San Diego Rules

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A Hot Wife? Maybe.
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If you were to Google hotels in and near San Diego you'd have a chance of guessing where we were staying two summers ago. Our fifth floor room in this U shaped hotel had a side view of the ocean from the balcony, but it was within about 4 rooms from the ocean facing one. If offered a great view of the beach and the courtyard below. I know about San Diego heat in the summer and didn't want the evening sunlight pouring into our room which is why I booked a room on the south wing.. It's a lovely place and each room had a balcony deep enough for lounge chairs that reclined.

I am sure not many of you, if you were in an ocean front suite like that could resist having sex out there, even if, or perhaps because, you knew someone might be watching. We did, even though the lounge chair tilted all the way back was a tight fit!

San Diego has a growing high tech industry. I manage (you know, the CEO/President thing) a small high tech company and was exploring a takeover that would be a win-win thing for both sides, and my wife was along for a brief break from her work. Monday started out with high intensity meetings all day for me, then Old Town and sex out on the lounge on the balcony at night with her. Who could ask for more?

Jayne had spent her first day shopping and on the beach, and although she was always fun at sex that Monday night was even hotter. After, when we were cuddling I told her how hot the sex was, and blushing a little she said it was the San Diego effect.

"What's that?"

"Well, we are far from home, no one knows me here, I felt younger and sexier. When I was on the beach I'm not sure if I was flirting or being flirted with, but it was a turn on."

"Oh? Tell me more."

"There's a Navy guy staying here, he said he's an aviator on an aircraft carrier that's here and he has a few days before it leaves and he has to fly out to get aboard. He's staying here rather than on the base because when they go out, he said it's called a deployment, he will be aboard living in a grey room when he is not flying, and they'll be gone for 6 months, We were next to each other out on the beach, and talking with him was fun. Well, maybe flirting a little bit. I hope you don't mind."

Mind? I don't know if my highest reaction was jealousy or some perversion!

"Tell me more."

"You may not have noticed, there's a regional meeting of school psychologists here at the hotel, he thought I was here for that."

Jayne is a PhD shrink with a private practice back home, she'd have noticed that. "Oh, so he didn't know you were here with your husband?"

"Well, no. Honey, I told a little lie, I said I was here with another school psychologist for the meeting and was playing hooky from one of the more boring sessions. I thought he'd stop flirting if he knew that I was here with you. I hope you don't mind."

I'm a grown man, well into my 40s, and Jayne is a couple of years younger. We are both on our second marriages, and it is a marriage, we both agree, that's a forever one. We had both dated a lot before we met each other, so we knew we each had other partners. But she was flirting, acting if not single at least away from her man, and that was a big deal. She felt me moving a little, kind of restlessly. She caressed my hip, and left her hand drift down to discover I was erect - again!

"You're hard!"

"It's a sexy story, I like it," I told her.

"You aren't mad?"

I rolled over, onto her, between her legs, kissed her while my cock found its favorite hiding place and moved into her. Her kiss, as we started sex, told me how turned on she was. And mine told her.

"Are you going to flirt with him again? Did he ask you for a date?"

"Maybe, for your first question, and yes, for your second."

"Did you accept?" I was close to losing control in her, and I NEVER lose control!

"Of course not," Jayne whispered, holding me tight. "Flirting was fun but it was flirting with the rules, I am married to you and I love that. I am not going to mess up this marriage for a fling. He said he'd like to take me to the base to see the aircraft carrier. I think he had other intentions, though."

My body was telling her, and me, I wanted a different answer. The urgency I felt, the nearly loss of control, went away.

"We can change the rules, you know," I whispered.

"Change them? How?"

"If I told you it was Las Vegas rules, like ''What happens in San Diego stays in San Diego', would you accept the date?"

Her hip thrust told one part of her answer, her holding me tight and kissing me, added to that.

"Is that what you'd like me to do?" she asked.

"Maybe." It was more a croak than a word.

Jayne is no dummy, and she can be a devil when she wants to be. "If I dated him, it might end up like this."

BOOM. I thought the urgency had diminished, it did not. I said "That would make this a trip to remember!"

Exhausted, we fell asleep in each other's arms that Monday night.

And awoke the next morning, still cuddling.

"About last night," Jayne said, "Now that the blood circulation has returned to your brain and not your cock, I wanted to tell you it was very sexy, but I would never do that, never cheat on you."

I was holding her to me when she whispered that, but I had been thinking about all of that and whispered back. "Honey, there was blood flowing through my brain last night too, and all you have to do is to say is you'd like some kind of permission slip or that you like the idea of 'what happens in San Diego stays in San Diego', except you have to tell me what happens, we could make those the San Diego rules."

"Be careful what you wish for," she said, "and I want to know, are you saying that because you want the same rule too? Have you been flirting?"

"No", I told her. "You can exercise the what happens here stays here idea, but that was not what I wanted when I said that."

My body, or more specifically my cock, was reinforcing the conversation. We had not had sex 3 times in the same 12 hour interval since forever, but we did then.

She whispered during the most intense part of that morning sex, "Well, maybe."

My Tuesday meetings ended in the early afternoon, I admit to being very distracted. Her text message about 10 that morning read - 'I'm going to visit an aircraft carrier this morning" - may be why I was not as sharp as I might have been. Anyway the business part of the trip was going very well. Or should I say, 'Was also going well'? Wednesday would be spent being sure the letter of intent covered all the important stuff.

I got back to the hotel a bit after one but had not told Jayne about that because I wanted her to feel uninhibited. Our room was empty, not that that was a surprise, and I meandered out onto the balcony with my binoculars and a glass with the bottle of pre mixed margaritas we had in the refrigerator. I enjoyed the magnified view of some navy ships approaching the harbor and a fleet of sailboats having some kind of race. I could have called Jayne but I loved the idea of her flirting and I knew a cell phone call from her husband, if her phone was not muted (I knew it would not be, I promised her an update if we were close to closing the business deal) would screw up any flirting she might be doing.

And then ... there, 5 floors below me, on the beach - there she was! Sharing a beach blanket with what I assumed was 'him'.

Fantasy is one thing, seeing your wife laying next to a fit looking younger man in her fairly modest (if such a word applies) black bikini, and him in what looked like spandex swim trunks that did little to hide a pretty fit looking body, is very different.

Jayne is nothing but instinctive. I saw her sit up, reach into her bag to her phone, her thumbs busy with texting.

My own phone chimed with its incoming text note. "I am w Frank. Vegas rules Y or N?"

The evidence is, I am a sick pervert. My own thumbs did their work. "I c u. Y".

She had by then put the phone back in her bag, but responded to the signal, read the note, then as she put the phone back she looked up and saw me on the balcony.

She made a discreet wave, then half rolled to Frank, her hand on his. That was, for me, a breathtaking moment of casual intimacy. I went back into the room, stripped, pulled on one of the robes the hotel had in every room, and went back out. I positioned the lounge in the shade on the balcony so I could watch the beach between the railings, and was slowly stroking myself,

I saw him roll toward her, there was a hug, maybe a kiss, then he got up, pulled her up too, and they went running into the ocean.

There was playful splashing around and flirting that was obvious all the way from the 5th floor. Maybe there is is a better way to describe what I saw: there was what I would call a presumptive assertiveness in the way he acted, a self assured way that told anyone looking he had every intention of bedding the woman he was with.

And then they were back at the blanket, drying off and then walking toward courtyard bar. She knew I had be looking!

A few minutes later my text message alert sounded. "@ the beach bar, go 2 his room Y/N"


I had more of the margarita. and I sat on the balcony, scared, turned on, every emotion at an extreme. I knew I could withdraw the 'what happens in San Diego" permission at any time, but my cock instead demanded some attention. It would not be denied! For god's sake, I'm a grown man, not some kid, but here I was, on the lounge where we had sex last night, dressed only in my robe now, my cock in my hand, eyes closed, imaging Frank kissing Jayne. Well, kissing as a start, anyway.

And then, moments later, across the courtyard and a couple of floor higher, two people, a couple, came out onto their - no, his - balcony.

It was Jayne and Frank.

They had some kind of drink in their hand, they were both wearing bathrobes, hair still wet from the ocean. .

They were both looking at the ocean, but Jayne was closest to the rail, and I saw her hand on the rail, open, toward me, with a questioning gesture. She knew i was still there.

When she glanced in my direction I made sure even though I was in the shadow that she saw I had my robe fully open, she had to know I was starting to masturbate. It answered her question.

Frank bent over, kissed at her neck, and I saw for the first time what it looks like when she tilts her head and extends her neck, presenting it to the way she had done for me so many times.

She turned to him, and there was a full embrace, a kiss.

Oh God, I was about to explode.

I knew what would happen when they went back into his suite.

But they didn't do that, didn't go back, not then.

Instead, her took her drink, and his, put them down, and he turned her again to the railing, facing toward the ocean. I was watching them in profile.

And he put her hands on the railing, kissing her neck and shoulder

And then I heard, from the balcony just beside me, a male voice: "Sue, come out here!"

And a woman's voice answered "What?"

"Look, over there, I think he's going to fuck her, right there!"

A woman's voice answered: "Isn't that the couple we saw at the bar downstairs? She looks a lot like the woman we went downstairs with this morning, you remember, with the guy in the business suit and the lady in the sundress? He looked like he was going to work and she looked like she was going shopping or something?"

"Yeah, I think you're right, but that couple came out of the room right next door...' but he sure isn't the guy from the room next door. This is so hot..."

It would not have been noticeable to anyone not playing closing attention, but I was paying all the attention in the world, and so was the couple on the next balcony, as Frank lifted the back of the white robe she was wearing, reaching up, I could see the back of her legs through the rails, the hand rail obscured the view as he reached higher, I could see her arching her back against his touch, and then...

...and then, after a moment, as his hands pulled out, they carried carried with them a black piece of cloth, he had taken off her top under the robe!

Oh god.

From the next balcony I I heard "See, I told you!"

Frank draped that token of his victory on the rail.


And she wasn't resisting, standing there, arms on the railing, her back arched against his caresses on her hips.

They were more than caresses, I could see the back edge of the robe lifting again, and then his hands were under the robe, about hip high.

I knew what was going to happen! I had done that, putting my hands on her panties, a hundred times with her, or a thousand, so I knew, when he... when he moved his hands moved down a bit, just below her hips, I knew what would happen. It did. The bottom half of her bikini fell, sliding down her slender legs, a small black band, visible thru the rails as it reached her ankles, and then there was that little movement of her legs as she stepped out of them. She was nude - no,naked - under the robe,

And from the next balcony ... "If they're gonna show us, we should show them. Take off your top. I'm gonna lay here, get beside the lounge, go down on me while you're watching!"

"You pervert" was the response I heard, "you want them to see as well as be seen?"



Frank continued stroking her sides over the robe, kissing her neck, until she turned to him, for one of those full body hugs, full body kisses, that told him he owned her, at least for the moment. .

I could call her. Hell, I could shout loud enough for her to hear, to stop, to come here,

I didn't.

I knew his own robe had to have opened from the way it hung, and after that kiss he stopped embracing her, with a little push I saw his own speedex swim trunks fall down his own legs..

I'm the man who texted 'Y" to this!

And my neighbors, enjoying the show and maybe having sex now, were moaning. I should say moaning too, because I my own hand was around my cock, pumping away..

Frank was whispering to her through the kiss, and I could see that kiss grow in intensity, until,

Until he took her shoulders, turned her back to face the ocean, placed her hands on the rail again.

His robe was open enough , but the hand rail was just at the height where I could not see his hip, his erection, as he moved closer to her. .

He kissed at her neck again, she responded by bending a little forward, presenting herself to him. arching her back, her face turned upward.

It had to happen, he began lifting the back of her robe until it was draped over her back, I could see the back of her legs, front of his since his robe was hanging open, but the fucking handrail obscured the most important parts, and then his legs were against hers, and his cock, even if the railing was not in the way, wouldn't be visible, because it was in her!

He began moving in that 'I am going to fuck her for hours' dance

My own cock erupted with at least as much force as his was going to, but my cum sprayed down my leg: his would be inside her!

Frank had 'situational awareness even as he was fucking my wife, or maybe it was just luck, but he looked over in my direction, whispered something to Jayne, and she looked too. I was a bit in the shade, not that visible, but he seemed to be looking to the side of my balcony, while she was looking both there and then at me, or the couple on the balcony next to me.

Frank seemed to whisper something to her. She hesitated, then they both waved at my neighbor, and stopped, turned to each other, still wearing robes, and embraced, kissed.

As they moved toward the sliding doors into his suite, he gathered up her bikini top and bottom, and his own bathing suit, and tossed them off the balcony.

The wind carried them toward the beach, but I watched as they went through the doors and and into the shade of the room, and although I could not see clearly I did see the two white robes, and watched as they both seemed to fall to the floor.

Her black top and bottom floated down to the beach - I guess spandex is heavier, his bathing suit fell ll into the courtyard, but in each case people who noticed them looked up, wondering from where they came. There was nothing for them to see but plenty for them to imagine.

And there was nothing more to see. But I could hear moaning and that sound that meant my neighbors were fucking on the balcony too. But not for long, the moans made it clear they both orgasmed, and then I heard her say 'Let's get dressed, I want to go down and have a drink. And maybe pick up that guy if he has anything left." The male voice responded "Only if I get her." There was some laughter and the sound of their balcony door closing.

45 minutes later Jayne came to the room, wearing the robe from Frank's room. There was nothing anyone would have found suspicious about that, people wore the robes to and from the beach here all of the time, but I knew, I knew.

And I knew even more when she was in my arms, and still more when we were making both lust and love - love because we loved each other more than ever, and lust because she was fresh from her lover, without having had a chance to shower.

Since I had masturbated when watching them, so was not as hard as I might have been, she changed that.

She needed to feel secure, she needed to be held, and i did that, and I told her I loved her. I started to kiss her but she said "Honey, maybe you should wait, I should wash my teeth and get some mouth wash because ..." I whispered "I want to kiss you now, even if you diid go down on him." Her protests were stopped by my lips because I had already imagined what had been in her mouth just a short while before, and kissing her lips was the best sign of approval I could give her.. The urgency of her kiss confirmed what I had imagined,

"Honey,' she whispered a few minutes later, "I saw you masturbating and the couple in the room next store having sex when they were watching us over there."

"I know", I told her.

"They were just at the elevator, I guess going out, when I came up here. They know it was me!"

There was nothing I could say.

"Honey, they said 'thanks for the show', and then they went into the elevator."

"So they know."

I told you before I was not as hard as I wanted to be, that changed everything. I was a known cuckold, known the folks next door, by me, and I would not be surprised if Frank knew I was around too..

We got to the bed, it sure wasn't hard to get out of two robes since that was all we were wearing, and I looked at this woman, my wife, seeing what a different man had seen just a little while ago.

We weren't going to make love, we were going to fuck!

And we did.

Frank checked out the next day, Jayne did not see him again.

We checked out two days later, the business part and the erotic part all ending well.

And at home, Jayne was feeling very insecure about what happened, but I had the perfect answer to her concern.

"Honey, it was Las Vegas rules. What happened there stays there."

Well, that is not entirely true. In the two years since June 14th marks the anniversary of that Tuesday she gets a bouquet of roses with the card saying "To Celebrate California Rules".

And of course sex, especially around that date, is different because we both know there lurks inside us a perversion and the knowledge that mine is not the only cock that entered her vagina since we got married.

And that raises the question I'm reluctant to ask. Was Frank's the only one?

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26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Hot wife no. Whore wife definitely.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Next store?

Lost me at next store. Ignorance is bliss. Next door.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

She was way to easy to fuck another guy and has definitely done it before. She is obviously a pig. I would’ve told her to get another room after she said she flirted all day and said she wasn’t married . She would’ve been pissed if he did that and even asked if he’s saying yes so he can do the same

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Been a while

Welcome back!

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