Sandra after University Pt. 02


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I knew that there were no changing rooms so I went to a full length mirror and tried them on ignoring the handful of other customers and a staff girl watching. With each one on I gently eased one of the shoulder straps off my shoulder and waited to see how far down my arm it went. Two out of the 3 tops went down and took half of the front with it.

"They'll do." I thought, then I started looking at the sides of the tops. All were deep scooped and in each of them I bent forwards a bit and looked in the mirror to see how much of my tits I could see in the mirror.

As I looked in the mirror the first time I saw a man behind me supposedly looking at men's T-shirts but actually looking at me. Then I remembered my skirt and realised that he must be able to see most of my butt and my pussy. From then on I took my time when I was bent over.

The girl on the sales till ignored my exposed tits when I paid and I walked out satisfied that I had lot more clothes that I could easily expose myself in.

As I turned onto the street where the hotel is I was feeling horny and I decided to do, in reversed what I had done when I left the hotel that morning. I stepped behind a parked car and took my skirt off and stuffed it in my bag. Then I brazenly continued my walk back to my hotel totally naked except for my sunglasses and sandals.

I got a couple of funny looks from young people leaving the hotel and the people on the coach that was parked outside but I ignored them and went inside. Again I got some funny looks as I walked through the lobby and to the swimming pool where I zeroed in on a vacant lounger.

Once set-up and lazing back with my feet on the sides of the lounger I looked through my sunglasses at all the other people that were there and I saw the naked Elaine and Harry, Elaine sat on the side of the pool with her feet in the water and Harry, in the pool, at the side between Elaine's knees.

"Good on you Elaine." I thought and wondered if Harry was fingering her.

I closed my eyes and the next thing that I knew was that someone was rubbing my clit.

"Don't stop." I said without opening my eyes. I didn't care who it was, it was nice.

The fingers continued and brought me right to the edge then stopped. I opened my eyes to see who was tormenting me and George said,

"Sandra, can you do that yoga pose, the one where you lift your legs then put them back behind your shoulders? I have no idea what it's called."

"What? Why did you stop? I was about to cum."

"That yoga pose." George replied ignoring my other question.

George, I can do the standing splits, you've seen me do them so yes, I'm pretty sure that I can do it, why?"

"Show me."

"What here?"

"Yes, why not?"

"Okay then."

I shook my head to clear it then lifted my legs up and moved them back. Seconds later my calves were behind my shoulders.

"Is this what you mean George?"

"Yes, perfect, can you clench your pussy and butt muscles?"

"You mean Kegel exercises, like this?"

Seconds later George got to see me do my Kegels. I only did about a dozen then George said,

"There's another yoga pose that I do know the name of, the Happy Baby Pose, can you do that one?"

"I've heard of that one, yes, that one's dead easy watch."

I did it then asked,

"Why do you want to know if I can do these?"

As George started to tell me I started to look around and saw that a number of people were looking at me and the naked Elaine and the clothed Harry were walking towards me.

"Well I've had this idea about how you can finish your workout routine with these poses when you are doing your workout at my gym in Ibiza."

"I haven't said that I'll take the job yet George." I replied as I looked up and saw that Elaine, Harry and another couple of young men had come so close to me that I was sure that they could see my cervix.

"No you haven't Sandra but I can see that you are interested."

"Yes I am interested but I was planning on moving from resort to resort not putting roots down in one of them."

"Ibiza town isn't a proper resort but I can guarantee that you'll have a great time there feeding your addiction."

"An addiction is it? Can I lower my legs now, it's not that comfortable."

"I thought that you'd enjoy being like that."

"I do but."

"Stay like that for a bit longer." I heard Harry say.

As I looked over to Harry I saw Elaine thump his arm.

"And what to you think about getting spanked Sandra?" George asked.

That question caused my pussy to tingle and get even wetter. I felt it and started to lower my legs as I said,

"Can we talk about that later please George, I've a story to tell you."

"You like getting spanked don't you Sandra, I can see your pussy bubbling."

I said nothing as my feet went back to where they were before George had arrived.

"Okay Sandra, 9 o'clock in reception."

As George walked away Elaine said.

"So, you've got a date then Sandra?"

"It's not really a date, more of discussions about a possible job. I see that you've taken the plunge, so to speak."

"Yes, I wasn't so sure but Harry egged me on and I'm glad that he did, it's great here, all these cute guys to stare at. That one of yours looks quite cute, nice abs."

"He owns a gym." I replied.

"I wouldn't mind working under him, sorry, FOR him. Don't get jealous Harry, you were saying that you'd like to fuck Sandra earlier." Elaine said.

"Would you get all jealous and pissed off if he did fuck me Elaine?"

Elaine was silent for a few seconds then replied,

"Not if it was a threesome with you Sandra, have you ever had a threesome before?""

"Threesome, foursome, fivesome, six-some, I've been gang-banged."

"Wow, what about girls, have you been with a girl before Sandra?"

"Yes I have I had a couple of good girl friends and uni, friends with benefits not girlfriends that is. Have you Elaine?"

"Harry loves watching me with my bestie."

"How about we all go up to our room right now?" Harry asked.

"Getting blue balls are you lover?"

I looked up at Harry and saw the bulge in his shorts. Then I looked at Elaine and saw that lustful look that I know so well.

"Come on." Elaine said, "get our things Harry."

Harry turned and walked away to where I guessed their things were as Elaine put out her hand to help me get up. I picked up my things and Elaine and I headed inside, both of us totally naked and not waiting for Harry. He came running up to us at the lift and when we got inside it Elaine said,

"You can watch us shower Harry then watch us having some fun. If you're lucky we'll invite you to join in Harry, if that's okay with you Sandra?"

"Works for me."

"Good, all the walking about in public totally naked makes me sooo horny."

"Me too." I added, "and I've been on the beach."

"Like that?"


The lift arrived and we walked to Elaine and Harry's room and then I followed Elaine into the bathroom. We did shower together but there wasn't a lot of space. Like in my room it was a bath with a shower and a shower curtain so all Harry could do was watch us as we soaped each other, playing particular attention to our tits and pussies.

"I really like your tits Sandra," Elaine said, "so solid and I wish that mine were the same shape as yours."

"I sometimes feel a bit of a freak and wish that mine were more like yours Elaine."

"There's nothing special about mine, once I've had a kid or two they'll be all droopy and not very nice."

"I doubt that." I replied.

"I'll still love them." Harry said.

Both Elaine and I laughed and Elaine said,

"You like all tits Harry."

"No I don't, I don't like girls with melons on their chests."

Elaine laughed then climbed out of the shower and I followed her. We moved to the bed and finished drying ourselves then I reached for Elaine's tits and started caressing them.

We were soon laying on the bed, kissing then changing ends and kissing our other lips. Elaine waited until we'd both cum before she waved for Harry to join us.

"You first Sandra." Elaine said.

"Are you sure Elaine?" I asked.

"Yes. Ride his cock girl."

I wasn't about to argue and Elaine held his cock and guided it into me as I lowered myself.

As I started going up and down I watched Elaine kneel either side of Harry's head and lower her pussy onto his mouth.

Harry lasted longer than I expected and both Elaine and myself had cum before he shot his load deep inside me. Elaine knowing what Harry was doing and she said,

"Shit, I forgot to ask, are you on the pill Sandra?"

"No, but I've got an implant, don't worry I'm not going to get pregnant." Then I looked down to Harry and said,

"Have you got a stash of blue pills somewhere Harry. You lasted a long time."

"I've wondered about that at times and I've decided that he either has got a hidden stash or his cock only has half the number of sensory whatevers in it than most guys have."

"Hey, I'm here and it's me that your talking about."

"Yes, talking ABOUT you not TO you lover. I like your cock and I'm about to try to get it hard again."

"I think that that's my cue to leave you two to it," I said, "I've got things to do."

"Oh yes, your date." Elaine replied, "have fun."

"It's not a date. A business meeting."

"How many business meetings end with the participants fucking?" Elaine asked.

"I don't know that we'll end up in bed."

"Of course you will Sandra."

"Maybe." I said as I picked up my things and left them to it.

Back on my balcony I stood blankly looking out, thinking about George's offer and listening to Elaine moaning. I checked the time and decided to have a nap before meeting George.

When I woke up it was dark. Checking my phone I saw that I didn't need to panic so I set about getting ready.

At five minutes to 9 I put on my only pair of heels, picked up my bag and left my room. Apart from my heels I was totally naked.

Down in the lobby I couldn't see George anywhere so I went and sat on one of the low sofas. No sooner than I had sat down than George appeared in front of me, he was wearing chinos and a proper shirt. He sat opposite me and said,

"These sofas are great for girls to flash their knickers or pussies aren't they Sandra?"

"Yes they are, I wonder how many unsuspecting girls have put on a show sat here?"

"Well I know one girl who knows that she's putting on a show for her new boss. No vibrator tonight Sandra?"

"How do you know that I haven't got my remote controlled egg vibrator inside me, and I haven't said that I'll take the job yet."

"But you haven't said that you won't."

"True, where are you taking me George?"

"Well I was thinking about a posh restaurant but if you're going like that I might have to take you to McDonalds."

"You think that I wouldn't get thrown out of McDonalds then? Anyway, I've got my heels on so I don't look that bad."

"You certainly don't look bad Sandra, okay then, let's go."

I put my arm out for George to pull me up then we walked out of the hotel. As we walked down the steps I told George to stop then I opened my bag and pulled out the dress that I was going to wear. It's backless with narrow shoulder straps, has a scoop front and goes down to just below my butt. The best thing about it is that it's made of some sort of sparkly, thin mesh which makes it see-through if you look close enough.

"Very nice Sandra, it covers a lot but hides nothing, back to plan A."

"Which is?" I asked.

"Wait and see."

George led me down the street a bit then stopped alongside an unusual looking car.

"This is it, nice isn't it?"

"What is it? It looks to be a cross between a beach buggy and a go-cart."

"It's a Mini Moke."

"What, oh yes, I think that I once heard my grandad talk about one."

"They're amazing, the UK should never have stopped making them. They're great fun to drive and they're perfect for this climate. Can you drive Sandra?"

"I passed my test a couple of months ago but I don't have much experience and I've never driven on the wrong side of the road."

"You'll soon get used to it, do you want to drive?"

"No I don't, it's dark and I don't know where I'm going."

"Fair enough, climb in and belt up."

No girl wearing a skirt that short can get in to a vehicle like that without flashing what she has under her dress and I was no exception but I wasn't worried because the street lights weren't that good and George has seen it all before anyway.

"It is a bit like driving a go-cart, so much fun." George said as we set off and he zoomed off down the road.

"What do you do if it rains?" I asked.

"Either get wet or put the canvas roof on, not that it rains very often in Ibiza."

"Right." I replied then started to relax and absorb the experience, and it did appear to be fun.

We didn't talk much because of the noise and about 10 minutes later we arrived at what looked like a posh restaurant, and as we walked in my thoughts were confirmed. It reminded me of my limited experience at being and escort girl, not that I was expecting George to give me £1,000 for being there.

"Maybe I should ask George for a signing on fee?" I thought then discarded that thought.

The maitre'd was either blind or he didn't care that my dress was see-through and he led us to a table as I thought,

"No flashing my pussy in here then."

It was the same with the Waiters

We were soon talking about all sorts of things. I didn't know where to start so I asked him if he was going to buy any of the gyms that he'd looked at.

"No, I wasn't that impressed and I'd have to make a lot of changes including the staff. Too much work and money needed to make them viable."

Then I thought that I'd jump in at the deep end and I told him about mine and Isla's spanking fun. I could see a glint in George's eyes and I wondered what he was thinking of doing to me if I accepted his offer.

He asked me if I'd ever been tied spread eagle to a bed or outside somewhere and been tickle tortured. That question made my pussy tingle and when I said not he promised that I'd experience it if I accepted his offer.

George told me that his gym was on a street with quite a few shops and he told me that he often had parties with the other shop owners and friends. That gave my brain images of me being the only one naked at a party.

I asked George to tell me more about Ibiza and one of the things that he told me was about all the 'unusual' people in their unusual outfits who came out after dark and about some of the beaches there, and I have to say that they sounded amazing, better than the big one at Magaluf.

"So who's looking after your gym whilst you are here George?"

"I've got a girl, Catalina, who comes in for a few hours every day and she offered to be there all the time that I'm away. She's the daughter of a friend and not the brightest of kids."

"So why aren't you getting her to do these nude workouts that you want me to do?"

"Well for starters she's quite lazy and I don't think that she's ever worked out in her life. Secondly I've never seen her even in a bikini so I can't see her getting naked even in her own bedroom. Thirdly, your body, those tits and that clit, they're a magnet for young men which is just the demographic that I target."

"Don't you get any girls at your gym?"

"Apart from Catalina and now you? I get a few. There are a few female fitness fanatics around but nowhere near as many young men."

"There you go again, you might not want me as an employee after I've told you what I'm about to."

"I doubt that."

Then I told George about my 'mental' condition, that I hate trying to make small talk, that I prefer the company of animals to humans. George stopped me there and he was very firm in telling me that he had seen absolutely nothing to get that impression, that we'd had some great conversations and that he never once thought that I fucked animals.

I laughed and thought for a second then said,

"You know, since I arrived in Magaluf I've been quite happily talking to people."

"Maybe that's because all that you've thought of and talked about since you got here is sex in one form or another."

Again I thought for a seconds the replied,

"You might just have something there George. Do you think that I can talk about nothing but sex for the rest of my life? Oh, and for the record I've never tried bestiality."

"Not even a dog licking your pussy?"


Then the conversation got around to his offer.

"Tell me all of what I'd have to do again George."

"Okay, one workout per day, similar to what you did in the hotel but adding at the end that yoga pose with some of those Kegel things. You can have that pink antenna hanging out of your cunt if you want. Probably do the workout on and evening, that's when we get the most customers in. Oh not every day, you can have days off when you have your period."

"No need, I haven't had a period for nearly 3 years."

"What, how come?"

"I've got a contraceptive implant thing in my arm and the only side effect that I've noticed is that my periods have stopped. Apparently that's a common side effect."

"Nice, workout every day then, that's all that I want from you and in exchange I will provide free board and lodging at my villa and the use of the Moke if I don't need it."

"You've got a villa George?"

"Yes, not a big flash one, it's on the outskirts of Ibiza town but it has a little pool and a garage with toys that you might find interesting."

"Oh yes, tell me more."

"No, it will be a surprise for you when you get there."

"I'll have no say in whatever you do to me other than at the gym and the villa, whatever and whoever I do the rest of the time is up to me?"

"That's right Sandra."

"But we can do things together at times can't we?" I asked.

"Of course, and you can borrow the Moke whenever you want."

"You keep making the assumption that I'll accept your offer George."

"But you will won't you Sandra?"

I put a pensive look on my face and waited for a good minute before replying,

"Yes George, I will, thank you, I've never felt more comfortable with a man than I have with you and the opportunities sound just out of this world."

"They are Sandra, can we have a celebratory fuck when we get back to the hotel."

"Of course, and at least once every day from now on, it's great to have a friend with benefits. So when do I start, when are you, sorry, we, going to Ibiza?"

"Tomorrow morning, meet you in reception at 10 a.m. and you'll need to wear something, they won't let you on the ferry without any clothes on."

"I can live with that, will I have to wear clothes to go from your villa to your gym?"

"Probably, but not a lot. I haven't thought about that, maybe we could find a route where you can drive naked. Driving naked around a lot of Ibiza isn't a problem even in the Moke."

By then we'd finished the meal and coffee and I was ready to get back to the hotel and to a bedroom. As we left I, at last, got a bit of attention from other people there, I saw a middle-aged man, who was walking toward us, raise his eyebrows then smile at me. I smiled back at him.

When we got back to the Mini Moke I said,

"Do you mind if I take my dress off George, I fancy feeling the wind against my body."

"Go for it girl, you can stand up whist we're driving if you want but hang-on to the roll bars and keep your eyes open for police cars."

So I did. Even though George drove quite slowly and it was quite warm whilst walking, it was a bit chilly standing up as the Moke drove along. The wind blowing round all my bumps and crevasse was exhilarating but the chill got the better of me and I sat down, but I didn't put my dress back on.

George drove a different way back to the hotel, a way where there were more people walking about and when we first had to stop for traffic I soon realised how easy it was for people walking by to see that I was naked. I saw a few people staring at me and that was when it was dark, I imagined me driving around Ibiza town naked with hundreds of people looking into the low down, topless car.