Sanctuary of Shame


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Jenny and I hardly spoke to each other for two days after that. She thought I was blaming her for the mess we had got into with the running of the sanctuary, but, it had been watching her having sleazy sex that had done it and knowing that for the second time in less than a week she had had her brains fucked out by a shit of a man we both despised. Jackman was turning my sister into a prize slut.

The next day I got a call from the Bank and I knew I was in big trouble. The cheque I had signed at the law offices had been presented for payment and they were not best pleased. Would I please go into the Swindon branch to see Mr. West, the manager? I had been a naughty girl, I knew. Why had I used my cheque book after he had read me the riot act on the state of our account? There would be hell to pay I was sure of that.

Later that day, I knocked timidly on his door. A gruff voice instructed me to go in and I did so. It was after 5.00 p.m. and he had kept me waiting for at least 40 minutes. I had been nervous, when I had been shown into the waiting room. Now I was a nervous wreck. I had been waiting so long I must have been the last customer on the premises and the place was just about closing down. I had been to the ladies twice to check my make up in the mirror. Looking good and charming the man was my only chance. I knew that. So, I was wearing my sexiest summer dress which was very short and showing a fair bit of cleavage. Also, I had been to the hairdressers to have my blonde hair done that very afternoon. It looked damn good as it bounced on my shoulders. So, as I walked into his room in my 4 inch heels some of the confidence which had earlier deserted me came flooding back. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad...

But I have to give the man his due. He took control of the situation and me as soon as I came into the room. He was blessed with a kind of natural authority that put me firmly in my place and I was shaking in my shoes just as soon as I sat down. My plan had been to smile and show lots of leg, and, maybe, just maybe, he would cut me a break, especially if I let him put his hand up my dress, again. It had worked before in this very room, but, I could see as he started on a ten minute rant that it wasn't going to work this time.

"What were you thinking about ...Using your cheque book again when I specifically forbade you to do so?" He bellowed.

I had no answer and just bit my lip and looked at the floor.

"And have you made out any more cheques since then?"

I blushed red as I told him about my fashion shop purchases. There was no point in hiding anything now.

He shook his head in disbelief.

"Do you realise that you are significantly overdrawn and well past what were agreed with you when you opened your account?"

"Well, yes, I..."

"And because of the financial mess you have got yourself into you must know that you have also defaulted on your loan repayments for two months running?"

"Oh no..., I didn't realise..."

"Well it may have not meant much to you my dear, but, as the manager of this bank, I find that I have no alternative but to close down your account and to take you to court for the amounts you owe."

"What" I said, horrified. "No please...the Sanctuary! We'll be finished"

"It's no good being sorry now," he continued. "You were given a warning last time and have taken absolutely no notice."

I thought of the consequences of what he was threatening. It would be the final blow for the sanctuary. Jenny would be distraught...

I got out my handkerchief and started to sob quietly. A pathetic little trick, I know, but, I was getting desperate. But, when I peeked at him a minute later, he was shaking his head with contempt. That's when I knew it hadn't worked.

"Please," I said, "I'll be good from now won't happen again. I'll pay off the soon as I can...please, give me a break..."

"Take off your dress, then" he growled.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing..."pardon me?" I said, shocked, but not entirely surprised.

"I said...take your dress off. Otherwise forget it."

"But...I can't ...besides ... someone may come in"

He got up and locked the door. "No, they won't," he assured me," because, everyone has gone home."

"Mr. West..." I began trying to extradite myself from what he clearly had in mind. Was this standard treatment for all defaulting customers, I wondered or just for pretty young blondes who he took a fancy to?

"Look," he explained, "I'm about to break several of the Bank's rules and give you special treatment. God knows what would happen to me if Head Office finds out. So, what I won't to know is...will you give me special treatment?"

The dress came off; I knew when I was beaten. With all that financial stuff whizzing around in my head I just couldn't think of an alternative. And, although, I tried to stall him in the hope that something or someone would save me, all he had to do was just walk up behind and unzip my dress at the back, all the way down. Then, with a sigh of defeat, I slipped it off my shoulders and watched the material fall into a tidy heap at my feet. Then, before I could object, he unsnapped my bra and that came off too. Instinctively, I put up my hands to cover my naked breasts but he wasn't having any of that.

"Show me," he barked and I had to stand to attention for him, me in my tiny little pink panties, standing there otherwise naked.

His finger moved and gesticulated that the panties had to come down as well. As if I actually thought I would be able to keep them on.

Damn the man, I thought, as I peeled them off and stepped out of them. How much further did I have to go to appease him? But, if I had to strip naked to save the Sanctuary and be able to look Jenny in the eye again, I was prepared to do it.

Proudly, I stood before him, wearing only my high heels and a Marks and Spencer's necklace. Miss Devon 2012 was displaying her wares again, only this time I wasn't even wearing a bikini.

"Very nice," he drooled, coming dangerously close to me.

I backed away, but, he was too quick for me. Grabbing my wrist he hauled me back towards his desk. For a Bank Manager, he was surprisingly strong and had no trouble bending me over it with my bare ass sticking up high.

"I think a little spanking is in order here," he growled. "Pretty young women like you need to learn to do as they are told."

"Oh, but..."

Before I could finish, he had grabbed a heavy metal ruler off his desk and swiped down at his target.


"Christ!" I shrieked. "That bloody hurt."

"And using the Lord's name in vain, that's double punishment, I think."

So with one big hand on my back pinning me down, he laid into my poor defenceless bottom with one vicious swipe after another.

"Stop, stop, you have no right," I complained.

"Shut the fuck up," he told me, abruptly. "By your own foolishness, you have forfeited any rights you had."

So, I shut up. What could a girl do?

Then the brute really laid into me.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

"You beast, you beast," I cried through my tears of pain. My poor bottom was on fire with searing hot pain.

"Well, Miss Blondie, will you do as you are told now?"

"Yes Sir." I blubbered

"Excellent," he purred, putting the ruler down. "I think we are making real progress at last. Now spread your legs apart and push that delectable ass of yours up, just a little higher."

Defeated and humiliated, I did as I was told. Well I had to because I didn't want him to start smacking me with that damn ruler again. And, also, I knew that being naked and being smacked had got me all worked up. Disgraceful, I know, but there it was. I could only bite my lip with shame as I pushed my bum invitingly up towards him. My face just burned with humiliation as I realised that the dirty old sod could see my shaved vagina and everything I had.

He squatted down close behind me and had a damn good look at my female parts... And all I could do was go red with embarrassment and bite my lip in shame.

Then, I gasped, as I felt his fingers probe where they shouldn't, to tickle my clitoris and probe deep into my wet cunt. Desperately, I fought an urgent instinct to close my legs as they went all weak on me. But, I didn't dare. He wouldn't have wanted that and I didn't want to risk making him angry again

"Please, don't" I whimpered, helplessly, as he continued to plunder me. But, deep down, I suppose I didn't want him to stop...not really.

I closed my eyes as wave after wave of pleasure swept over me, and, I actually thought I was going to faint. Then my eyes widened in shock as I heard him unzip his trousers. He was going to fuck me!

"Good girl," he growled as I shuffled into a wider stance to accommodate his hard cock. Then, before I had time to formulate a protest, he firmly held my hips and worked it inside my sex. Seconds later I was shuddering uncontrollably as he rammed his erection all the way into my pussy. "Ooooh" I gasped as the full implications of his penetration hit me.

"Stand still, bitch," he grunted as slowly and competently he began to fuck me. I could hardly come to terms with it, my fifty year old bank manager was fucking me in his office and I didn't know a thing about him except that he was strong and masterful. All I could do was grip the other side of his desk as he rocked my body with his urgent thrusts.

The man took his time. I'll give him his due. Not for him a quick fuck, oh no, he wanted full value and he made sure he got it. I felt his hands grip my hips as he grinded away at me with piston like efficiency. And of course that's exactly what a girl needs, if she would only admit it. To be competently and rigorously fucked by her master. And I did my part, as I eagerly thrust back to match his relentless rhythm knowing my orgasm was almost there. I could feel it building deep inside me and there was nothing I wanted more. He got the message and began to fuck harder and faster, growling obscenities as his big cock worked my squelching vagina.

"Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh," I moaned as a tidal wave of shuddering climax racked my body. God, what a feeling, I was on cloud 9. Then, West, grunted in triumph as he finally faltered and shot his load of sperm deep inside my vagina.

We both collapsed panting and gasping after his successful onslaught on me. It was a minute or two before either of us recovered...

Then the implications hit me.

FUCKED! I'd been well and truly FUCKED for the first time since my marriage had broken down... by a man old enough to be my father. I should have been ashamed of myself for allowing it to happen ...but, strangely enough, I wasn't.

Afterwards, as I retrieved my clothes, and waited like a chastised little girl for my dismissal, Mr. West spelt out the terms of our new unofficial agreement. There were to be no more cheques, and no more commitments for which I did not have the means to pay. Also, I was to get back into the black on the account as soon as possible and make sure the instalments on my loan were paid on time. He spoke slowly and with emphasis as if I were a naughty young child. All I could do was look at the floor in shame and disgrace. Then putting his hand possessively on my ass he whispered his final demand. I was to report to him at the same time each month, here, in his office so that he could ensure that I was kept "firmly under his control."

The implications of this particular instruction sent a sexual shiver down my spine.

"Do you understand and agree to all this?" He asked me.

"Yes Sir" I said submissively, as my cheeks burned with shame.

"O.K." he grunted, finally satisfied with my total surrender to his terms.

Then we had a final chat about how things stood on the Sanctuary and his hope that he could maybe find some rich benefactors who could help the cause.

It was only then that he opened the door and allowed me to go.

Later when I got back to the farm, Jenny had some good news for me. She had been on the telephone to Uncle Silas and he had agreed to visit the Sanctuary and possibly help us out with some kind of donation. "What did he sound like?" I asked with curiosity. After all, it had been about 10 years since we had been in contact with him.

"He was O.K." said Jenny, "a bit surprised to hear from us I would say, but, as I went on to explain about our current difficulties and what we were trying to do here, he seemed quite interested. It's funny really," she continued, "I just got the impression that he still felt guilty about trying to molest us when we were younger."

"Well, he did molest us"...I pointed out, "molested me at any rate. In fact, he was a bit of a pervert when you come to think about it. But, I suppose it was all part of growing up."

"Well he seems quite harmless, now," interjected Jenny, "maybe he's grown out of all that, after all he must be well over 60 now..."

"And besides," she added. "As we have often discussed, he is our only hope of getting financial help. He is quite a wealthy bloke, apparently"

"So when is he coming?" I asked.

"He's coming on Saturday and I've invited him to stay overnight."

"Oh, well, let's hope he behaves himself."

The following afternoon it was Jenny's turn to go into town. She had arranged to meet an old college chum for lunch. So, I had agreed to take delivery of the animal feedstuffs from Jackman our supplier. Jenny warned me before leaving that supplies were particularly low.

"We need everything he's got for us," she had said. And I knew that to be true because only that week in spite of the financial situation we had taken in yet more abandoned animals. Jenny and I just couldn't say no once we clapped eyes on any animal in distress.

Jackman turned up not half an hour after Jenny had left in our van; Just my luck.

I saw him pull into the yard and open up the back door of his delivery van, so I went out to meet him.

"Oh it's you," he snorted, "is Jenny not here then?"

"No, she's gone into town to meet a friend."

"Is that right?" he growled...well maybe just as well it's you, then, cos the office tells me that you haven't paid my bills lately. I reckon you owe me £210, including what I've got in the van for you today.

"Oh," I said taken aback, "well then, I'll arrange for you to be paid as soon as possible, then"

Jackman lifted up the dirty old baseball cap he usually wore and rubbed the top of his balding head. You could almost hear him thinking.

"That won't do, I'm afraid. You'll have to pay me now in cash."

I bit my lip and frowned. The thing was that we didn't have anywhere near that kind of money in the house and I knew that writing out a cheque at this present moment (even if he would accept it) was out of the question.

"Give me a couple of days" I pleaded, "then I'll come in and pay everything we owe?"

He snorted in derision then slammed shut the door of his van. "No money, no delivery," he stated, "that's the rules."

I opened my mouth in astonishment. The man was going to drive off and leave without leaving any food for the animals. It was a catastrophe.

My eyes widened with shock at the situation we were in. Jenny would go ballistic if there was nothing for the animals to eat. I knew I had to do something quick.

"Look, you've got to leave the foodstuffs," I cried. "Otherwise we can't feed the animals."

"Not my problem, luv"

"Look you can't just leave us in the lurch, like this" I tried desperately.

"Then pay me my money," he growled.

"But, but..."

And even in my desperation, I could see that the man had a point. After all, he was a businessman and even I had come to learn that you couldn't run a business without money.

He was about to jump into the driving seat and drive off when he stopped and turned around. There was a grinning leer on his face as he looked me up and down. Then he came out with an offer that rocked me back on my heels.

"O.K." he said slowly, "I'll let you have all the stuff in the van and give you one more week to pay...on condition, that I get to shag you in your bedroom any damn way I like for the next hour. What about it?"

I gasped in shock at his dirty suggestion. What a nerve the man had to come out with something like that. It was disrespectful and disgraceful and I felt myself starting to fume.

On the other hand, I knew that if I declined his offer he would drive off immediately and there would be no food for the animals for goodness knows how long. Jenny would be distraught and we could have the RSPCA on our case.

My heart started to thud wildly in my chest. Once again, I was cornered with only one road out...What was I going to do?

I bit my lip in anguish and closed eyes. The very idea of having sex with this man revolted me...or did it?

Jackman helped make up my mind for me by getting into his van, starting up the engine and rolling the van slowly forward.

"Alright" I cried in a tortured voice rushing to the side of the van. "You win...I'll do it."

Jackman punched the air and hissed in triumph. "Yesss"

It took him no time at all to load the feed into our storeroom. Usually, he just leant against his van and watched Jenny do all the work, or rather kept his lustful eyes on Jenny's ass as she moved around. But, today, he had the promise of my bare ass waiting for him and he wanted to get to it as quickly as possible. He slammed the door shut before grabbing my wrist and pulling me back up towards the house. As I scampered to keep up with him in my high heels, I managed to glance at my watch. It was only just after 1.00 p.m. and it was going to be a long hour for me to endure. I remember thinking, how could I have been so stupid as to agree to have sex with this low life sex maniac?

At the same time my heart was beating wildly at the perverse nature of the dirty pact I had made with him. Once again I was using sex to get out of a difficult situation.

As I crossed the threshold into the house before him, he couldn't resist smacking me hard on my pert little backside. It was a sign, registered through pain that it was going to be a rough session for me. As I half turned to protest, he just kept me moving forward, the man was clearly in no mood for delays of any kind.

"Get those fucking jeans off, bitch," he ordered as he pushed me into the bedroom. And, immediately, I had to set about peeling off my tight fitting jeans. I had hardly got them off when he slithered across the floor and kneeled at my feet. "I'll take your panties off" he growled. So, shrugging my shoulders, I let him slowly and teasingly ease them off me and tug them down to my shoes. Then, disgustingly, he quickly grabbed them up and sniffed at them as I shuddered and looked away.

"Ummm" he drooled, "what a delicious smell of pussy"

Suddenly, he pushed me backwards onto the bed, pouncing on top of me and making me spread my legs out wide. Then, his mouth was at my newly shaven pussy, licking and sucking at it and almost making me swoon with the force of his lust. All I could do was make myself stare at the ceiling and try to think of the chores I needed to do around the farm. But, it was no good, because, before very long, shudders of arousal were running down my spine and the centre of my entire universe was centred on my clit and that lapping tongue...

My only respite was being told to sit up and remove my top and bra. "I want your tits," he grunted, by way of explanation.

But then, being fully naked, I had to endure renewed sexual attacks on two fronts. Firstly, he squeezed and fondled my bare breasts, toying with the nipples, pinching and tweaking them until they were painfully hard. Secondly, he kept going back to my wide open vagina, his fingers continually rubbing and circling my tormented clit. And, at the same time, he was delving and probing deeper and deeper into my sex channel, getting me wetter and more aroused the longer he persisted.