Sandrine's Bet Ch. 04


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Sandrine didn't answer. Again Danielle's hand began to move.

"Yes, ma'am," Sandrine said.

Danielle finally looked satisfied. She walked on her knees behind Sandrine, and asked for the Leatherman tool Keith wore on his belt. She measured out several feet of rope and snipped it off.

"Ankles together," she commanded, and Sandrine moved her ankles side by side. Danielle looped the rope around a half dozen times until the ends were getting short. She pulled the rope tight and tied a couple of quick knots. The rope work here didn't really need to be that of a bondage master. She next snipped off another length of rope about two feet long and looped it again and again tightly around the rope between Sandrine's ankles, covering most of the distance between them, and tied it off. The effect was to create rope ankle cuffs, not terribly constricting but also inescapable.

Danielle measured out another five foot length, snipped it, pulled Sandrine's arms back, and began to wind it around her arms just above her elbows. With each successive loop she pulled the binding tighter. This pulled Sandrine's elbows tightly together, her shoulders back, and caused her chest to thrust outward. When she'd tied the rope off she looked around Sandrine's body. She laughed and circled Sandrine with her arms. She took Sandrine's breasts, one in each hand, and shook them.

"Well, what do you know? It finally looks like you have some tits!"

There were a few chuckles at that, but since Danielle had begun tying Sandrine there had mostly been silence. I think the guys were just awestruck at their good fortune. How often, outside of paying for it or on an internet porn site, do you get to watch a nude woman on her knees and getting tied up? Especially a woman like this: some hoity-toity executive. Probably pulls down six figures. Well, the only thing she was going to pull down for a while was loads of cum. Quite a novelty. I'm ashamed to say that I was not entirely immune.

Danielle cut off another length of rope, shorter, about three feet long, took Sandrine's wrists and bound them together. Finally, she snipped a last piece of rope and ran it between Sandrine's wrists and between her ankles. She pulled it tight, drawing Sandrine's bound wrists to within inches of her bound ankles. The effect was to pull the upper portion of Sandrine's body farther back and lower, so the front of her body sloped back, lower to upper.

Danielle came to her feet again, and made motions with her hands like she was dusting them off - a job well done.

"Well, let's see who's first."

Danielle went to one of the end tables. There were ten folded slips of paper there. It became apparent to me that, while Sandrine and I were in the bedroom, in addition to preparing the living room, Danielle had instructed each of the men to put his name on a piece of paper. Those folded slips were now going to be selected, one by one, to determine the order.

Keith piped up at that point. "Sandrine? You're still willing? Last time I'm going to ask, but if you can't take any more just say so and you can welch after paying only part of the bet and you'll be on your way."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm willing," Sandrine said like she was getting tired of answering the same question.

Keith made sure Sandrine was looking at him, got Danielle's radiant smile on his face on said, "Good. I'm really going to enjoy watching this."

Danielle now selected a slip, opened it, and read. "Travis, you're batting lead-off."

"Hey, that's me!" a man younger than most said with surprise. "Great!" He came to his feet and walked over to stand in front of Sandrine.

"Oh, wait, wait, just a minute," Danielle said. She came close to Sandrine and bent down. "Really, I think I'd like to go first if it's all the same."

Danielle's mouth and jaw were working. After a few moments she yanked on Sandrine's hair in back and forced her face straight up. Then she put her mouth a few inches from Sandrine's face and puckered her lips. Slowly, a huge glob of spit emerged from Danielle's mouth and dropped across Sandrine's nose. Danielle gave her head a good shake and released her.

"Okay, you can help yourselves. You're welcome to come in her mouth. But I'm having a party next weekend with a keg of Creemore Springs Mad & Noisy. And I'm keeping a list of everyone who unloads on her face, and everyone who does is invited." She turned to Travis. "Okay, slugger, have fun."

Travis unzipped, but stopped self-consciously. "In front of everybody?" There was a smattering of laughter.

"Yeah, slugger," said Danielle. "What do you think? We're all going to go outside and build a snowman?"

Travis looked down at Sandrine. "What the hell."

He took out his package. His dick was ready to go, hard with a curve to the right. He brought it to Sandrine's mouth and ran it along her closed lips. Then she opened and Travis began to feed his cock into her mouth. He groaned in pleasure and immediately began to rock his cock in and out of her mouth. Several times as he drew back he popped out. Tied as she was Sandrine could do little, and Travis had to corral his dick and bring it back to her. Travis' pants had slipped below his ass and we could see his ass checks clenching and unclenching. All at once he thrust forward and became still. Sandrine began to protest and tried to pull away, but of course she couldn't. Travis continued to make small motions and then pulled from her mouth.

Sandrine coughed, and a large load of cum erupted from her mouth and began sliding over her chin and onto her chest. She put her head down and closed her eyes as Travis pulled up his pants, re-stowed his package, and moved back to his seat to cheers and high fives.

A young man named Jason was next and, except for the hesitancy at the beginning, his performance was almost identical to Travis'. Like his predecessor, he lasted for a few minutes of pretty tame stroking. He put his hand on Sandrine's head, held her still, and pushed his cock farther in as he came. Then Sandrine made some choking sounds as he withdrew, and another load that seemed more copious than Travis' was running out of her mouth to end up on her chest.

Danielle came over to Sandrine with a wide smile.

"See how much fun this is?" She squatted. A large mass from the two loads was slowly running down Sandrine's front, between her breasts and approaching her navel. Danielle tsk-tsked. "What a mess! Let me get some of this off you."

More cum continued to drip from Sandrine's chin. Danielle put a cupped hand at Sandrine's navel and scrapped upward. Soon she had a large handful of cum which she proceeded to plant on the top of Sandrine's head. She went back and was able to get another full palm and also placed it there. Then she began to rub the cum into Sandrine's hair.

Sandrine endured, and when Danielle was done, she admired her handicraft and then moved to get another slip of paper.

"Nelson!" she said.

He jumped up as if someone had just shouted, "Nelson, come on down!" on The Price is Right. He was slight and seemed to me a pompous squirt. He was the one, when Sandrine had been doing her lap dances, who had first manhandled and squeezed her breasts to the point that she protested.

Nelson stood in front of Sandrine and took his trousers and boxers all the way down. He pulled up his tee shirt as well. On his small frame his hard cock jutted out prominently. As with the lap dances, now Nelson was going to give Danielle what she was hoping for. He slapped Sandrine's face back and forth with his cock a few times.

"You better write a complaint to the Stars, slut, because I'm going to fuck your face like it's never been fucked, you Yankee skank." Danielle beamed her approval.

Well, so much for polite Canadians!

He shoved his cock roughly into her mouth, then put his hands on either side of her head. He held her motionless as he began to slam in and out. Sandrine tried to pull her face away because every thrust took his cock far into her mouth. But she was held tight. The interaction quickly created the sort of sounds that come from a very wet pussy being fucked. Sandrine grunted each time Nelson's cock hit the back of her throat. Every few thrusts she would exhale forcefully and quickly suck in air. Saliva was thick all around her mouth. From where I was I could see Sandrine's bound hands. They alternated from tight fists to her fingers stretched and pleading. After just a few minutes of such vigorous stimulation Nelson tensed.

"Hey, Danielle, sign me up for that party of yours," Nelson said.

He pulled his cock from Sandrine's mouth, used a hand to pull her hair in back and bring her face to the ceiling and the other hand to put his cock a few inches from her face. Then a large load of cum squirted out of him and coated Sandrine's nose and cheek. A second spurt landed in her bangs. After that there were diminishing spurts that oozed out, but that amounted to a remarkable amount of semen. Nelson tried to distribute the cum as much as he could over her face. When he was done he wiped his cock on some of her hair that was still dry, and released her roughly, pushing her away from him.

"My pleasure, skank," Nelson said as he turned away. Danielle had a look of ecstasy on her face. Sandrine's eyes were wide and she was gasping in and out. Her face was thick with cum.

"Looks like she could use another kiss, Michael. Help yourself," said Danielle. I flipped her the bird which made her laugh.

"Can he.....God! Shit!......" Sandrine said. "Can he clean some of this off my face with a tissue. Please?"

I hoped Sandrine would have finally learned that such requests only amused Danielle, and that the answer was foreordained.

"No, he can't. But thanks for asking."

A guy named Aaron was next and then a Jeffery and a Daniel. They were all older, fortyish guys. Unlike Nelson, they didn't attempt to shame Sandrine with their words, nor did they make their interaction with her a physical ordeal. But they were old enough to know what they wanted from a woman's mouth, and they were not shy about taking their heart's desire.

They also knew that Sandrine was not a wife or a girlfriend to them. She was a woman who one afternoon made a foolish bet while they were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. Because of that, she was now naked, on her knees, bound and immobile, and part of paying off her rash wager was that they got to put their cocks in her mouth and get off. They didn't have to be considerate as they would with a relationship partner, or anyone else for that matter. If they hired a prostitute there would still be rules and a limit to what she was willing to supply. Not here. Sandrine's was a mouth that right now existed only for their use, in any way they saw fit.

Each walked up to Sandrine in his turn, opened his pants, and fitted his cock into her mouth. In each case his cock was not entirely hard but quickly came to rigidity. After that the similarities ended.

Aaron for the most part moved in and out of her mouth in a steady way, slowly moving in until he was all in her mouth and then pulled back until just his head remained inside. And that's how he fucked her mouth: slow in, slow out, steady and regular. He kept this up for some minutes and then began to move more rapidly. That was the signal that he was close. Seconds later he groaned with his cock halfway into her mouth and released. As with the first two, Sandrine tried to find a place she could go to avoid his load of cum spilling into her mouth, but she could not move. Her jaw dropped as she tried to find a place for the cum to sit until he was done. She breathed through her nose. Aaron took his pound of flesh by keeping his cock in her mouth for long seconds after he'd finished coming. I guess he'd seen the first two men spill in her mouth and a river of cum emerging a moment later. Aaron seemed to want her to swallow. He pinched her nose shut, and she fought for breath. Finally, her throat worked as she swallowed. Satisfied, Aaron let go her nose and pulled from her mouth. Still, she puckered and spit a much smaller stream of cum through her lips. It ran down her chin and began to drip into her sloping chest.

Jeffery was not a cruel as Nelson had been, but he liked his cock deep in a woman's mouth. After he'd entered Sandrine he pushed deeply in and slowly worked his cock back and forth. Sandrine was able to pick up his rhythm and time her breathing to it, so she was never in distress. In about the same time it took Aaron, Jeffery reached his climax. He'd decided he wanted onto the party roster. He pulled out of Sandrine, used the same technique as had Danielle and Nelson to force her face up, and he guided his heavy ejaculations onto her face.

Daniel seemed to be a guy who liked a great deal of stimulation to his head. He held his cock with one hand and Sandrine's head with the other and moved just the head through her lips. Occasionally, he'd go about halfway in, but mostly used her lips to pleasure himself. At one point, after several minutes of patient stroking, he pulled her hair hard and growled, "C'mon, slut, keep those lips tight." Apparently, Sandrine made the correction he wanted and a few minutes later he pulled from her mouth, elevated her face, and added a copious ejaculation to her features.

I couldn't know then if Sandrine was aware of how far she was into her payoff. Did she know she'd now serviced six of the ten cocks? Had she lost count? Did she think she'd only finished with two or three? Or that she had just one or two to go? When I talked about this with her a few days later she told me she'd been acutely aware of exactly what number she was on: how much of her sentence she had paid, and how much there was yet until she was mercifully done.

The room had settled down. There was no cheering or laughing as there had been at the start, only the occasional comment. The quiet was businesslike. These guys were just going about the dual business of taking their pleasure, and of humiliating some bitch who had been stupid enough to wager herself into being naked, tied, kneeling, and getting her mouth fucked.

After Daniel, Danielle came over to Sandrine and stooped down. Aaron's reduced load was on her chest, and a good deal of the cum from Nelson, Jeffery, and David's facials had dripped off her chin. Danielle again scraped her hand up Sandrine's front until she'd accumulated a healthy handful of cum. This time she applied it to areas on the sides and back of Sandrine's hairdo that were still relatively dry. Like before, there was plenty left to gather a second handful and then a third. After she'd applied it all she spent some time running her fingers through Sandrine's hair, working the cum all over her head. By the time Danielle was finished, Sandrine's hair looked like she might have just stepped from the shower or had a jar of hair gel worked into it. Sandrine finally became annoyed by Danielle's attention. She twisted her head as well as she could to avoid Danielle's hands and started running her mouth again.

"Okay! Enough already, Danielle! Fuck! You cunt! Stop!"

Daniella got a now-you've-stepped-over-the-line look on her face.

"What, you don't like the perm you're getting here at Chez Danielle, eh? It's no charge whatsoever. It's even okay if you stiff me on the tip." She was enjoying mocking Sandrine, but then her mood changed again on a dime and she let her anger out. "And I thought I told you I don't like that c-word." She impatiently drummed her fingers on the top of Sandrine's cum-drenched head. "Okay, I can see I've really been too nice about this. I was just going to let you kneel there and finish up the last four. But I can see you really need a lesson."

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BONNIEBREABONNIEBREAover 10 years agoAuthor
Hi rc

I suppose you could look at it that way, and I've gotten some private messages from people who, while enjoying the story, take that view. I hope as the author I've presented enough motivations for Danielle (and Keith, who shares some of Danielle's issues with Sandrine) to be none too kind. Yes, Sandrine, after the bet was settled, confirmed that she accepted the terms. But those were the terms anyway. Of course, each woman was relishing the humiliation part of the bet - expecting to be the one on the giving rather than the receiving end.

I think it goes to the psychology of many of my stories. The wagers are quite adversarial for a variety of reasons, depending on the story. They are definitely not the "Aw shucks, I lost. Here's your ten bucks" kinds of wagers. I've come to see that for people to enter into these sorts of bets they have to both be people who tend toward the dominant side of the spectrum: they are willing to stick their neck out and take a large chance (and because of their dominant nature that jeopardy is magnified because of how exaggeratedly unwelcome having to submit to paying off would be), mostly because their nature is that they want to dominate someone else. The occasion of the wager just gives them that opportunity (and to have under their thumb someone whom they don't like or have issues with).

They may or may not be a person who would want to be in a D/s relationship. I think for them, being able to dominate someone who would enjoy that domination would be something of a letdown.

Thanks for the comment, and hope you enjoy the closing two chapters.


rcrmonte3rcrmonte3over 10 years ago
Can't Keep My Eyes Off The Story


Your bet stories are always riveting and I don't do anything else until I've read one of your chapters straight thru. I think Danielle is being kind of harsh, but, then again, Sandrine did basically say humiliate me any way you want to. Like some others, I hope Danielle gets what she has coming.

BONNIEBREABONNIEBREAover 10 years agoAuthor
Hi 169

Thanks for the comment. I've had exactly that happen to me (or only part of a chapter posting), so I like to wait and I think it's probably for the better,

Interesting comment. The story this is derived from is Lucia's Bet by Visioneer (he very generously extended permission to work with the story and characters), and in that incarnation and visioning of the story, Lucia (who is the Sandrine character here - I changed the name because one aspect of how I saw the story involved a very different Lucia/Sandrine) does get something of a comeuppance at the end. You'd hate me if I addressed that issue for this story right here (by way of a spoiler), so I'll leave it go.

hornyman169hornyman169over 10 years ago
Too bad they're so slow in posting stories

One chapter a week is cruel, but I know from the past that if writers submit to fast that stories can be published out of order. I have always enjoyed your stories. In the past your protagonist gets paid back in the end, I hope that Danielle gets hers.

BONNIEBREABONNIEBREAover 10 years agoAuthor

Masterfuljim and FA_JF - Thank you for leaving the comments. Why would you want to stop reading, FA? That's the nice thing about these stories - like most fiction an escape from real life. But I don't know that these people are necessarily much different from anyone else one might run into in real life. Much (but certainly not all) fiction is interesting specifically because it involves peoples' reactions in unusual or exceptional circumstances.

Sandrine's Bet is in six chapters. I've gotten into the habit of having a chapter post before submitting the next. So chapter five will be submitted today (1/29). It seems like stories lately are taking about six days to work through the process from submission to posting. Glad you're enjoying.

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