Santa's Helper Ch. 09

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A friend catches her.
4.7k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/30/2013
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By the time my eyes fluttered open Thursday morning, my dark dreams had faded from memory. Lying on my side, while my eyes adjusted to waking before 7:00, I felt a warm body pressing up behind me. Rolling over to kiss my husband on the cheek I felt another man's rough skin meet my lips instead. My week's indiscretions flooded my mind all at once. I gasped and reeled back.

"What have I done?"My still leaking pussy fluttered, knowing exactly what I'd been doing. I slid out of bed cautiously so as not to wake the thug. Pulling a robe over my naked body, I snuck off to the kitchen.

I sat at the table listening to the sound of the coffee brewing cradling my face in my hands. "How could you do that?" I berated myself, "You're married! Your husband loves you, and you're cheating on him. And worse..." I looked through my fingers at the black beans brewing inside their pot.

"You have to end this, right now. What will you do if you get pregnant? Or already are." My pussy fluttered at the thought. I tightened my legs. "Stop it!" I cried to myself, "You're not a whore. You're not!"

The coffee maker pinged as it finished, and I got up to fill my cup. As I walked by the phone rang. I snatched it up before it woke the thug and composed myself, "Hello?"

"Morning honey," it was my husband, "Glad you're up. I didn't want to leave a message this time."

"Oh! Morning dear," The warming sensation deep in my abdomen slowly enveloped the shock of hearing my husband again. "I miss you so much right now," Shocked, I clenched my thighs together thinking about the thug upstairs.

"Oh honey, I miss you too." He said. I could hear the love in his voice. "Listen, I know you have been trying to get through the week on your own, but something came up."

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly.

I heard a sigh, "Well, I can't make it back this Friday. They're keeping me here until next week sometime," he said. The pause let it start to sink in. "Will you be okay by yourself for awhile longer?"

My thighs clenched tighter and the warming sensation grew hot in my belly. I started to shake, "Honey, I... I don't think so. I'm starting to feel vulnerable again," I told him. My body knew what would happen over that time, "Please, can you please come back?"

"God, I'm so sorry honey," he sighed again, "I will see what I can do," he said without much conviction.

"I hope to see you tomorrow," I shivered. My mind hoped he would come. My body prayed that he wouldn't.

"I hope so too," he said. "I love you so much honey."

His words plunged into my heart like a spear, "I-I love you too..."

Then he was gone. I poured my coffee and sat back at the table. The bitter drink burned my lips as thoughts rushed through my head.

"You're a whore for an ugly black man,"they said,"He doesn't care about you. He's using you as his fucking cum dump. He threw away your birth control..."My hand squeezed the mug so tight I thought it would break,"End this affair right now."

I had to get rid of this thug, and fast. I finished my coffee while building my confidence to face that evil man.

Eventually, I was ready. I marched up stairs straight-backed and tall to toss him out. My robe loosened as I marched but I didn't bother to tighten it. I reached the bedroom door. He had rolled over and the covers had fallen off his dark muscled chest. I admired him for a moment before my reason returned.

"HEY!" I shouted into the room, "Wake up!"

He rolled onto his back and opened an eye, "What's dat? Ready to fuck again, whitebread?"

"Never again," I trembled in the doorway, "I'll never be fucked by you again. You need to go. I can't do this anymore."

A wide grin crossed his thick lips, "Baby, yo' doesn't mean dat. Come 'ere an' lets fuck."

"Idomean that!" I threw my arms in the air, my robe fluttering open like the wings of a butterfly. I didn't stop, "Now put on your grimy clothes and get out!"

His face hardened and he growled, "Baby, no need gettin' nasty wit me. Iffn dat's what ya want, I'm gone. Just say da word, whitebread," he tossed the covers off, baring his ebony manhood, lying like a thick rope across his thigh.

His black cock drew my eyes like a magnet to steel, "I said out. I need you to go now. I love my husband, not you."

He stood up, letting his onyx weapon hang low and proud. It was hardening, starting to point straight at me, pulsing like it was breathing on its own. My own breathing became labored as my breasts matched the slow pulsing of that cock. He approached, towering over me. I cupped my hands over my womanhood as my robe betrayed me and bared my breasts to him. I looked away, "Please, just go. I don't want any more trouble."

He stopped when his ebony lance caressed the back of my hands, "Baby, yo' know's ya wants it one las' time 'fore I leave. Jus' give in one las' time."

I stood my ground as he grabbed my wrists. I shook from head to toe, "I don't want it. I don't! I just want you to go," he wasn't forcing my hands at all, even with his cock hardening against them.

"Dat's a shame," he let go of my wrists and shrugged his shoulders, "Iffn dat's what's ya want's, den I's jus gonna take a shower first."

He looked at me with his dark almond-shaped eyes. He was pushing my buttons, we both knew it. I clenched my thighs as the warming feeling fired up again inside my belly. I resisted it.

"I do. Please, take your shower and go."

He laughed. He stretched wide and his cock moved up to slide along my flat toned stomach, "Okay girl, hows 'bout a ride after my shower?"

I quivered. I felt myself crumbling, giving in. I labored to hold my resolve, "Th-that wouldn't be a good idea. I'll give you cab fare."

His hands came up to my breasts, pinching my light nipples and twisting hard. I gasped and my humming pussy drooled. "Yo' neighbors gonna see me leavin', whitebread," he said, and not waiting for an answer turned and strode to the bathroom.

I stood and watched his muscular ass as the shower began to spray and as he turned to relieve himself. I listened a long time as his stream hosed into the bowl. Everything about this ugly man proclaimed superiority and power. I was transfixed watching his every motion. When he climbed in the shower I stood watching the clear drops run down his inky skin.

Eventually I startled myself and escaped to the kitchen. My legs had been inching forward, towards the shower. Though shaking from fear and caffeine I poured another coffee and sipped the jet black drink. "I did it," I told myself, "It's over. He will be gone, and I can go back to my happy married life. Everything is going to be okay now..."


I was just finishing my coffee when I heard the thug bellow from the bathroom, and then a loud crash. I dropped my coffee mug and ran towards it. When my untied robe slipped down my arms I discarded it in the hall.

When I got to the master bath I saw a horrifying sight. The thug was lying on the bathroom floor, moaning and grasping his ankle, bathroom supplies strewn about him. I assumed he had slipped in the shower and tried to catch himself as he fell.

"Fuck,"he groaned, "Help me to the bed. Ahhhfuck!" he hissed through his teeth.

Despite that he stood pretty much on his own as I was not strong enough to lift him. I steadied his steps as he limped to the bed. Even in the circumstances, his hot skin on mine sent an electric chill down my spine.

Even lying down his member stood tall and proud, pointing at the ceiling. My eyes fixated on his black snake. I didn't see his evil smirk.

"Do you want some ice to keep the swelling down?" I asked.

"Naw baby, jus rubs it a bit. The swellin' goes down on its own." I nodded and not having another choice lightly straddled his waist and bent over. I reached down to massage his ankle and when I touched his ankle his dusky hands snuck around from behind me and cupped my breasts. When I began rubbing he began pinching my nipples.

I bit back a moan. The harder I massaged his ankle the harder he tweaked my nipples. My pussy began to respond to the abuse, drooling down my thighs and onto his skin.

"Dat's it whitebread. Stroke it good," he said. I could hear his grin.

Helping people was in my nature, and despite who it was seeing him on the floor I had to help. I massaged his ankle for another 10 minutes, neither of us saying a word. I was so absorbed in treating his ankle I did not realize he sat up.

He grabbed my wrists and tugged me up, and with a twist laid me flat on my back. He pinned my wrists to the bed and straddled me before I could scream, "Now's ya gonna see ta the other swellin', whitebread." And he leaned down and kissed me, his tongue parting my lips.

I shook my head no slowly, without any fight. He started moving his hips, probing down my belly towards my bare sex. I could feel his ebony weapon plowing along my nether lips, stroking my little pearl with the drooling cockhead, my hips hunching along his shaft as I moaned low. My arms lay willingly on the pillow above my head when he broke the kiss. Catching my breath as I panted heavily, "Pl-please, we can't," I begged as his naked flesh parted mine again and again, "You can't keep cumming inside me. It might not be too late."

He kept up the slow movement of his hips, torturing my little rosebud. Leaning down he suckled my neck. My hips moved faster, "Whateva ya want, whitebread," he said releasing my neck. He'd left his mark again.

The glimmer of my wedding ring raised over his head and disappeared as my hand gripped his muscular ass. My fingers flowed around his rear, sliding between our grinding bodies to grab the swelling I wanted – No –neededinside me.

He raised his hips as my ringed hand aligned his ebony lance with its intended target. "P-please," I whispered, "Don't cum inside me, please."

"Ya beggin' a little late 'bout dat," he said. With an evil grin his African wand bore into my honey pot ever so slowly.

I let out a moan as my cervix opened like a waking flower to accept all of him into me, "I know, but still... still –ohhhh," He started thrusting into me, breaking my train of thought.

My pleasure rose faster the harder he banged me. Little tremors started playing through my whole body, "Ya's gonna be beggin' ta be black bred in a minute ho, even if ya already are," he growled.

A tiny orgasm shot through me when he reminded me I might already be pregnant with his baby. I kept my resolve, hoping I was not already, "Please, please pull out."

"Ya was meant to get a black baby, whitebread," he sneered as he pounded my bare cunt, "Rights here in dis white belly, rights here on yo' hubby's bed." My pleasure rose to euphoria when he said that.

"NO!" I wailed, but my hips moved faster. They screamed yes.

He rolled us over, and then I was on top, "Nows ya in control, whitebread," he said placing his coal-black hands around my pale hips, "Alls ya got ta do is hop off 'fore I cum in yo white pussy."

My thoughts flashed back to the first night when he came in me, when I first felt his African spunk blasting deep inside me. I came. I started to gyrate through my orgasm, willfully. "YESSSS!" I wailed, my white cream coating over his ebony shaft.

"Baby, yo pussy wants the black seed," he chuckled while my pussy milked at his cock, "Yo white pussy's desperate to betray yo white race."

"NOOO!" I wailed as I orgasmed again, imagining just how my pussy would do it. I was losing my resolve fast.

"Ya thinks yo snooty neighbors will know Jr's not hubbies in 9 months?" My vaginal walls convulsed harder. All this baby talk broke my will, and I succumbed to the pleasure.

"Yes!Yesss!" I took him all the way in, wailing as I came again for my black stud.

His laugh shook the room. Immediately he seized my hips and began fucking my tender pussy without mercy, "Why's dat, whitebread?"

I could feel the familiar growth as he got close. His thick member swelled till my pussy ached. I couldn't help myself when I said, "You're going to breed me black - Oooohshit!Fuck me!"

His cock rooted deep inside me, "Where you bein' bred, ho?"

My womb trembled and my pussy gushed, "On my hubby's bed. By a black man –God yes!"

His cockhead rammed the back of my pussy from below, "Tell me what I'm gonna do ta yo' married white pussy, ho!"

"YOU'RE GOING TO BREED ME BLACK IN MY HUSBANDS BED!!" I wailed as I came. I planted my hips on his thighs hard as his African mamba began to spit its potent venom deep into my fertile adulterous belly.

I saw myself in the mirrors on the closet doors. The sight of my lily white ass gyrating on the thugs dark oily thighs as he was ejaculating into me was so erotic. It seared itself into my mind.

I knew at that moment I could never be faithful to my husband again. I knew what the warmth emanating from my lower abdomen meant as well: I was undoubtedly pregnant. With every pulse of the thugs cock sowing more potent seed into my fertile garden, my pussy coaxed his millions of marauding African sperm into my fertile garden.

I rolled over onto my back as his swelling cock loosened and sank back down onto his thigh. I caught my breath, seeing shooting stars and fuzzy colors dance on the ceiling.

"I tolds ya ta take care of any swellin'. Good job, whitebread," he said, chuckling. He got up and strode out of the bedroom, heading downstairs and leaving me to lie alone.

I draped my arm over my eyes, fighting back the urge to cry."I'm such a slut,"was my only thought.

Dazed and confused, I wondered what made and, more importantly, how my life had changed so drastically because of one forbidden act. Through the spinning haze of my thoughts - about the thug, his grungy bed, the hottest sex in my whole life - my hand drifted down my breasts and midsection to my creamy love nest like it had a mind of its own. Between my legs my finger entered me, squelching as a glob of his potent cum burbled out of my sex. I shocked myself back to reality as I saw my wedding band pushing the black thug's seed back into me.

I rolled out of bed and headed for the kitchen leaving my robe strewn on the floor where I dropped it. I didn't need it anymore. The thug was walking to the table with a coffee in hand, without any limp whatsoever. The bastard tricked me!

I ran at him screaming, "You BASTARD! You didn't fall! Ihate you!!"

He put his coffee cup on the table before I barreled into him. I charged right into him, and he didn't budge in inch. "Neva said I did, whitebread," wrapping his arms around me before I could pound his chest.

I started to cry, frustrated tears burning my cheeks, "Wh-What about the swelling?" talking about his ankle. I saw it swollen before, felt it swollen under my fingers. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't have strayed again."Did I... did I imagine it so I would?"

The warmth of his muscular arms holding my naked body tight slowly smothered my anger, "Ya got dat swellin' ta go down," I could feel the familiar growth rising up between our bellies, "But I think dat it's returnin'."

Feeling the growth getting larger, my mind clouded. I let it – I gave into it. Before I could think I kissed his strong chest gently, again and again. My pussy began to feel empty as his spend oozed down my legs.

"Shall I get the ice?" I asked, a tiny smile stealing across my wanton face.

"Naw baby, jus strokes it like a good ho."

I reached down and took his impressive manhood in hand. My fingers wrapped around and slowly coaxed it to life, "How's that feel?" I asked. It pulsed and grew beneath my fingers and palm. I bit my lip.

He grabbed my ass and picked me right up off the ground. "Dat's good baby, real good," he grinned, "But dis white velvet pussy feels better on my black snake."

I did not hesitate to look down and see the glimmer of my wedding band in the morning sun line his ebony staff up with my pale pussy, "AAAAAH," I moaned as he lowered me down onto him.

Once he pierced my tiny pussy to the hilt, I wrapped my arms around his neck and encircled his waist with my legs. I held onto his hot body and moaned as he rocked my ass up and down.

"Fits like a velvet glove da ways yo' pussy takes my nigga cock, whitebread."

Clinging to him and being rocked by him I could move enough to slide my dripping pussy along his shaft. My little pink pearl grinding against his thick pubic hairs had me on the verge of another screeching orgasm.

He started walking. With my eyes closed I assumed he was taking me back to the bedroom. Laying my head on his shoulder I continued to stroke his dark lance in my pale vagina. When I felt my back press against a wall my eyes flashed open. The rough impact set me off and I burst into orgasm, "Oooh God! That black cock feelsso good!!"

My orgasm ended and sense came back to me. To my horror he had pinned me up against the living room wall, the picture window curtains wide open, and there stood my husbands best friend - mouth agape, watching me cheat on my husband with a black man.

Horrified, I came screaming, "NOOO - AHHH!"

I struggled as best I could as my unwanted orgasm wracked by body, but against the thug all it did was tighten my pussy all the more. I could only watch my husband's friend close his mouth and walk away, shaking his head.

The thug deposited me onto the couch bringing my legs up on to his shoulders. I squirmed and thrashed as the thug pinched and twisted my nipples. He tamed me. Another orgasm approached fast, "Yo pussy was meant ta keeps a nigga's swellin' down, whitebread."

My back arched up to meet his thrusts. I spoke without thinking, "Yesss! It feels so good to stroke a black cock in my pussy. It's toright! AAAAH!" My toes curled uncontrollably as the phone rang.

I could feel the familiar swelling of the thugs cock when the phone rang. The thug picked up his pace. Intending to breed me like the animal he is. The caller hung up before the greeting ended – I thanked God for it.

My vaginal walls spasmed around the thugs cock. The phone rang again. The thug didn't stop. I could hear the squelching of my pussy and the smack of his thighs on mine as he stroked into me.

My orgasm built up inside my tensed and needing womb, "Ohfuck!I'm cumming, I'm cumming –Fuck me!" The answering machine picked up.

I felt the all too familiar pulse of the thug's African mamba inside me as my husband's voice emanated from the machine, "Hey honey, bad news. I won't be able to get home until next week sometime. I'm so sorry about this..."

The thug grunted and ejaculated right as my husband finished saying, "I love you,"

"BREED ME BLACK!" I screamed at the thug, cumming harder than ever before as he planted his black baby makers inside me. I did not feel guilt as my pussy milked the thug's cock for every seed he had as my husband spoke.

I knew my marriage was over.

The thug finished spewing his load into me and pulled out heading for the kitchen again. I panted as his cum spilled out of my gaping pussy and onto the couch mumbling, "How could this have happened to me? It's all over..." I got up and walked to the kitchen, feeling a black man's semen trailing down my thighs.

The thug took a gulp of coffee before growling, "What ya mumblin' 'bout, whitebread?"

I sat down, staring blankly ahead, "My marriage is over."

He took another drink, "Why dat?"

I started to sniffle, "Because I'm a whore, and my husband's friend saw us together."

The thug smiled, "Stupid white folk jus gotta rat out a good thing, don't they?"

I looked up in a daze, "He's not white."

"A brotha?"

"Yes, he's black," I said.

A shit eating grin crossed the thug's face, "Iffn my friend had a wife dat looked like ya, I would bribe ya." Before I could ask why the door bell rang. I froze with a million thoughts rushing through my brain. The door bell rang again. The thug growled, "Get da door, bitch."