Sammie, the Early Years Ch. 05

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Sammy, Sharon, and Linda get together.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/04/2021
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Even though it appeared that the summer of my wildest fantasies was about to come to a screeching halt, I had one more dream to fulfill. Both Linda and Sharon had expressed an interest in a lesbian hook-up, at least to my way of thinking. And I felt it my duty to do whatever it took to make it happen. Admittedly, I had some selfish motivation. I could think of nothing hotter than seeing Sharon and Linda munching on one another, unless I was a participant as well. What a sendoff that would be!

Clearly, to make this come off, it would require some careful and, perhaps, nefarious planning. Sharon had told me outright that she had no problem with sex with another woman given the right circumstances, and I could see that Linda thought Sharon was pretty hot stuff. The age difference was only more of an attraction.

Sharon called me and suggested we go to her family cabin for a weekend romp since her folks had other commitments and wouldn't be using the place. It was a beautiful spot in the pines, and once we got settled in, we enjoyed some of our typical monkey sex. When we were recuperating, I threw out a teaser.

"You know, I'm finishing up my work with Mrs. Collins, and we ended up having a pretty frank conversation the other day about sex. She revealed to me that she has been lonely and looking for some excitement in her life, and the men she knew just didn't seem to be right. At first I thought she might be hitting on me, but as we talked it sounded more and more like she is thinking seriously about expanding her search to include looking for another woman for a sexual adventure. She alluded to some lesbian flirting around in college with a roommate, and that maybe that was what she really needed--another woman instead of a man.

So I thought, what the hell, this could be pretty hot. I told her that I knew someone who is attracted to her and might be open to some fun--or at least a friendly social interaction. At first she was dismissive, but then she seemed interested, as long as it is all on the QT. The last thing she needs is a scandal before taking on her new job. But she's also moving pretty soon, which is good and bad. Good because it would be a one-time fun-time, and bad because there isn't much time to made it happen."

"Wait. Are you suggesting that I have a lesbian fling with Mrs. Collins? What the hell made you think that, Sammie? I think you're just a tad crazy."

"Well, you said you thought she was hot and you wouldn't mind jumping her bones. And she thinks you are the cutest thing since puppies, except she also thinks you are veeerrrry sexy. I'm just sayin'. But better yet, can you picture having a menage a trois with Mrs. Collins and me? Mrs. Collins seems to be open-minded about that kind of stuff from the way she was talking. I asked her all kinds of questions that were pretty revealing and she didn't balk for a second. I bet she'd go for it. And then she'd be gone so it would be a one-time deal."

"So, I'm supposed to call Mrs. Collins and say, 'Hey, let's fuck. I like your tits.' Jesus, Sammie. What are you thinking?"

"No, no--not at all. Here's what I was thinking...." And I outlined my plan, which was pretty good if I do say so myself. I indicated to Sharon that Mrs. Colins and I had become close confidants since the death of my mother, and she trusted me implicitly, or so she indicated. I would set up a night for Sharon and me to meet with her and have some drinks to socially lubricate everyone. Then we could jump in her spa and take it from there. On paper, it was perfect.

"Listen, Sharon. I admit the hottest thing I can imagine is you and Mrs. Collins just doing some kissing and fondling, but even better, if I could participate, I'd be in heaven. Mrs. Collins once slipped and said something about being obsessed with large penises, so I thought if I could give her a glimpse of mime in the hot tub, it might get the action rolling."

"So be honest, Sammie. You'd like to screw middle-aged Mrs. Collins. That's what this is all about?"

"No, no. You're getting the wrong idea. I just think the poor woman needs some excitement and it seems like you think she's hot, so that is a natural connection. She is a wonderful lady and I feel sorry for her. Honestly, I wouldn't mind joining in if the opportunity arose, but only if you didn't mind. This is a one-time adventure, and nothing is written in stone. Most likely, we'd just have some drinks and get a hot tub soak and nothing more. I'd just thought we could get the ball rolling and see where it ends up."

So even though she seemed skeptical, Sharon eventually accepted the idea with serious reservations. Now I needed to convince Linda. A couple of days after my anal conquest, I was to do a few end-of-the-season chores at her house. She found me in the garage and gave me a hug.

"Hey, remember our conversation about Sharon the other day? Well, Sharon would love to get to know you better, so I thought maybe I could bring her over for drinks and an end of the season soak in your spa. It would be a great chance to relax and meet someone who totally admires you, don't you think?"

"Sure, that sounds great. Sharon seems very sweet. But don't get any big ideas, Sammie. I was just thinking outside the box, so to speak, about Sharon. She's very pretty and sexy, but let's just keep this platonic."

"Of course! That was all I intended. Just an end of the summer meet and greet. I'll do all the leg work. Maybe you can think of some hors' d oeuvres and some decent wines. Sharon loves red wine. Let's shoot for next Saturday night.

And so it was set. Each of us had slightly different expectations, but my hope was that we would come together in the end, no pun intended.

I picked up Sharon after calling and reminding her that this was a spa party and to be sure to bring her sexy two piece bathing suit. When I picked her up she was wearing a loose Hawaiian dress.

"I said this is a spa party. What is it with the army tent?"

"My bathing suit is under this, you idiot. I'm not going out on a date in a bikini."

"My bad. I just like to see your tits. I know they're in there somewhere." I smiled and tried to cop a feel.

"Save it, Romeo. I'm still nervous about this whole idea."

"Relax, we're just going to enjoy the evening. It'll be fun."

We arrived at Linda's and she greeted us in a flowing silk robe cinched tightly at the waist and accentuating her boobs. The evening was warm and beautiful, cloudless and with bright stars twinkling above. We poured drinks and after some small talk, Linda said, "Let's do a soak. The temperature in the spa is perfect.

Her spa was spacious and could comfortably seat 6, but with three of us, we were able to chat and continue drinking easily. Linda removed her robe to reveal a skimpy top and a low cut bottom that accentuated her assets. Her tits begged for release. Sharon took off her "army tent" exposing a two piece that tastefully displayed her perky breasts and apple ass. I wore a pair of tight speedos that left little to the imagination about the size of my cock. Sharon eyed me suspiciously when I removed my sweatpants and shirt.

"I love your two piece, Sharon. Ah, to be young again and sport perky boobs like yours. You have a wonderful figure. I bet you work out to look like that."

"Thank you. I used to be a gymnast but I've lost a lot of muscle in the last year. Thankfully, I've

Been able to keep my weight down, but I tend to put on pounds in my boobs. Speaking of which, those are quite the hooters you've got there. What are they? Double D's?"

"I'm a bit embarrassed to say. Yes, 34 double D's. It's hard to find bras to fit anymore. I've thought about breast reduction but I'm attached to these babies. Most men won't look me in the eye anymore. That's one thing I love about Sammie. He sees me for something other than a pair of boobs. Sorry to be so blunt. He accepts me for what I am--a somewhat lonely 40-year-old divorcee who just wants to find someone who sees beyond a person's physical aspects."

"Pardon me for saying this, Mrs. Collins, but you are gorgeous. Sammie tells me all the time about how nice you are. Funny, smart, and caring. If I were a man, I'd be head over heels with that alone. Looks be damned. But then, you are damn beautiful as well, if I do say so myself. I think that can intimidate men."

Linda paused for a few seconds, then leaned over and gave Sharon a hug. "Thank you, Sharon. That is very sweet of you to say. And so are you. Sammie is a lucky man."

My cock rose at I watched them embrace and those beautiful tits came together.

"Well, I am a lucky man and I'm head over heels with both of you. Give ME a hug while you're at it." The alcohol was beginning to loosen us up. I embraced both of them and kissed each one, first on the cheek, and then in an afterthought, on the lips. An awkward moment passed, so I reached over to a side table and poured more wine.

After several drinks combined with the heat of the spa, we all felt a bit giddy. Plus, I was unsure how much more I could take watching those beautiful hooters floating and bobbing in the hot tub. Despite all the giggling, Linda was unconsciously touching Sharon and laughing at everything she said. Sharon was sopping it up.

"You are so funny, Sharon. Sammie never told me what a wonderful sense of humor you have." She reached over and placed her hand on Sharon's thigh. Beautiful, sexy, AND funny.

Sharon returned the compliment, "Well, I appreciate how frank and honest you are, Linda. Most people your age are uptight about sex and things like that. You seem so young. Um...I hope that doesn't sound like I really think you are old. I mean, you look and talk like someone much younger. I guess I had better quit while I'm ahead." Sharon turned red as she fumbled for what to say.

"Oh, Sharon. No worries. I am older, but I don't feel old. It is so refreshing to be around a couple of teenagers even though you are both in college now. Thank you for your sweet words." Linda gave Sharon another hug, this time it was more of an embrace and it lasted for several seconds before Linda apologized, "Sorry. Guess I'm getting a little carried away here."

"Oh no. That's fine. I'm so glad we could finally get to know one another. And I need hugs from another woman from time to time." Sharon hugged Linda again, and then kissed her on the lips briefly. "Especially one as sexy as you."

I cleared my throat. "So...what do you say we dry off before we turn to prunes and go inside. I could use a snack and I think I saw some already prepared and sitting on the table.

We emerged from the spa and wrapped ourselves in fluffy towels. Linda paid special attention to Sharon, rubbing her with her own towel as well. "Are you warm enough, Sweetie. Would yo like a robe?"

"Oh, no thanks. I'm fine. It's still warm out but I'd better sit on the towel so I don't soak up your furniture."

"Don't worry about that. Besides, I love staring at that cute bod of yours in your bikini. Sit down and I'll get the snacks and some more wine."

I sat in an armchair while Sharon took the love seat across from me. When Linda returned wth another bottle of wine and a tray of finger food, the only place left was next to Sharon. She set the goodies on the coffee table between us.

"Do you mind, Sharon? Or would you like me to trade with Sammie so you can sit next to your boyfriend?"

"No, this is fine. Besides, you smell better than Sammie. I love your perfume."

"it's Dior. I admit I added a drop between my boobs when I went in the bathroom. Check it out." She offered her cleavage to Sharon who responded by first sniffing her chest and then burying her nose between Linda's boobs, giggling.

"A person could get lost in there. Your boobs are huge. And so firm!"

Clearly emboldened by the wine, Linda encouraged Sharon, "Go ahead. Feel them. Not bad for an old lady." Linda took Sharon's hand and placed in on her left tit, smiling.

Linda at first looked confused, but then complied by squeezing and caressing Linda's breast. Her hand could not come close to encompassing Linda's breast. Then, spontaneously, Sharon pulled down her own top to reveal a puffy nipple atop her right breast.

"Ok, since we're sharing. Feel mine. But without the bra. They're like firm sponges. They're a lot smaller than yours, but I love my tits. And so does Sammie." They both looked at me.

I had a shit-ass grin on my face and my cock was expanding within the confines of my Speedos. This was getting better by the second. And once Sharon pulled down her top, Linda followed suit. They ignored the fact that I was in the room as a delighted spectator.

"Mine lost their perkiness due to age and gravity, but part of that is because they are so big. On top of that my nipples are really large. Do you think they're ugly?" She pulled her top over her head and both breasts flopped out and settled on her chest. A pair of pencil erasures sat prominently atop her pink, saucer sized areolas."

"Oh my god. Your tits are fantastic, Linda. They're not only huge; you also have incredible nipples. They beg to be sucked." And with that Sharon placed her lips around a fat tit and started licking and sucking.

That was all it took. Before I knew it, Linda was lying back against the arm of the loveseat and Sharon was all over her, kissing her tits, her face, and her mouth. Up to that moment, this was the hottest thing I had ever seen. But it only got better.

By now I was way beyond getting excited. My swim trunks were on the floor and my cock was in my hand as I stroked it to a massive erection. All inhibitions had dissolved by this time. I walked over to the love seat and bent over Linda so that my cock was inches from her mouth. She reached up and guided me between her lips as Sharon was now on her knees on the floor pulling Linda's bikini bottoms off. Once removed, Sharon parted Linda's legs and began eating her like there was no tomorrow. Meanwhile, Linda was sucking as much of my dick as she could get into her mouth without gagging.

Within minutes, Linda's knees were pulled up and Sharon's tongue was lapping her pussy juices.

"Your clitoris is unbelievable, Linda. So big and sexy." Sharon's eyes were hooded as she licked and sucked Linda's pussy.

Finally after several minutes of this, Sharon pulled herself up and suckled on Linda's breasts. Linda moaned and pulled my cock from her mouth as we watched Sharon work over her tits. Cradling Sharon by the back of her head, she pulled her up to kiss her on the mouth before inserting my cock in Sharon's mouth.

"That's it. Suck Sammie's big cock, Honey. Feel how it fills your mouth. Oh, I can tell you like it. Don't be greedy. Let me have a taste." At this point, all restraint had disappeared. All three of us were driven by our hormones.

She pulled my cock out of Sharon's mouth and first kissed her before inserting my cock back in her own mouth. A few minutes later, she stopped.

"Enough of this. Let's go to my bedroom where we can stretch out."

And so the three of us marched into Linda's master suite, following her lead. Once there, we removed any other articles of clothing. Linda lay down and patted each side of the bed, directing us to lie beside her. Sharon looked up in amazement at the mirrors offering various viewpoints to the bed. Linda had dimmed the lights just enough so we could see what was happening.

Each one of us aside Linda, Sharon and I both began kissing and fondling her, squeezing her breasts, fingering her pussy, caressing her thighs. Finally, Linda took control.

"Sharon, let me lick you while Sammie fucks me. Is that ok? You get to fuck that giant cock all the time so why don't you let me try it out? Hmmm? I can only imagine what it's like to be fucked by a big tool like his." She perfectly played the part I had hoped for, although by this point, what difference did it make? Sharon did not need any convincing. Nor was she likely worried that Linda and I had previously done anything of a sexual nature. Contrary to my promise, I did not ask Sharon for permission.

Sharon scooted to the center of the bed and Linda kneeled between her legs and buried her face in Sharon's snatch after first kissing her stomach and her beautiful breasts. I waited until Linda began licking Sharon's pussy before I got behind her and gradually worked my cock into her cunt, being careful not to get too aggressive to start out.

This went well until Sharon complained that she wanted to give as well as get. "Oh, Linda, that feels wonderful. But let me turn around so we can do each other." This seemed like a reasonable solution, and in short order Sharon had maneuvered so that her face was directly under my balls as I pounded Linda. Both women were now licking one another like their lives depended on it.

The sight of my big cock plowing into Linda from behind was exciting enough, but watching Sharon lick Linda's pussy, and, consequently, my cock and balls, was nearly too much for me. Sharon would reach up and stroke my cock as I was fucking Linda, only to periodically pull it out of her pussy as I was withdrawing and drop it in her mouth, something I had occasionally seen in porn flicks but never imagined I would one day experience it. Then, dripping with cunt juice and saliva, she would reinsert me back into Linda.

"That is so sexy, Sharon. Watching you suck my big cock and lick Linda's pussy like that. God, I could cum just watching you."

She responded with moans and groans as Linda continued to bury her head between Sharon's legs and lick and kiss her there.

Linda would occasionally look up from her attention to Sharon's pussy and offer instruction. "Oh, Sharon. I love what you are doing with your tongue while Sammie fucks me with that huge cock of his. God, this is so hot. That's it, lick my big clit. It is so sensitive. Yessss. Right there. I'm about to cum. Oh fuckkkkkk. My pussy is on fire! Jeeesssuuuusss! Don't stop. Please, don't stop. I'm cuuummmmminnnggg."

At that moment I inserted a slickened finger in Linda's ass and felt my own cock ramming in and out of her with only a thin piece of skin separating my finger from my pumping prick. Linda's vaginal muscles squeezed my penis in spasms as her orgasm surged through her entire body. Sharon responded by reaching around with both hands to spread Linda's butt cheeks while she greedily licked her clitoris. The view of my cock and finger in Linda, and Sharon's mouth slurping away under her electrified me.

But it was too much. An eruption of cum felt like it started in my heels and poured out the end of my cock into Linda's waiting cunt. I let it spurt once or twice and then pulled back so that just the plum sized head remained lodged between her labia as cum continued to shoot into her pussy. Sharon pulled me out the rest of the way and greedily sucked the last of my juices into her mouth. I looked down to see her smiling with a mixture of pussy juice and sperm all over her face as she did her best to wipe it up with her fingers and tongue. She reinserted my softening prick back into Linda's muff for a couple of final involuntary spasms.

In time I slipped out of Linda's vagina. She collapsed on top of Sharon and rolled over on her back next to her. Her large breasts lay flattened on her rib cage, her huge areolas and nipples pointing toward the mirror on the ceiling. Sharon's head was still between my knees with my balls practically hanging in her mouth, so I rolled over and lay on the opposite side of Sharon, my head at her feet. We stayed this way for several minutes, catching our breath, moaning exclamations of pleasure, and occasionally giggling. Sharon eventually reversed position and crawled up between Linda and me, kissing each of us with the taste and smell of us still on her lips. She licked and sucked Linda's big boobs until they glistened with saliva.