with Mike. We can't play what-iffs, Robbie."

"I guess not."

"Besides, Mike's a little shit. He'll fuck her and dump her and she'll be back in play again, you'll see!"

"I'm not sure I want her now she's..."

"Spoiled goods?"

"I suppose. Anyway now she's had him with all his experience, she won't want me."

"I wouldn't be so sure," I told him without thinking, "he's not such a great fuck!"

He turned to look at me, shocked.

"You mean you and Mike..."

The truth would have broken his heart so I lied blatantly.

"He's had a couple of my girlfriends. They told me."

"Really? Who?"

"I can't tell you that can I?" I teased him, "a girl's got to have some secrets. Anyway, when he's fucked her and dumped her you can choose whether you want what's left. Fuck her like you just fucked me and she won't be disappointed!"

He stared at me.

"Now I need some sleep after all that exercise!"

"Shall I go to my room...?" his face was like an eager puppy's.

I gave him what I hoped was a sisterly smile but which I suspect was more like post-orgasmic adoration.

"After what we just did, I think we can share Mum and Dad's bed tonight, don't you?"

He beamed at me and I snuggled up to him under the duvet before falling into a contented, alcohol-assisted sleep.

We slept soundly for a while, or at least I did - what with the wine and the aftermath of my orgasm I was so out of it I have no idea whether Robbie went to sleep too.

At some stage in the night he mounted me again and we made love slowly for what felt like a very long time. He was still clumsy and unsure what to do but I suppose instinct must have taken control because it was really sweet, really emotional and by the time he came in me for the second time I had had two more small but warm and enjoyable climaxes.

Later I lay awake in the darkness listening to my little stepbrother breathing deeply as he slept the sleep of the innocent. My head was spinning and it wasn't just the after-effects of too much wine, though I was still definitely drunk and muddled.

Whatever the cause, I distinctly remember having a warm, deeply satisfying feeling inside.


Things were a little awkward when we woke the next morning in bed together, both naked, both with hangovers, both feeling embarrassed by what had happened.

I pulled the duvet over my body and Robbie quickly went downstairs to make tea for us both, returning to find me in the shower trying to wash away feelings of guilt along with the sticky traces of our wickedness. He left the tea in our parents' room and went to his own room to get washed and dressed. I made sure he had left for his Sunday morning football training before I emerged dressed and made a large pot of extra strong black coffee.

As I sat in the kitchen with the hot mug in my hands my head was spinning. What had possessed me to seduce my little brother? My memory was clear enough to know it had been me that had made it happen and at the time it had felt like the right, caring, loving thing to do.

Had I really been that drunk?

Had I really been so desperate for a man that even my little stepbrother would do?

There was no way what we had done could be described as normal. It might even be illegal, I wasn't sure and yet it hadn't been seedy or sordid. It truth it hadn't felt wrong at all; it had felt natural and honest and the kind, sisterly thing to do.

And there was no denying it had been, well, amazingly good for a first time.

And the second time had been even better!

Actually it had been good for any time!

I took another long sip of coffee and went to the cupboard for paracetamol, taking the maximum dose I felt I could safely take.


Robbie was a different man from the moment he returned home from football to find me still at home, still his stepsister and still full of praise for his performance in bed. He was happier, more confident, behaved in a more adult way and bizarrely even seemed taller and more mature.

I'm sure he had hoped to repeat the performance before our parents returned but I explained in no uncertain terms that there would be no more brother -sister sex. He protested that he wasn't really my brother; it wasn't incest but I stood firm. The look on his face was heart-rending and for a moment I almost gave in and took him upstairs to bed but I managed to resist.

I did make a big deal of our successful conquering of his premature ejaculation and told him truthfully how much I had enjoyed it. I even suggested a few ways to make it even better in future - but made it clear that this would have to be with other girls. This did seem to console him a little.

Over the next few weeks I heard from friends with younger sisters still in school that this new confident, good-looking Robbie was now a favourite with the girls in his year, especially now he and Mary had broken up and he was 'available'.

Dates started to come thick and fast.

I didn't tell him about the risk that I might be pregnant; there was nothing to be gained until I knew if there was a problem or not. I silently prayed that all would be well.


Six months later, the world has changed.

Robbie has become a very good-looking, bright, happy, confidant boy with a large number of female admirers amongst his schoolmates. Unfortunately for them he also has a new, drop-dead-gorgeous girlfriend.

Would you believe he is actually going steady with my stunning BFF Kim?

I had to bite my lip to stop myself laughing when Kim eventually broke the news that she had been secretly fucking my little brother almost every day for a month and now wanted to be his steady girlfriend. She was probably expecting me to be furious; in the past I would have been but now I knew what he was like in bed, I only pretended to be angry.

It seems they got together at the Valentine's Day party we were all at and, from the few things she's told me, he got into her knickers that very night. To my shame, I was far too involved in another one-night stand with a college rugby player to notice that they had disappeared upstairs.

As I explained, Kim is a faithful one-man girl but her sexual appetite is legendary and my little brother is now one of the most pussy-whipped boys I have ever seen. He has also never been happier so God bless them both!

What about Mary?

As predicted, Mike fucked her very publically for nearly six weeks before dumping her equally publically after he had seduced one of her virgin school friends. By then, most of the school and college kids knew what they had been up to; they had not been in any way discreet. Indeed many of the kids at school had actually witnessed the two of them in the act just as Robbie had found them fucking in the back seat of Mike's car that first night.

Naive, silly Mary had clearly thought Mike was going to be the love of her life and did not handle the break-up well. At first, she tried to get back with Robbie but he was already heavily into his relationship with Kim so she never stood a chance and of course Mary now has a 'reputation'.

A month later when Mary found out she was pregnant all hell broke loose.

There could only be one father of her child but Mike refused to admit it so Mary's dad beat the shit out of him. He was in hospital for a couple of days but wisely didn't tell the police who had hit him - Mary has two brothers as well who would certainly have repeated the punishment. He has kept a very low profile ever since and will go off to college in a distant city next year.

Mary's baby will be born in a few months' time. She has paid a heavy price for dumping my little brother; going from squeaky-clean virgin to single Mum with a bad reputation in under a year! Who could have imagined that?

And me?

Well, that evening was the first and last time I fucked my little brother, so adding his name to my depressingly long list of one-night-stands. In all honesty I do not regret a single moment of it but it's definitely one to keep secret.

Thankfully he hadn't knocked me up that first, drunken night. When the pregnancy test two weeks later showed negative I told myself I hadn't really believed it was possible. But deep down I know that's a lie; I had been both very stupid and very lucky indeed.

I did get rather drunk with the girls to celebrate but didn't tell them why.

On the positive side, my skin has cleared up, I've dropped one dress size already and am on my way to dropping another by the summer. As a result, although I'm still single I'm very much back on the dating scene, am paying great attention to safe sex - and getting lots of it!

So I'm happy, Kim's very happy and Robbie's deliriously happy. I call that a result!

What's more, Mike finally got what was coming to him which I can only hope saves some young innocent college girls from the heartache and betrayal that he inflicted on so many local girls. I suspect in his case that the leopard won't change its spots and as soon as he's out of the range of Mary's family's fists, he will revert to type and more cherries will fall.

I'm truly sorry for Mary; she treated my little brother badly but her offence brought with it its own punishment and that has been brutal indeed. At least neither Robbie nor I need take any responsibility for that.

Finally, there is one unexpected but very welcome benefit of all this; if a girl as cool as Kim and with her reputation can go steady and be very satisfied with a boy two years younger, it means all the younger boys are fair game for the rest of us!

So if I do drop another dress size and with all those new, young boys to choose from, Samantha's going to have a great summer!

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Hooked1957Hooked19576 months ago

You always tell a great story. 5 stars.


Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 3 years ago
Great build up to an erotic story

Another great story from JG. Good build up, good characters with an erotic ending. I also liked the ‘what happened next’ section at the end which closed the story down. The story was also just long enough.

Jb75Jb75over 3 years ago

Awww I was hoping Robbie and Sam would get together the only steps I don’t think it is illegal

luedonluedonabout 9 years ago
You have done better

I like your writing best when you write about what adults do -- adultery.

tabbymidnitetabbymidniteabout 9 years ago
good read

enjoyed the detail.. keep up the good work..

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